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Timing is crucial in seasonal environments. Passerine birds typically use a combination of physiological mechanisms and environmental cues to ensure that breeding, moult and migration occur without major temporal overlap and under the most favourable conditions. However, late in the breeding season some individuals initiate additional clutches , whereas others initiate moult. Such alternative strategies are thought to reflect trade‐offs between reproductive benefits and timely investment in maintenance and survival. The degree of seasonal plasticity differs between species, depending on the mechanisms that govern their annual routine. Migrants are generally under pressure to complete breeding and moult before the autumn departure and often show little plasticity. We studied seasonal plasticity of breeding and moult schedules in the European Stonechat Saxicola rubicola. This species, an obligate short‐distance migrant in Central Europe, sometimes initiates late clutches after typically at least two earlier breeding attempts. Based on life‐history theory and on observations in captivity, which revealed photoperiodic regulation of breeding and moult, we predicted relatively little seasonal plasticity in Stonechats. We further predicted that reproductive gains of late breeders should be offset by reduced survival. These predictions were tested on long‐term field data, using Underhill–Zucchini models to estimate moult. Late breeding occurred in c. 40% of pairs and increased their reproductive success by a third. Both sexes modified moult timing but in different ways. Late breeding females postponed moult approximately until chick independence without compensating for delay by faster moult. Males started moult on time and overlapped it with breeding, associated with markedly slowed plumage change. Sex differences in moult score increased with lay date, but due to their respective modifications, both sexes delayed moult completion. Nonetheless, we could not detect any evidence for survival costs of late breeding. Breeding and moult of European Stonechats appear relatively flexible, despite migratory schedules and photoperiodic programs for seasonal timing. Individuals can modify seasonal behaviour in late summer, presumably depending on their condition, and may profit considerably from extended breeding.  相似文献   
Mycoviruses (fungal viruses) are reviewed with emphasis on plant pathogenic fungi. Based on the presence of virus-like particles and unencapsidated dsRNAs, mycoviruses are common in all major fungal groups. Over 80 mycovirus species have been officially recognized from ten virus families, but a paucity of nucleic acid sequence data makes assignment of many reported mycoviruses difficult. Although most of the particle types recognized to date are isometric, a variety of morphologies have been found and, additionally, many apparently unencapsidated dsRNAs have been reported. Until recently, most characterized mycoviruses have dsRNA genomes, but ssRNA mycoviruses now constitute about one-third of the total. Two hypotheses for the origin of mycoviruses of plant pathogens are discussed: the first that they are of unknown but ancient origin and have coevolved along with their hosts, the second that they have relatively recently moved from a fungal plant host into the fungus. Although mycoviruses are typically readily transmitted through asexual spores, transmission through sexual spores varies with the host fungus. Evidence for natural horizontal transmission has been found. Typically, mycoviruses are apparently symptomless (cryptic) but beneficial effects on the host fungus have been reported. Of more practical interest to plant pathologists are those viruses that confer a hypovirulent phenotype, and the scope for using such viruses as biocontrol agents is reviewed. New tools are being developed based on host genome studies that will help to address the intellectual challenge of understanding the fungal–virus interactions and the practical challenge of manipulating this relationship to develop novel biocontrol agents for important plant pathogens.  相似文献   
1. We conducted experiments in a Colorado Rocky Mountain stream to measure the effect of foraging by predatory stoneflies ( Megarcys signata ) on fine sediment deposition and removal.
2. Cages containing one of four treatments were placed in the stream substratum and removed 3 days after fine sediment load to the stream was experimentally increased. Cages containing a stonefly but no prey accumulated less sediment than cages initially with no benthic invertebrates. Although cages with Megarcys plus prey also tended to have less sediment than controls, sediments were not reduced in cages with prey only.
3. Distance from sediment source, depth and current velocity at cages, final prey density and numbers of prey per predator gut at the end of the experiment had no effects on sediment accumulation in cages.
4. To determine the mechanisms underlying this effect, behavioural tests were conducted in a stream-side artificial stream system. To simulate the different hunger levels of stoneflies in cages, Megarcys were fed or starved for 3 days before behavioural trials that were repeated during high (night) and low (day) stonefly feeding periods. During night trials, foraging movements by starved Megarcys were more prolonged and active than those of fed stoneflies, regardless of the presence of prey. However, neither hunger level nor prey presence affected stonefly foraging behaviour during day trials.
5. Results of field experiments suggest that the presence of stoneflies enhances sediment removal from interstitial spaces. Behavioural observations indicate that nocturnal searching for prey by hungry Megarcys dislodges fine sediments from interstitial spaces.
6. Future studies should explore beyond the direct impacts of predators on stream invertebrate communities, and investigate the potential impact of predators on benthic microhabitat quality.  相似文献   
  • 1 Rainbow Bay is a temporary freshwater pond in South Carolina, U.S.A., that typically fills in winter and dries in spring or summer. We studied population dynamics of zooplankton in 1984 and 1985 when it held water for 282 and 57 days, respectively. The zooplankton were diverse, including one species of calanoid copepod, nine or more cyclopoid copepods, nineteen or more cladocerans, and twelve or more rotifers. The community was initially dominated by the copepods Diaptomus stagnalis and Acanthocyclops vernalis or Diacyclops haueri, later by cyclopoids and cladocerans including Daphnia laevis and Simocephalus spp.
  • 2 Laboratory experiments with sediments from the dry pond support the inference from field data that time of emergence from resting stages was a proximate cause of the initial succession of species. The experiments also showed that eggs of the calanoid copepod, Diaptomus stagnalis, were inhibited from hatching in early November, but became ready to hatch by late November. A similar inhibition was not observed for cladocerans or cyclopoid copepods.
  • 3 Food limitation appeared to influence population dynamics following emergence. For the cladocerans Daphnia laevis and Simocephalus spp., great reductions in size-specific fecundity occurred 1 month (1985) or 3 months (1984) after the pond filled and were associated with disappearance of the rotifer Conochilus hippocrepis. The cladocerans produced ephippia when their fecundities declined. Reproduction of Diaptomus occurred before cladoceran fecundities decreased in 1984, but during their decline in 1985. Broods of Diaptomus were smaller in 1985.
  • 4 The impact of invertebrate predators was probably greater than that of vertebrate predators, but neither was sufficient to prevent over-exploitation of food resources. Prey consumption rates by salamander larvae were estimated from diets and population densities of the larvae in 1984 (Taylor et al., 1988). Their impact on the zooplankton was low in February, increased in March and April as the larvae grew, and then
Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum was transmitted from infested seed to the cotyledons of cotton cv. Deltapine 61 seedlings at 28°C and relative humidities (RH) of 90% or 73%. A resident population was present on the first and second true leaves but not on the third true leaf of plants at either RH. There were smaller numbers of resident bacteria on fewer leaves of plants at the lower RH than on plants at the higher RH. Cotton plants grown from infested seed at 25°C and 30°C and incubated at 100% RH at different stages of growth developed bacterial blight on leaves that were in bud or partly expanded when incubated. Resident cells of this pathogen can thus invade susceptible leaves when conditions are favourable for infection. Bacterial blight developed on more plants at 30°C than at 25°C. In a field trial, X. campestris pv. malvacearum transmitted from seed was present as resident bacteria on the third leaf from the growing point during the vegetative development of the plant. Resident bacteria, which infected young leaves during rainy periods, were isolated from the bacterial blight lesions which subsequently developed.  相似文献   
Abstract Highly structured habitats, those with complex or heterogeneous physical structure, commonly contain more species than simply structured ones. However, tests of this relationship have been hampered by habitat-specific definitions and measurements of habitat structure and, in stream studies, by insufficient information on spatial variation in faunal abundances. We sampled the fauna of 90 stones collected from an order 4 section of the Taggerty and Steavenson Rivers, southeastern Australia. The spatially nested sampling design encompassed three spatial scales (sites within the same stream order, riffles at the same site and groups of stones within the same riffle) but no temporal replication, as we were only able to sample once. Habitat structure of stones was quantified by measuring the amount and type of epilithon on stones, together with stone shapes, sizes, textures and surface complexities. For the latter two attributes, we used a new method, involving image analysis, which can be used to quantify habitat structure in comparable ways in other systems. Species richness (S) was related to some measures of habitat structure, being higher on stones with a rough texture and weakly related to the amount of epilithon present. Total numbers of individuals (N) were also higher on rough stones, and faunal composition (as quantified by hybrid multidimensional scaling) was related to abundance of epilithon. However, flow environments, as quantified by water velocities and depths, were also related to faunal composition. Riffles varied in both faunal densities and near-bed flow environment, but not in any consistent way. Such variability means that individual riffles cannot be reasonably used to ‘represent’ stream sections or orders, an assumption commonly made in stream studies. Neglect of such issues has also resulted in poor conceptual integration between large- and small-scale studies in stream ecology.  相似文献   
The genome of Arabidopsis thaliana contains six putative cell-wall type invertase genes (AtcwINV1-6). Heterologous expression of AtcwINV1, 3 and 6 cDNAs in Pichia pastoris revealed that the enzymes encoded by AtcwINV3 and 6 did not show invertase activity. Instead, AtcwINV3 is a 6-FEH and AtcwINV6 is a fructan exohydrolase (FEH) that can degrade both inulin and levan-type fructans. For AtcwINV6 it is proposed to use the term (6&1) FEH. In contrast, AtcwINV1 is a typical invertase. FEH activity was also detected in crude extracts of different parts of Arabidopsis. To verify that the FEH activity of AtcwINV3 and 6 were not artefacts of the heterologous expression system, the protein corresponding to AtcwINV3 was isolated from whole Arabidopsis plants and indeed showed only 6-FEH activity and no invertase activity. Although no fructans can be detected in Arabidopsis plants, it is shown that kestoses (trimers) can be synthesized in crude leaf extracts. The putative physiological significance of FEH in so-called non-fructan plants is discussed.  相似文献   
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