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Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were measured in normal (control) Corriedale X Merino (comeback) ewes and in clover-infertile comeback ewes which had grazed oestrogenic Yarloop clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. cv. Yarloop) for more than 4 years. Plasma LH concentrations were measured in samples taken at 20-min intervals for 6 h during the dioestrous stage of the oestrous cycle in the breeding season (BS) and during the anoestrous season (AS). In the control ewes during BS, transitory elevation in plasma LH concentration (pulses) occurred, reflecting secretory episodes, with a frequency of one per 5.2 h. This frequency fell to one per 16.5 h during the anoestrous season. In clover-infertile ewes, LH pulses occurred with a frequency of one per 4.5 h during BS and one per 4.9 h during AS (difference not significant). In the controls, plasma LH levels were higher (P less than 0.05) during BS (mean +/- s.d. = 1.2 +/- 0.4 ng/ml, n = 9) than in AS (0.7 +/- 0.3 ng/ml, n = 5). In the clover-infertile ewes, plasma LH levels in BS (1.3 +/- 0.6 ng/ml, n = 12) were similar to those of controls. During AS, plasma LH levels in the clover-infertile ewes (1.0 +/- 0.6 ng/ml, n = 10) remained similar to their BS levels, being significantly (P less than 0.05) higher than LH levels in the controls at this time. These studies indicate that the higher plasma concentrations of LH which have been reported in clover-infertile ewes arise from more frequent LH pulses. Furthermore, in contrast to normal ewes, average plasma LH, reflecting pulse frequency, is not reduced in AS. This supports the view that ingestion of phytooestrogens affects neural centres involved in regulating LH secretion.  相似文献   
Base ratios and total DNA amounts can vary substantially between and within higher taxa and genera, and even within species. Gene conversion is one of several mechanisms that could cause such changes. For base substitutions, disparity in conversion direction is accompanied by an equivalent disparity in base ratio at the heterozygous site. Disparity in the direction of gene conversion at meiosis is common and can be extreme. For transitions (which give purine [R]/pyrimidine [Y] mispairs) and for transversions giving unlike R/R and Y/Y mispairs in hybrid DNA, this disparity could give slow but systematic changes in G + C percentage. For transversions giving like R/R and Y/Y mispairs, it could change AT/TA and CG/GC ratios. From the extent of correction direction disparity, one can deduce properties of repair enzymes, such as the ability (1) to excise preferentially the purine from one mispair and the pyrimidine from the other for two different R/Y mispairs from a single heterozygous site and (2) to excise one base preferentially from unlike R/R or Y/Y mispairs. Frame-shifts usually show strong disparity in conversion direction, with preferential cutting of the nonlooped or the looped-out strand of the nonpair in heterozygous h-DNA. The opposite directions of disparity for frame-shifts and their intragenic suppressors as Ascobolus suggest that repair enzymes have a strong, systematic bias as to which strand is cut. The conversion spectra of mutations induced with different mutagens suggest that the nonlooped strand is preferentially cut, so that base additions generally convert to mutant and deletions generally convert to wild-type forms. Especially in nonfunctional or noncoding DNA, this could cause a general increase in DNA amounts. Conversion disparity, selection, mutation, and other processes interact, affecting rates of change in base ratios and total DNA.   相似文献   
S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine was used to inhibit the methylation of carboxylic acid residues of membrane proteins in intact human erythrocytes. Incubation of erythrocytes for 24 h with 5 mM each of adenosine and L-homocysteine resulted in the intracellular accumulation of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine and substantially inhibited membrane protein carboxyl methylation. From the degree of inhibition and from the observed turnover of methylated proteins, we estimate that the number of protein methyl esters in cells incubated with adenosine and L-homocysteine for 20 h is less than 20% that of cells incubated without these inhibitors. No significant differences in the physical deformability properties of the membrane of these hypomethylated cells were detected. However, there was a small but significant (p less than 0.001) increase in the amount of membrane protein D-aspartyl residues in these cells compared to control cells. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that methylation of membrane proteins at D-aspartyl residues may result in the selective removal or repair of these uncommon residues.  相似文献   
The C57BL/6 (H-2b) mouse is a nonresponder to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) injected i.p., owing to a T suppressor cell-inducing determinant at the amino-terminal region. After immunization with a 93-amino acid fragment (a.a. 13-105) of HEL lacking this determinant, all clones from two independently derived C57BL/6 T cell lines were found to be specific for epitopes within a subregion of peptide 74-96. Three specificity patterns for the clones could be defined on the basis of cross-reactivities with only two other species variant lysozymes. Reactivities of all three specificity groups was consistent with the serine to threonine substitution at position 91, although reactivity of one of the groups could be affected by substitutions at position 84. The results confirm at the clonal level that even for distantly related antigens, only limited regions are recognized by T cells. They are consistent with the notion that specific sites on the antigen capable of interaction with Ia molecules lead to dominance of certain regions for T cell reactivity. Moreover, the diversity in specificity among clones suggests that the limiting feature of T cell responsiveness is not a lack of available T cells in the repertoire directed against a single antigenic site.  相似文献   
Mice expressing the xid gene exhibit an altered immune response to phosphocholine (PC)-conjugated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). Less than 25% of their anti-PC-KLH response is PC specific, and most of these antibodies lack the normally predominant T15 idiotype. These findings suggested that immune defective mice might employ different variable region genes than normal mice in their anti-PC response. To examine this possibility, we characterized by Southern blot analysis the gene family encoding PC-VH regions and determined the amino acid sequence and fine specificity of binding of a T15-, IgG2, PC-specific hybridoma (1B8E5) produced by fusion of the SP2/O cell line and PC-KLH immune CBA/N spleen cells. Southern blot analysis of DNA from CBA/N mice by using a PC-VH probe (S107 VH) revealed a hybridization pattern virtually identical to that of DNA from normal CBA/J mice, indicating that CBA/N mice do not suffer from a gross deletion of PC-VH genes. Analysis of the 1B8E5 antibody reveals that both the binding specificity and relative affinity of this antibody are different from the anti-PC antibodies of the T15, M167-M511, and M603 families. The complete amino acid sequence of the heavy (H) chain variable region shows that 1B8E5 uses a VH segment identical to the allelic form of T15 (C3) but has a unique D region of three amino acids and use the JH1 joining segment. Both the DH and JH regions are unusual when compared to PC-specific antibodies from normal mice, which have a D region composed of five to eight amino acids and use the JH1 joining segment. The amino terminal sequence of the 1B8E5 light (L) chain demonstrates that this anti-PC antibody carries a Vk3 subgroup L chain. Chains from this subgroup have not previously been found in association with PC-binding antibodies. Thus, the Vk, DH, and JH segments expressed in 1B8E5 make this hybridoma unique in terms of the anti-PC antibodies studied to date, and suggests that additional PC-specific antibodies exist in inbred mice that employ "unusual" V gene segments.  相似文献   
Attempts to develop a killed vaccine against schistosomiasis have generally resulted in failure. There are two recent reports, but unfortunately, harsh adjuvants were used in conjunction with the antigenic materials. In our laboratory, a killed vaccine was developed by freezing (-196 degrees C) and thawing the schistosomula of S. mansoni. The use of such a preparation without adjuvant was effective in vaccinating mice. A worm reduction of 36.4-41.1% was achieved by one vaccinating injection, a 60.2% worm reduction by 3 injections, and a 63.7-66.0% reduction by 5 injections. The sequence of the development and the expression of the immune reactions were similar to those previously found in hosts immunized with highly X-irradiated schistosome organisms. Delayed hypersensitivity was demonstrated in histological sections of the skin in the challenged mice after one vaccination, showing that an adjuvant was not necessary to initiate the induction of cellular immunity.  相似文献   
The anion transport protein of the human erythrocyte membrane, band 3, is reversibly methylated by an endogenous protein carboxyl methyltransferase. The physiological consequence of this modification was studied by measuring the rate of phosphate transport by intact erythrocytes incubated under conditions where protein methylation reactions are inhibited. No change in phosphate transport was detected when cells were treated with either methionine-free media or cycloleucine, whereas cells incubated with adenosine and homocysteine thiolactone displayed a marginally slower rate of transport, which was not reversed by subsequent remethylation of the membrane proteins. These results suggest that erythrocyte protein carboxyl methylation does not directly regulate this activity of band 3.  相似文献   
We report the isolation and sequence determination of a cDNA containing most of the coding sequence for Dictyostelium discoideum calmodulin. The cloned cDNA was used as a probe to examine the complexity of D. discoideum genomic DNA. These studies indicated that D. discoideum cells possess a single calmodulin gene.  相似文献   
To examine the effects of parathion on basal plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration, male Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) were orally intubated with 0, 5 or 10 mg/kg parathion and sacrificed after 4, 8 and 24 hr. At the 5 mg/kg dose, plasma LH levels were reduced at 4 and 8 hr, but returned to control values by 24 hr. Brain acetylcholinesterase activity was substantially reduced by 10 mg/kg parathion (52, 75 and 37% inhibition at 4, 8 and 24 hr, respectively) and plasma LH concentration remained depressed through the 24-hr period. These findings suggest that the organophosphorus insecticide parathion may alter plasma LH concentration in a manner which might impair reproductive activity, and provide indirect evidence for a cholinergic component in the regulation of LH secretion in quail.  相似文献   
A method is presented for the rapid enzymatic determination of acetate in spent bacterial culture supernatants. The assay is based on a previously published assay for acetate kinase [Bergmeyer et al. (1974) in Methods of Enzymatic Analysis (Bergmeyer, H. V., ed.), Vol. 1, pp. 425-426, Verlag Chemie-Academic Press, New York/London], and is sufficiently sensitive to detect acetate levels of 50 microM. The assay is cheaper than commercially available assays and is particularly useful for occasional use by laboratories not equipped for routine acetate analysis using gas chromatography. The application of the assay to the measurement of acetate in bacterial cultures is described, though it should also be applicable to other biological fluids and foodstuffs.  相似文献   
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