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Sunflower honey (SH) is bright yellow, fragrant, pollen-flavoured, slightly herbaceous and has a unique taste. The present research aims to examine the enzyme inhibitory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-quorum sensing activities and phenolic compositions of 30 sunflower honeys (SHs) produced from several regions of Turkey with chemometric study. SAH from Samsun exhibited the best antioxidant activity in β-carotene linoleic acid (IC50: 7.33±0.17 mg/mL) and CUPRAC (A0.50: 4.94±0.13 mg/mL) assays, anti-urease activity (60.63±0.87 %) and anti-inflammatory activity against COX-1 (73.94±1.08 %) and COX-2 (44.96±0.85 %). SHs exhibited mild antimicrobial activity against the test microorganisms while they showed high quorum sensing inhibition zones measured in the range of 42–52 mm against the CV026 strain. The phenolic composition was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) system and levulinic, gallic, p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic and p-coumaric acids were identified in all studied SHs. The classification of SHs was performed the using PCA and HCA. This study revealed that phenolic compounds and biological properties are effective in classification of SHs according to their geographical origin. The results suggest that studied SHs could be valued as potential agents with versatile bioactivities in oxidative stress-related disease, microbial infections, inflammation, melanoma, and peptic ulcer.  相似文献   
The sublethal effects of tebufenozide, an ecdysone agonist, on the reproductive biology of Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem) and of Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), treated during the larval stage, were evaluated using two treatment methods: the force‐feeding method and the diet method. The percentage of mortality and the developmental time of survivors increased linearly with the concentration of tebufenozide used. This ecdysone analogue proved to be more toxic to C. fumiferana than to C. rosaceana. In C. rosaceana, the weight of males and females decreased proportionally with the dose ingested, but females were affected to a greater extent. This difference might be due to a greater consumption of the treated diet, or to a differential vulnerability to tebufenozide. Tebufenozide did not modify the pre‐copulatory activities associated with chemical communication in the females. However, the consumption of tebufenozide delayed ovarian maturation, causing a reduction in the fecundity of females. Treated males had smaller spermatophores and fewer eupyrene sperms in their bursa copulatrix and spermatheca, along with lower mating success. In C. fumiferana, tebufenozide delayed the females’ onset time of calling the first night after emergence, but did not affect the mean time spent calling or the production of the main component of the sex pheromone. The males showed significantly greater difficulty in executing oriented flight in a wind tunnel, although their mating success was not affected. We concluded that tebufenozide interferes with various aspects of the reproductive biology of males and females of C. fumiferana and C. rosaceana, including some pre‐copulatory behaviors associated with sex pheromone communication.  相似文献   
The ceIV1 gene encoding a secreted cellulase (CelV1) of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora SCC3193 was cloned and its nucleotide sequence determined. The gene contains an open reading frame of 1511 by and codes for an exported protein of 504 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of Ce1V1 was highly similar to that of CeIV of another E. c. subsp. carotovora strain SCRI193 but completely different from the previously characterized cellulase, CelS, of the strain SCC3193. Gene fusions to the lacZ reporter were employed to characterize the regulation of celV1 and celS. Both genes are coordinately induced in a growth phase-dependent manner and are catabolite repressed. Expression of celV1 but not celS was stimulated by plant extracts. The celS gene was expressed at a much lower level than celV1 under all conditions tested. Inactivation of the celV1 gene in E. c. subsp. carotovora strain SCC3193 by marker exchange showed that celV1 encodes the major cellulase of strain SCC3193, as the resulting mutant strain SCC6001 was devoid of cellulase activity. Ce1Vl mutants exhibited reduced virulence suggesting that CelV1, although not absolutely required for pathogenicity, enhances the ability of strain SCC3193 to macerate plant tissue. Inactivation of the celS gene in the celV1 mutant did not lead to any further decrease in virulence.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone (6PExt 1.2) encoding a novel extensin was isolated from a cDNA library made from 6 h old mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana sylvestris. The screening was performed with a heterologous probe from carrot. The encoded polypeptide showed features characteristic of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins such as Ser-(Pro)4 repeats and a high content in Tyr and Lys residues. The presence of four Tyr-X-Tyr-Lys motifs suggests the possibility for intramolecular isodityrosine cross-links whereas three Val-Tyr-Lys motifs may participate in intermolecular cross-links. The analysis of genomic DNA gel blots using both the N. sylvestris and the carrot clones as probes showed that the 6PExt 1.2 gene belongs to a complex multigene family encoding extensin and extensin-related polypeptides in N. sylvestris as well as in related Nicotianeae including a laboratory hybrid. This was confirmed by the analysis of RNA gel blots: a set of mRNAs ranging in size from 0.3 kb to 3.5 kb was found by the carrot extensin probe. The 6PExt 1.2 probe found a 1.2 kb mRNA in protoplasts and in wounded tissues as well as a 0.9 kb mRNA which seemed to be stem-specific. The gene encoding 6PExt 1.2 was induced by wounding in protoplasts, in leaf strips and after Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection of stems.  相似文献   
Until very recently, the role of ultra-violet (UV) colour perception in vertebrate and invertebrate vision has largely been ignored. However, in the past few years, a host of detailed information has become available on the widespread distribution of UV receptors in different species - from insects to mammals - and the important functions they seem to play in navigation, foraging, intraspecies communication and the control of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   
The first highly efficient protocol is described for the electrotransfection of Propionibacterium freudenreichii with DNA phage. The transfection efficiency is 7 times 105 transfectants per μg of DNA under optimal conditions. Optimized parameters included the field strength (12.5 kV, 200 Ohms, 25 μF), phage DNA concentration (1 μg ml-1) and cell density (1.5 times 1010 cells ml-1). Growth in the presence of glycine and harvesting of cells during the early exponential growth phase increased the transfection efficiency. This electrotransfection protocol is of importance for the genetic improvement of dairy propionibacteria.  相似文献   
 The protooncogene protein, Bcl-2, protects cells from apoptosis and ensures their survival in vitro by inhibiting the action of the apoptosis-inducer, Bax. Its expression in proliferative and long-lived cells in vivo also indicates that it protects against cell death. The chondrocytes of the epiphyseal plate cartilage undergo a series of maturation steps and deposit mineral in the cartilage matrix before dying. The possibility that Bcl-2 helps protect chondrocytes until mineral deposition is completed was investigated by determining the distribution of Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in the epiphyseal plate cartilage of growing rats and its subcellular localization, using a specific antibody. The involvement of Bax in the triggering of chondrocyte death was checked by immunocytochemistry. Bcl-2 expression in the osteoblasts and the final result of their evolution, the osteocytes, was also examined in trabecular bone. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity was non-uniformly distributed throughout the epiphyseal cartilage. It was maximal in proliferative chondrocytes, decreased in mature chondrocytes, and low in hypertrophic chondrocytes, whereas there was Bax immunoreactivity in all chondrocytes examined. Immunolabeling was intense in osteoblasts but considerably lower in fully differentiated osteocytes. Bcl-2 immunoreactivity was mainly in the cytoplasm of chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and early osteocytes; the nuclei appeared clear. The subcellular distribution of Bcl-2 immunolabeling in chondrocytes, revealed by gold particles in the electron microscope, showed that gold particles were frequently concentrated in the mitochondria in all the cartilage zones and lay mainly within the organelles, not at their periphery. The endoplasmic reticulum contained moderate immunoreactivity and there were few gold particles in the cytoplasm and nuclei. The number of gold particles decreased in all the subcellular compartments from proliferative to hypertrophic chondrocytes. In contrast, Bax immunoreactivity changed little during chondrocyte terminal evolution, and its subcellular distribution mirrored that of Bcl-2. These immunocytochemical data indicate that Bcl-2 helps maintain chondrocytes and osteoblasts until their terminal maturation. Accepted: 19 February 1997  相似文献   
Artificial crosses between Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris using 1:9, 1:1, and 9:1 mixtures of intraspecific: interspecific pollen were conducted to determine the role of interspecific pollen competition as a reproductive barrier in Helianthus. Of 1,245 achenes analyzed from the pollen competition experiments, only 49 were hybrids. The number of hybrids observed was significantly less than expectations for all three pollen mixtures, regardless of the identity of maternal parent (P < 0.01). Stigma age and pollen ratio had no significant impact on hybrid frequency. However, hybrids were significantly more frequent with H. annuus than with H. petiolaris as the maternal parent (P < 0.01). Analysis of pollen tube growth rates revealed no differences in the rate of growth of intraspecific vs. interspecific pollen. Likewise, pollinations with either intraspecific or interspecific pollen or with different pollen ratios did not affect the percentage of filled achenes. Thus, the mechanism responsible for selective fertilization by intraspecific pollen in mixed pollen loads remains unclear. Nonetheless, these findings suggest that interspecific pollen competition plays an important role in controlling the formation of hybrids between H. annuus and H. petiolaris and may partially account for patterns or differential cytoplasmic vs. nuclear introgression in Helianthus.  相似文献   
Natural populations of Thymelaea hirsuta have previously been shown to comprise four distinct sexual morphs: males, females, protogynous individuals, i.e., first female then male, and protandrous individuals, i.e., first male then female. The objective of the present study has been to confirm the genetic basis of this sexual tetramorphism by quantifying morph ratios in the open-pollinated progeny of the four sexual phenotypes growing in a natural population. All four phenotypes were recovered in the progeny of each morph. All observed plants displayed a single sexual phenotype, thus confirming the genetic basis of the tetramorphism. The progeny sex ratios indicate that the genetic determination of sex in this species may be influenced by cytoplasmic factors, while the observed levels of functional female fertility suggest a near-dioecious system. The evolutionary significance of this tetramorphism as a transitional stage in the evolution of dioecy is discussed.  相似文献   
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