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1. Microbial symbionts can play an important role in defending their insect hosts against natural enemies. However, researchers have little idea how the presence of such protective symbionts impacts food web interactions and species diversity. 2. This study investigated the effects of a protective symbiont (Hamiltonella defensa) in pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) on hyperparasitoids, which are a trophic level above the natural enemy target of the symbiont (primary parasitoids). 3. Pea aphids, with and without their natural infections of H. defensa, were exposed first to a primary parasitoid against which the symbiont provides partial protection (either Aphidius ervi or Aphelinus abdominalis), and second to a hyperparasitoid known to attack the primary parasitoid species. 4. It was found that hyperparasitoid hatch rate was substantially affected by the presence of the symbiont. This effect appears to be entirely due to the removal of potential hosts by the action of the symbiont: there was no additional benefit or cost experienced by the hyperparasitoids in response to symbiont presence. The results were similar across the two different aphid–parasitoid–hyperparasitoid interactions we studied. 5. It is concluded that protective symbionts can have an important cascading effect on multiple trophic levels by altering the success of natural enemies, but that there is no evidence for more complex interactions. These findings demonstrate that the potential influence of protective symbionts on the wider community should be considered in future food web studies.  相似文献   
1. Trophic interactions between predators and parasitoids can be described as intraguild predation (IGP) and are often asymmetric. Parasitoids (typically the IG prey) may respond to the threat of IGP by mitigating the predation risk for their offspring. 2. We used a system with a facultative predator Macrolophus caliginosus, the parasitoid Aphidius colemani, and their shared prey, the aphid Myzus persicae. We examined the functional responses of the parasitoid in the presence/absence of the predator on two host plants (aubergine and sweet pepper) with differing IGP risk. 3. Estimated model parameters such as parasitoid handling time increased on both plants where the predator was present, but impact of the predator varied with plant species. The predator, which could feed herbivorously on aubergine, had a reduced impact on parasitoid foraging on that plant. IG predator presence could reduce the searching effort of the IG prey depending on the plant, and on likely predation risk. 4. The results are discussed with regard to individual parasitoid's foraging behaviour and population stability; it is suggested that the presence of the predator can contribute to the stabilisation of host–parasitoid dynamics  相似文献   
Overgrazing‐induced degradation of temperate semiarid steppes may affect the soil sink for atmospheric methane (CH4). However, previous studies have primarily focused on the growing season and on single grazing patterns. Thus, the response of annual CH4 uptake by steppes compared with various grazing practices is uncertain. In this study, we investigated the effects of grazing on the annual CH4 uptake by two typical Eurasian semiarid steppes (the Stipa grandis steppe and the Leymus chinensis steppe) located in Inner Mongolia, China. The CH4 fluxes were measured year‐round using static chambers and gas chromatography at 12 field sites that differed primarily in grazing intensities. Our results indicated that steppe soils were CH4 sinks throughout the year. The annual CH4 uptake correlated with stocking rates, whereas the seasonality of CH4 uptake was primarily dominated by temperature. The annual CH4 uptake at all sites averaged 3.7±0.7 kg C ha?1 yr?1 (range: 2.3–4.5), where approximately 35% (range: 23–40%) occurred during the nongrowing season. Light‐to‐moderate grazing (stocking rate≤1 sheep ha?1 yr?1) did not significantly change the annual CH4 uptake compared with ungrazed steppes, but heavy grazing reduced annual CH4 uptake significantly (by 24–31%, P<0.05). These findings imply that easing the pressure of heavily grazed steppes (e.g. moving to light or moderate stocking rates) would help restore steppe soil sinks for atmospheric CH4. The empirical equations based on the significant relationships between annual CH4 uptake and stocking rates, aboveground plant biomass and topsoil air permeability (P<0.01) could provide simple approaches for the estimation of regional CH4 uptake by temperate semiarid steppes.  相似文献   
Tropical forest ecosystems play an important role in regulating the global climate, yet deforestation and land‐use change mean that the tropical carbon sink is increasingly influenced by agroecosystems and pastures. Despite this, it is not yet fully understood how carbon cycling in the tropics responds to land‐use change, particularly for pasture and afforestation. Thus, the objectives of our study were: (1) to elucidate the environmental controls and the impact of management on gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (TER) and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE); (2) to estimate the carbon sequestration potential of tropical pasture compared with afforestation; and (3) to compare eddy covariance‐derived carbon budgets with biomass and soil inventory data. We performed comparative measurements of NEE in a tropical C4 pasture and an adjacent afforestation with native tree species in Sardinilla (Panama) from 2007 to 2009. Pronounced seasonal variation in GPP, TER and NEE were closely related to radiation, soil moisture, and C3 vs. C4 plant physiology. The shallow rooting depth of grasses compared with trees resulted in a higher sensitivity of the pasture ecosystem to water limitation and seasonal drought. During 2008, substantial amounts of carbon were sequestered by the afforestation (–442 g C m–2, negative values denote ecosystem carbon uptake), which was in agreement with biometric observations (–450 g C m–2). In contrast, the pasture ecosystem was a strong carbon source in 2008 and 2009 (261 g C m–2), associated with seasonal drought and overgrazing. In addition, soil carbon isotope data indicated rapid carbon turnover after conversion from C4 pasture to C3 afforestation. Our results clearly show the potential for considerable carbon sequestration of tropical afforestation and highlight the risk of carbon losses from pasture ecosystems in a seasonal tropical climate.  相似文献   
We investigate the phylogeny, biogeography, time of origin and diversification, ancestral area reconstruction and large‐scale distributional patterns of an ancient group of arachnids, the harvestman suborder Cyphophthalmi. Analysis of molecular and morphological data allow us to propose a new classification system for the group; Pettalidae constitutes the infraorder Scopulophthalmi new clade , sister group to all other families, which are divided into the infraorders Sternophthalmi new clade and Boreophthalmi new clade . Sternophthalmi includes the families Troglosironidae, Ogoveidae, and Neogoveidae; Boreophthalmi includes Stylocellidae and Sironidae, the latter family of questionable monophyly. The internal resolution of each family is discussed and traced back to its geological time origin, as well as to its original landmass, using methods for estimating divergence times and ancestral area reconstruction. The origin of Cyphophthalmi can be traced back to the Carboniferous, whereas the diversification time of most families ranges between the Carboniferous and the Jurassic, with the exception of Troglosironidae, whose current diversity originates in the Cretaceous/Tertiary. Ancestral area reconstruction is ambiguous in most cases. Sternophthalmi is traced back to an ancestral land mass that contained New Caledonia and West Africa in the Permian, whereas the ancestral landmass for Neogoveidae included the south‐eastern USA and West Africa, dating back to the Triassic. For Pettalidae, most results include South Africa, or a combination of South Africa with the Australian plate of New Zealand or Sri Lanka, as the most likely ancestral landmass, back in the Jurassic. Stylocellidae is reconstructed to the Thai‐Malay Penisula during the Jurassic. Combination of the molecular and morphological data results in a hypothesis for all the cyphophthalmid genera, although the limited data available for some taxa represented only in the morphological partition negatively affects the phylogenetic reconstruction by decreasing nodal support in most clades. However, it resolves the position of many monotypic genera not available for molecular analysis, such as Iberosiro, Odontosiro, Speleosiro, Managotria or Marwe, although it does not place Shearogovea or Ankaratra within any existing family. The biogeographical data show a strong correlation between relatedness and formerly adjacent landmasses, and oceanic dispersal does not need to be postulated to explain disjunct distributions, especially when considering the time of divergence. The data also allow testing of the hypotheses of the supposed total submersion of New Zealand and New Caledonia, clearly falsifying submersion of the former, although the data cannot reject the latter. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 92–130.  相似文献   
Abstract Complex sociality is widespread in lizards, but the difficulties of directly observing social interactions in free‐ranging snakes have precluded such studies for most snake species. However, a type of data already available from mark‐recapture studies (dates of capture and recapture of individually marked animals) can reveal social substructure within snake populations. If individuals associate with each other in social groups, we expect synchrony in the dates of capture and recapture of those animals. A field study of turtle‐headed sea snakes (Emydocephalus annulatus) in New Caledonia reveals exactly this phenomenon. For example, animals that were captured on the same day in one year often were recaptured on the same day the following year. Analysis rejects non‐social interpretations of these data (such as spatial‐temporal confounding in sampling, intrapopulation heterogeneity in cues for activity), suggesting instead that many individual sea snakes belong to ‘social’ groups that consistently move about together. The phenomenon of capture synchrony during mark‐recapture studies can provide new insights into the occurrence and correlates of cryptic social aggregations.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Measuring terrestrial movements of small animals poses a substantial technological challenge. We developed very long (up to 130 m) passive integrated transponder (PIT) detectors with which we tracked salamanders (Caudata) migrating from breeding ponds to their upland habitat >200 m away. In all 60 trials, salamanders were detected when released near the antennae. In a second test, we tracked 7 of 14 tagged marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum) migrating >65 m, well beyond the area protected by existing wetland buffer regulations in Massachusetts, USA. The mean rate of movement for these salamanders ( = 0.9 m/min; SE = 0.1 m/min) was substantially higher than rates of movement reported for related salamanders with radio-implants. These PIT antennae offer researchers a means to study small animal movements with less disruption of the animals’ natural movement patterns than is caused by other available techniques.  相似文献   
Poleward shifts in breeding bird distributions in New York State   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like other regions of the northern hemisphere, the northeastern United States has experienced a general increase in regional temperatures over the past 20 years. Quantifying the ecological implications of these changing temperatures has been severely constrained by a lack of multispecies distributional data by which to compare long-term changes. We used the New York State Breeding Bird Atlas, a statewide survey of 5332 25 km2 blocks surveyed in 1980–1985 and 2000–2005, to test several predictions that the birds of New York State are responding to climate change. Our objective was to use an information-theoretic approach to analyze changes in three geographic range characteristics, the center of occurrence, range boundaries, and states of occurrence to address several predictions that the birds of New York State are moving polewards and up in elevation. As expected, we found all bird species ( n =129) included in this analysis showed an average northward range shift in their mean latitude of 3.58 km [ Prob ( H a|data)=0.87)]. Past studies have found that northern range boundaries are more likely to be influenced by climatic factors than southern range boundaries. Consequently, we predicted that northward shifts would be more evident in northern as opposed to southern range boundaries. We found, however, that the southern range boundaries of northerly birds moved northward by 11.4 km [ n =43, Prob ( H a|data)=0.92], but this pattern was less evident in northern range boundaries of southerly birds. In addition, we found that bird species demonstrated a general shift downhill in their mean elevation, but demonstrated little change in their elevational boundaries. The repeated pattern of a predicted northward shift in bird ranges in various geographic regions of the world provides compelling evidence that climate change is driving range shifts.  相似文献   
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