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Development, survival and reproductive performance of coexisting ladybird species, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata, Coccinella septempunctata, and Coccinella transversalis, of the tribe Coccinellini were studied and compared to assess their coexistence and ecological relationships. High values of life history parameters, viz. developmental rate,immature survival, fecundity, egg viability, reproductive rate and conversion of efficiency of ingested food were recorded for C. sexmaculata followed by C. transversalis and C.septempunctata suggesting that the former has intrinsic advantages over the latter two species. This could possibly counterbalance its disadvantages, like relatively smaller size and weight, thereby making it competitive. The developmental period increased with increase in body size. Exceptionally high fecundity after single mating has been recorded in C. sexmaculata. The egg viability, however, was lower than in both Coccinella species.  相似文献   
R. S. RANA  P. DEY  A. DAS 《Cytopathology》1997,8(2):108-113
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of extra-adrenal paragangliomas We studied nine histologically proved cases of extra-adrenal paragangliomas. Of these, eight cases were correctly diagnosed preoperatively by FNA cytology. Salient cytological features included clusters and discretely scattered cells, with occasional acinar configuration. The cells showed moderate to abundant slightly basophilic cytoplasm with ill-defined margins and round to oval nuclei with mild to marked nuclear pleomorphism. Fine reddish intracytoplasmic granules were also noted (six cases). Cytological features along with clinical data are quite diagnostic of paragangliomas. A correct preoperative cytological diagnosis helps to prevent undue surgical complications. Cytologie par ponction aspiration à l'aiguille fine des paragangliomes extra-surrénaliens Nous avons étudié 9 cas de paragangliomes extra-surrénaliens histologiquement prouvés. Huit cas sur 9 ont été correctement diagnostiqués, à titre pré-opératoire, par cytologie par ponction aspiration à l'aiguille fine. Les caractéristiques cytologiques principales sont la présence d'amas, une dispersion cellulaire modérée et d'occasionnelles formations acineuses. Les cellules comportent un cytoplasme légèrement basophile, moyennement à très abondant, avec des limites mal définies ainsi qu'un noyau rond ou ovale, dont le pléomorphisme nucléaire est modéré ou plus nettement marqué. Le présence de fines granulations rougeâtres intra-cytoplasmiques a également été notée (6 cas). Ces caractères cytologiques, associés aux données cliniques, permettent pratiquement le diagnostic des paragangliomes. Un diagnostic cytologique pré-opératoire correct favorise la prévention des complications chirurgicales indésirables. FNP extraadrenaler Paragangliome Neun histologisch gesicherte Fälle extraadrenaler Paragangliome werden vorgestellt. Präoperativ waren 8 der Fälle zytologisch durch FNP richtig diagnostiziert worden. Charakteristisch waren Einzelzellen und z.T. azinäre Verbände. Die Zellen zeigten mässig bis reichlich, leicht basophiles, unscharf begrenztes Zytoplasma und rund-ovale Kerne mit leichter bis ausgeprägter Pleomorphie. In 6 Fällen lagen feine, rote Granula im Zytoplasma vor. Das zytologische Bild in Zusammenschau mit den klinischen Daten erlaubt eine sichere Diagnose. Auf diese Weise können die operativen Risiken vermindert werden.  相似文献   
The Godavari River, the third largest river of India,has been sampled for Particulate Inorganic and OrganicCarbon (PIC, POC), Particulate Nitrogen (PN), andParticulate Amino Acids (PAA, including 2 hexosamines(HA)). During the dry season Particulate OrganicMatter (POM) in the upper reaches is relatively freshand autochthonous, in the lower reaches it is degradedand inorganic suspended matter content is higher here.In the wet season (wet monsoon) heavy rains cause abasin-wide flushing of humus from entire catchmentarea consequently POM in the river is mainly degradedand allochthonous. Annual transport of the GodavariRiver amounts to 2.81 × 10 6 ton POC, 0.29 × 10 6ton PN and 0.10 × 10 6 tonParticulate Amino Acid Nitrogen. These amounts rank theGodavari River to one of the most important organic carbontransporting rivers in the world.  相似文献   
Reddy, A. R. and Das, V. S. R. 1987. Modulation of sucrose contentby fructose 2,6-bisphosphate during photosynthesis in rice leavesgrowing at different light intensities.—J. exp. Bot. 38:828–833. The relationship between the rate of CO2 fixation and sucroseconcentration in the leaves of rice (Oryza sativa L.) grownat different light intensities was investigated. Maximum sucrosecontent coincided with maximum rates of CO2 fixation, achievedat a photon flux density of 1600 µmol m–2 s–1.The levels of sucrose and fructose 2,6-bisphosphate were alsocompared in the leaves under different light intensities. Fructose2,6-Msphosphate accumulated during growth at low light. Theactivity of fructose-6-phosphate 2-kinase was high in the leavesgrown at low light while that of fructose-2,6-bisphosphatasewas low. The activities of phosphoglucose isomerase and phospho-glucomutasewere slightly increased by growth at low light The activitiesof UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase were adversely affected invitro with increased concentrations of fructose 2,6-bisphosphatewhile those of sucrose phosphate synthase were moderately affected.Phosphoglucose isomerase and phosphoglucomutase were activatedby fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (8-0 mmol m–3) by 12-15%.The results suggested that low light intensities during growthresult in an accumulation of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate whichmodulates the key enzymes of sucrose biosynthesis thus regulatingcarbon flow under conditions of limited photosynthesis. Key words: Oryza sativa, photosynthesis, sucrose synthesis, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, light  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to understand the role of SLIT2–ROBO1/2–CDC42 signalling pathways in development of breast cancer (BC). Primary BC samples (n=150), comprising of almost equal proportion of four subtypes were tested for molecular alterations of SLIT2, ROBO1, ROBO2 and CDC42, the key regulator genes of this pathway. Deletion and methylation frequencies of the candidate genes were seen in the following order: deletion, SLIT2 (38.6%) >ROBO1 (30%) >ROBO2 (7.3%); methylation, SLIT2 (63.3%) >ROBO1 (26.6%) >ROBO2 (9.3%). Majority (80%, 120/150) of the tumours showed alterations (deletion/methylation) in at least one of the candidate genes. Overall, alterations of the candidate genes were as follows: SLIT2, 75.3% (101/150); ROBO1, 45.3% (68/150); ROBO2, 15.3% (23/150). Significantly, higher alteration of SLIT2 locus was observed in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) over HER2 subtype (P=0.0014). Similar trend is also seen in overall alterations of SLIT2 and/or ROBO1, in TNBC than HER2 subtype (P=0.0012); of SLIT2 and/or ROBO2 in TNBC than luminal A (P=0.014) and HER2 subtype (P=0.048). Immunohistochemical analysis of SLIT2, ROBO1/2 showed reduced expression, concordant with their molecular alterations. Also, high expression of total CDC42 (49/52; 94.2%) and reduced expression of phospho Serine-71 CDC42 (41/52; 78.8%) was observed. Coalterations of SLIT2 and/or ROBO1, SLIT2 and/or ROBO2 had significant association with reduced expression of phospho Serine-71 CDC42 (P=0.0012–0.0038). Alterations of SLIT2 and/or ROBO1, reduced expression of phospho Serine-71 CDC42 predicted poor survival of BC patients. Results indicate the importance of SLIT2–ROBO1–CDC42 signalling pathway in predicting tumour progression.  相似文献   
The functional polymorphism A1082G in the gene (IL10) for interleukin-10 associated with risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). The present case–control study was to evaluate the possible association between IL10 A1082G gene and OSCC in north Indian population. Analysis of IL10 A1082G genotype in 232 OSCC cases and 221 healthy controls of comparable age, gender, smokers, tobacco chewing and alcohol consumption. IL10 A1082G status in cases and controls were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The frequencies of IL10 A1082G polymorphism AA, AG, GG genotypes were 29.74, 68.10 and 2.15% in OSCC cases and 57.46, 42.08 and 0.45% in healthy controls. The average frequency of G mutant allele was 36.20% in OSCC cases compared with 21.50% among the controls and this allele was associated with increased risk for OSCC cases. Heterozygous AG genotype was found statistically significant in OSCC cases than in controls (OR = 1.6, 95% CI = 1.1–2.2, P = 0.003), whereas homozygous mutant GG genotype was not found significant (OR = 4.7, 95% CI = 0.55–41.1, P = 0.2). Moreover, we found that G allele was significant in OSCC cases of tobacco chewing. The frequency of IL10 A1082G polymorphism G allele and AG genotype is associated with OSCC cases as compared with controls; this may be due to smoking and tobacco chewing. Our findings showed that in IL10 A1082G gene polymorphism AG genotype and G allele may participate in the progression of OSCC.  相似文献   
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