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Escherichia coli DH10B was designed for the propagation of large insert DNA library clones. It is used extensively, taking advantage of properties such as high DNA transformation efficiency and maintenance of large plasmids. The strain was constructed by serial genetic recombination steps, but the underlying sequence changes remained unverified. We report the complete genomic sequence of DH10B by using reads accumulated from the bovine sequencing project at Baylor College of Medicine and assembled with DNAStar's SeqMan genome assembler. The DH10B genome is largely colinear with that of the wild-type K-12 strain MG1655, although it is substantially more complex than previously appreciated, allowing DH10B biology to be further explored. The 226 mutated genes in DH10B relative to MG1655 are mostly attributable to the extensive genetic manipulations the strain has undergone. However, we demonstrate that DH10B has a 13.5-fold higher mutation rate than MG1655, resulting from a dramatic increase in insertion sequence (IS) transposition, especially IS150. IS elements appear to have remodeled genome architecture, providing homologous recombination sites for a 113,260-bp tandem duplication and an inversion. DH10B requires leucine for growth on minimal medium due to the deletion of leuLABCD and harbors both the relA1 and spoT1 alleles causing both sensitivity to nutritional downshifts and slightly lower growth rates relative to the wild type. Finally, while the sequence confirms most of the reported alleles, the sequence of deoR is wild type, necessitating reexamination of the assumed basis for the high transformability of DH10B.  相似文献   
We present an updated account of breast cancer treatment and of progress toward “precision” cancer therapy; we focus on new developments in diagnostic molecular pathology and breast cancer that have emerged during the past 2 years. Increasing awareness of new prognostic and predictive methodologies, and introduction of next generation sequencing has increased understanding of both tumor biology and clinical behavior, which offers the possibility of more appropriate therapeutic choices. It remains unclear which of these testing methodologies provides the most informative and cost-effective actionable results for predictive and prognostic pathology. It is likely, however, that an integrated “step-wise” approach that uses the traditional clinical-pathologic paradigms coordinated with molecular characterization of breast tumor tissue, will offer the most comprehensive and cost-effective options for individualized, “precision” therapy for patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   
Gibberellins (GAs) were identified and quantified during flower and fruit development in the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger L.), a native of southeastern Europe with a long international horticultural tradition. Physiologically, the plant differs from popular model species in two major respects: (1) following anthesis, the initially white or rose perianth (formed in this species by the sepals) turns green and persists until fruit ripening, and (2) the seed is shed with an immature embryo, a miniature endosperm, and a prominent perisperm as the main storage tissue. GA1 and GA4 were identified by full-scan mass spectra as the major bioactive GAs in sepals and fruit. LC-MS/MS system in accord with previously verified protocols also afforded analytical data on 12 precursors and metabolites of GAs. In the fruit, GA4 peaked during rapid pericarp growth and embryo development and GA1 peaked during the subsequent period of rapid nutrient accumulation in the seeds and continued pericarp enlargement. In the sepals, the flux through the GA biosynthetic pathway was highest prior to the light green stage when the photosynthetic system was induced. Unfertilized, depistillated, and deseeded flowers became less green than the seed-bearing controls; chlorophyll accumulation could be restored by applying GA1, GA4, and, less efficiently, GA3 to the deseeded fruit. The sepals of unfertilized and depistillated flowers indeed contained very low levels of GA4 and gradually decreasing levels of GA1. However, the concentrations of their precursors and metabolites were less affected. These data suggest that a signal(s) from the fruit stimulates GA biosynthesis in the sepals resulting in greening. The fruit-derived GAs appear to be mainly involved in pericarp growth and seed development.  相似文献   
In pea (Pisum sativum), normal fruit growth requires the presence of the seeds. The coordination of growth between the seed and ovary tissues involves phytohormones; however, the specific mechanisms remain speculative. This study further explores the roles of the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis and catabolism genes during pollination and fruit development and in seed and auxin regulation of pericarp growth. Pollination and fertilization events not only increase pericarp PsGA3ox1 message levels (codes for GA 3-oxidase that converts GA20 to bioactive GA1) but also reduce pericarp PsGA2ox1 mRNA levels (codes for GA 2-oxidase that mainly catabolizes GA20 to GA29), suggesting a concerted regulation to increase levels of bioactive GA1 following these events. 4-Chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA) was found to mimic the seeds in the stimulation of PsGA3ox1 and the repression of PsGA2ox1 mRNA levels as well as the stimulation of PsGA2ox2 mRNA levels (codes for GA 2-oxidase that mainly catabolizes GA1 to GA8) in pericarp at 2 to 3 d after anthesis, while the other endogenous pea auxin, IAA, did not. This GA gene expression profile suggests that both seeds and 4-Cl-IAA can stimulate the production, as well as modulate the half-life, of bioactive GA1, leading to initial fruit set and subsequent growth and development of the ovary. Consistent with these gene expression profiles, deseeded pericarps converted [14C]GA12 to [14C]GA1 only if treated with 4-Cl-IAA. These data further support the hypothesis that 4-Cl-IAA produced in the seeds is transported to the pericarp, where it differentially regulates the expression of pericarp GA biosynthesis and catabolism genes to modulate the level of bioactive GA1 required for initial fruit set and growth.  相似文献   
DNA microarrays are being used to comprehensively examine gene expression networks during the plant defense response that is triggered when a plant encounters a pathogen or an elicitor molecule. In addition to identifying new genes induced during defense, these studies are providing new insights into the complex pathways governing defense gene regulation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: More than 75% of the total area of Ethiopia is malarious, making malaria the leading public health problem in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate and the associated socio-economic, geographic and demographic factors of malaria based on the rapid diagnosis test (RDT) survey results. METHODS: From December 2006 to January 2007, a baseline malaria indicator survey in Amhara, Oromiya and Southern Nation Nationalities and People (SNNP) regions of Ethiopia was conducted by The Carter Center. This study uses this data. The method of generalized linear model was used to analyse the data and the response variable was the presence or absence of malaria using the rapid diagnosis test (RDT). RESULTS: The analyses show that the RDT result was significantly associated with age and gender. Other significant covariates confounding variables are source of water, trip to obtain water, toilet facility, total number of rooms, material used for walls, and material used for roofing. The prevalence of malaria for households with clean water found to be less. Malaria rapid diagnosis found to be higher for thatch and stick/mud roof and earth/local dung plaster floor. Moreover, spraying anti-malaria to the house was found to be one means of reducing the risk of malaria. Furthermore, the housing condition, source of water and its distance, gender, and ages in the households were identified in order to have two-way interaction effects. CONCLUSION: Individuals with poor socio-economic conditions are positively associated with malaria infection. Improving the housing condition of the household is one of the means of reducing the risk of malaria. Children and female household members are the most vulnerable to the risk of malaria. Such information is essential to design improved strategic intervention for the reduction of malaria epidemic in Ethiopia.  相似文献   
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