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Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the wood‐decay basidiomycete Phlebia centrifuga. The primers were identified using two techniques, based on intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), respectively. The markers were screened on 27 isolates from Europe and North America. Two markers varied only on a worldwide scale, but not within Europe. The other five showed variation on both scales. These markers will now be used to characterize populations of P. centrifuga, which is red‐listed as near‐threatened in its natural habitat due to human disturbance.  相似文献   
A new model for simulating nitrogen leaching fromforested ecosystems has been applied to data from anexperimentally manipulated 30-year-old Sitka sprucestand. The manipulation experiment (at Aber, in north-western Wales, UK) was part of the European NITREXproject and involved five years of additions ofinorganic nitrogen to the spruce stand. The model(MERLIN) is a catchment-scale, mass-balance model thatsimulates both biotic and abiotic processes affectingnitrogen in ecosystems.The structure of MERLIN includes representationsof the inorganic soil, one plant compartment and twosoil organic compartments. Fluxes in and out of thesimulated ecosystem and transfers between compartmentsare regulated by atmospheric deposition, hydrologicaldischarge and biological processes such as plantuptake, litter production, immobilization,mineralization, nitrification and denitrification.Rates of nitrogen uptake, cycling and release amongpools are regulated by carbon productivity, inorganicnitrogen availability and the C:N ratios of theorganic pools. Inputs to the model are temporalsequences of carbon fluxes and pools, hydrologicaldischarge and external sources of nitrogen.The NITREX experiment at Aber began in 1990 withweekly additions of ammonium nitrate(NH4NO3) at a rate of 35 kg N ha-1 yr-1.Data were collected from both control andtreatment plots within the stand. The site-intensivedata from the control plots at Aber were augmented bydata taken from a chronosequence of 20 Sitka sprucestands and data from a survey of 5 moorland catchmentsin the same region to providecalibration data for the model. The data were used toestablish current conditions at the Aber site and toreconstruct historical sequences of carbon fluxes andpools from 1900 to the present day with which to drivethe model. The reconstructed sequences included anincrease in nitrogen deposition and a vegetationchange from moorland to plantation forest in 1960. Thecalibrated model was then used to predict the effectsof the experimental nitrogen additions begun in 1990.MERLIN successfully reproduced the observedincrease in NO3 leaching from aging spruce standsthat results from forest maturation and increasednitrogen deposition (as inferred from thechronosequence and forest survey data in the region).MERLIN also correctly predicted the increases insoilwater NO3 concentrations, the changes innitrogen content of tree and soil organic matterpools, and the changes in nitrogen fluxes that occurin spruce stands in response to increased nitrogeninputs (as observed in the nitrogen additionexperiment).  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Soyedina carolinensis Claassen, a leaf shredding stonefly, was reared in a series of three laboratory experiments from early instar to adult on different species of deciduous leaves and at various constant and fluctuating temperature regimes.
2. Experiment 1, which involved rearing larvae on fourteen different leaf diets at ambient stream temperatures, showed that diet significantly affected larval growth and adult size but did not affect overall developmental time.
3. Experiment 2, which involved rearing larvae on five different leaf diets at each of three fluctuating temperature regimes (viz ambient White Clay Creek (WCC), ambient WCC+3°C, and ambient WCC+6°C), showed that: (i) adding 6°C to the normal temperature regime of WCC was lethal to 99% of the larvae regardless of diet; and (ii) warming WCC by 3°C did not affect developmental time but did significantly reduce adult size relative to adults reared at WCC temperatures on certain diets.
4. Experiment 3, which involved rearing larvae on five different leaf diets at each of five constant temperatures (viz 5, 10, 15, 20, 25°C), showed that: (i) temperature significantly affected the mortality, growth, and development time of larvae whereas diet only affected larval growth and mortality; (ii) temperatures at or near 10°C yielded maximum larval growth and survival for most diets; (iii) at 5°C, larval mortality was high and growth was low resulting in a few small adults for most diets; (iv) larval mortality was at or near 100% at 15°C regardless of diet; and (v) no larvae survived at 20 and 25°C.  相似文献   
SINCE the original observations by Wilson1 that dissociated sponge cells could reassociate in vitro, cell aggregation (or reaggregation) has been widely used as an operational criterion for the study of intercellular adhesion2. The introduction of rotation-mediated methods to promote cell aggregation3,4 led to the possibility of obtaining reproducible quantitative data. In these methods, suspensions of dissociated single cells are shaken under defined conditions of speed and temperature and cell aggregation is measured by either the size of aggregates or the number of single cells. The aggregation of dissociated cells from sponges5, chick and mouse embryos4 and tissue culture cells6 has been investigated with this method. Cells maintained in vitro seemed particularly suitable for studying mechanisms of cell aggregation as they represent a histotypically homogeneous population.  相似文献   
Giant muscle fibers of the barnacle give graded, relativelyslow contractions, A plateau level, termed the unit response,occurs with stimuli of 3 msec, but pulses longer than 10–15msec give much greater tension or shortening. Repetitive stimulationwith pulses of 3 msec leads to a tetanus. The magnitude of activestate was determined, and found to be also graded in natureand slow to develop, though early in onset. The full developmentof active state requires 80–120 msec. A high level ofeffective series-elasticity was associated with the sarcomeresthemselves.  相似文献   
Three methods of threshold estimation are compared for the detection of 1,8-cineole added to Concord grape juice presented in a semi-ascending paired difference design (Lundahl et al. 1986). Method A tests the significance of obtaining a nonzero response, method B determines the transition point of a 2-phase linear model fitted to the data, method C fits a logistic model to the data and defines threshold as the point of maximum curvature, Cmax, of the curve. Method A yields interval estimates of thresholds, the midpoints of which systematically decrease with increasing sample size. Methods B and C yield point estimates of thresholds which do not systematically decrease with increasing sample size, are a feature of the dose-response curve, and are similar in value to each other.  相似文献   
Honeydew is the keystone on which ant–aphid mutualism is built. The present study investigates how each sugar identified in Aphis fabae Scopoli honeydew acts upon the feeding and the laying of a recruitment trail by scouts of the aphid‐tending ant Lasius niger Linnaeus, and thus may enhance collective exploitation by the ant mutualists. The feeding preferences shown by L. niger for honeydew sugars are: melezitose = sucrose = raffinose > glucose = fructose > maltose = trehalose = melibiose = xylose. Although feeding is a prerequisite to the launching of trail recruitment, the reverse is not necessarily true: not all ingested sugar solutions elicit a trail‐laying behaviour among fed scouts. Trail mark laying is only triggered by raffinose, sucrose or melezitose, with the latter sugar being specific to honeydew. By comparing gustatory and recruitment responses of ant foragers to sugar food sources, the present study clarifies the role of honeydew composition both as a source of energy and as a mediator in ant–aphid interactions. Lasius niger feeding preferences can be related to the physiological suitability of each sugar (i.e. their detection by gustatory receptors as well as their ability to be digested and converted into energy). Regarding recruitment, the aphid‐synthesized oligosaccharide (melezitose) could be used by ant scouts as a cue indicative of a long‐lasting productive resource that is worthy of collective exploitation and defence against competitors or aphid predators.  相似文献   
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