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The availability of nitrogen (N) is a critical control on the cycling and storage of soil carbon (C). Yet, there are conflicting conceptual models to explain how N availability influences the decomposition of organic matter by soil microbial communities. Several lines of evidence suggest that N availability limits decomposition; the earliest stages of leaf litter decay are associated with a net import of N from the soil environment, and both observations and models show that high N organic matter decomposes more rapidly. In direct contrast to these findings, experimental additions of inorganic N to soils broadly show a suppression of microbial activity, which is inconsistent with N limitation of decomposition. Resolving this apparent contradiction is critical to representing nutrient dynamics in predictive ecosystem models under a multitude of global change factors that alter soil N availability. Here, we propose a new conceptual framework, the Carbon, Acidity, and Mineral Protection hypothesis, to understand the effects of N availability on soil C cycling and storage and explore the predictions of this framework with a mathematical model. Our model simulations demonstrate that N addition can have opposing effects on separate soil C pools (particulate and mineral‐protected carbon) because they are differentially affected by microbial biomass growth. Moreover, changes in N availability are frequently linked to shifts in soil pH or osmotic stress, which can independently affect microbial biomass dynamics and mask N stimulation of microbial activity. Thus, the net effect of N addition on soil C is dependent upon interactions among microbial physiology, soil mineralogy, and soil acidity. We believe that our synthesis provides a broadly applicable conceptual framework to understand and predict the effect of changes in soil N availability on ecosystem C cycling under global change.  相似文献   
In field-cage studies, we investigated how the foraging behavior of tephritid fruit flies is modified by experience immediately prior to release on host plants. We observed females of a relatively monophagous species,Rhagoletis mendax (blueberry maggot fly), an oligophagous species,Rhagoletis pomomella (apple maggot fly), and a polyphagous species,Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly). Just prior to release on a host plant, the following kinds of stimuli were supplied: (1) single oviposition in a host fruit, (2) contact with 20% sucrose, (3) contact with a mixture of protein food (bird feces and sucrose), (4) contact with water, and (5) a walk over a host-plant leaf. When flies foraged on host plants without resources, search was most intensive (as measured by number of leaves visited) following a single oviposition in fruit, but residence time generally was the same following exposure to sugar, protein, and fruit stimuli.Rhagoletis mendax andC. capitata females visited the fewest leaves following exposure to water or host leaves, whereasR. pomonella foraged equally intensively following exposure to food stimuli, water, or leaves. On host plants containing resources (fruit and protein food), a single oviposition dramatically increased the number of females of all three species that found fruit compared to females that received experience with food, water or foliar stimuli. We found no significant effect of recent brief experience with any of the stimuli on subsequent attraction to protein food. Overall,C. capitata exhibited a higher propensity to abandon host plants than eitherR. mendax orR. pomonella. We suggest that this may reflect adaptations to differences in distribution of host plants in nature, strategies of dispersal, and host range.  相似文献   
Efficient cryopreservation of cells at ultralow temperatures requires the use of substances that help maintain viability and metabolic functions post‐thaw. We are developing new technology where plant proteins are used to substitute the commonly‐used, but relatively toxic chemical dimethyl sulfoxide. Recombinant forms of four structurally diverse wheat proteins, TaIRI‐2 (ice recrystallization inhibition), TaBAS1 (2‐Cys peroxiredoxin), WCS120 (dehydrin), and TaENO (enolase) can efficiently cryopreserve hepatocytes and insulin‐secreting INS832/13 cells. This study shows that TaIRI‐2 and TaENO are internalized during the freeze–thaw process, while TaBAS1 and WCS120 remain at the extracellular level. Possible antifreeze activity of the four proteins was assessed. The “splat cooling” method for quantifying ice recrystallization inhibition activity (a property that characterizes antifreeze proteins) revealed that TaIRI‐2 and TaENO are more potent than TaBAS1 and WCS120. Because of their ability to inhibit ice recrystallization, the wheat recombinant proteins TaIRI‐2 and TaENO are promising candidates and could prove useful to improve cryopreservation protocols for hepatocytes and insulin‐secreting cells, and possibly other cell types. TaENO does not have typical ice‐binding domains, and the TargetFreeze tool did not predict an antifreeze capacity, suggesting the existence of nontypical antifreeze domains. The fact that TaBAS1 is an efficient cryoprotectant but does not show antifreeze activity indicates a different mechanism of action. The cryoprotective properties conferred by WCS120 depend on biochemical properties that remain to be determined. Overall, our results show that the proteins' efficiencies vary between cell types, and confirm that a combination of different protection mechanisms is needed to successfully cryopreserve mammalian cells.  相似文献   
The endo-beta-1,3-1,4-glucanase enzyme of Bacillus subtilis C120, when synthesized in Escherichia coli, is located mainly in the cytoplasm, but enzyme activity is also detected in the periplasmic space and in the extracellular medium. The proportion recovered in the extracellular medium is not altered by changes in the levels of synthesis of the enzyme. Lysis of E. coli cells is ruled out as the cause of the secretion by the normal localization of beta-galactosidase, an intracellular protein. However, beta-lactamase, which is normally found in the periplasmic space, is detected in the extracellular medium of E. coli transformants containing beta-glucanase plasmids, suggesting that the presence of beta-glucanase in the cell alters the permeability of the outer membrane. The beta-glucanase proteins found in the extracellular medium, the periplasmic space and the cytoplasm have the same electrophoretic mobilities as the secreted enzyme of B. subtilis. Amino-terminal sequencing has shown that the beta-glucanase enzyme in the intracellular fraction of E. coli is processed at a site two amino acids distant from the processing site used in B. subtilis.  相似文献   
Electroantennograms (EAG) were recorded from, and behavior observed of female apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in response to over 60 individual esters. For acetates through decanoates, 2 methylbutyrates, and isobutyrates, we tested homologous series of systematically altered chain lengths. Most of the compounds had been isolated from behaviorally active fractions derived from extracts of volatiles produced by host fruits of R. pomonella. For the acetates through hexanoates, maximum EAG amplitudes were elicited by esters with chain lengths of 9 carbons and for the heptanoates through nonanoates, by 10 carbon esters. Recovery time, or the rate at which the EAG trace returned to the baseline following maximum depolarization, was slowest for straight chain esters that were 9–11 carbons long. Branching of the chain by addition of a methyl group to either side of the ester resulted in a decline in amplitude and a faster recovery time. Compared to EAG results, only 5 esters (butyl and pentyl hexanoate; propyl and butyl heptanoate; propyl octanoate) were highly active in wind tunnel bioassays, demonstrating (1) the hazard of assigning significance to EAG-active compounds without accompanying behavioral data, but more importantly; (2) a high degree of olfactory specificity. Maximum behavioral response was contingent upon the following rules regarding size and structure of the molecule. The ester must (1) be a straight chain; (2) be 10–11 carbons in length; (3) have an acid portion of 6–8 carbons and an alcohol portion of 3–5 carbons. One of the active esters, butyl hexanoate, appears in significant concentrations in the headspace of host fruit and, because this ester elicits such a pronounced behavioral response, our results suggest that R. pomonella is adapted to perception of a compound that is typical of its hosts.
Résumé Les réactions de R. pomonella à plus de 60 esters différents ont été enregistreées par électroantennogrammes (EAG) et par ovservation du comportement. Pour les acétates, avec les décanoates, les 2-méthylbutyrates et les iso butyrates, nous avons examiné des séries homologues de chaînes aux longueurs systématiquement altérées. La plupart de ces composés ont été isolés à partir des fractions actives sur le comportement, issues des extraits des substances volatiles des fruits des plantes hôtes de cette téphritidae. Pour les acétates, avec les hexanoates, les EAG aux plus grandes amplitudes ont été obtenus avec des esters dont la longueur des chaînes est de 9 carbones, et avec les heptanoates et les nonanoates pour les esters à 10 carbones. Le temps de récupération ou temps mis par l'EAG pour revenir à l'ordonnée de départ après dépolarisation maximum, a été plus lent pour les esters à chaînes droites avec 9 à 11 carbones. La ramification de la chaîne par addition d'un groupe méthyl de chaque côté de l'ester a provoqué une réduction de l'amplitude et une accélération de la récupération. 5 esters seuls provoquent une forte réaction dans le tunnel à vent (hexanoates butilique et pentylique, heptanoates propylique et butylique, octanoate propylique). Ceci montre (1) le risque qu'il y a à attribuer une signification aux substances provoquant une réaction en EAG, lorsqu'il n'y a pas d'observations comportementales parallèles, et, surtout; (2) le degré élevé de spécificité olfactive.La résponse comportementale optimale obéit aux règles suivantes concernant la taille et la structure de la molécule. L'ester doit avoir: (1) une chaîne linéaire; (2) 10–11 carbone de longueur; (3) une portion acide de 6 à 8 C et une portion alcool de 3 à 5 C. Le butyl hexanoate, l'un des esters actifs, présent en concentration suffisante près de fruits utilisés, provoque pour cette raison une réponse comportementale tellement marquée, que nos résultats suggèrent que R. pomonella est adapté à la perception des substances caractéristiques de leurs hôtes.
Native generalist herbivores might limit plant invasion by consuming invading plants or enhance plant invasion by selectively avoiding them. The role of herbivores in plant invasion has been investigated in relation to plant native/introduced status, however, a knowledge gap exists about whether food selection occurs according to native/introduced status or to species. We tested preference of the native herbivore white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for widespread and frequently occurring invasive introduced and native plants in the northeastern United States. Multiple-choice deer preference trials were conducted for the species and relative preference was determined using biomass consumption and feeding behavior. While more native than introduced plant biomass was consumed overall, deer food selection varied strongly by plant species. Results show consistent deer avoidance of several invasive introduced plants (Alliaria petiolata, Berberis thunbergii, and Microstegium vimineum) and a native plant (Dennstaedtia punctilobula). Other invasive introduced plants (Celastrus orbiculatus, Ligustrum vulgare, and Lonicera morrowii) and a native plant (Acer rubrum) were highly preferred. These results provide evidence that herbivore impacts on plant invaders depend on plant species palatability. Consequently, herbivore selectivity likely plays an important role in the invasion process. To the extent that herbivory impacts population demographics, these results suggest that native generalist herbivores promote enemy release of some plant invaders by avoiding them and contribute to biotic resistance of others by consuming them.  相似文献   
Apo-lactic oxidase from Mycobacterium smegmatis reconstituted with the deazaisoalloxazine analogue of FMN, 5-deazaFMN, undergoes reduction by L-lactate but not catalytic reoxidation by O2. The rate of deazaFMN-holo-enzyme reduction by substrate is 1.1 min-1. With L-[alpha-3-H]-lactate, direct tritium transfer to enzyme-bound deazaFMN occurs during reduction. No evidence for a stable covalent lactate-deazaFMN adduct has been obtained. The deaza-FMNH2-enzyme is reoxidized extremely slowly by O2, consistent with the sluggish nonenzymatic reaction of deaza-FMNH2 with oxygen. On the other hand, addition of pyruvate to the deazaFMNH2-enzyme causes rapid reoxidation, a process not detected in the absence of enzyme.  相似文献   
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