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P. H. BECKER  D. FRANK  M. WAGENER 《Ibis》1997,139(2):264-269
We compared the foraging strategies of Common Terns Sterna hirundo in freshwater (Lake Jeziorsko, Brzeg, Poland) and marine environments (Minsener Oldeoog, German Wadden Sea). Body mass changes, nest relief and duration and number of feeding trips per day were studied by automatically weighing the adults, using electronic balances under the nests. At the freshwater site, adults were lighter both before and after feeding and gained less mass during a trip. in the Wadden Sea, single feeding trips lasted longer than at the freshwater site and the terns made fewer trips per day. To achieve the same mass gain per day as in birds in freshwater, trips at sea had to be longer and food intake per trip was higher. The daily duration of absence for feeding and the daily mass gain were about the same in both areas. The limnetic feeders finished foraging earlier in the evening than the terns foraging at sea. These differences are consistent with the hypothesis that limnetic prey availability was consistent, whereas the tides limited the availability of marine prey. In consequence, foraging over freshwater presents several advantages, such as higher colony attendance, better mate coordination and better parental care.  相似文献   
Cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII), encoded by the mitochondrial genome, exhibits one of the most heterogeneous rates of amino acid replacement among placental mammals. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that cytochrome c oxidase has undergone a structural change in higher primates which has altered its physical interaction with cytochrome c. We collected a large data set of COII sequences from several orders of mammals with emphasis on primates, rodents, and artiodactyls. Using phylogenetic hypotheses based on data independent of the COII gene, we demonstrated that an increased number of amino acid replacements are concentrated among higher primates. Incorporating approximate divergence dates derived from the fossil record, we find that most of the change occurred independently along the New World monkey lineage and in a rapid burst before apes and Old World monkeys diverged. There is some evidence that Old World monkeys have undergone a faster rate of nonsynonymous substitution than have apes. Rates of substitution at four-fold degenerate sites in primates are relatively homogeneous, indicating that the rate heterogeneity is restricted to nondegenerate sites. Excluding the rate acceleration mentioned above, primates, rodents, and artiodactyls have remarkably similar nonsynonymous replacement rates. A different pattern is observed for transversions at four-fold degenerate sites, for which rodents exhibit a higher rate of replacement than do primates and artiodactyls. Finally, we hypothesize specific amino acid replacements which may account for much of the structural difference in cytochrome c oxidase between higher primates and other mammals.   相似文献   
The zebrafish genome contains at least five msx homeobox genes, msxA, msxB, msxC, msxD, and the newly isolated msxE. Although these genes share structural features common to all Msx genes, phylogenetic analyses of protein sequences indicate that the msx genes from zebrafish are not orthologous to the Msx1 and Msx2 genes of mammals, birds, and amphibians. The zebrafish msxB and msxC are more closely related to each other and to the mouse Msx3. Similarly, although the combinatorial expression of the zebrafish msx genes in the embryonic dorsal neuroectoderm, visceral arches, fins, and sensory organs suggests functional similarities with the Msx genes of other vertebrates, differences in the expression patterns preclude precise assignment of orthological relationships. Distinct duplication events may have given rise to the msx genes of modern fish and other vertebrate lineages whereas many aspects of msx gene functions during embryonic development have been preserved.   相似文献   
A qualitative and quantitative electron microscopic study was performed on rat adipocytes during stimulation of lipolysis by various agents. Scanning electron microscopy of control cells revealed a spherical cell with a textured glycocalyx surface exhibiting small irregular projections. Globular surface evaginations or protrusions measuring 8-18 μM in diameter were seen on cell hemispheres, and there was an average of one protrusion for every two hemispheres examined. Distribution analysis showed that 60 percent of the hemispheres had no protrusions, and 25, 10, and 5 percent of the hemispheres had one, two or three protrusions, respectively. Thin-section and freeze- fracture electron microscopy of the protrusions showed a small triglyceride droplet surrounded by a thin cytoplasmic rim that was continuous with the main cytoplasmic matrix. The glycocalyx coating and plasma membrane extended from the cell surface onto, and over, the protrusion. Scanning microscopy of cells stimulated by lipolytic agents, including epinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormone, theophylline, and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, revealed a dose-dependent increase in the number of protrusions per cell hemisphere. Maximal concentrations of lipolytic hormones cuase an average 2.5-fold increase in the number of protrusions per hemisphere without changing the average size of the protrusions. Only 40 percent of the stimulated cell hemispheres exhibited no protrusions; over 15 percent of the cells contained three or more; and a number of the protrusions were multilobulate. Insulin prevented the increase in the number of protrusions and the change in distribution caused by the lipolytic hormones but did not prevent the increase caused by theophylline and dibutryl cyclic AMP. The data suggest that the protrusions are a structural feature of the cell and may be related to the lypolytic pathway. These observations may help explain some of the discrepant biochemical data relating to hormonal stimulation of lipolysis.  相似文献   
以中国的高油分自交系“高油”和欧洲高含油量品种“Sollux”的F1产生的282个株系组成的双二倍体(DH)群体为材料,在125个SSR标记座位构建的连锁图谱基础上,根据在中国和欧洲四个不同环境下的表型鉴定结果,采用混合线性模型基础上的QTL分析软件,对油菜3个重要农艺性状:株高,开花期和成熟期进行了数量性状基因座位(QTL)的联合定位分析,估测了这些QTL的加性、上位性以及与环境的互作效应。结果表明各性状均受多个加性、加加上位以及与环境互作的QTL控制。株高受多个QTL影响(12个位点具有加性或兼有环境互作效应,5个位点具有互作效应),以加性效应为主,加性效应总和可解释定位群体表型变异的75%左右,并多兼有上位性效应。12个主效QTL中,9个是“高油”等位基因相对“Sollux”有降低株高的作用,大多数加性×环境互作QTL的有效等位基因具有环境选择特异性。7个ae基因座位中,5个“高油”等位基因在杭州种植环境下,除一例外所有在德国环境下的互作基因座中,“Sollux”等位基因起着增加株高的作用,加加上位性主效总和为加性主效总和的三分之一。7个控制花期和8个控制成熟期的主效QTL中,分别有6个和5个是来自“高油”的等位基因相对“Sollux”具有提前开花和成熟的效应,这些QTL的效应总和占到性状表型变异的60%左右。5个位于第2和第12连锁群中的2个大效应QTL可能和已多次报导的VFN1和VFN3基因相近或相同。开花期和成熟期两性状均检测到显著的ae互作效应,双亲等位基因的效应在各环境下呈离散分布。位于14和19连锁群上的两个主效株高QTL同时也是控制开花期和油分含量的基因位点,因而利用这两个位点进行标记辅助筛选时要考虑到对油分含量的影响。控制成熟期的8个主效QTL中有3个同时也是控制开花期的基因座位,证实了开花期和成熟期高度正相关的遗传基础,两个生育性状均表现有较弱的QTL间加加上位互作,但以主效QTL的作用为主。  相似文献   
Sensitivity of white clover to ambient ozone in Switzerland   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
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