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Ontogenetic and then heterochronic approaches are used here to analyze sexual differentiation within two well-known Jurassic dimorphic species. This analysis compares two ways of determining the relative biological age of ammonites, one using size (diameter) and the other the number of septa as a proxy of age. The shape standard is established from factor analysis of morphological and growth parameters. Size-age-shape relationships are analyzed on the basis of a new heterochronic representation. When diameter is used as a proxy of age, microconch morphs are globally considered to be progenetic compared with macroconch morphs. When size and age are determined separately and shape is included, (1) Ebrayiceras jactatum (microconch morph) has a shorter period of growth (progenesis) with acceleration of shape compared with its macroconch morph ( Morphoceras macrescens ), (2)( Cardioceras cordatum (microconch morph) has a shorter period of growth (progenesis) coupled with a slower rhythm of growth (dwarfism) compared with its macroconch morph. These findings emphasize the complex relationship between supposed sexual dimorphs in ammonites when size and age standards can be separated, as well as the need for an ontogenetic approach.  相似文献   
Quedius antipodum Sharp is an endemic species from New Zealand. Here we describe its larva, the first of the species‐rich group of the south temperate ‘Quedius’ spp. This finding throws light on the controversy between the conventional systematics of Quedius Stephens and newer phylogenetic analyses, both of which are based on non‐larval characters only. We compare the larva of Q. antipodum with those of the north temperate Quedius (Quediina), where it was traditionally placed, and with the known larvae of Amblyopinina, a group where Q. antipodum was placed by recent phylogenetic studies. Sister‐group relationships of Q. antipodum within the tribe Staphylinini are explored based on larvae by means of parsimony analysis: 77 morphological characters scored for 20 species from 17 genera. Consistent with the adult morphology and DNA sequences, larvae‐based cladistic analysis confirms that Q. antipodum should not be placed in the north temperate genus Quedius. However, larval analysis alone remains dubious with respect to finding the exact sister relationships of that species.  相似文献   
Mild mechanical abrasion of tracheal epithelium of Vitamin A deficient rats removed the superficial cells and spared basal cells which divided to repopulate the damaged area. The proliferative cells passed through a period of DNA synthesis with the greatest numbers of thymidine incorporating cells in samples labelled 22 h after injury. A peak of cell division occurred at 32 h and there was no further DNA synthesis or cell division. The area of wounding exhibited squamous metaplasia while normal pseudostratified muco-ciliary structure was retained by adjacent epithelium which had not been injured. The data indicates that squamous metaplasia in the respiratory epithelium in longstanding Vitamin A deficiency is due to redirected differentiation of basal cells and is seen only after mitotic activity has occurred.  相似文献   
Abstract A comparative study of the olfactory responses to pheromone compounds was performed in twenty-four species of Hadeninae. Electroantennograms (EAG) were recorded on male moths in response to thirty compounds and the response profiles of each species were analysed by factorial correspondence analysis. A limited number of molecules were found active and the most effective stimuli were Z9 tetradecenes and Z11 hexadecenes. The species of the Mythimna genus were most sensitive to aldehydes. Tholera decimalis did not respond to any of the molecules tested. The species belonging to the Mamestra and the Orthosia genera responded to a variety of molecules and no simple correlation was found between the genus and the EAG sensibility. Pheromone reception is discussed in relation to the taxonomy and the evolution of olfactory communication in Hadeninae.  相似文献   
The activities of nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase were evaluated in young plants of Faidherbia albida , a tropical woody legume, fed with different N sources under hydroponic conditions. Results showed that assimilation of both NO3 and NH4+ preferentially took place in shoots. A basal amount of nitrate reductase activity was detected in shoots of plants grown with an NO3-free solution or placed under N2-fixing conditions, and also in nodules of N2-fixing plants. This strongly suggests that constitutive nitrate reductase activity is present in these organs. Analyses of the soluble nitrogenous content showed that the major form of N in the different organs was α-amino acids (particularly amides), irrespective of the N status of the culture conditions. The same result was obtained for nodulated plants grown in local sandy soil. In this case, amide-N generally accounted for more than 40% of the total soluble N. This was especially true in nodules. Ureide-N never exceeded 9% of the total soluble N and did not appear to increase with increasing nodule nitrogenase activity. Amides were also predominant in three N2-fixing Sahelian acacias ( Acacia seyal , A. nilotica and A. tortilis ), showing that F. albida does not differ from Sahelian Acacia in terms of the metabolism of fixed N. However, like another Sahelian acacia growing preferentially near water ( A. nilotica ), F. albida can be distinguished from acacias growing strictly in arid zones ( A. seyal and A. tortilis ) in terms of initial growth, water and nitrate management.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to develop a new modeling method of time-intensity curves by utilizing the simple shape of a trapezoid. Using a computerized procedure, time-intensity data were collected from panelists evaluating sensory attributes of ice creams. The method was based on the extraction of four values on the time axis, corresponding to 5 and 90% of the maximum intensity value, both in the increasing and decreasing phases of the curve. These intensity levels were chosen because they permitted to rub out some artifacts for intensities close to zero and in the maximum intensity plateau region. Kinetic parameters (duration and rate of the increasing and decreasing phases of the sensation, duration of the maximum intensity) were calculated from the coordinates of the trapezoid, allowing to differentiate ice creams. They were found to bring complementary information in comparison with traditional intensity scaling. In the present paper, the fat content was identified as modifier of the maximum fruitiness intensity of ice creams and of the kinetic of flavor release.  相似文献   
The carbon balance of a winter wheat crop in Lonzée, Belgium, was assessed from measurements carried out at different spatial and temporal scales between November 2004 and August 2005. From eddy covariance measurements, the net ecosystem exchange was found to be ?0.63 kg C m?2 and resulted from the difference between gross primary productivity (GPP) (?1.58 kg C m?2) and total ecosystem respiration (TER) (0.95 kg C m?2). The impact of the u* threshold value on these fluxes was assessed and found to be very small. GPP assessment was partially validated by comparison with an estimation scaled up from leaf scale assimilation measurements. Soil respiration (SR), extrapolated from chamber measurements, was 0.52 kg C m?2. Net primary productivity, assessed from crop sampling, was ?0.83 kg C m?2. By combining these fluxes, the autotrophic and heterotrophic components of respiration were deduced. Autotrophic respiration dominated both TER and SR. The evolution of these fluxes was analysed in relation to wheat development.  相似文献   
Predators may influence many aspects of the daily life and seasonal movements of their prey. Here we quantify direct, and evaluate indirect effects of predation by three falcon species (Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus , Barbary Falcon Falco pelegrinoides and Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus ) on coastal shorebirds wintering on the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, an area hosting approximately 30% of the East Atlantic Flyway population of shorebirds. On the basis of 754 h of observation over five winters, 97 witnessed attacks and 585 collected prey remains, we show that shorebirds were safer in larger flocks, which tended to be attacked less often. Furthermore, species that forage relatively close to shore and in small flocks were depredated more often than expected from their relative abundance. In three species, Red Knot Calidris canutus canutus , Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica taymyrensis and Dunlin Calidris alpina , the juveniles were more vulnerable than adults. We estimated that on average 1% of the juvenile and 0.1% of the adult Red Knots present were killed by large falcons each winter. For Red Knots we simultaneously quantified annual survival on the basis of an individual colour-marking programme: mortality due to predation by falcons accounted for an estimated 6.2% (juveniles) and 0.8% (adults) of annual mortality. We suggest that juvenile Red Knots are 10 times as likely to be killed by falcons because they use riskier habitats, i.e. early and late tide foraging areas closer to shores where surprise attacks are both more common and more successful. These results indicate that the strength of indirect effects of predation operating in a shorebird population largely outweigh the effects of mortality per se .  相似文献   
1. The development of periphytic algae and bacteria is controlled by a combination of interacting biotic processes and abiotic factors. Distinguishing between the selection pressure resulting from pollution and that of natural environmental factors is therefore one of the most critical aspects of assessing the impact of pollutants on the diversity and function of benthic microbial communities in natural ecosystems. 2. We studied how current velocity and season affect the ability of river biofilms to cope with complex chemical pollution. We compared the diversity, structure and production of periphytic algae and bacteria from four sampling zones with differing chemical water quality levels and different flow velocities over the course of two seasons (summer and winter). 3. The three factors tested all influenced biofilm development, but this depended on the biological variable being measured. Bacterial and algal densities were highly dependent on season and chemical water quality. Algal density was lower in summer than in winter, but bacterial density and production increased from upstream (reference) to downstream (polluted), and this increase was more marked in winter. The impact of chemical water quality was also dependent on the season. 4. An interaction between current velocity and pollution was also detected. During the summer, there was no difference in bacterial density or production between the upstream and downstream segments in the fast current zones, whereas both variables were higher downstream in the slow current zones. Such interactions between environmental factors and the impact of water quality on biofilms must be taken into account in assessments of the effects of chemicals on biofilm community structure and functioning in rivers.  相似文献   
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