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Recent data suggest that endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are involved in recanalizing venous thrombi. We examined the impact of a fibrin network, and particularly of adsorbed thrombin, on EPCs derived from cord blood CD34(+) cells. Fibrin networks generated in microplates by adding CaCl(2) to platelet-depleted plasma retained adsorbed thrombin at the average concentration of 4.2 nM per well. EPCs expressed high levels of endothelial cell protein C receptor and thrombomodulin, allowing the generation of activated protein C on the fibrin matrix in the presence of exogenous human protein C. The fibrin matrix induced significant EPC proliferation and, when placed in the lower chamber of a Boyden device, strongly enhanced EPC migration. These effects were partly inhibited by hirudin by 41% and 66%, respectively), which suggests that fibrin-adsorbed thrombin interacts with EPCs via the thrombin receptor PAR-1. Finally, spontaneous lysis of the fibrin network, studied by measuring D-dimer release into the supernatant, was inhibited by EPCs but not by control mononuclear cells. Such an effect was associated with a 10-fold increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) secretion by EPCs cultivated in fibrin matrix. Overall, our data show that EPCs, in addition to their angiogenic potential, have both anticoagulant and antifibrinolytic properties. Thrombin may modulate these properties and contribute to thrombus recanalization by EPCs.  相似文献   
Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) is a N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) binding lectin found in the albumen gland of the roman snail. As a constituent of perivitelline fluid, HPA protects fertilized eggs from bacteria and is part of the innate immunity system of the snail. The peptide sequence deduced from gene cloning demonstrates that HPA belongs to a family of carbohydrate-binding proteins recently identified in several invertebrates. This domain is also present in discoidin from the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Investigation of the lectin specificity was performed with the use of glycan arrays, demonstrating that several GalNAc-containing oligosaccharides are bound and rationalizing the use of this lectin as a cancer marker. Titration microcalorimetry performed on the interaction between HPA and GalNAc indicates an affinity in the 10(-4) M range with an enthalpy-driven binding mechanism. The crystal structure of HPA demonstrates the occurrence of a new beta-sandwich lectin fold. The hexameric quaternary state was never observed previously for a lectin. The high resolution structure complex of HPA with GalNAc characterizes a new carbohydrate binding site and rationalizes the observed preference for alphaGalNAc-containing oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
Recombinant soluble CD134 (sCD134) facilitated feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) entry into CXCR4-positive, cell surface CD134-negative target cells. sCD134-activated entry was dose dependent and CXCR4 dependent. We used the sCD134 activation system to explore the neutralization by four anti-V3 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). V3 MAbs weakly neutralized FIV infection using target cells expressing both CD134 and CXCR4 but potently inhibited sCD134-activated entry into target cells expressing CXCR4 alone. These findings provide direct evidence for a sequential interaction of FIV Env with CD134 and CXCR4 and reveal the presence of a cryptic epitope in V3 that is masked in the mature envelope oligomers.  相似文献   
We have used feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) protease (PR) as a mutational system to study the molecular basis of substrate-inhibitor specificity for lentivirus PRs, with a focus on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) PR. Our previous mutagenesis studies demonstrated that discrete substitutions in the active site of FIV PR with structurally equivalent residues of HIV-1 PR dramatically altered the specificity of the mutant PRs in in vitro analyses. Here, we have expanded these studies to analyze the specificity changes in each mutant FIV PR expressed in the context of the natural Gag-Pol polyprotein ex vivo. Expression mutants were prepared in which 4 to 12 HIV-1-equivalent substitutions were made in FIV PR, and cleavage of each Gag-Pol polyprotein was then assessed in pseudovirions from transduced cells. The findings demonstrated that, as with in vitro analyses, inhibitor specificities of the mutants showed increased HIV-1 PR character when analyzed against the natural substrate. In addition, all of the mutant PRs still processed the FIV polyprotein but the apparent order of processing was altered relative to that observed with wild-type FIV PR. Given the importance of the order in which Gag-Pol is processed, these findings likely explain the failure to produce infectious FIVs bearing these mutations.  相似文献   
There is compelling evidence that motor imagery contributes to improved motor performance, and recent work showed that dynamic motor imagery (dMI) might provide additional benefits by comparison with traditional MI practice. However, the efficacy of motor imagery in different states of physical fatigue remains largely unknown, especially as imagery accuracy may be hampered by the physical fatigue states elicited by training. We investigated the effect of static motor imagery (sMI) and dMI on free-throw accuracy in 10 high-level basketball athletes, both in a non-fatigued state (Experiment 1) and immediately after an incremental running test completed until exhaustion (20m shuttle run-test–Experiment 2). We collected perceived exhaustion and heart rate to quantify the subjective experience of fatigue and energy expenditure. We found that dMI brought better shooting performance than sMI, except when athletes were physically exhausted. These findings shed light on the conditions eliciting optimal use of sMI and dMI. In particular, considering that the current physical state affects body representation, performing dMI under fatigue may result in mismatches between actual and predicted body states.  相似文献   
Borna disease virus (BDV), the prototypic member of the family Bornaviridae within the order Mononegavirales, provides an important model for the investigation of viral persistence within the central nervous system (CNS) and of associated brain disorders. BDV is highly neurotropic and enters its target cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process mediated by the virus surface glycoprotein (G), but the cellular factors and pathways determining BDV cell tropism within the CNS remain mostly unknown. Cholesterol has been shown to influence viral infections via its effects on different viral processes, including replication, budding, and cell entry. In this work, we show that cell entry, but not replication and gene expression, of BDV was drastically inhibited by depletion of cellular cholesterol levels. BDV G-mediated attachment to BDV-susceptible cells was cholesterol independent, but G localized to lipid rafts (LR) at the plasma membrane. LR structure and function critically depend on cholesterol, and hence, compromised structural integrity and function of LR caused by cholesterol depletion likely inhibited the initial stages of BDV cell internalization. Furthermore, we also show that viral-envelope cholesterol is required for BDV infectivity.Borna disease virus (BDV) is an enveloped virus with a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA genome whose organization (3′-N-p10/P-M-G-L-5′) is characteristic of mononegaviruses (6, 28, 46, 48). However, based on its unique genetics and biological features, BDV is considered to be the prototypic member of a new virus family, Bornaviridae, within the order Mononegavirales (8, 28, 46, 49).BDV can infect a variety of cell types in cell culture but in vivo exhibits exquisite neurotropism and causes central nervous system (CNS) disease in different vertebrate species, which is frequently manifested in behavioral abnormalities (19, 33, 44, 53). Both host and viral factors contribute to a variable period of incubation and heterogeneity in the symptoms and pathology associated with BDV infection (14, 16, 29, 42, 44). BDV provides an important model for the investigation of both immune-mediated pathological events associated with virus-induced neurological disease and mechanisms whereby noncytolytic viruses induce neurodevelopmental and behavioral disturbances in the absence of inflammation (15, 18, 41). Moreover, serological data and molecular epidemiological studies suggest that BDV, or a BDV-like virus, can infect humans and that it might be associated with certain neuropsychiatric disorders (17, 24), which further underscores the interest in understanding the mechanisms underlying BDV persistence in the CNS and its effect on brain cell functions. The achievement of these goals will require the elucidation of the determinants of BDV cell tropism within the CNS.BDV enters its target cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process in which the BDV G protein plays a central role (1, 5, 13, 14, 39). Cleavage of BDV G by the cellular protease furin generates two functional subunits: GP1 (GPN), involved in virus interaction with a yet-unidentified cell surface receptor (1, 39), and GP2 (GPC), which mediates a pH-dependent fusion event between viral and cellular membranes (13). However, a detailed characterization of cellular factors and pathways involved in BDV cell entry remains to be done.Besides cell surface molecules that serve as viral receptors, many other cell factors, including nonproteinaceous molecules, can influence cell entry by virus (52). In this regard, cholesterol, which plays a critical role in cellular homeostasis (55), has also been identified as a key factor required for productive infection by different viruses. Accordingly, cholesterol participates in a variety of processes in virus-infected cells, including fusion events between viral and cellular membranes (3), viral replication (23), and budding (35, 37), as well as maintenance of lipid rafts (LR) (12) as scaffold structures where the viral receptor and coreceptor associate (11, 26, 32, 36). LR are specialized microdomains within cellular membranes constituted principally of proteins, sphingolipids, and cholesterol. LR facilitate the close proximity and interaction of specific sets of proteins and contribute to different processes associated with virus multiplication (38). Cholesterol can also influence virus infection by contributing to the maintenance of the properties of the viral envelope required for virus particle infectivity (21, 54). Here, we show for the first time that cholesterol plays a critical role in BDV infection. Depletion of cellular cholesterol prior to, but not after, BDV cell entry prevented productive BDV infection, likely due to disruption of plasma membrane LR that appear to be the cell entry point for BDV. In addition, we document that cholesterol also plays an essential role in the properties of the BDV envelope required for virus particle infectivity.  相似文献   
HSV-2 vaccine is needed to prevent genital disease, latent infection, and virus transmission. A replication-deficient mutant virus (dl5-29) has demonstrated promising efficacy in animal models of genital herpes. However, the immunogenicity, protective efficacy, and non-replicative status of the highly purified clinical vaccine candidate (HSV529) derived from dl5-29 have not been evaluated. Humoral and cellular immune responses were measured in mice and guinea pigs immunized with HSV529. Protection against acute and recurrent genital herpes, mortality, latent infection, and viral shedding after vaginal HSV-2 infection was determined in mice or in naïve and HSV-1 seropositive guinea pigs. HSV529 replication and pathogenicity were investigated in three sensitive models of virus replication: severe combined immunodeficient (SCID/Beige) mice inoculated by the intramuscular route, suckling mice inoculated by the intracranial route, and vaginally-inoculated guinea pigs. HSV529 immunization induced HSV-2-neutralizing antibody production in mice and guinea pigs. In mice, it induced production of specific HSV-2 antibodies and splenocytes secreting IFNγ or IL-5. Immunization effectively prevented HSV-2 infection in all three animal models by reducing mortality, acute genital disease severity and frequency, and viral shedding. It also reduced ganglionic viral latency and recurrent disease in naïve and HSV-1 seropositive guinea pigs. HSV529 replication/propagation was not detected in the muscles of SCID/Beige mice, in the brains of suckling mice, or in vaginal secretions of inoculated guinea pigs. These results confirm the non-replicative status, as well as its immunogenicity and efficacy in mice and guinea pigs, including HSV-1 seropositive guinea pigs. In mice, HSV529 produced Th1/Th2 characteristic immune response thought to be necessary for an effective vaccine. These results further support the clinical investigation of HSV529 in human subjects as a prophylactic vaccine.  相似文献   


TRAIL/Apo2L is a pro-apoptotic ligand of the TNF family that engages the apoptotic machinery through two pro-apoptotic receptors, TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2. This cell death program is tightly controlled by two antagonistic receptors, TRAIL-R3 and TRAIL-R4, both devoid of a functional death domain, an intracellular region of the receptor, required for the recruitment and the activation of initiator caspases. Upon TRAIL-binding, TRAIL-R4 forms a heteromeric complex with the agonistic receptor TRAIL-R2 leading to reduced caspase-8 activation and apoptosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We provide evidence that TRAIL-R4 can also exhibit, in a ligand independent manner, signaling properties in the cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa, through Akt. Ectopic expression of TRAIL-R4 in HeLa cells induced morphological changes, with cell rounding, loss of adherence and markedly enhanced cell proliferation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Disruption of the PI3K/Akt pathway using the pharmacological inhibitor LY294002, siRNA targeting the p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, or by PTEN over-expression, partially restored TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in these cells. Moreover, the Akt inhibitor, LY294002, restituted normal cell proliferation index in HeLa cells expressing TRAIL-R4.


Altogether, these results indicate that, besides its ability to directly inhibit TRAIL-induced cell death at the membrane, TRAIL-R4 can also trigger the activation of signaling pathways leading to cell survival and proliferation in HeLa cells. Our findings raise the possibility that TRAIL-R4 may contribute to cervical carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
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