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Direct cell sensing of tissue matrix strains is one possible signaling mechanism for mechanically mediated bone adaptation. We utilized homogenization theory to estimate bone tissue matrix strains surrounding osteocytes using two sets of models. The first set of models estimated the strain levels surrounding the lacunae and canaliculi, taking into account variations in lamellar properties. The second set estimated strain levels in the osteocyte and the surrounding matrix for different cellular mechanical properties. The results showed that the strain levels found in and surrounding osteocytes, 1700 to 2700 microstrain (denoted as μe; 1 μe =.0001% strain), were significantly greater than the trabecular tissue level strains of {1325 μe, 287 μe, 87 μe} used for model input. Variation in lamellar properties did not affect strain levels, except at lamellar boundaries. Strain in and surrounding the osteocyte was not significantly affected by cellular stiffness ranging between 28 and 28, 000 Pascals (Pa). Strain levels surrounding lacunae and canaliculi were approximately equivalent.  相似文献   
CO2 effects on the water budget of grassland microcosm communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental grassland ecosystems, in microcosms 0.2 m in diameter and with a 0.95 m soil column, varied in their responses to elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and altered moisture inputs. Ecosystems on moderately fertile sandstone soil and with a typical mix of moderately fast-growing sandstone species, responded to elevated pCO2 with decreases in mid-season evapotranspiration of nearly 50%. This pattern reversed at the end of the growing season, and sandstone ecosystems under elevated pCO2 continued active transpiration farther into the summer drought. The sandstone ecosystems appeared to convert mid-season water conservation into increased late-season growth. Effects of increased pCO2 on ecosystem evapotranspiration were much smaller in ecosystems with very infertile serpentine soil and a diverse mixture of slow-growing serpentine species.  相似文献   
为研究猪流行性腹泻病毒(porcine epidemic diarrhea virus PEDV)S基因片段的原核表达产物是否具有抗原性,分析S基因抗原位点后,用PCR技术扩增S蛋白主要抗原区的核酸序列,经克隆后将目的片段连接到原核表达载体pET-28a(+)中,成功构建了重组质粒pET-28a-PEDV-Sp,其重组菌于37℃、0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导表达4 h后进行SDS-PAGE分析,在分子质量约为29 kDa处出现一新蛋白带,与预期相符。质谱鉴定表明,已成功表达了目的蛋白。纯化后的重组蛋白免疫兔制备多克隆抗体,抗体效价检测结果显示该蛋白具有良好的抗原性。该研究为猪流行性腹泻基因工程疫苗的研制奠定基础。  相似文献   
目的:探讨壮骨颗粒对骨折部位新生血管增殖的影响。方法:42只新西兰大白兔,行兔左侧桡骨中段做3mm骨缺损,随机分为壮骨颗粒组,伤科接骨片组,生理盐水组,术后1天开始给药,在第4、6、8周进行X线观察,4w、8w行病理组织学检查。结果:X线片评分半定量分析表明,壮骨颗粒组骨折愈合速度明显快于伤科接骨片组,生理盐水组(P<0.05);I型胶原蛋白免疫组化结果显示壮骨颗粒组I型胶原阳性结果明显比伤科接骨片组、生理盐水组强(P<0.05);壮骨颗粒组血管生成明显多于伤科接骨片组、生理盐水组。结论:壮骨颗粒有明显促进骨痂形成和促进新生血管形成作用。  相似文献   
Shoot anatomy and secretory structures in Hypericum species (Hypericaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The anatomy and ultrastructure of internodes, leaves and petals were compared in Hypericum elegans, H. inodorum, H. olympicum, H. forrestii and two genotypes of H. perforatum. Internode anatomy was variable between species with respect to the structure of the cortical and pith parenchyma, including the presence of secretory reservoirs. Also, the secondary growth was more extensive in shrubs, i.e. H. inodorum and H. forrestii. In leaves, phloem secretory reservoirs were formed in all species, mesophyll secretory reservoirs were absent only in H. elegans and internal nodules were present only in H. elegans and H. perforatum. The petals differed between species in the mesophyll structure and the occurrence and location of secretory structures. The phloem secretory reservoirs lacked sheaths, whereas these were distinct in the mesophyll reservoirs. Other ultrastructural traits of the reservoirs were similar in all the species studied, with the exception of the leucoplast ultrastructure. In internal nodules, the inner cells vs. sheath cells differed in the number of vesicles and other membranous structures and plastid ultrastructure. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 70–86.  相似文献   
The use of incidence functions and their error structure is explored as a means of interpreting patterns present in fragmented systems. Incidence functions describe the probability of a species' presence on a fragment. The only information required for an incidence function is presence/absence data for a number of fragments of known size. Methods are developed for establishing prediction bounds on the incidence function. The example developed uses data from mammals on isolated mountaintops. Distributions of number of species expected on a fragment predicted the actual number of species well, but prediction of identities of species on small fragments was poor. Although the number of species expected on an assembly of small fragments compared to a single large fragment of the same total area was nearly always equal, the identity of species differed. Species with large area requirements were never found on any number of small fragments; species which occurred with a medium probability over most fragments had a higher probability of being present in an assembly of small fragments than on a single large fragment.  相似文献   
Abstract: To estimate wolf (Canis lupus) kill rates from fine-scale movement patterns, we followed adult wolves in 3 territories of the Scandinavian wolf population using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) during the winters of 2001–2003. The resulting 6 datasets of 62–84 study days gave a total of 8,747 hourly GPS positions. We visited clusters of positions in the field on average 8.8 days after positioning and found moose (Alces alces) killed by wolves during the study period on 74 (8%) of the 953 clusters. The number of positions and visits to a cluster, their interaction, and the proportion of afternoon positions were significant fixed effects in mixed logistic-regression models predicting the probability of a cluster containing a wolf-killed moose. The models, however, displayed a poor goodness-of-fit and were not a suitable tool for estimating kill rates from positioning data alone. They might be used to reduce fieldwork by excluding unlikely clusters, although the reduction was not substantial. We discuss proximate factors (i.e., human disturbance and access to prey) as well as ultimate factors (i.e., social organization, intra-guild dominance, and litter size) as potential causes of the observed high temporal and spatial variation in prey-handling. For similar future kill-rate studies, we recommend increasing field efforts and shortening positioning intervals.  相似文献   
Abstract: Problem Animal Control Registers, where farmers report livestock losses due to predators as a prerequisite for financial compensation, allow quantifying the human-predator conflict. We analyzed such registers from the Kweneng District of Botswana to assess the impact of native predators on livestock over 3 years. Leopards (Panthera pardus), lions (Panthera leo), wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), brown hyenas (Hyaena brunnea), and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) altogether claimed 2,272 head of livestock. During 2002, the year with the highest impact, the number of animals reported depredated (954) represented 0.34% of the livestock in the district. Leopards and lions caused 64% of the losses. Leopard livestock predation mainly affected calves and was consistent over the district and over time. In contrast, lion predation concentrated on adult cattle, was characterized by local hot spots close to reserve borders, decreased with increasing distance to a reserve, and increased during 2002, an unusually dry year. Interviews with 60 farmers and herders within 30 km of Khutse and Central Kalahari Game Reserves revealed an annual loss of 2.2% of their livestock to predators. Here, small farms (max. 100 domestic animals) suffered relatively higher losses than large, commercial farms, not only due to predation (small farms: 11.7%; large farms: 1.0%) but also from other causes (small: 12.6%; large: 2.8%), even though herders on large farms guarded 5 times more livestock per person than those on small farms. To reduce livestock predation in most of the district where lions are absent, we recommend maternity corrals for pregnant females and calves to better protect vulnerable calves during day and night. In areas close to a reserve where lions roam, herders' incentives to keep all livestock protected in a corral at night have to be enhanced because, according to the registers, only 3 predation cases were reported to have happened inside a corral.  相似文献   
Abstract: We document a new record dispersal for wolves worldwide. The natal straight-line dispersal distance of a Global Positioning System-collared female wolf from the Scandinavian population was 1,092 km from southeast Norway to northeast Finland, with a multistage actual travel distance of >10,000 km. Natural gene flow to the isolated, inbred Scandinavian wolf population may occur if survival of dispersers is improved.  相似文献   
三尖杉属(Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.)属名和三尖杉(Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.)种名名称在文献引证时存在混乱和错误.三尖杉属属名被引证为“Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.——Gen.Pl.Suppl.2:27.1842.”和“Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.ex Endl.——Gen.Pl.Suppl.2:27.1842.”两种形式.而三尖杉的名称被引证为4种形式:①Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.;②Cephalotaxus fortunii Hook.;③Cephalotaxus fortuni Hook.和④Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f..为保持分类群名称的唯一性和稳定性,经原始文献考证,以及按照国际植物命名法规(Vienna Code,2006)的有关规定,确认三尖杉属属名和三尖杉种名名称的正确引证形式应分别是:“Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zucc.——Fl.Jap.Ⅱ.66.1870.”和“Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.——Curtis,s Bot.Mag.76:t.4499.1850.‘fortuni’”.  相似文献   
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