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The ribonuclease P (RNase P) holoenzymes are RNPs composed of RNase P RNA (PRNA) and a variable number of P protein subunits. Primary differences in structure and function between bacterial and eukaryotic RNase P and its indispensability for cell viability make the bacterial enzyme an attractive drug target. On the basis of our previous studies, aminoglycoside-arginine conjugates (AACs) bind to HIV-1 TAR and Rev responsive element (RRE) RNAs significantly more efficiently than neomycin B. Their specific inhibition of bacterial rRNA as well as the findings that the hexa-arginine neomycin derivative (NeoR6) is 500-fold more potent than neomycin B in inhibiting bacterial RNase P, led us to explore the structure-function relationships of AACs in comparison to a new set of aminoglycoside-polyarginine conjugates (APACs). We here present predicted binding modes of AACs and APACs to PRNA. We used a multistep docking approach comprising rigid docking full scans and final refinement of the obtained complexes. Our docking results suggest three possible mechanisms of RNase P inhibition by AACs and APACs: competition with the P protein and pre-tRNA on binding to P1-P4 multihelix junction and to J19/4 region (probably including displacement of Mg2+ ions from the P4 helix) of PRNA; competition with Mg2+ ions near the P15 loop; and competition with the P protein and/or pre-tRNA near the P15 helix and interfering with interactions between the P protein and pre-tRNA at this region. The APACs revealed about 10-fold lower intermolecular energy than AACs, indicating stronger interactions of APACs than AACs with PRNA.  相似文献   
In recent years, based on peptide models of HIV-1 RNA binding, NMR structures of Tat-responsive element-ligand complexes and aminoglycoside-RNA interactions, and HIV-1 Tat structure, we have designed and synthesized aminoglycoside-arginine conjugates (AACs) and aminoglycoside poly-arginine conjugates (APACs), to serve as Tat mimetics. These novel molecules inhibit HIV-1 infectivity with 50% effective concentration values in the low micromolar range, the most potent compounds being the hexa-arginine-neomycin B and nona-D-arginine-neomycin conjugates. Importantly, these compounds, in addition to acting as Tat antagonists, inhibit HIV-1 infectivity by blocking several steps in HIV-1 cell entry. The AACs and APACs inhibit HIV-1 cell entry by interacting with gp120 at the CD4-binding site, by interacting with CXCR4 at the binding site of the CXCR4 mAb 12G5, and apparently by interacting with transient structures of the ectodomain of gp41. In the current review, we discuss the mechanisms of anti-HIV-1 activities of these AACs, APACs and other aminoglycoside derivatives in detail. Targeting several key processes in the viral life cycle by the same compound not only may increase its antiviral efficacy, but more importantly, may reduce the capacity of the virus to develop resistance to the compound. AACs and APACs may thus serve as leading compounds for the development of multitargeting novel HIV-1 inhibitors.  相似文献   
The obligate pollinators of figs (Ficus, Moraceae), species-specific agaonid wasps, benefit figs only by transporting pollen between trees; larvae are seed predators. But given the high risk of mortality in flight between trees, adult wasps should prefer to pollinate and oviposit within inflorescences (syconia) at the same tree at which they developed. Flowering within individuals is tightly synchronous in most species, while different trees flower out of phase with each other, suggesting that fig phenology has evolved to assure outcrossing. However, some fig species show distinct within-tree flowering asynchrony. It has been suggested that such asynchrony is an adaptation by which figs in seasonal environments can reduce pollinator mortality, by permitting wasps to persist on individual trees at times when flight would be impossible. We have evaluated and rejected the validity of this Seasonality Hypothesis for the Florida strangling fig, Ficus aurea, near its northern range limit. Crops of individual trees were most, not least, synchronous during the coldest, driest months of 2 years. Maximum asynchrony occurred in seasons that were probably most favorable for wasp transit between trees. However, temporal overlap of the phenological stages that permit wasps to remain on their natal trees was always very rare, implying that consecutive cohorts of developing syconia may be spaced in time to limit this occurrence. We suggest alternative costs and benefits for these phenological traits, as well as the proximate mechanisms that might produce them.  相似文献   
Summary Plasmodesmata, dynamic pore structures that traverse plant cell walls, function in cytoplasmic transport between contiguous cells. Cell walls containing embedded plasmodesmata were isolated from mesocotyls of etiolated maize seedlings. Proteins associated with the isolated walls were separated by SDS-PAGE and antibodies were generated against a 41 kDa protein, one of several associated with this wall fraction. Immunoblot analysis showed that the 41 kDa polypeptide was also associated with other subcellular fractions obtained following tissue homogenization and differential centrifugation. The wall associated 41 kDa protein is apparently a peripheral membrane protein since it could be extracted by high salt and high pH. Silver-enhanced immunogold light microscopy showed that the 41 kDa protein was associated with the cell walls of cells both in the stele and cortex. The immunolabeling pattern was transwall and punctate. Electron microscopic immuno-gold labeling localized the polypeptide to plasmodesmata and to electron dense cytoplasmic structures that are apparently Golgi membranes. The significance of the presence of this protein in the Golgi is discussed.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   
Summary The pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans, is insensitive to the anti-mitotic drug, benomyl, and to the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor, methotrexate. Genes responsible for the intrinsic drug resistance were sought by transforming Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a yeast sensitive to both drugs, with genomic C. albicans libraries and screening on benomyl or methotrexate. Restriction analysis of plasmids isolated from benomyl- and methotrexate-resistant colonies indicated that both phenotypes were encoded by the same DNA fragment. Sequence analysis showed that the fragments were nearly identical and contained a long open reading frame of 1694 bp (ORF1) and a small ORF of 446 bp (ORF2) within ORF1 on the opposite strand. By site-directed mutagenesis, it was shown that ORF1 encoded both phenotypes. The protein had no sequence similarity to any known proteins, including -tubulin, dihydrofolate reductase, and the P-glycoprotein of the multi-drug resistance family. The resistance gene was detected in several C. albicans strains and in C. stellatoidea by DNA hybridization and by the polymerase chain reaction.  相似文献   
The restoration of mitosis and growth of the prostate gland of castrated animals by androgens provides a favourable experimental system for studying the hormonal regulation of enzymes engaged in DNA replication. 2. Many DNA polymerase activities were identified in the prostate gland, but only a 9S form with a particular preference for denatured DNA as template was conspicuously enhanced by androgenic stimulation. 3. Thymidine kinase also provided a sensitive indicator of the hormonal regulation of DNA replication, and on electrophoretic criteria, one discrete form of the enzyme appeared precisely with the onset of mitoris. 4. Evidence is presented to support the view that DNA ligase activity is intimately associated in the process of DNA replication in the prostate gland. 5. A spectrum of deoxyribonuclease activities is present in the prostate gland, but only one form (pI7.0) can safely be said to be implicated in the process of DNA replication. 6. Androgenic stimulation of the prostate gland leads to the appearance of a component capable of denaturing or unwinding prostate DNA. This component is seemingly distinct from RNA or DNA polymerase activities on the basis of several distince physicochemical characteristics. 7. The conspicuous feature of all the changes in enzyme activities evoked by androgens in the prostate gland is their acute tissue- and steroid-specificity. Such changes could not be mimicked in liver or spleen and the regulatory role of androgens could not be simulated by other classes of steroid hormones. Particularly on the basis of studies with the anti-androgen cyproterone acetate, it is concluded that the changes are initially mediated by the androgen-receptor system and the high-affinity binding of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone in the prostate gland. 8. The results are discussed in the context of the mechanism of action of androgens.  相似文献   
Host-free growth and reproduction of a host-dependent strain of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus incubated with an extract from host cells were studied. The morphological changes occurring in the cells were correlated with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis as measured by labeled nucleotide or orthophosphate incorporation. The host-free developmental cycle of Bdellovibrio is similar to that of the two-membered system; the early loss of flagella, the elongation into filaments, and multiple fission into flagellated progeny are typical for both host-free and intraperiplasmic development of bdellovibrios. Filament length and time of division appear to depend on the concentration of the host extract. Host extract was found to be heat stable and DNase stable, and Pronase sensitive and RNase sensitive. Addition of ribonucleic acid to the extract medium at various times during the Bdellovibrio growth cycle demonstrated that host extract is required continuously during the cycle for growth. The observations reported give a unified picture of Bdellovibrio development and allow for the suggestion that wild-type bdellovibrios depend upon the presence of some host factor for induction of DNA synthesis, whereas depletion of host factor triggers division. The ecological implications of such host dependence are discussed.  相似文献   
Satellite cells are situated beneath the basal lamina that surrounds each myofiber and function as myogenic precursors for muscle growth and repair. The source of satellite cell renewal is controversial and has been suggested to be a separate circulating or interstitial stem cell population. Here, we transplant single intact myofibers into radiation-ablated muscles and demonstrate that satellite cells are self-sufficient as a source of regeneration. As few as seven satellite cells associated with one transplanted myofiber can generate over 100 new myofibers containing thousands of myonuclei. Moreover, the transplanted satellite cells vigorously self-renew, expanding in number and repopulating the host muscle with new satellite cells. Following experimental injury, these cells proliferate extensively and regenerate large compact clusters of myofibers. Thus, within a normally stable tissue, the satellite cell exhibits archetypal stem cell properties and is competent to form the basal origin of adult muscle regeneration.  相似文献   
We have investigated the mechanism by which nitric oxide (NO) induces the death of mouse astrocytes. We show that NO (from donor diethylenetriamine-NO adduct) induces death with several features of apoptosis, including chromatin condensation, phosphatidylserine exposure on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, Bax translocation to the mitochondria and cytochrome c release, but no caspase activation or nuclear fragmentation is observed. Nitric oxide also elevates p53 expression, causing a concomitant increase in p53 serine 18 phosphorylation and p53 translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Activation of Bax and p53 is important for NO-induced apoptosis-like cell death because Bax- or p53-deficient astrocytes are much more resistant than wild-type cells to the same NO treatment. We further demonstrate that LY294002-sensitive kinases are responsible for controlling serine 18 phosphorylation of p53, thereby regulating the pro-apoptotic activity of p53 in astrocytes. While apoptosis is suppressed in the presence of LY294002, however, death by necrosis is increased, suggesting that LY294002-sensitive kinases additionally suppress a latent necrotic response to NO. We conclude that NO-induced death in astrocytes is mediated by p53- and Bax-dependent mechanisms, although full manifestation of apoptosis is aborted by concomitant inhibition of caspase activation. More generally, our data suggest that apoptotic mediators should be evaluated as the cause of cell death even in cases where a full apoptotic phenotype is lacking.  相似文献   
Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition were measured in 44 initially nonoverweight girls at three time points relative to menarche: premenarche (Tanner stage 1 or 2), menarche (+/-6 mo), and 4 yr after menarche. Mean absolute RMR was 1,167, 1,418, and 1,347 kcal/day, respectively. Absolute RMR was statistically significantly higher at menarche than at 4 yr after menarche despite statistically significantly less fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM), suggesting an elevation in RMR around the time of menarche. The pattern of change in RMR, adjusted for FFM, log transformed FM, age, race, parental overweight, and two interactions (visit by parental overweight, parental overweight by FFM), was also considered. Adjusted RMR did not differ statistically between the visits for girls with two normal-weight parents. For girls with at least one overweight parent, adjusted RMR was statistically significantly lower 4 yr after menarche than at premenarche or menarche. Thus parental overweight may influence changes that occur in RMR during adolescence in girls.  相似文献   
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