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Type III IP3 receptor (IP3R3) is one of the common critical calcium-signaling molecules for sweet, umami, and bitter signal transduction in taste cells, and the total IP3R3-expressing cell population represents all cells mediating these taste modalities in the taste buds. Although gustducin, a taste cell-specific G-protein, is also involved in sweet, umami, and bitter signal transduction, the expression of gustducin is restricted to different subsets of IP3R3-expressing cells by location in the tongue. Based on the expression patterns of gustducin and taste receptors in the tongue, the function of gustducin has been implicated primarily in bitter taste in the circumvallate (CV) papillae and in sweet taste in the fungiform (FF) papillae. However, in the soft palate (SP), the expression pattern of gustducin remains unclear and little is known about its function. In the present paper, the expression patterns of gustducin and IP3R3 in taste buds of the SP and tongue papillae in the rat were examined by double-color whole-mount immunohistochemistry. Gustducin was expressed in almost all (96.7%) IP3R3-expressing cells in taste buds of the SP, whereas gustducin-positive cells were 42.4% and 60.1% of IP3R3-expressing cells in FF and CV, respectively. Our data suggest that gustducin is involved in signal transduction of all the tastes of sweet, umami, and bitter in the SP, in contrast to its limited function in the tongue.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll metabolism has been extensively studied with various organisms, and almost all of the chlorophyll biosynthetic genes have been identified in higher plants. However, only the gene for 3,8-divinyl protochlorophyllide a 8-vinyl reductase (DVR), which is indispensable for monovinyl chlorophyll synthesis, has not been identified yet. In this study, we isolated an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant that accumulated divinyl chlorophyll instead of monovinyl chlorophyll by ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis. Map-based cloning of this mutant resulted in the identification of a gene (AT5G18660) that shows sequence similarity with isoflavone reductase genes. The mutant phenotype was complemented by the transformation with the wild-type gene. A recombinant protein encoded by AT5G18660 was expressed in Escherichia coli and found to catalyze the conversion of divinyl chlorophyllide to monovinyl chlorophyllide, thereby demonstrating that the gene encodes a functional DVR. DVR is encoded by a single copy gene in the A. thaliana genome. With the identification of DVR, finally all genes required for chlorophyll biosynthesis have been identified in higher plants. Analysis of the complete genome of A. thaliana showed that it has 15 enzymes encoded by 27 genes for chlorophyll biosynthesis from glutamyl-tRNA(glu) to chlorophyll b. Furthermore, identification of the DVR gene helped understanding the evolution of Prochlorococcus marinus, a marine cyanobacterium that is dominant in the open ocean and is uncommon in using divinyl chlorophylls. A DVR homolog was not found in the genome of P. marinus but found in the Synechococcus sp WH8102 genome, which is consistent with the distribution of divinyl chlorophyll in marine cyanobacteria of the genera Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus.  相似文献   
Hizume K  Yoshimura SH  Takeyasu K 《Biochemistry》2005,44(39):12978-12989
Higher-order architectures of chromosomes play important roles in the regulation of genome functions. To understand the molecular mechanism of genome packing, an in vitro chromatin reconstitution method and a single-molecule imaging technique (atomic force microscopy) were combined. In 50 mM NaCl, well-stretched beads-on-a-string chromatin fiber was observed. However, in 100 mM NaCl, salt-induced interaction between nucleosomes caused partial aggregation. Addition of histone H1 promoted a further folding of the fiber into thicker fibers 20-30 nm in width. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of these thicker fibers produced an approximately 170 bp fragment of nucleosomal DNA, which was approximately 20 bp longer than in the absence of histone H1 ( approximately 150 bp), indicating that H1 is correctly placed at the linker region. The width of the fiber depended on the ionic strength. Widths of 20 nm in 50 mM NaCl became 30 nm as the ionic strength was changed to 100 mM. On the basis of these results, a flexible model of chromatin fiber formation was proposed, where the mode of the fiber compaction changes depending both on salt environment and linker histone H1. The biological significance of this property of the chromatin architecture will be apparent in the closed segments ( approximately 100 kb) between SAR/MAR regions.  相似文献   
Myelination is an essential prerequisite for the nervous system to transmit an impulse efficiently by a saltatory conduction. In the peripheral nervous system (PNS), Schwann cells (SCs) engage in myelination. However, a detailed molecular mechanism underlying myelination still remains unclear. In this study, we hypothesized that the primary cilia of SCs are the regulators of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling-mediated myelination. To confirm our hypothesis, we used mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG)/SC co-cultures, wherein the behavior of SCs could be analyzed by maintaining the interaction of SCs with DRG neurons. Under these conditions, SCs had primary cilia, and Hh signaling molecules accumulated on the primary cilia. When the SCs were stimulated by the addition of desert hedgehog or smoothened agonist, formation of myelin segments on the DRG axons was facilitated. On the contrary, upon administration of cyclopamine, an inhibitor of Hh signaling, myelin segments became comparable to those of controls. Of note, the ratio of SCs harboring primary cilium reached the highest point during the early phase of myelination. Furthermore, the strongest effects of Hh on myelination were encountered during the same stage. These results collectively indicate that Hh signaling regulates myelin formation through primary cilia in the PNS.  相似文献   


The cleavage of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) generates multiple proteins: Soluble β-amyloid Precursor Protein Alpha (sAPPα), sAPPβ, and amyloid β (Aβ). Previous studies have shown that sAPPα and sAPPβ possess neurotrophic properties, whereas Aβ is neurotoxic. However, the underlying mechanism of the opposing effects of APP fragments remains poorly understood. In this study, we have investigated the mechanism of sAPPα-mediated neurotrophic effects. sAPPα and sAPPβ interact with p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), and sAPPα promotes neurite outgrowth.

Methods and Findings

First, we investigated whether APP fragments interact with p75NTR, because full-length APP and Aβ have been shown to interact with p75NTR in vitro. Both sAPPα and sAPPβ were co-immunoprecipitated with p75NTR and co-localized with p75NTR on COS-7 cells. The binding affinity of sAPPα and sAPPβ for p75NTR was confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Next, we investigated the effect of sAPPα on neurite outgrowth in mouse cortical neurons. Neurite outgrowth was promoted by sAPPα, but sAPPα was uneffective in a knockdown of p75NTR.


We conclude that p75NTR is the receptor for sAPPα to mediate neurotrophic effects.  相似文献   
The origin of the notochord is a central issue in chordate evolution. This study examined the development of the acorn worm pygochord, a putative homologue of the notochord. Because the pygochord differentiates only after metamorphosis, the developmental was followed process by inducing regeneration after artificial amputation in Ptychodera flava. It was found that although the regeneration of the posterior part of the body did not proceed via formation of an obvious regeneration bud, pygochord regeneration was observed within a few weeks, possibly via trans-differentiation of endoderm cells. The expression of the fibrillary collagen gene (Fcol) and elav in the pygochord during regeneration was detected. This indicates that pygochord cells are not part of gut epithelial cells, but that they differentiated as a distinct cell type. Our gene expression analyses do not provide supporting evidence for the homology between the pygochord and notochord, but rather favored the convergent evolution between them.  相似文献   
In prion diseases, infectious pathogenic particles that are composed of abnormal prion proteins (PrPSc) accumulate in the brain. PrPSc is biochemically characterized by its protease-resistance core (PrPres), but its structural features have not been fully elucidated. Here, we report that primuline, a fluorescent dye with photosensitization activity, dramatically enhances UV-irradiation-induced SDS-resistant PrPSc/res oligomer formation that can be detected by immunoblot analysis of prion-infected materials. This oligomer formation occurs specifically with PrPSc/res but not with normal prion protein, and it was demonstrated using purified PrPSc/res as well as unpurified materials. The oligomer formation proceeded in both primuline-dose- and UV irradiation time-dependent manners. Treatment with urea or formic acid did not break oligomers into monomers. Neither did the presence of aromatic amino acids modify oligomer formation. Analysis with a panel of anti-prion protein antibodies showed that the antibodies against the N-terminal region of PrPres were less reactive in the dimer than the monomer. These findings suggest that the primuline-sensitized photoreaction enhances intermolecular crosslinking of PrPSc/res molecules at a hydrophobic area of the N-terminal region of PrPres. In the screening of other compounds, photoreactive compounds such as luciferin exhibited a similar but lower activity with respect to oligomer formation than primuline. The enhanced photoreaction with these compounds will be useful for evaluating the structural features of PrPSc/res, especially the interactions between PrPSc/res molecules.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of dietary vitamin E (VE) on oxidative damage to DNA and lipids in the liver a few days after total body irradiation (TBI). ODS rats, which lack vitamin C synthesis, were fed either a low VE diet (4.3 λmg λVE/kg) or a basal VE diet (75.6 λmg λVE/kg) for 5 weeks while vitamin C was supplied in the drinking water. The VE level in the liver of the low VE group was lower and the levels of lipid peroxides were higher compared to those of the basal VE group: the relative levels in the two groups were 1:30 for VE, 18:1 for 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), and 10:1 for hexanal (HA). The level of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a marker of oxidative DNA damage, did not differ between the low VE and the basal VE groups. When the rats received TBI at the dose of 3 λGy and were killed on day 6, the levels of HNE, HA and 8OHdG increased by 2.2-, 2-, and 1.5-times, respectively, in the low VE group, but TBI did not cause such increases in the basal VE group. Changes in antioxidative enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and Cu/Zn-SOD) in the liver could not explain the different responses of the two diet groups to TBI-induced oxidative damage. The concentrations of vitamin C and glutathione in the liver did not differ between the two groups. These results suggest that dietary VE can prevent the oxidative damage to DNA and lipids in the liver which appear a few days after TBI at dose of 3 λGy.  相似文献   
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