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The electrical conductivity (EC) of milk is mainly a function of the electrolyte concentration in the milk and therefore raised in mastitis. The present investigation was aimed at elaborating, if possible, a diagnostic model for screening purposes based on EC determinations and consistent with the diagnostic procedures and interpretations commonly used in laboratory milk diagnosis in the Nordic countries (Klastrup 1975). According to this diagnosis (here called reference diagnosis) cell numbers above 300,000/ml (cell count or the corresponding CMT-score) in foremilk quarter samples during the main part of the lactation period and significantly above the lowest value on within-udder comparison during late lactation are considered indicative of mastitis and bacteriological examinations are made when called for.  相似文献   
A rapid, efficient procedure for the isolation and purification of the vitellogenin binding protein from locust ovarian membranes is described. After solubilization with the nonionic detergent octyl-β-D-glucoside and removal of the detergent, the binding protein is subjected to affinity chromatography on vitellogenin coupled covalently to Affi-Gel 15. The binding protein is eluted with suramin and EDTA at low pH value. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 156,000 in the eluted fraction. By ligand blotting this polypeptide could be identified as the vitellogenin binding protein. It retains its high-affinity binding properties. The specific binding of vitellogenin increases from 4.8 μg (intact ovarian membranes) to 170.9 μg (affinity purified binding protein) per mg membrane protein, which corresponds to a purification factor of 35.  相似文献   
Iron is one of the most important micronutrients for plants. Like other organisms, plants have developed active mechanisms for the acquisition of sufficient iron from the soil. Nevertheless, very little is known about the genetic mechanisms that control the active uptake. In tomato, two spontaneously derived mutants are available, which are defective in key steps that control this process. The recessive mutationchloronerva (chln) affects a gene which controls the synthesis of the non-protein amino acid nicotianamine (NA), a key component in the iron physiology of plants. The root system of the recessive mutantfer is unable to induce any of the characteristic responses to iron deficiency and iron uptake is thus completely blocked. We present a characterization of the double mutant, showing that thefer gene is epistatic over thechln gene and thus very likely to be one of the major genetic elements controlling iron physiology in tomato. In order to gain access to these two genes at the molecular level, both mutants were precisely mapped onto the high density RFLP map of tomato. Thechln gene is located on chromosome 1 and thefer gene is on chromosome 6 of tomato. Using this high-resolution map, a chromosome walk has been started to isolate thefer gene by map-based cloning. The isolation of thefer gene will provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of iron uptake control in plants.  相似文献   
The production of antimicrobial phytoalexins is one of the best-known inducible defence responses following microbial infection of plants or treatment with elicitors. In the legume soybean (Glycine max L.), 1,3-1,6--glucans derived from the fungal pathogen Phytophthora sojae have been identified as potent elicitors of the synthesis of the phytoalexin, glyceollin. Recently it has been reported that during symbiotic interaction between soybean and the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 the bacteria synthesize cyclic 1,3-1,6--glucans. Here we demonstrate that both the fungal and the bacterial -glucans are ligands of -glucan-binding sites which are putative receptors for the elicitor signal compounds in soybean roots. Whereas the fungal -glucans stimulate phytoalexin synthesis at low concentrations, the bacterial cyclic 1,3-1,6--glucans appear to be inactive even at relatively high concentrations. Competition studies indicate that increasing concentrations of the bacterial 1,3-1,6--glucans progressively inhibit stimulation of phytoalexin synthesis in a bioassay induced by the fungal 1,3-1,6--glucans. Another type of cyclic -glucan, a 1,2--glucan from Rhizobium meliloti, that does not nodulate on soybean, seems to be inactive as elicitor and as ligand of the -glucan-binding sites. These results may indicate a novel mechanism for a successful plant-symbiont interaction by suppressing the plant's defence response.Abbreviations HG-APEA 1-[2-(4-aminophenyl)ethyl]amino-l-[hexaglucosyl]deoxyglucitol - HG-AzPEA l-[2-(4-azidophenyl)-ethyl]amino-l-[hexaglucosyl]deoxyglucitol - IC50 concentration for half-maximal displacement We thank Ines Arlt for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 369), the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (J.E.), and USDA CSRS NRI Competitive Research grant 93373059233 (A.A.B.).  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on an insulin crosslinked between the N-terminal A chain and the C-terminal B chain to form a so-called mini-proinsulin: N -A1-N -B29-diaminosuberoyl insulin (DASI). To investigate the influence of crosslinking on the dynamics of the insulin moiety, the bridge was removed from a transient DASI structure and simulation was carried on independently with the then unlinked (ULKI) as well as with the crosslinked species. The effects of crystal packing and quaternary interactions were checked by simulating both types of monomers and dimers known from the hexamer structure. All simulations were compared to previous ones of native insulin. DASI shows general similarity to the native simulations in most parts of the structure. Deviations are visible in the segments to which the bridge is directly connected, i.e. their flexibility is reduced. Upon removal of the bridge the ULKI simulations reapproach those of native insulin. The influence of the bridge spreads over the whole molecule, but all of its main structural features remain intact. The simulations suggest that the displacement of the C-terminal B chain of native insulin, considered important for receptor interaction, is prevented by the bridge, which also partially shields some binding residues. This is in accordance with the poor biological potency of A1-B29-crosslinked insulins.Abbreviations DASI-insulin(DASI) bovineN -A1-N -B29-di-aminosuberoyl insulin - ULK-insulin (ULKI) Native beef insulin with the bridge of DASI removed  相似文献   
Carbohydrate-starved cultures of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 showed enhanced resistance to heat, ethanol, acid, osmotic, and oxidative stresses. This cross-protection seems to be established progressively during the transitional growth phase, with maximum resistance occurring when cells enter the stationary phase. Chloramphenicol or rifamycin treatment does not abolish the development of a tolerant cell state but, on the contrary, seems to provoke this response in L. lactis subsp. lactis.  相似文献   
Snow Finches and Mountain-steppe Sparrows differ in habitat selection, feeding, social and vocal behaviour. For these reasons, separation of the genusMontifringilla intoMontifringilla andPyrgilauda is recommended.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships among Primates (human), Artiodactyla (cow), Cetacea (whale), Carnivora (seal), and Rodentia (mouse and rat) were estimated from the inferred amino acid sequences of the mitochondrial genomes using Marsupialia (opossum), Aves (chicken), and Amphibia (Xenopus) as an outgroup. The overall evidence of the maximum likelihood analysis suggests that Rodentia is an outgroup to the other four eutherian orders and that Cetacea and Artiodactyla form a clade with Carnivora as a sister taxon irrespective of the assumed model for amino acid substitutions. Although there remains an uncertainty concerning the relation among Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and Carnivora, the existence of a clade formed by these three orders and the outgroup status of Rodentia to the other eutherian orders seems to be firmly established. However, analyses of individual genes do not necessarily conform to this conclusion, and some of the genes reject the putatively correct tree with nearly 5% significance. Although this discrepancy can be due to convergent or parallel evolution in the specific genes, it was pointed out that, even without a particular reason, such a discrepancy can occur in 5% of the cases if the branching among the orders in question occurred within a short period. Due to uncertainty about the assumed model underlying the phylogenetic inference, this can occur even more frequently. This demonstrates the importance of analyzing enough sequences to avoid the danger of concluding an erroneous tree.  相似文献   
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