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A concept for the computer-assisted visualization of tubular organs is presented. Unmarked histological zinc-stained serial sections from the epididymis of the Wistar rat were aligned to demonstrate the concept. Virtual images were made through the aligned sections and served as controls for the alignment process. Animation of the serial sections and the virtual images revealed new information about the structure of the organ under investigation. The analysis was used to upgrade the anatomical knowledge of rat epididymis by describing how the epididymal duct runs through the structure. The proximal parts of the epididymis contain large communicating septa of connective tissue dividing the caput and the upper part of the corpus epididymidis into segments. The tortuousness was high in the caput with many turns within a small area of the epididymis, whereas longer loops were found in the lower part of the corpus and cauda epididymidis. The tube of the vas deferens was found to become an integrated part of the ductal system in the cauda epididymidis, although it was histologically easy to distinguish from the epididymal duct. The total number of cross-sections of the ductus epididymidis in the 2254, 15-mu m-thick, tissue sections analysed was 104 700, giving a minimum length of the ductal system of 1.5 m. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   
Modulation of a Cell Surface Glycoprotein in Yeast: Acid Phosphatase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Upon inorganic phosphate starvation the cell wall glycoprotein acid phosphatase of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is derepressed. Purified acid phosphatase isolated from early log phase cells differs in reactivity and stability from acid phosphatase from late log phase cells indicating that the two enzymes are structurally different. This demonstrates that the yeast cell has not only the capacity to regulate the amount of acid phosphatase but also the ability to vary (modulate) the structure of the secreted enzyme. Modulation of acid phosphatase may be a mechanism which is involved in morphogenetic and behavioral differentiation of the yeast cell.  相似文献   
Many farmland‐breeding wader species have declined across Europe, probably due to reductions in reproductive output caused by high nest losses as a result of agriculture or predation, or low chick survival between hatching and fledging. Most studies have focused on nest failures, and the factors affecting post‐hatching survival of chicks are poorly known. In an experimental approach, we fenced parts of the arable foraging areas of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus families to quantify chick survival simultaneously in the presence and absence of ground predators. Lapwing chicks were radiotagged to estimate survival probabilities by daily locations, applying multistate capture–recapture models. During the night, chick survival was considerably lower outside fenced plots than within. During the day, chick survival was higher than at night and did not differ between protected and unprotected plots. This suggests that nocturnal ground predators such as Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes were responsible for a significant proportion of chick mortality. Cumulative survival probability from hatching to fledging was 0.24 in chicks within fenced plots, but virtually zero in chicks outside fenced plots. In farmland, temporary electric fences can be effective in minimizing the impact of ground predators and offer a promising short‐term method to increase fledging success of precocial birds.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Thirty-two of 48 raccoons examined were infected with a previously undescribed species of Eimeria which is herein named E. procyonis. Of the 32 infected animals, 10 also harbored E. nuttalli and 1 had Isospora sp. oocysts.
The ellipsoid to ovoid oocysts of E. procyonis measured 23.4 × 18.0 (16–29 × 13–24) μm; its sporocysts measured 12.1 × 9.3 (11.5–15 × 7–10) μm, each containing a slightly flattened substiedal body. The sporocyst residuum consisted of numerous scattered granules each ∼1 μm in diameter. The oocyst wall was double-layered. The outer layer appeared rough and pitted, measuring 1.5 μm, except at the micropyle where it was 1 μm thick.
The oocysts of the Isospora sp. measured 16.8 × 13.7 (16–18.5 × 12.5–15.5) μm. The wall consisted of a single layer ∼0.5 μm thick. The sporocysts measured 11.2 × 9.1 (9.5–11.5 × 8–10) μm, and each contained 4 elongate sporozoites. The oocysts of E. nuttalli measured 17.5 × 13.6 (12-21 × 11-15) μm, with a smooth single-layered wall approximately 0.7 μm thick. The sporocysts measured 12.2 × 7.1 (9-13 × 5.5–11) μm. Each sporocyst had a thin, dark, Stieda body and the sporocyst residuum consisted of many fine granules.  相似文献   
Petal senescence in mature flowers was studied in 93 speciesfrom 22 families. The initial symptom of senescence was eitherwilting or abscission, but in some species the time span betweenwilting and abscission was very short. There was no apparent relationship between corolla form (choripetalousor sympetalous), ovary position (inferior or superior with respectto the corolla) and type of senescence (initial wilting or initialabscission). In monocots no initial abscission was found, whilein dicots the difference between the wilting type and the abscissiontype was generally at the family level. With respect to petalsenescence, sensitivity to exogenous ethylene (C2H4) was alsorelated to the family level. Except for a few families (all tested Campanulaceae, Caryophyllaceaeand Malvaceae, and most Orchidaceae), most of the flowers investigatedthat showed initial wilting were not sensitive to exogenousethylene, e.g. all tested Compositae, Iridaceae, and Liliaceae.Most of the flowers showing initial abscission were sensitiveto exogenous ethylene (Geraniaceae, Labiatae, Ranunculaceae,Rosaceae, Scrophulariaceae). Experiments with silver thiosulphate (STS) confirmed the effectsof exogenous ethylene, both in flowers showing initial wiltingand in flowers showing initial abscission. The data indicate,therefore, that ethylene is involved in the natural senescenceof only a minority of the wilting type of flowers and in a majority(if not all) of the abscising type of flowers. Key words: Abscission, ethylene, senescence, silver thiosulphate  相似文献   
Sporozoites of Eimeria debliecki entered human fetal lung and porcine kidney cells grown in cultures and underwent one merogenous cycle, terminating in the production of second-generation trophozoites. Sporozoites were intracellular 1 h post-inoculation (PI) and developed into sporozoite-shaped meronts at 40 h PI. These meronts, one of which was motile, had from two to ten nuclei. Sporozoite-shaped meronts then developed into elongate or spheroidal meronts with 10 to 24 nuclei by two days PI. Ten to 26 first-generation merozoites were formed by budding from the meront surface. Mature first-generation merozoites were most numerous three days PI. Most meronts had ruptured and released nonmotile merozoites into the culture medium by four days PI. Merozoites that were not released became rounded and developed into second-generation trophozoites. Refractile bodies were present in all developmental stages. No further development was observed five through eight days PI.  相似文献   
The effects of relative humidity (RH) and of treatment of therostellum with aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylicacid (ACC) and water-insoluble vacuum grease on emasculation-inducedphenomena in Cymbidium and Phalaenopsis flowers were investigated.Under conditions of high RH and after treatment of the rostellumwith water-insoluble grease, the normal response to emasculation(i.e. increased ethylene production, lip coloration and wilting)was absent. However, under conditions of high RH this responsecould be restored by the addition of 2.0 nmol ACC on to therostellar surface. Under conditions of low RH the response wasinhibited by AVG; this inhibition was partially reversed byaddition of 2.0 nmol ACC. The data provide evidence that desiccation of the rostellumis responsible for post-emasculation phenomena in orchid flowers. Key words: Emasculation, ethylene, orchids, senescence  相似文献   
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