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ABSTRACT We evaluated the potential for interspecific competition for forage between huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) and livestock in Los Alerces National Park, Argentina. We studied winter diets based on microhistological analysis of fecal samples. Huemul selected herbs and shrubs, sheep showed preference for herbs and grasses, and cattle selected grasses. As predicted for small-bodied species, huemul had a narrower dietary niche than did larger bodied cattle. Competition for forage would be more likely between huemul and sheep than between huemul and cattle. Our results might be helpful to managers in areas where domestic and wild ungulates live in sympatry in order to reduce competition, especially in wintering areas where food is scarce.  相似文献   
There is considerable controversy concerning the origin of Iberian populations of the Mediterranean chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon . Current opinion dictates that Spanish populations result from introductions during the 18th and 19th centuries, with subsequent translocations from the original populations to other parts of Spain. The Portugese population in the Algarve is believed to have been introduced from Africa or Spain during the 1920s. However, Holocene remains of chameleons suggest that the Malaga population at least could have a much older origin. Analysis of sequences from the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene of samples from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa revealed a double origin for the Iberian population. The Mediterranean Iberian (Malaga) population is closely related to Mediterranean North African populations, with Atlantic Iberian populations more closely related to populations of the Atlantic coast of North Africa. The overall genetic differentiation and diversity observed was very low, preventing precise dating of the colonization events. However this low level of differentiation is not consistent with Plio-Pleistocene colonization, the assumed timing for a natural colonization event and suggests that chameleons were probably introduced twice by man in the recent past. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 1–7.  相似文献   
We isolated one trinucleotide and seven tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for the Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola). We describe polymerase chain reaction conditions and primers for the successful amplification of these loci and report the results obtained from their use in 42 specimens from two populations in Europe. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to 15, observed heterozygosity was comprised between 0.11 and 1.00 and expected heterozygosity ranged between 0.10 and 0.91. Cross‐specific amplification experiments highlighted the potential usefulness of these molecular markers for the study of three related scolopacid waders.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of an Alvania species is studied for first time. Alvania mediolittoralis Gofas, 1989 is an endemic Azorean rissoid very common in sheltered places and particularly abundant among the algal turf covering the lower half of the intertidal and upper subtidal rocky shores. This species reproduces throughout the year, with two spawning peaks, one during early spring and the other in late autumn. In an attempt to relate to current paleobiogeographical studies, inferences are made regarding the ecological advantages of species with a continuous type of reproduction, on Azorean shores, during glacial episodes.  相似文献   
1. Cerambyx welensii (Cw) and Cerambyx cerdo (Cc) are two large saproxylic beetles living on Quercus trees in the Western Palearctic whose current pest and legal status differs markedly. Cw is an emerging pest involved in oak decline while Cc is an internationally protected species. 2. Acquiring knowledge of the ecology, demography and behaviour of Cw and Cc in forests harbouring mixed populations is a demanding task to optimise their management or protection. Here, we report the results of a mark–recapture study on the flight behaviour and dispersal potential of both species in holm oak open woodlands. 3. Average flights, dispersal rates and diffusion models were remarkably similar in Cw and Cc, reflecting a low‐dispersal tendency and sedentary behaviour. However, a subset of adults in both species exhibited a huge propensity to disperse and flew more than 1 km. An aggregated distribution of dispersal distances suggested that a behavioural polymorphism might underlie the flight pattern. 4. Adults moved preferentially in those spatial directions with neighbouring trees, while prevailing winds did not significantly affect dispersal patterns. The main interspecific differences were as follows: (i) Cc performed longer crosswind flights than Cw on windy days; (ii) Cc tended to fly farther than Cw at low temperatures; and (iii) adult feeding improved dispersal but only in small Cw females. Moon phase did not affect flight activity. 5. The results are discussed in an effort to interpret how these ecological and behavioural differences might shape the life history of both congeneric species when they live in sympatry in dehesa woodlands.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The hydrogen cyanide-based interaction of a strongly cyanogenic plant, Passiflora capsularis , and larvae of two insect herbivores, a generalist ( Spodoptera frugiperda ) and a specialist ( Heliconius erato ), is examined in terms of the combined kinetics of the feeding process and the simultaneous hydrogen cyanide (HCN) liberation, as compared with the natural kinetics of hydrogen cyanide evolution by plant-leaf tissue. There are marked differences in acceptance of P. capsularis by third-instar larvae of specialist and generalist species. The former, H. erato , display a parsimonious ingestion rate of 0.74 ± 0.15 mg (fresh weight) min−1 comprising 18% active feeding time, whereas S. frugiperda larvae show a more erratic and restrained feeding involving 4% of the time at 0.45 ± 0.14 mg min−1. These S. frugiperda larvae ingest 124.4 ± 8.3 mg (fw) of the non-cyanogeneic Spinacia oleracea leaves in 24 h compared with only 74.7 ± 20.1 mg of P. capsularis in the same period. The total hydrogen cyanide released naturally from wild specimens of P. capsularis plants is in the range 326–3901 μg g−1. Hydrogen cyanide evolution from macerated P. capsularis leaves takes place along a hyperbolic function with time and initial velocities of cyanide evolution are a linear function of total hydrogen cyanide. When feeding on P. capsularis leaves, H. erato releases only a minor fraction relative to total hydrogen cyanide (0.09%) and to the anticipated cyanide from the initial velocity (7%). By contrast, S. frugiperda evokes 5.8-fold more than the anticipated hydrogen cyanide release from the plant. The findings are interpreted as diverging strategies by generalist and specialist insects in the utilization of hydrogen cyanide in cyanogenic plants.  相似文献   
The systematic relationships of the butterfly family Pieridae are poorly understood. Much of our current understanding is based primarily on detailed morphological observations made 50–70 years ago. However, the family and its putative four subfamilies and two tribes, have rarely been subjected to rigorous phylogenetic analysis. Here we present results based on an analysis of molecular characters used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Pieridae in order to infer higher‐level classification above the generic level and patterns of historical biogeography. Our sample contained 90 taxa representing 74 genera and six subgenera, or 89% of all genera recognized in the family. Three complementary approaches were employed: (1) a combined analysis of a 30 taxon subset for sequences from four gene regions, including elongation factor‐1 alpha (EF‐1α), wingless, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), and 28S (3675 bp, 1031 parsimony‐informative characters), mainly to establish higher‐level relationships, (2) a single‐gene analysis of the 90 taxon data set for sequences from EF‐1α (1066 bp, 364 parsimony‐informative characters), mainly to establish lower‐level relationships, and (3) an all available data analysis of the entire data set for sequences from the four genes, to recover both deep and shallow nodes. Analyses using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference provided similar results. All supported monophyly for the four subfamilies but not for the two tribes, with the Anthocharidini polyphyletic and the Pierini paraphyletic. The combined and all available data analyses support the following relationships among the subfamilies: ((Pseudopontiinae + Dismorphiinae) + (Coliadinae + Pierinae)), corroborating Ehrlich’s 1958 phenetic hypothesis. On the basis of these analyses, and additional morphological and life history evidence, we propose a reclassification of the subfamily Pierinae into two tribes (Anthocharidini s.s., Pierini s.s.) and two informal groups (Colotis group, Leptosia), with the tribe Pierini s.s. subdivided into three subtribes (Appiadina, Pierina, Aporiina) and three genera (Elodina, Dixeia, Belenois) of uncertain status (incertae sedis). The combined and all available data analyses support the following relationships among the Pierinae: (Colotis group + Anthocharidini s.s. + Leptosia + (Elodina + ((Dixeia + Belenois) + Appiadina + Pierina + Aporiina))). Application of a molecular clock calibrated using fossil evidence and semiparametric rate smoothing suggests that divergence between the Pierina and Aporiina occurred no later than the Palaeocene (> 60 Myr). The minimum estimate for the age of the crown‐group of the Pieridae was 112–82 Myr, with a mean of 95 Myr. A historical biogeographical hypothesis is proposed to explain the present‐day distribution of the clade Pseudopontiinae + Dismorphiinae, which argues for an origin of the two subfamilies in western Gondwana (Africa + South America) during the Late Cretaceous. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 147 , 239–275.  相似文献   
Toxicity of a soluble peptide from Microcystis sp. to zooplankton and fish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 A soluble cell fraction lethal to Daphnia magna was isolated by the disruption of net phytoplankton from eutrophic Aculeo Lake. The phytoplankton of this lake is dominated by Microcystis sp.
  • 2 The soluble fraction was also lethal to common native zooplankton, including the rotifers Keratella sp., Trichocerca similis, the copepod Boeckella sp., and the cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus. In addition, a partially purified soluble component of the lethal fraction caused the death of the fish Gambusia affinis.
  • 3 The specific toxicity of the soluble fraction from phytoptankton varied four- to six-fold seasonally with peaks during periods of warm temperature.
  • 4 Our results suggest that releases of a toxic peptide from Microcystis sp. may be the cause of massive fish kills at the study site, Aculeo Lake.
Orobanche icterica Pau, frequently regarded as a synonym for O. elatior Sutton, is lectotypified on Pau's original material from the herbarium of the Real Jardín Botánico in Madrid (MA 115079!). Its morphology is described with special emphasis on those characters which distinguish it from O. elatior. O. icterica is mainly found in the east of the Iberian Peninsula and sporadically in the south and north-west. It is considered to be close to O. elatior but deserving recognition at specific level.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 117–124.  相似文献   
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