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From the Associate Editor for Practicing Anthropology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Phylogeny of the Dictyoptera   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. Relationships among six key dictyopteran taxa (Mantodea; Blattodea (excluding Cryptocercidae); Cryptocercidae; Mastotermes darwiniensis , Termopsidae and Kalotermitidae [Isoptera]) are analysed based on seventy morphological, developmental and behavioural characters. The fossil record and the 'living fossil' genera Cryptocercus, Mastotermes and Archotermopsis are discussed in detail. Exact analysis of the character state matrix by implicit enumeration (Hennig86) resulted in one cladogram, strongly supporting Blattodea + Cryptocercidae as a sister group to Mantodea, with the Isoptera as a sister group to that complex. Arrangements within the termites are equivocal, with Termopsidae and Mastotermes darwiniensis possible as the relatively most primitive element of Isoptera.  相似文献   
Gonads were most commonly reduced in October and fullest inMar-Jun with more pronounced seasonal differences in the estuarythan in the firth. Brood-pouches accordingly were fullest inspring-early summer and emptiest in autumn-early winter. Eggsand early embryos predominated in brood-pouches of early springbut were few in Aug-Oct whereas well-developed juveniles werefew in early spring, increased in spring-summer and came topredominate in Jun-Nov. Brood-pouch loads varied with size offemale but, for a standard 10 mm female, were significantlylower in the 2 estuarine sites than in the firth. Changes inmean brood-pouch count varied only 2.5-fold during the yearin the firth but 4.10-fold in the estuary. In vitro development of eggs to shelled juveniles with the velumresorbed took some 68 d at 10°C and 32%. Eggs and late brood-pouchjuveniles were significantly heavier in the estuary than inthe firth (dry weight, ash-free dry weight (AFDW), ash weight).AFDW changed little during development while ash weight (mostlyshell) increased 3.5-4.4-fold. In a laboratory tide tank, femalesreleased 60 d means of <1.3 juveniles d–1; more inmid- and late year than in Jan-Mar, more from upshore firthfemales than from low shore or estuary females, more when heldat high tide-tank levels than at lower levels, and generallyat rates comparable to release in containers held at the siteof origin. Egg production in laboratory females did not keeppace with release of young and, at the end of trials, brood-pouchcounts were mostly lower than in contemporary free winkles.Females that had released most (e.g. at high tank levels) containedleast brood-pouch embryos and young subsequently. Release of young in the tide tank was markedly faster at timesnear new moon (often reaching or exceeding 2 female–1d–1) than near full moon (often <1 female–1 d–1).This lunar fluctuation was clearest in fast-releasing sets heldat high- or mid-tide tank levels. It was not observed in Jan-Mar(when release from most females was slow) nor in females atlow tank levels. (Received 3 September 1990; accepted 8 November 1990)  相似文献   
Stress Responses in Avian Embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The day 13–14 chicken embryo is a useful model for studieson prenatal stress responses. Free dopamine, norepinephrineand epinephrine in its plasma, amniotic and allantoic fluidrespond to a variety of stresses. The allantoic fluid also containsconjugated catecholamines and conjugated steroids. However,a blood/allantois barrier excludes free thyroid hormones andfree steroids, and insulin. On the other hand, the allantoicfluid contains at least 40 amino acids (including six excitatoryamino acids) and related compounds. Most, possibly all, componentsof the allantoic fluid are regulated at specific blood/allantoisand amnion/allantois barriers, and they respond to ethanol stressand metabolite loading differentially. The avian allantois isa depot for important metabolites and messenger substances whichseems to be controlled by as yet unidentified hormones  相似文献   
Damage caused by wood-pigeons, Columba palumbus, to spring cabbage and Brussels sprouts was measured during three winters in two areas in the Vale of Evesham, Worcestershire. In one area (experimental) special attempts were made to reduce pigeon damage in addition to the normal efforts of the growers. In the other (control) area no such additional measures were taken. There was slightly more damage in 1969-70, but low market prices made it less important than in 1968-9 or 1970-1. There was no significant difference in any season between the damage in the control and experimental areas. No damage was caused to Brussels-sprout buttons as the birds ate only the tops of the plants; they preferred Brussels sprouts to cabbages and it is likely that the presence of the former helped to reduce the amount of damage to nearby cabbage fields. The amount of damage was not correlated with the amount spent on crop protection; actual damage was not correlated with the grower's estimates in the control area. In the second season a very intensive shooting campaign in the experimental area did not result in less damage, but the movements of local inhabitants and farm workers near a village did afford protection. The significance of the damage in the Vale and elsewhere is assessed in relation to the economics of crop production, the cropping pattern for cabbages and the behaviour and ecology of the wood-pigeon.  相似文献   
Experiments showed that a stem midge collected locally on couch grass ( Agropyron repens ) and similar midges collected on wheat, barley and rye were of the same species, i. e. the hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor Say. There were three main flights per year, with some overlapping of the generations. In experiments, Aegilops ovata, Triticum compactum, T. dicoccoides, T. durum, T. spelta and T. turgidum were successfully used as host plants besides wheat, barley, rye and couch grass. Individual female midges when moved from plant to plant gave rise to families on the different host plants; similarly, succeeding generations of midges were able to breed on various host plants other than those from which they themselves were reared. Oviposition also took place on plants on which larvae failed to establish themselves.
Wheat seemed more favourable for the hessian fly than couch grass, and more midges were reared from young plants than from mature ones.
Unisexual families occurred in about half the experiments. The following parasites were bred: Trichacis didas Walker, Eupteromalus? hemipterus Walker, Platygaster sp., Chrysocharis sp. and Tetrastichus sp.  相似文献   
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