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Hyaluronidase “venom spreading factor” is a common component of snake venoms and indirectly potentiates venom toxicity. It may cause permanent local tissue destruction at the bite site/systemic collapse of the envenomated victim. The present study was performed to assess the benefits of inhibiting the hyaluronidase activity of Egyptian horned viper, Cerastes cerastes (Cc). The aqueous extracts of some medicinal plants were screened for their inhibitory effect on hyaluronidase activity of Cc venom. The results revealed that the Rosmarinus officinalis (Ro) extract is the most potent hyaluronidase inhibitor among the tested extracts. The Ro extract is more potent inhibitory effect on the hyaluronidase activity than the prepared rabbit monoclonal antiserum of previously purified hyaluronidase enzyme from Cc venom (anti-CcHaseII). In addition, the Ro extract is efficiently inhibited the activity of hemorrhagic toxin previously purified from Cc venom, and it also neutralized the edema inducing activity of the Cc venom in vivo. Furthermore, the Ro extract markedly increased the survival time of experimental mice injected with lethal dose of Cc venom up to 7 h in compared to mice injected with venom alone or with venom/anti-CcHaseII (15 ± 5, 75 ± 4 min), respectively. Our findings imply the significance of plant-derived hyaluronidase inhibitor in the neutralization of local effects of Cc venom and retardation of death time. Therefore, it may use as a therapeutic value in complementary snakebite therapy.  相似文献   
Communication based on autoinducer 2 (AI-2) is widespread among gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and the AI-2 pathway can control the expression of genes involved in a variety of metabolic pathways and pathogenic mechanisms. In the present study, we identified luxS, a gene responsible for the synthesis of AI-2, in Streptococcus gordonii, a major component of the dental plaque biofilm. S. gordonii conditioned medium induced bioluminescence in an AI-2 reporter strain of Vibrio harveyi. An isogenic mutant of S. gordonii, generated by insertional inactivation of the luxS gene, was unaffected in growth and in its ability to form biofilms on polystyrene surfaces. In contrast, the mutant strain failed to induce bioluminescence in V. harveyi and was unable to form a mixed species biofilm with a LuxS-null strain of the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis. Complementation of the luxS mutation in S. gordonii restored normal biofilm formation with the luxS-deficient P. gingivalis. Differential display PCR demonstrated that the inactivation of S. gordonii luxS downregulated the expression of a number of genes, including gtfG, encoding glucosyltransferase; fruA, encoding extracellular exo-beta-D-fructosidase; and lacD encoding tagatose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase. However, S. gordonii cell surface expression of SspA and SspB proteins, previously implicated in mediating adhesion between S. gordonii and P. gingivalis, was unaffected by inactivation of luxS. The results suggest that S. gordonii produces an AI-2-like signaling molecule that regulates aspects of carbohydrate metabolism in the organism. Furthermore, LuxS-dependent intercellular communication is essential for biofilm formation between nongrowing cells of P. gingivalis and S. gordonii.  相似文献   
Grey wastewater (GW) treatment via down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) system was the subject of the study. The reactor was operated at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 11.7, 5.8 and 2.9 h, corresponding to organic loading rates (OLRs) of 1.9, 3.6 and 6.8 kgCOD/m3 day, respectively. The results obtained revealed that decreasing the HRT from 11.7 to 2.9 h negatively affected on the performance of the DHS system. CODtotal, CODsoluble, CODparticulate and detergent removal efficiency were reduced from 96 ± 2.4 to 90 ± 2.3%, from 83 ± 10 to 69 ± 8%, from 98 ± 2 to 94 ± 3% and from 96 ± 12 to 88 ± 6.9%, respectively. However, the removal efficiency of the distinguished COD fractions and detergent remained unaffected when decreasing the HRT from 11.7 to 5.8 h. The DHS system provided a removal efficiency of 95 ± 1% for CODtotal, 79 ± 8% for CODsoluble, 98 ± 2 for CODparticulate and 94.7% for detergent at an HRT of 5.8 h. Based on these results, it is recommended to operate such a system at an HRT of 5.8 h and OLR not exceeding 3.6 kgCOD/m3 day for producing an effluent quality complying for reuse in unrestricted irrigation purposes. The removal of TKj-N and nitrification efficiency in the DHS system was significantly affected by increasing the OLR from 1.9 to 3.6 kgCOD/m3 day and from 3.6 to 6.8 kgCOD/m3 day. At an OLR of 1.9 kgCOD/m3 day, the DHS system removed 80 ± 12% of TKj-N and 91 ± 22% of ammonia which is significantly higher than that at an OLR of 3.6 (58.5 ± 13%) and 6.8 kgCOD/m3 day (26.8 ± 16%). Similar results were recorded for the removal of total coliform (TC), viz., the efficiencies dropped for TC from 99.8 ± 0.2 to 99.4 ± 0.8% and from 99.4 ± 0.8 to 90.0 ± 7.6%, respectively. DHS profile results showed that the major part of COD was removed in the upper portion of the system while the nitrification process was taken place in the lower part of the DHS system at OLR of 1.9 kgCOD/m3 day and HRT of 11.7 h.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the potential of Ficus sycomorus latex peroxidase (POL) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the decolorization of a wide spectrum of eight synthetic dyes and two natural dyes, hibiscus flower color and pomegranate juice. We study for the first time the decolorization of natural dyes enzymatically. The highest decolorization percent was reported at 20 mg/l for all dyes treated with POL and HRP. Both the enzymes had lower decolorization % for azo-carmin (30–33%). During decolorization treatment, both natural dyes and titan yellow formed precipitates which settled down and were removed by centrifugation. The enhancement of the decolorization % of the most tested dyes by treatment with POL and HRP was reported in the presence of some redox mediators. The rate of decolorization was enhanced by increasing the time and the most significant changes were observed during the first 6 h of incubation. One hundred percent enhancement in decolorization was reported for azo-carmine in the presence of histidine and α-naphthol as redox mediators. A few of redox mediators caused no significant effect or decreases the decolorization % for a little number of tested dyes. The decolorization of dyes by POL and HRP in the presence of redox mediators appeared without the formation of precipitate. A similar decolorization % for all the tested dyes by POL and HRP was detected. The data suggested that the peroxidase/mediator system was an effective biocatalyst for the decolorization of synthetic and natural dyes, and POL could be used as a potential option for the application of dye decolorization.  相似文献   


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease causing recurring inflammatory joint attacks. These attacks are characterized by macrophage infiltration contributing to joint destruction. Studies have shown that RA treatment efficacy is correlated to synovial macrophage number. The aim of this study was to experimentally validate the use of in vivo superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION) labeled macrophages to evaluate RA treatment by MRI.


The evolution of macrophages was monitored with and without dexamethasone (Dexa) treatment in rats. Two doses of 3 and 1 mg/kg Dexa were administered two and five days following induction of antigen induced arthritis. SPIONs (7 mg Fe/rat) were injected intravenously and the knees were imaged in vivo on days 6, 10 and 13. The MR images were scored for three parameters: SPION signal intensity, SPION distribution pattern and synovial oedema. Using 3D semi-automated software, the MR SPION signal was quantified. The efficacy of SPIONs and gadolinium chelate (Gd), an MR contrast agent, in illustrating treatment effects were compared. Those results were confirmed through histological measurements of number and area of macrophages and nanoparticle clusters using CD68 immunostaining and Prussian blue staining respectively.


Results show that the pattern and the intensity of SPION-labeled macrophages on MRI were altered by Dexa treatment. While the Dexa group had a uniform elliptical line surrounding an oedema pocket, the untreated group showed a diffused SPION distribution on day 6 post-induction. Dexa reduced the intensity of SPION signal 50-60% on days 10 and 13 compared to controls (P = 0.00008 and 0.002 respectively). Similar results were found when the signal was measured by the 3D tool. On day 13, the persisting low grade arthritis progression could not be demonstrated by Gd. Analysis of knee samples by Prussian blue and CD68 immunostaining confirmed in vivo SPION uptake by macrophages. Furthermore, CD68 immunostaining revealed that Dexa treatment significantly decreased the area and number of synovial macrophages. Prussian blue quantification corresponded to the macrophage measurements and both were in agreement with the MRI findings.


We have demonstrated the feasibility of MRI tracking of in vivo SPION-labeled macrophages to assess RA treatment effects.  相似文献   
In continuation of our previous work, fused steroidal derivatives with pyrane, pyridine, pyrimidine moieties were synthesized and evaluated as androgenic-anabolic agents. Some of the newly synthesized compounds are exhibited pronounced androgenic-anabolic activities.  相似文献   


Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is rising in middle income countries. Population based strategies to reduce specific CHD risk factors have an important role to play in reducing overall CHD mortality. Reducing dietary salt consumption is a potentially cost-effective way to reduce CHD events. This paper presents an economic evaluation of population based salt reduction policies in Tunisia, Syria, Palestine and Turkey.

Methods and Findings

Three policies to reduce dietary salt intake were evaluated: a health promotion campaign, labelling of food packaging and mandatory reformulation of salt content in processed food. These were evaluated separately and in combination. Estimates of the effectiveness of salt reduction on blood pressure were based on a literature review. The reduction in mortality was estimated using the IMPACT CHD model specific to that country. Cumulative population health effects were quantified as life years gained (LYG) over a 10 year time frame. The costs of each policy were estimated using evidence from comparable policies and expert opinion including public sector costs and costs to the food industry. Health care costs associated with CHDs were estimated using standardized unit costs. The total cost of implementing each policy was compared against the current baseline (no policy). All costs were calculated using 2010 PPP exchange rates. In all four countries most policies were cost saving compared with the baseline. The combination of all three policies (reducing salt consumption by 30%) resulted in estimated cost savings of $235,000,000 and 6455 LYG in Tunisia; $39,000,000 and 31674 LYG in Syria; $6,000,000 and 2682 LYG in Palestine and $1,3000,000,000 and 378439 LYG in Turkey.


Decreasing dietary salt intake will reduce coronary heart disease deaths in the four countries. A comprehensive strategy of health education and food industry actions to label and reduce salt content would save both money and lives.  相似文献   
We have recently shown that thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) is required for VEGF-mediated VEGFR2 receptor activation and angiogenic signal. Retinas from TXNIP knockout mice (TKO) exhibited higher cellular antioxidant defense compared to wild type (WT). This study aimed to examine the impact of TXNIP deletion on hyperoxia-induced vaso-obliteration in ischemic retinopathy. TKO and WT pups were subjected to oxygen-induced retinopathy model. Retinal central capillary dropout was measured at p12. Retinal redox and nitrative state were assessed by reduced-glutathione (GSH), thioredoxin reductase activity and nitrotyrosine formation. Western blot and QT-PCR were used to assess VEGF, VEGFR-2, Akt, iNOS and eNOS, thioredoxin expression, ASK-1 activation and downstream cleaved caspase-3 and PARP in retinal lysates. Retinas from TKO mice exposed to hyperoxia showed significant increases (1.5-fold) in vaso-obliteration as indicated by central capillary drop out area compared to WT. Retinas from TKO showed minimal nitrotyrosine levels (10% of WT) with no change in eNOS or iNOS mRNA expression. There was no change in levels of VEGF or activation of VEGFR2 and its downstream Akt in retinas from TKO and WT. In comparison to WT, retinas from TKO showed significantly higher level of GSH and thioredoxin reductase activity in normoxia but comparable levels under hyperoxia. Exposure of TKO to hyperoxia significantly decreased the anti-apoptotic thioredoxin protein (∼50%) level compared with WT. This effect was associated with a significant increase in activation of the apoptotic ASK-1, PARP and caspase-3 pathway. Our results showed that despite comparable VEGF level and signal in TKO, exposure to hyperoxia significantly decreased Trx expression compared to WT. This effect resulted in liberation and activation of the apoptotic ASK-1 signal. These findings suggest that TXNIP is required for endothelial cell survival and homeostasis especially under stress conditions including hyperoxia.  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder mostly affecting the aging population over sixty. Cardinal symptoms including, tremors, muscle rigidity, drooping posture, drooling, walking difficulty, and autonomic symptoms appear when a significant number of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons are already destroyed. Hence we need early, sensitive, specific, and economical peripheral and/or central biomarker(s) for the differential diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of PD. These can be classified as clinical, biochemical, genetic, proteomic, and neuroimaging biomarkers. Novel discoveries of genetic as well as nongenetic biomarkers may be utilized for the personalized treatment of PD during preclinical (premotor) and clinical (motor) stages. Premotor biomarkers including hyper-echogenicity of substantia nigra, olfactory and autonomic dysfunction, depression, hyposmia, deafness, REM sleep disorder, and impulsive behavior may be noticed during preclinical stage. Neuroimaging biomarkers (PET, SPECT, MRI), and neuropsychological deficits can facilitate differential diagnosis. Single-cell profiling of dopaminergic neurons has identified pyridoxal kinase and lysosomal ATPase as biomarker genes for PD prognosis. Promising biomarkers include: fluid biomarkers, neuromelanin antibodies, pathological forms of α-Syn, DJ-1, amyloid β and tau in the CSF, patterns of gene expression, metabolomics, urate, as well as protein profiling in the blood and CSF samples. Reduced brain regional N-acetyl-aspartate is a biomarker for the in vivo assessment of neuronal loss using magnetic resonance spectroscopy and T2 relaxation time with MRI. To confirm PD diagnosis, the PET biomarkers include [18F]-DOPA for estimating dopaminergic neurotransmission, [18F]dG for mitochondrial bioenergetics, [18F]BMS for mitochondrial complex-1, [11C](R)-PK11195 for microglial activation, SPECT imaging with 123Iflupane and βCIT for dopamine transporter, and urinary salsolinol and 8-hydroxy, 2-deoxyguanosine for neuronal loss. This brief review describes the merits and limitations of recently discovered biomarkers and proposes coenzyme Q10, mitochondrial ubiquinone-NADH oxidoreductase, melatonin, α-synculein index, Charnoly body, and metallothioneins as novel biomarkers to confirm PD diagnosis for early and effective treatment of PD.  相似文献   
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