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Plant populations at high elevation face extreme climatic conditions and resource limitations. The existence of distylous species at different elevations can help us investigate their adaptation to high altitudes, the evolution of their morphological characteristics, as well as their responses to limited resources. Here, 17 populations of Primula nivalis at different elevations were evaluated regarding variations in plant morphological characteristics, biomass allocation, and morphological plasticity in a heterogeneous environment. Our results demonstrate that heterogeneous environments can affect plant morphological characteristics and resource allocation in each sexual morph of these plants. Moreover, environmental variations reduced morphological plasticity in the two plant morphs, and the plasticity of long style (LS) plants was greater than that of short style (SS) plants. There were significant negative correlations between morphological characteristics and elevation, rainfall, temperature, and sunshine, and these are the main variables that affect morphological characteristics and resource allocation of both morphs of P. nivalis plants in heterogeneous environments. The morphological characteristics of P. nivalis plants transplanted from high to lower elevations were not significantly different in either population. LS plants had greater morphological plasticity and adaptability in heterogeneous environments than SS plants. Elevational gradients and heterogeneous environments differentiated both morphs of P. nivalis plants with regards to morphology as well as adaptations. LS plants showed a higher level of adaptability than SS plants.  相似文献   
无花果(Ficus carica)是世界上驯化最早的果树之一,也是我国引入最早且现在仍在大规模种植的果树之一。新疆是我国无花果的最早种植地,也是目前种植面积最大的规模化生产地,而阿图什地区又是新疆的无花果主产区。为明确现有无花果品种,保护和传承少数民族的无花果应用传统知识,本研究采用民族植物学和植物分类学方法,对阿图什地区的无花果进行实地采集,走访调查当地维吾尔族群众,记录无花果的当地民间应用方式。结果显示阿图什地区栽培的无花果地方品种有:早熟无花果、黄无花果、小圆黄无花果及晚熟无花果等5个品种。阿图什地区维吾尔族民间流传着无花果的很多传统"民间处方",与其他植物配伍,在医药上有很多作用。此外,在庭园绿化上也大量应用无花果,具有很好的观赏效果。对阿图什地区维吾尔族民间无花果传统利用进行调研,有利于深度开发无花果资源,也将对维吾尔族植物传统知识的研究产生影响。  相似文献   
喀什霸王(Zygophyllum kaschgaricum)是生长于中国新疆南部荒漠环境的稀有种及二级保护植物。当前, 该物种在自然种群中呈分散式及片段化分布, 且种群密度低, 种群老龄化较严重。因此, 为了了解该物种种子萌发特性及其对荒漠环境的响应, 该文采用室内控制实验方法, 对该物种的自然坐果率、结籽率、种子吸水特性、种子休眠和萌发特性及对干旱胁迫的响应进行了比较研究。结果表明: 喀什霸王在自然种群中的坐果率及结籽率较低, 且种子的败育率较高。不同干藏时间种子的吸水速率间存在显著差异; 随着干藏时间的延长, 种子的吸水率逐步增强。刚成熟的种子在不同温度及光周期下均可萌发; 其中高温(10/20 ℃, 20/30 ℃)及黑暗条件下的萌发率比低温(10/5 ℃, 5/2 ℃)及光照条件下的萌发率高。不同干藏时间的种子在不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)下的萌发率均较高; 但低温储藏时间对该物种种子的打破休眠及萌发率没有促进作用。以上结果说明该物种存在非深度生理休眠; 而干藏时间、高温且黑暗及高浓度(50 mmoloL -1) GA3是打破休眠及促进种子萌发的最合适条件。高温条件下的干旱胁迫对喀什霸王种子萌发具有抑制作用; 春季和秋季降水量决定种子的萌发率。总之, 喀什霸王种子在物候上表现出的春秋季萌动及非深度生理休眠以提高幼苗存活力及保障种群稳定性, 是一种对新疆南部干旱及高温胁迫荒漠环境的适应策略。  相似文献   
Pollinator shift and its influence on floral traits have been well documented to explain the diversity of angiosperms, but such effects are still less known at the intraspecific level, especially the responses of different morphs of distylous plants. We hypothesized that the pollen transfer efficiency would decrease if the pollinator shifted from a long-tongued to short-tongued insect across populations, and plants would evolve towards selfing in response to the stressed pollination environment. Given the gender specialization between flower morphs, the long styled (L-morph) plants would increase female reproduction. Our study showed that the short-tongued Bombus tianshanicus, the most-visit pollinator in high elevation populations of distylous Primula nivalis, was less efficient in pollen transfer than long-tongued Bombylius major. The plants evolved to promote selfing through reducing the anther–stigma separation and increasing intramorph self-compatibility. The hand pollination experiment showed that after intramorph selfing, the fruit set and seed set increased with increasing elevation. Moreover, anther and stigma were closer in the L-morph than in the short styled (S-morph) plants, and the L-morphs showed higher pollen transfer efficiency than the S-morphs. Along with increased self-compatibility, the fruit set and seed set of L-morph plants were significantly higher than those of S-morph plants. We described the pollinator shifts along an elevation gradient in a distylous plant and the response of plants by promoting selfing, which confirmed our hypothesis and supported the pollinator-shift model. Our study also highlighted the different response in self-compatibility between flower morphs.  相似文献   
Ficus carica, one of the earliest cultivated fruit trees, was introduced into China more than 2000 years ago and is cultivated until present time. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is the earliest and largest area with Fcarica plantations, Atux being the main production area. To protect and further propagate traditional use of Fcarica by minorities, and to identify the cultivated varieties in Atux, we collected fruits and leaves of Fcarica, interviewed Uygur ethnic people and recorded traditional utilization. Our analyses were based on ethnobotany and phytotaxonomy methods. Results showed that there are five cultivated varieties in Atux town, described here as early maturing type, yellowish type, small ball type, oval yellowish type and late maturing type. Fcarica and other plants are used by Uygur ethnic people in Atux to effectively and safely treat some diseases. Moreover, Fcarica in used as an ornamental tree in landscaping. Studies on traditional utilization of Fcarica in Atux area will deepen our knowlegde about plant resources use and development and will also stimulate research on traditional plant use among Uygur ethnic people.  相似文献   
以同域分布于新疆南部的早春开花植物短穗柽柳(Tamarix laxa Willd)和紫杆柽柳(T.androssowii Litw)为材料,对它们的开花式样、花部特征、花报酬特点、传粉特性及交配方式进行比较研究。结果表明,2种植物居群和个体水平的花期及单花寿命间存在显著差异;紫杆柽柳的居群花期比短穗柽柳短,而短穗柽柳个体花期和单花寿命比紫杆柽柳长。2种柽柳的花瓣、雌雄蕊长度、花粉胚珠数及花粉/胚珠比值(P/O)间也存在显著差异。二者的花瓣、雌雄蕊均能分泌香味,访花频率与花蜜量均存在正相关。主要传粉者在短穗柽柳上的访花频率和沉积花粉效率高于紫杆柽柳,且存在显著差异。2种植物通过自花和异花授粉均可结实,属于混合交配系统;二者的自交不亲和指数及花粉限制程度间存在显著差异;紫杆柽柳的自交亲和性高于短穗柽柳,而短穗柽柳的花粉限制指数高于紫杆柽柳。因此,2种柽柳的开花式样、花部特征及花报酬的差异,是它们在传粉者受限的早春环境中为吸引更多的访花昆虫、提高雌性繁殖率所形成的繁殖对策。  相似文献   
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