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Research over the past decade shows that fish populations on coral reefs can vary enormously, both spatially and temporally. Nonetheless, predictable patterns in structure are present at both small and regional scales. These have usually been interpreted as resulting from processes acting after settlement of fishes from the plankton. However, current research now suggests that planktonic processes could also result in deterministic patterns of community structure.  相似文献   
Summary Several mammalian uterine and conceptus proteins are produced at specific stages of implantation. Ovine trophoblast protein-1 (OTP-1) is only synthesised of pregnancy (dpc). This immunogold ultracryosection study shows that, during this period, OTP-1 immunoreactivity is only found in the Golgi body of the trophectodermal cells. A second protein, of 14 kD molecular weight (14K protein), has a more varied distribution being found in membrane-bounded crystals in uterine epithelium and trophectodermal cells, and distributed throughout the cytosol and nucleoplasm of the uterine epithelium. There are only trace amounts of the 14 K protein in the fetomaternal syncytium which replaces the uterine epithelium during implantation, and no crystals are found in the trophectoderm after cotyledonary villus formation is initiated at 24–25 dpc. The crystals containing 14 K protein persist throughout pregnancy in the intercotyledonary areas. The narrow time window of OTP-1 occurrence reinforces the suggestion that this represents an important developmental signal, whereas the distribution of the 14 K protein indicates a more general nutritive function.  相似文献   
The pattern of the arterial system has been studied in the hindlimbs of adult male and female mice in a hybrid strain. A technique was developed to inspect the distribution pattern after the vessels were injected with a blue polymer, the bone was stained with alizarin red S, and the soft tissue was cleared to transparency. Substantial variations were identified in the point of origin of 6 of 41 arterial branches; extra vessels and absence of vessels were uncommon. The types of arterial differences identified in normal adult mice were different from those identified in mice with absence of the tibia, which have absence of major arteries, including the popliteal and posterior tibial arteries.  相似文献   
The fluorescent compound p-aminobenzamidine was used to monitor activation of the trypsin-like serine proteases trypsin, thrombin, and blood coagulation factors IXa and Xa. p-Aminobenzamidine, when bound to the activated forms of these proteases but not the corresponding zymogens, displayed an increase in fluorescence. This fluorescence increase was coincident with activation as measured by synthetic substrate hydrolysis, physiological coagulation activity, and the appearance of activation products on gel electrophoresis. The activation of proteolytically modified factor X was also monitored. These results suggest that following p-aminobenzamidine fluorescence is a convenient procedure for monitoring activation of trypsin-like serine proteases.  相似文献   
We quantitated the induction of the Bacillus subtilis Rec protein (the analog of Escherichia coli RecA protein) and the B. subtilis din-22 operon (representative of a set of DNA damage-inducible operons in B. subtilis) following DNA damage in Rec+ and DNA repair-deficient strains. After exposure to mitomycin C or UV irradiation, each of four distinct rec (recA1, recB2, recE4, and recM13) mutations reduced to the same extent the rates of both Rec protein induction (determined by densitometric scanning of immunoblot transfers) and din-22 operon induction (determined by assaying beta-galactosidase activity in din-22::Tn917-lacZ fusion strains). The induction deficiencies in recA1 and recE4 strains were partially complemented by the E. coli RecA protein, which was expressed on a plasmid in B. subtilis; the E. coli RecA protein had no effect on either induction event in Rec+, recB2, or recM13 strains. These results suggest that (i) the expression of both the B. subtilis Rec protein and the din-22 operon share a common regulatory component, (ii) the recA1 and recE4 mutations affect the regulation and/or activity of the B. subtilis Rec protein, and (iii) an SOS regulatory system like the E. coli system is highly conserved in B. subtilis. We also showed that the basal level of B. subtilis Rec protein is about 4,500 molecules per cell and that maximum induction by DNA damage causes an approximately fivefold increase in the rate of Rec protein accumulation.  相似文献   
The egl gene of Pseudomonas solanacearum was cloned on a cosmid and expressed in Escherichia coli. Restriction endonuclease mapping, transposon mutagenesis, and subclone analysis showed that the egl gene was located on a 2.7-kilobase XhoI-SalI P. solanacearum DNA fragment. Immunoabsorption experiments and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis showed that the egl gene encodes the 43-kilodalton endoglucanase that is the major excreted endoglucanase of P. solanacearum. In E. coli, the egl gene appeared to be expressed from its own promoter, but its product was restricted to the cytoplasm. The cloned egl gene was mutagenized with Tn5 and used to specifically mutate the chromosomal egl gene of P. solanacearum by site-directed mutagenesis. The resultant mutant was identical to the wild-type strain in production of extracellular polysaccharide and extracellular polygalacturonase as well as several other excreted proteins but produced at least 200-fold less endoglucanase. This mutant strain was significantly less virulent on tomato than the wild-type strain in plant bioassay experiments. Virulence of the endoglucanase-deficient strain was restored to near wild-type levels by complementation in trans with the cloned egl gene, indicating that the egl gene is important but not absolutely required for pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Sulfated glycolipids and cell adhesion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The adhesive glycoproteins laminin, thrombospondin, and von Willebrand factor bind specifically and with high affinity to sulfatides, and it is this binding that probably accounts for their ability to agglutinate glutaraldehyde-fixed erythrocytes. The three proteins differ, however, in the inhibition of their binding to sulfatides by sulfated polysaccharides. Fucoidan strongly inhibits binding of both laminin and thrombospondin, but not of von Willebrand factor, suggesting the involvement of laminin or thrombospondin, or other unknown sulfatide-binding proteins in specific cell interactions that are also inhibited by fucoidan. Thrombospondin adsorbed on plastic promotes the attachment and spreading of some melanoma cells. Interestingly, fucoidan and an antibody against the sulfatide-binding domain of thrombospondin selectively inhibit spreading but not attachment to thrombospondin-coated surfaces. Sulfatides, but not neutral glycolipids or gangliosides, when adsorbed on plastic also promote attachment and spreading of some cultured cell lines. Direct adhesion of melanoma cells requires high densities of adsorbed sulfatide. In the presence of laminin, however, specific adhesion of some cell types to sulfatide is strongly stimulated and requires only low densities of adsorbed lipid, suggesting that laminin is mediating adhesion by crosslinking receptors on the cell surface to sulfatide adsorbed on the plastic. Although thrombospondin also binds to sulfatides and to melanoma cells, it does not enhance but rather inhibits direct and laminin-dependent melanoma cell adhesion to sulfatide, presumably because it is unable to bind simultaneously to ligands on opposing surfaces. Thus, sulfated glycolipids can participate in both laminin- and thrombospondin-mediated cell adhesion, but their mechanisms of interaction are different.  相似文献   
Polyclonal antibodies have been raised to a series of synthetic peptides which correspond to essentially all regions of the transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) molecule. All antisera were evaluated for their abilities to react with TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 in either the native or reduced form in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, Western blots, and immunoprecipitation assays. While all antisera demonstrated some ability to recognize TGF-beta 1 in these systems, there was limited cross-reactivity with TGF-beta 2, suggesting that substantial sequence or conformational differences exist between the two growth factors. On Western blots 5-10 ng of purified human platelet TGF-beta 1 could be detected when probed with affinity-purified peptide antisera generated against peptides corresponding to residues 48-77, 50-75, and 78-109 of the 112 amino acid TGF-beta 1 monomer. Antisera raised against peptides 50-75 and 78-109 were most effective in immunoprecipitating reduced and native 125I-TGF-beta 1, respectively. The antisera also were tested for their effectiveness in blocking the binding of 125I-TGF-beta 1 to its receptor. Anti-peptide 78-109 and anti-peptide 50-75 blocked 80% and 40% of the binding, respectively, while antibodies against amino-terminal peptides were without effect. These data suggest that the carboxyl-terminal region of TGF-beta 1 may play a significant role in the binding of the native ligand to its receptor.  相似文献   
Various counts have been made of the number of mitotic figures in whole crypts and sections of crypts of the small intestine of the mouse. Samples were analysed from animals killed at different times of the day and at different times after administration of vincristine. Measurements have been made of the size of mitotic and interphase nuclei and of the radial position of mitotic figures. The correction factor, f, which is required to take into account the enhancement of mitotic counts in sections as a consequence of their centripetal position has been investigated. The results indicate the following: (1) transverse sections of the crypt differ from longitudinal sections if they involve cutting the intestine before fixation which may result in a relaxation of the crypt and its widening by 25%; (2) columnar cell nuclei have a shape that resembles a sphere flattened so that the average diameter is 20% greater in crypt transverse sections; (3) mitotic nuclei tend to be about half-way between the crypt edge and the central axis of the crypt; (4) between about four and seven times more mitotic figures have their mitotic axis parallel to the long axis of the crypt; (5) about one-third of all mitotic figures in a crypt are seen in a longitudinal section of the crypt. If this is related to the number of cells in the crypt as a whole and in a section, a correction factor fD for the mitotic index of 0.59 is obtained; (6) the correction factor fT derived from the shape and position of the mitotic figures measured in 3 microns longitudinal sections is 0.53; (7) relating cell cycle and mitotic accumulation data using a computer-based model of the crypt also permits a correction factor fmod to be estimated. This gives a value of 0.66. When sectioned material is used to calculate a mitotic index the most appropriate correction factor is fD; for mouse small intestine it is 0.59.  相似文献   
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