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The recombinant enzyme lichenase of size 30 kDa was over-expressed using E. coli cells and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and size exclusion chromatography. The enzyme displayed high activity towards lichenan and β-glucan. The enzyme showed no activity towards carboxymethyl cellulose, laminarin, galactomannan or glucomannan. Surprisingly, affinity-gel electrophoresis on native-PAGE showed that the enzyme binds only glucomannan and not lichenan or β-glucan or other manno-configured substrates. The enzyme was thermally stable between the temperatures 60°C and 70°C. Presence of Cu2+ ions at a concentration of 5 mM enhanced enzyme activity by 10% but higher concentrations of Cu2+ (>25 mM) showed a sharp fall in the enzyme activity. Heavy metal ions Ni2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ did not affect the activity of the enzyme at low concentrations (0–10 mM) but at higher concentrations (>10 mM), caused a decrease in the enzyme activity. The crystals of lichenase were produced and the 3-dimensional structure of native form of enzyme was previously solved at 1.50 Å. Lichenase displayed (β/α)8-fold a common fold among many glycoside hydrolase families. A cleft was identified that represented the probable location of active site.  相似文献   
Ability of the full length NAIP and its BIR3 domain in inhibition of the proteases of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway was investigated. Activity of endogenous executioner caspases was drastically reduced by both recombinant NAIP-BIR3 (NBIR3) and the full length protein. Western blotting experiments showed that the full length NAIP and its BIR3 domain inhibited the cleavage of procaspase-3 by apoptosome activated caspase-9. Moreover, full length NAIP inhibited autocatalytic processing of procaspase-9 in the apoptosome complex indicating that unlike other inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) human NAIP is an inhibitor of procaspase-9. Furthermore, inhibition of single-chain caspase-9 (human caspase-9, D315, D330/A point mutations that abrogate the proteolytic processing but not the catalytic activity of caspase-9) by the BIR3 domain indicated that the this domain is the caspase-9 interacting moiety. Consistently, pull-down experiments of single-chain capsase-9 in apoptosome complex by the NBIR3 but not the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP)-BIR3 domain confirmed that the protein can associate with procaspase-9 prior to its autoproteolysis upon apoptosome formation. Interaction studies revealed the association of C338W variant of the NBIR3, but not the wild type protein with both SMAC-peptide and the SMAC protein. These data indicate that mutation of C338 to Trp is sufficient to accommodate the interaction of NAIP-BIR3 with SMAC-peptide and protein. Taken together, these results demonstrate that NAIP is evolved to prevent apoptosis right at the initiation stage of apoptosome formation and this inhibition cannot be antagonized by SMAC-type proteins.  相似文献   
Recently many researchers have proposed a protective role for morphine against tumor growth and metastasis, especially through induction of apoptosis in tumoral cells. These findings may lead to underestimation of cytotoxic effects of opioid drugs which are usually expected only at high doses. The present study was conducted to clarify whether repeated morphine administration, which is commonly used for relief from chronic pain, would interfere with liver antioxidant defence and hepatocytes vitality. Morphine was injected repeatedly at doses that have been reported to relieve cancer pain and reduce tumor spread in mice (5 and 10 mg/kg/day for nine consecutive days). The changes in hepatic glutathione concentration, its synthesis pathway and enzymatic antioxidant defense revealed the pro-oxidant effects of chronic morphine treatment on the liver. None of these changes were observed in those mice that were co-treated with naltrexone (opioid antagonist) and same doses of morphine. However induction of liver conjugating enzymes following morphine treatment was not receptor mediated. Moreover, chronic morphine treatment induced hepatocytes apoptosis. Interestingly, the apoptotic changes were antagonized by co-administration of either naltrexone or thiol antioxidant. In conclusion, although hepatotoxic effects of morphine at high doses have been reported previously, our findings propose that repeated morphine administration even at lower doses would induce oxidative stress in the liver, which may contribute to induction of apoptosis in hepatocytes. Since many of the observed adverse effects were mediated by opioid receptors, our results suggest that other opioid analgesics should also be used more cautiously.  相似文献   
Climate variability adversely impacts crop production and imposes a major constraint on farming planning, mostly under rainfed conditions, across the world. Considering the recent advances in climate science, many studies are trying to provide a reliable basis for climate, and subsequently agricultural production, forecasts. The El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) is one of the principle sources of interannual climatic variability. In Iran, primarily in the northeast, rainfed cereal yield shows a high annual variability. This study investigated the role played by precipitation, temperature and three climate indices [Arctic Oscillation (AO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and NINO 3.4] in historically observed rainfed crop yields (1983–2005) of both barley and wheat in the northeast of Iran. The results revealed differences in the association between crop yield and climatic factors at different locations. The south of the study area is a very hot location, and the maximum temperature proved to be the limiting and determining factor for crop yields; temperature variability resulted in crop yield variability. For the north of the study area, NINO 3.4 exhibited a clear association trend with crop yields. In central locations, NAO provided a solid basis for the relationship between crop yields and climate factors.  相似文献   
The human eye serves distinctly dual roles in image forming (IF) and non-image-forming (NIF) responses when exposed to light. Whereas IF responses mediate vision, the NIF responses affect various molecular, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral variables. NIF responses can have acute and circadian phase-shifting effects on physiological variables. Both the acute and phase-shifting effects induced by photic stimuli demonstrate short-wavelength sensitivity peaking ≈450-480 nm. In the current study, we examined the molecular, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral effects of completely filtering (0% transmission) all short wavelengths <480 nm and all short wavelengths <460 nm or partially filtering (~30% transmission) <480 nm from polychromatic white light exposure between 2000 and 0800 in healthy individuals. Filtering short wavelengths <480 nm prevented nocturnal light-induced suppression of melatonin secretion, increased cortisol secretion, and disrupted peripheral clock gene expression. Furthermore, subjective alertness, mood, and errors on an objective vigilance task were significantly less impaired at 0800 by filtering wavelengths <480 nm compared with unfiltered nocturnal light exposure. These changes were not associated with significantly increased sleepiness or fatigue compared with unfiltered light exposure. The changes in molecular, endocrine, and neurobehavioral processes were not significantly improved by completely filtering <460 nm or partially filtering <480 nm compared with unfiltered nocturnal light exposure. Repeated light-dark cycle alterations as in rotating nightshifts can disrupt circadian rhythms and induce health disorders. The current data suggest that spectral modulation may provide an effective method of regulating the effects of light on physiological processes.  相似文献   
Here we describe a new method to identify calcium-binding sites in proteins using high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in concert with calcium-directed collision-induced dissociations. Our method does not require any modifications to the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry apparatus, uses standard digestion protocols, and can be applied to existing high-resolution MS data files. In contrast to NMR, our method is applicable to very small amounts of complex protein mixtures (femtomole level). Calcium-bound peptides can be identified using three criteria: (1) the calculated exact mass of the calcium containing peptide; (2) specific dissociations of the calcium-containing peptide from threonine and serine residues; and (3) the very similar retention times of the calcium-containing peptide and the free peptide.Calcium-dependent protein interactions mostly organized in protein networks are responsible for the regulation of cell cycle progression, cell growth, differentiation, secretion, and cytoskeletal organization (13). As many of these proteins are linked to various pathological conditions, they are clinically important. The speed at which calcium can have an interplay between various cellular components is impressive and comes notably detectable in neurological processes and in muscle contraction. Calcium binding sites in proteins can be determined by NMR spectroscopy (4, 5). For example, by such NMR measurements, the Ca2+-binding sites of the tellurite-resistance protein TerD from Klebsiella pneumoniae were found to be formed in part by a highly conserved motif of 13 residues specified by the sequence GDN(R/L)TG(E/A)GDGDDE (4).Although NMR is the gold standard to study calcium binding in proteins, this approach has several drawbacks. For instance, protein size is limited (< 30 kDa) and proteins should be pure and isotopically labeled. In addition, although the information content is high, NMR is relatively insensitive compared with other techniques such as MS and fluorescence spectroscopy, and relatively large quantities of material (typically 0.5 ml at 0.5–1.0 mm in biological samples) are needed, although efforts are devoted to improve sensitivity in NMR, such as stripline NMR (6).In bottom-up proteomics, proteolytic peptides, generated by enzymatic digestion of complex protein mixtures, are sequenced by MS-based methods (MS/MS (7, 8)) using collision-induced dissociations. Because of the even higher complexity of these peptide mixtures, liquid chromatography (LC)1 is used to separate the peptides prior to sequencing. In such an LC-MS/MS procedure, many peptides can be identified belonging to the same protein. It has been stated (9) that by this procedure more peptides are analyzed than strictly necessary for identification purposes, but it can equally well be argued that such large coverages enable more reliable protein identifications; moreover, these larger coverages allow the detection of post-translational modifications, including specific calcium complexation as described here.Considering the need of identifying calcium-bound proteins in complex biological samples at low concentrations, we set out to develop a novel method for detecting Ca2+-binding sites in proteins based on LC-MS.  相似文献   
Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE1) was the first flavin-dependent enzyme identified and characterized in detail by the entire range of physical techniques. Irrespective of this scrutiny, true physiological role of the enzyme remains a mystery. In a recent study, we systematically identified OYE proteins from various fungi and classified them into three classes viz. Class I, II and III. However, there is no information about the structural organization of Class III OYEs, eukaryotic Class II OYEs and Class I OYEs of filamentous fungi. Ascochyta rabiei, a filamentous phytopathogen which causes Ascochyta blight (AB) in chickpea possesses six OYEs (ArOYE1-6) belonging to the three OYE classes. Here we carried out comparative homology modeling of six ArOYEs representing all the three classes to get an in depth idea of structural and functional aspects of fungal OYEs. The predicted 3D structures of A. rabiei OYEs were refined and evaluated using various validation tools for their structural integrity. Analysis of FMN binding environment of Class III OYE revealed novel residues involved in interaction. The ligand para-hydroxybenzaldehyde (PHB) was docked into the active site of the enzymes and interacting residues were analyzed. We observed a unique active site organization of Class III OYE in comparison to Class I and II OYEs. Subsequently, analysis of stereopreference through structural features of ArOYEs was carried out, suggesting differences in R/S selectivity of these proteins. Therefore, our comparative modeling study provides insights into the FMN binding, active site organization and stereopreference of different classes of ArOYEs and indicates towards functional differences of these enzymes. This study provides the basis for future investigations towards the biochemical and functional characterization of these enigmatic enzymes.  相似文献   
Iron-Sulfur (Fe-S) proteins are involved in many biological functions such as electron transport, photosynthesis, regulation of gene expression and enzymatic activities. Biosynthesis and transfer of Fe-S clusters depend on Fe-S clusters assembly processes such as ISC, SUF, NIF, and CIA systems. Unlike other eukaryotes which possess ISC and CIA systems, amitochondriate Entamoeba histolytica has retained NIF & CIA systems for Fe-S cluster assembly in the cytosol. In the present study, we have elucidated interaction between two proteins of E. histolytica CIA system, Cytosolic Fe-S cluster deficient 1 (Cfd1) protein and Nucleotide binding protein 35 (Nbp35). In-silico analysis showed that structural regions ranging from amino acid residues (P33-K35, G131-V135 and I147-E151) of Nbp35 and (G5-V6, M34-D39 and G46-A52) of Cfd1 are involved in the formation of protein-protein complex. Furthermore, Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations study suggested that hydrophobic forces surpass over hydrophilic forces between Nbp35 and Cfd1 and Van-der-Waal interaction plays crucial role in the formation of stable complex. Both proteins were separately cloned, expressed as recombinant fusion proteins in E. coli and purified to homogeneity by affinity column chromatography. Physical interaction between Nbp35 and Cfd1 proteins was confirmed in vitro by co-purification of recombinant Nbp35 with thrombin digested Cfd1 and in vivo by pull down assay and immunoprecipitation. The insilico, in vitro as well as in vivo results prove a stable interaction between these two proteins, supporting the possibility of its involvement in Fe-S cluster transfer to target apo-proteins through CIA machinery in E. histolytica. Our study indicates that initial synthesis of a Fe-S precursor in mitochondria is not necessary for the formation of Cfd1-Nbp35 complex. Thus, Cfd1 and Nbp35 with the help of cytosolic NifS and NifU proteins can participate in the maturation of non-mitosomal Fe-S proteins without any apparent assistance of mitosomes.  相似文献   


Aberrant DNA methylation as the most important reason making epigenetic silencing of genes is a main mechanism of gene inactivation in patients with colorectal cancer. In this study, we decided to identify promoter methylation status of ten genes encoding WNT negative regulators, and measure the expression of DNMT1 enzyme in colorectal cancer samples.


Aberrant methylation of APC gene was statistically significant associated with age over 50 (p = 0.017), DDK3 with male (p < 0.0001), SFRP4, WIF1, and WNT5a with increasing tumor stage (p = 0.004, p = 0.029, and p = 0.004), SFRP4 and WIF1 with tumor differentiation (p = 0.009 and p = 0.031) and SFRP2 and SFRP5 with histological type (p = 0.001 and p = 0.025). The increasing number of methylated genes correlated with the expression levels of the DNMT1 mRNA.


The rate of gene promoter methylation of WNT pathway regulators is high in colorectal cancer cells. Hyper-methylation is associated with increased expression of the DNMT1 enzyme.  相似文献   
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