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External and internal head structures of adults of Galloisiana yuasai (Grylloblattodea) are described. The results are compared with conditions found in representatives of other lower neopteran lineages, notably in Austrophasma and Karoophasma (both Mantophasmatodea). Sutures and ridges of the head capsule are discussed. A new nomenclature for head muscles is presented for the entire Dicondylia (= Zygentoma + Pterygota). Galloisiana (like its sister taxon Grylloblatta) is mostly characterized by plesiomorphic features, such as the largely unspecialized orthopteroid mouthparts, the multisegmented filiform antennae, the presence of trabeculae tentorii, the absence of muscles associated with the antennal ampullae, the presence of musculus stipitalis transversalis (0mx11) and the presence of musculus tentoriofrontalis anterior (0te2). Autapomorphies of Grylloblattodea are: (i) compound eyes composed of only 60 ommatidia or less; (ii) a lacinia with a proximal tooth; (iii) a rounded submentum; (iv) loss of musculus craniohypopharyngealis (0hy3); and (v) loss of musculus labroepipharyngealis (0lb5). The phylogenetic evaluation of 104 characters of the head yields a branching pattern with Grylloblattodea as a sister group of Mantophasmatodea in clade Xenonomia. Putative synapomorphies of both taxa are: (i) a distinct angle (more than 60°) between the submentum and the mentum; (ii) posteriorly oriented labial palpi; (iii) a flat and lobe‐like hypopharynx with a suspensorium far ventrad of the anatomical mouth opening; (iv) loss of musculus tentorioparaglossalis (0la6); and (v) a connection between the antennal ampulla and the supraoesophageal ganglion containing nuclei. Xenonomia is placed in a clade with the two dictyopteran terminals. Another monophyletic group is Embioptera + Phasmatodea. Most branches of the single tree obtained in our analysis are weakly supported. The results clearly show that more data and a much broader taxon sampling are required to clarify the phylogenetic interrelationships of the lower neopteran orders. However, our results narrow down the spectrum of possible solutions, and represent a starting point for future phylogenetic analyses, with an extensive concatenated dataset.  相似文献   
The differentiation stage of the caulonema in Funaria hygrometrica protonema is distinguished from the chloronema stage by three additional protein bands (CSP) in the soluble protein fraction. During the change of caulonema to chloronema, which is induced by isolation of single filaments (regeneration), the CSP disappear. This is not the consequence of an accelerated degradation or turnover but of a gradual termination in the de novo synthesis of CSP during regeneration as demonstrated by pulse-chase experiments with l -[4,5–3H] leucine. Cytokinin inhibits the termination of the synthesis of CSP. The decrease in synthesis parallels the decrease in ability of the isolated caulonema cells to respond to cytokinin via bud formation. It is therefore concluded that the CSP are involved in the competence of caulonema cells to respond to cytokinins.  相似文献   
1. Leaf‐cutting ants display regular diel cycles of foraging, but the regulatory mechanisms underlying these cycles are not well known. There are, however, some indications in the literature that accumulation of leaf tissue inside a nest dampens recruitment of foragers, thereby providing a negative feedback that can lead to periodic foraging. We investigated two foraging cycles occurring simultaneously in an Atta colombica colony, one involving leaf harvesting and the other exploiting an ephemeral crop of ripe fruit. 2. Leaf harvesting followed a typical diel pattern of a 10–12 h foraging bout followed by a period of inactivity, while fruit harvesting occurred continuously, but with a regular pre‐dawn dip in activity that marked a 24 h cycle. 3. Although the results of the present study are drawn from a single field colony, the difference found is consistent with a mechanism of negative feedback regulation acting in parallel on two resources that differ in their rates of distribution and processing, creating cycles of formation and depletion of material caches. 4. This hypothesis should provoke further interest from students of ant behaviour and some simple manipulative experiments that would begin to test it are outlined. Any role of resource caches in regulating foraging by Atta colonies may have similarities to the logistics of warehouse inventories in human economic activity.  相似文献   
In human epidermis one dendritic melanocyte interacts with about 36 keratinocytes and supplies them with melanin. In contrast to the vivo situation melanocytes in culture are far less dendritic. In the present study different culture systems were tested in order to observe the mechanism of melanocyte dendrite formation. In particular, we focused on the role of keratinocytes in this process. Time lapse studies revealed that only differentiated keratinocytes enhance melanocyte dendricity. Differentiated keratinocytes form connected cell sheets, which attach to part of the melanocyte plasma membrane. By contraction and retraction of keratinocyte units, new dendrites were drawn out from the melanocytes. Melanocytes remain passive during this process, which is indicated by the observation that sometimes extended dendrites could not withstand the tension and shear.  相似文献   
The great tit (Parus major) has been considered to be the most typical example of an avian ring species. The terminal taxa of the ring (major and minor sectors) are supposed to be reproductively isolated in a zone of secondary contact in the middle Amur valley, Siberia. Our study combines molecular markers (cytochrome‐b), bioacoustic analyses and morphological characters to judge the ring species status of the great tit complex. Despite a notable percentage of intermediately coloured birds in the mixed population of middle Amur, a lack of mitochondrial introgression between the major and minor sectors and a small number of true hybrids among voucher specimens from this area suggest at least a partial reproductive barrier between both sectors. In contrast, variation of morphological and especially acoustic characters along the ring‐shaped area and the phylogenetic structure of the P. major group do not match the ring species concept. Bioacoustic and molecular data (cytochrome‐b sequences) reveal two large and closely related subspecies blocks, the sectors major and bokharensis in the Western Palaearctic and central Asia, and the sectors minor and cinereus in the Eastern Palaearctic and South‐east Asia, respectively. The two western sectors diverged only recently (0.5 Mya) and they were separated from the eastern group by Pleistocene events about 1.5 Mya. Songs from allopatric regions of the two subspecies blocks differ distinctly in frequency parameters and element composition. In the area of secondary contact, males of all phenotypes share the same frequency range of song, close to the range of the typical minor song. Hybrids and major males sing mixed repertoires of typical major and minor strophe types as well as mixed strophes. In contrast, phenotypic minor males display only pure minor strophes. Differences in mate choice and mating success based on repertoire size are believed to uphold the reproductive barrier between major and minor birds in the area of sympatry. Taxonomic consequences suggest three separate species in the Parus major complex: Parus major s.s. (including the very closely related bokharensis sector), Parus minor and Parus cinereus. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 153–174.  相似文献   
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