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目的 探讨鼠李糖乳杆菌LV108及其发酵乳对免疫抑制小鼠免疫功能的调节作用。 方法 将BALB/c小鼠随机分为5组,每组10只,即空白组(正常小鼠)、模型组(免疫抑制小鼠)、药物组(免疫抑制小鼠食物中添加左旋咪唑)、LV108菌悬液组(免疫抑制小鼠食物中添加LV108菌悬液)和LV108发酵乳组(免疫抑制小鼠食物中添加LV108发酵乳),除空白组外其余组构建免疫抑制小鼠模型。干预4周后,分别测定各组小鼠体质量和脏器指数,血清中白细胞介素2(IL2)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)和免疫球蛋白G(IgG)含量,血清溶血素含量、耳肿胀度和肝、脾巨噬细胞吞噬能力。 结果 相比模型组,LV108菌悬液组和LV108发酵乳组小鼠体质量增长速度、脏器指数、血清IL2与IgG水平、血清溶血值、耳肿胀度和巨噬细胞吞噬能力显著升高(均P结论 LV108菌体及发酵乳对免疫抑制小鼠具备较全面的免疫调节作用,均可提高小鼠的自身免疫力;LV108发酵乳对小鼠的免疫调节作用强于LV108菌体。  相似文献   
土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)是参与植物光合作用和影响生态系统初级生产力的主要元素。甘南高原是黄河流域重要的生态屏障,为了解该区不同林分土壤养分状况的差异,选取该区4种典型林分:云杉林、华北落叶松林、巴山冷杉林以及岷江冷杉糙皮桦混交林为研究对象,研究土壤C、N、P化学计量特征。结果表明:(1)岷江冷杉及糙皮桦混交林土壤C、N含量最高,云杉林土壤N、P含量最低。不同林分间P含量差异显著(P<0.05),不同土层间C、N含量差异均显著(P<0.05)。(2)云杉林土壤C : N值显著高于其他林分,岷江冷杉及糙皮桦混交林土壤N : P及C : P高于其他林分。(3)海拔、土壤pH、容重与土壤含水量是影响土壤养分的重要因素。土壤C含量与N、P含量均显著相关(P<0.05)。总体来说,不同林分土壤化学计量特征具有显著差异,混交林土壤养分状况较纯林好,未来森林管理和植被建设中,可以通过选择合适的树种和提高树种多样性有效改善森林土壤质量。  相似文献   
Renal function was assessed in 42 stable outpatients who had been taking lithium for an average of 4 1/2 years. Impaired ability to concentrate the urine was found in 61% of the 41 patients who provided a urine sample for an osmolality measurement, and a moderate reduction in creatinine clearance was present in 12% of the entire group; 1 patient showed both defects. Urine microscopy revealed an excess of cells in 40%. It is suggested that lithium therapy produces a self-limiting lesion of the distal nephron that does not usually progress to chronic renal failure. The lesion is not dangerous, except that it may predispose to acute neurotoxic effects in the event of intercurrent illness or dehydration.  相似文献   
The objective of this project was to identify some possible mechanisms by which two common phytochemicals, resveratrol and beta-sitosterol, inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. These mechanisms include the effect of the phytochemicals on apoptosis, cell cycle progression, prostaglandin synthesis and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Prostaglandins have been known to play a role in regulating cell growth and apoptosis. PC-3 cells were supplemented with 50 microM resveratrol or 16 microM beta-sitosterol alone or in combination for up to 5 days. Phytochemical supplementation resulted in inhibition in cell growth. beta-Sitosterol was more potent than resveratrol and the combination of the two resulted in greater inhibition than supplementation with either alone. Long-term supplementation with resveratrol or beta-sitosterol elevated basal prostaglandin release but beta-sitosterol was much more potent than resveratrol in this regard. beta-Sitosterol was more effective than resveratrol in inducing apoptosis and the combination had an intermediate effect after 1 day of supplementation. Cells supplemented with resveratrol were arrested at the G1 phase and at the G2/M phase in the case of beta-sitosterol while the combination resulted in cell arrest at the two phases of the cell cycle. beta-Sitosterol increased ROS production while resveratrol decreased ROS production. The combination of the two phytochemicals resulted in an intermediate level of ROS. The observed changes in prostaglandin levels and ROS production by these two phytochemicals may suggest their mediation in the growth inhibition. The reduction in ROS level and increase by resveratrol supplementation in PC-3 cells reflects the antioxidant properties of resveratrol. It was concluded that these phytochemicals may induce the inhibition of tumor growth by stimulating apoptosis and arresting cells at different locations in the cell cycle and the mechanism may involve alterations in ROS and prostaglandin production.  相似文献   
Previous studies from our laboratory on tumor cells suggest that phytosterols stimulate ceramide production, which was associated with cell growth inhibition and stimulation of apoptosis. The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of phytosterols on ceramide metabolism in small intestinal cells that represent the first cells in contact with dietary phytosterols. Caco(2) cells, an accepted model for human intestinal epithelial cells, were used in this study. Ceramide and ceramide-containing lipids were examined by labeling the ceramide pool with (3)H-serine. Cells were supplemented with 16 microM of sterols (cholesterol, beta-sitosterol or campesterol) for 16 days postconfluence and continued to differentiate. Of the two phytosterols, beta-sitosterol, but not campesterol, induced more than double the serine labeling when compared with cholesterol. This increase was uniform in sphingomyelin (SM), ceramide and sphingosine labeling. Sterols had no effect on SM concentration in the cells. In addition, sterol had no effect on the activity of SM synthase or sphingomyelinases. There was an inhibition of ceramidases with campesterol supplementation. These data suggest that the observed increases in SM and sphingosine labeling were due to an increase in ceramide turnover. The increase in ceramide turnover with beta-sitosterol supplementation was not associated with growth inhibition but was with increases in ceramide glycosylation products such as cerebrosides and gangliosides. It was concluded that beta-sitosterol has no effect on differential Caco(2), a model of normal small intestinal cells. The increase in the glycosylated ceramide products may offer a means to protect the cells from the harmful effect of ceramide by excreting them with lipoproteins.  相似文献   
Articular cartilage is an avascular connective tissue that exhibits little intrinsic capacity for repair. Articular cartilage exists in a reduced oxygen ( approximately 5%) environment in vivo; therefore, oxygen tension may be an important factor that regulates the metabolism of chondrocyte progenitors. A number of recent studies have developed tissue engineering approaches for promoting cartilage repair using undifferentiated progenitor cells seeded on biomaterial scaffolds, but little is known about how oxygen might influence these engineered tissues. Human adipose-derived adult stem (hADAS) cells isolated from the stroma of subcutaneous fat were suspended in alginate beads and cultured in control or chondrogenic media in either low oxygen (5%) or atmospheric oxygen tension (20%) for up to 14 days. Under chondrogenic conditions, low oxygen tension significantly inhibited the proliferation of hADAS cells, but induced a two-fold increase in the rate of protein synthesis and a three-fold increase in total collagen synthesis. Low oxygen tension also increased glycosaminoglycan synthesis at certain timepoints. Immunohistochemical analysis showed significant production of cartilage-associated matrix molecules, including collagen type II and chondroitin-4-sulfate. These findings suggest oxygen tension may play an important role in regulating the proliferation and metabolism of hADAS cells as they undergo chondrogenesis, and the exogenous control of oxygen tension may provide a means of increasing the overall accumulation of matrix macromolecules in tissue-engineered cartilage.  相似文献   
srf-3 is a mutant of C. elegans that is resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum and to binding of the biofilm produced by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis. Recently, SRF-3 was characterized as a nucleotide sugar transporter of the Golgi apparatus occurring exclusively in hypodermal seam cells, pharyngeal cells, and spermatheca. Based on the above observations, we hypothesized that srf-3 may have altered glyconjugates that may enable the mutant nematode to grow unaffected in the presence of the above pathogenic bacteria. Following analyses of N- and O-linked glycoconjugates of srf-3 and wild type nematodes using a combination of enzymatic degradation, permethylation, and mass spectrometry, we found in srf-3 a 65% reduction of acidic O-linked glycoconjugates containing glucuronic acid and galactose as well as a reduction of N-linked glycoconjugates containing galactose and fucose. These results are consistent with the specificity of SRF-3 for UDP-galactose and strongly suggest that the above glycoconjugates play an important role in allowing adhesion of M. nematophilum or Y. pseudotuberculosis biofilm to wild type C. elegans. Furthermore, because seam cells as well as pharyngeal cells secrete their glycoconjugates to the cuticle and surrounding surfaces, the results also demonstrate the critical role of these cells and their secreted glycoproteins in nematode-bacteria interactions and offer a mechanistic basis for strategies to block such recognition processes.  相似文献   
Pools of human adipose-derived adult stem (hADAS) cells can exhibit multiple differentiated phenotypes under appropriate in vitro culture conditions. Because adipose tissue is abundant and easily accessible, hADAS cells offer a promising source of cells for tissue engineering and other cell-based therapies. However, it is unclear whether individual hADAS cells can give rise to multiple differentiated phenotypes or whether each phenotype arises from a subset of committed progenitor cells that exists within a heterogeneous population. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that single hADAS are multipotent at a clonal level. hADAS cells were isolated from liposuction waste, and ring cloning was performed to select cells derived from a single progenitor cell. Forty-five clones were expanded through four passages and then induced for adipogenesis, osteogenesis, chondrogenesis, and neurogenesis using lineage-specific differentiation media. Quantitative differentiation criteria for each lineage were determined using histological and biochemical analyses. Eighty one percent of the hADAS cell clones differentiated into at least one of the lineages. In addition, 52% of the hADAS cell clones differentiated into two or more of the lineages. More clones expressed phenotypes of osteoblasts (48%), chondrocytes (43%), and neuron-like cells (52%) than of adipocytes (12%), possibly due to the loss of adipogenic ability after repeated subcultures. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that hADAS cells are a type of multipotent adult stem cell and not solely a mixed population of unipotent progenitor cells. However, it is important to exercise caution in interpreting these results until they are validated using functional in vivo assays.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: The identification of signatures of positive selection can provide important insights into recent evolutionary history in human populations. Current methods mostly rely on allele frequency determination or focus on one or a small number of candidate chromosomal regions per study. With the availability of large-scale genotype data, efficient approaches for an unbiased whole genome scan are becoming necessary. METHODS: We have developed a new method, the whole genome long-range haplotype test (WGLRH), which uses genome-wide distributions to test for recent positive selection. Adapted from the long-range haplotype (LRH) test, the WGLRH test uses patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) to identify regions with extremely low historic recombination. Common haplotypes with significantly longer than expected ranges of LD given their frequencies are identified as putative signatures of recent positive selection. In addition, we have also determined the ancestral alleles of SNPs by genotyping chimpanzee and gorilla DNA, and have identified SNPs where the non-ancestral alleles have risen to extremely high frequencies in human populations, termed 'flipped SNPs'. Combining the haplotype test and the flipped SNPs determination, the WGLRH test serves as an unbiased genome-wide screen for regions under putative selection, and is potentially applicable to the study of other human populations. RESULTS: Using WGLRH and high-density oligonucleotide arrays interrogating 116 204 SNPs, we rapidly identified putative regions of positive selection in three populations (Asian, Caucasian, African-American), and extended these observations to a fourth population, Yoruba, with data obtained from the International HapMap consortium. We mapped significant regions to annotated genes. While some regions overlap with genes previously suggested to be under positive selection, many of the genes have not been previously implicated in natural selection and offer intriguing possibilities for further study. AVAILABILITY: the programs for the WGLRH algorithm are freely available and can be downloaded at http://www.affymetrix.com/support/supplement/WGLRH_program.zip.  相似文献   
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