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We produced aggregate chimeric embryos between blastomeres from the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos and blastomeres from normal embryos. The SCNT embryos were produced by fusing enucleated oocytes with GFP gene introduced fibroblast cells, which were derived from a day 16 fetus. GFP gene-introduced fibroblast cells were cultured and passaged four to 12 times over a period of 45-79 days before SCNT. After transferring them into pseudopregnant recipient rabbits, the 15-day postcoitus fetuses were collected. We examined the existence of the cells derived from SCNT embryos in the fetus stage of pregnancy to detect the GFP gene. Fetuses that were not collected continued to develop into newborn rabbits. Two hundred and thirty-six chimeric embryos were produced using 39 SCNT morula stage embryos, and these embryos were transferred to 11 recipient rabbits. As a result, 27 normally developed and 16 degenerated concepti were obtained. The GFP gene-positive signals were detected in one of the fetuses, two of the placentae, and two of the degenerated concepti. In this study, we found that the rabbit SCNT embryos have the ability to develop and differentiate in vivo. We also demonstrated a novel method of producing a transgenic rabbit using SCNT.  相似文献   
Growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and somatolactin (SL) are members of a pituitary hormone family that are believed to have evolved from a common ancestral gene by duplication and subsequent divergence. Since these hormones are found both in bony fish and cartilaginous fish, their ancestral form(s) should be present in the Agnatha. Thus, although there is no convincing evidence that the lamprey pituitary secretes GH or PRL, GH- and/or PRL-like immunoreactivity was examined in the pituitary of adult sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus), using antibodies to GHs, PRLs and SL of mammalian and/or fish origins. Our initial attempt with ordinary immunohistochemical procedures failed to detect any positive reactions in the lamprey pituitary. Following the hydrated autoclave pretreatment of the sections, anti-salmon GH, anti-salmon PRL and anti-blue shark GH gave positive reactions in most cells distributed in the dorsal half of the proximal pars distalis. These results suggest that the material immunoreactive to those antibodies is related, to some extent, to GH/PRL, but enhancement of immunoreactivity to reveal this by the hydrated autoclave pretreatment of sections is needed due to low crossreactivity. The similarity of the topographic distributions within the pituitary between lampreys and teleosts suggests that lamprey GH/PRL-like cells are GH cells of the lamprey.  相似文献   
To investigate the biological activity of epithelial cells in view of host defense, we analyzed the mRNA expression of inducible NOS (iNOS) as well as NO production by human gingival epithelial cells (HGEC) stimulated with IL-15. RT-PCR analysis revealed that HGEC expressed IL-15 receptor alpha-chain mRNA. In addition, stimulation with IL-15 enhanced iNOS expression by HGEC through an increase of both mRNA and protein levels. Moreover, IL-15 up-regulated the production of NO(2)(-)/NO(3)(-), a NO-derived stable end product, from HGEC. The enhanced NO production by IL-15 was inhibited by AMT, an iNOS-specific inhibitor. These results suggest that IL-15 is a potent regulator of iNOS expression by HGEC and involved in innate immunity in the mucosal epithelium.  相似文献   
The Okinawan sea anemone Phyllodiscus semoni is known to cause cases of severe stinging. We isolated P. semoni toxins 60A and 60B (PsTX-60A and PsTX-60B; ca. 60 kDa) as the major toxins from the isolated nematocysts of this species for the first time. PsTX-60A and PsTX-60B showed lethal toxicity to the shrimp Palaemon paucidence when administered via intraperitoneal injection (LD(50) values: 800-900 and 800 microg/kg, respectively) and hemolytic activity toward a 0.8% suspension of sheep red blood cells (ED(50) values: 600 and 300 ng/ml, respectively). Furthermore, we sequenced the cDNA encoding PsTX-60A. The deduced amino acid sequence of PsTX-60A did not show any similarity to previously reported proteins. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of PsTX-60B showed homology with that of PsTX-60A. These toxins represent a novel class of cytolytic proteinaceous toxins.  相似文献   
The Tact1 and Tact2 genes, each of which encodes an actin-like protein, are exclusively expressed and translated in haploid germ cells in testis. To characterize the haploid germ cell-specific gene structure, a mouse genomic library was screened with a Tact1 cDNA as a probe, and four independent phage clones containing the Tact1 gene were isolated. Southern hybridization and sequencing analyses revealed that Tact1 and Tact2 were single copy genes contained on a common fragment in a head-to-head orientation, and that the distance between these genes was less than 2 kb. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of genomic DNA and cDNA demonstrated that Tact1 and Tact2 lack introns, although all known actin or actin-related genes in mammals contain introns. Human Tact orthologues also lack introns and are located within 6.4 kb in a head-to-head orientation. These findings indicate that Tact1 and Tact2 or one of these genes arose by retroposition of a spliced mRNA transcribed from an actin progenitor gene prior to the divergence of rodents and primates. The Tact1 and Tact2 genes are unusual retroposons in that they have retained an open reading frame and are expressed in testicular germ cells, because almost all retroposons become pseudogenes. It was revealed that a 2kb sequence between the two genes bidirectionally controls haploid germ-cell specific expression by analyzing transgenic mice. Comparison of the murine Tact genes with their human orthologues showed a high level of identity between the two species in the 5'-upstream and non-coding sequences as well as in the coding region, indicating that conserved elements in these regions may be involved in the regulation of haploid germ cell-specific expression. The promoter region contains no TATA-, CCAAT- or GC-boxes, although there are potential cAMP response element (CRE)-like motifs in the 5'-upstream region and the 5'-untranslated region in Tact1 and Tact2, respectively. Transient promoter analyses indicate that CREMtau may activate Tact1 and Tact2 expression in germ cells.  相似文献   
Lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI:MIM 222700) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defective transport of the dibasic amino acids. We recently reported a local cluster of LPI in the northern part of Japan (Koizumi et al., 2000). Mutational analysis of the LPI patients in this local cluster revealed they were exclusively homozygous for the R410X mutation. The effectiveness of early intervention with citrulline therapy (200 mg/kg per day) and protein restriction (1.5 g/kg per day) was confirmed in these patients. Mass screening was conducted in 4,568 newborn babies between 1999 and 2002, which was estimated to cover 100% of almost all newborns delivered in the screened area. Forty heterozygous newborns were found (0.88%), leading to an estimated incidence of LPI of 1:51,984. The number of people that required screening to detect one case was 51,984, and the cost for mass screening was 30 cents/person (a total of dollars 15,600). This is comparable to, or even less than, the cost of currently screened diseases in Japan. Therefore, we conclude that a mass screening program for LPI can be introduced effectively and economically into an area where an LPI cluster is located as the result of a founder mutation.  相似文献   
A potent producer of D-arabitol was isolated by screening of natural sources and identified as Metschnikowia reukaufii AJ14787. Resting cells of this strain can efficiently produce D-arabitol from D-glucose with a weight yield of more than 60%, and can also produce D-arabitol from several other types of sugars such as polyols, ketoses, and aldoses. To improve productivity, various culture conditions such as temperature and the concentrations of D-glucose and nitrogen sources were examined. Under optimal conditions, 206 g/l of D-arabitol was produced from D-glucose with a weight yield of 52% in 100 hours.  相似文献   
Complete degloving injury of the digits not amenable to revascularization may leave poor cosmetic and functional results. We used innervated venous flaps from the dorsum of the foot in two patients with traumatic finger degloving injuries. All the flaps successfully provided coverage over the denuded fingers. Good sensation and nearly full rage of motion of the fingers were obtained. There were no donor-site problems. The advantages of this flap are preservation of a major artery of the donor site, easy elevation without deep dissection, and providing a thin, nonbulky tissue and good sensation. The innervated arterialized venous flap is a useful method that provides functional and cosmetic coverage to the severe avulsion injury of the finger.  相似文献   
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