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17 beta-Hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (17-OHSD) activity in the endometrium of women with pelvic pain syndrome (PPS) and/or polycystic ovaries (PCO) was compared with that of a control group. In both groups there was a 10-fold increase in 17-OHSD activity in secretory phase tissue compared with that of the proliferative phase, measured by both oxidative and reduction pathways, and a highly significant correlation between the two directions (P less than 0.001). In normal subjects, the ratio of activity measured under oxidative conditions: reducing conditions, at all stages of the cycle except late proliferative phase, was 2.1-2.9. In the late proliferative phase the ratio was 5.5 which was significantly different from other stages of the cycle. Similar ratios were found for the PPS/PCO group (proliferative phase 2.5, secretory phase 5.6); these were also significantly different (P less than 0.01). On the basis of this study oestrogen metabolism in the endometrium of women with PPS and/or PCO appears to be no different from that of normal subjects. Measurement of enzyme activity in high speed soluble and particulate fractions of endometrial homogenate indicated the presence of two activities with different cofactor requirements. Gel filtration chromatography of the soluble fraction revealed a single peak of activity coincident with a molecular weight of 30 kDa with a strong preference for NAD + as cofactor. These preliminary findings suggest the presence of both soluble and particulate forms of 17-OHSD activity in the endometrium.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that genomic alterations involving DNA damage and the ability to repair such damage play an important role in cellular senescence. In this study, endogenous DNA single-strand breaks, the susceptibility of DNA to induced strand breakage and the capacity to repair these breaks were compared in postmitotic cells from young (3-day-old) and old (23-day-old) houseflies. DNA single-strand breaks did not accumulate during normal aging in the housefly. However, cells of the old flies exhibited a greater sensitivity to single-strand breakage induced by gamma-radiation and UV light. The capacity to repair these exogenously induced single-strand breaks declined with age. Results do not support the view that DNA single-strand breaks are a causal factor in aging in the housefly. An age-related increase in the susceptibility to undergo single-strand breakage suggests alterations in chromatin during the aging process.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA replication was examined in mutants for seven different Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes which are essential for nuclear DNA replication. In cdc8 and cdc21, mutants defective in continued replication during the S phase of the cell cycle, mitochondrial DNA replication ceases at the nonpermissive temperature. Replication is temperature sensitive even when these mutants are arrested in the G1 phase of the cell cycle with α factor, a condition where mitochondrial DNA replication continues for the equivalent of several generations at the permissive temperature. Therefore the cessation of replication results from a defect in mitochondrial replication per se, rather than from an indirect consequence of cells being blocked in a phase of the cell cycle where mitochondrial DNA is not normally synthesized. Since the temperature-sensitive mutations are recessive, the products of genes cdc8 and cdc21 must be required for both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA replication. In contrast to cdc8 and cdc21, mitochondrial DNA replication continues for a long time at the nonpermissive temperature in five other cell division cycle mutants in which nuclear DNA synthesis ceases within one cell cycle: cdc4, cdc7, and cdc28, which are defective in the initiation of nuclear DNA synthesis, and cdc14 and cdc23, which are defective in nuclear division. The products of these genes, therefore, are apparently not required for the initiation of mitochondrial DNA replication.  相似文献   
13N, generated by proton bombardment of 13C powder, is rapidly and easily converted to 13N-N2, 0.01 atm pressure, ca. 10 mCi/ml, by automated Dumas combustion. 13N fixed (as 13N-N2) by algal filaments was localized by an autoradiographic technique which permits track autoradiography with isotopes having short half-lives. Our findings show directly that a minimum of about 25% of the N2 fixation by intact, aerobically grown filaments of Anabaena cylindrica is carried out by the heterocysts. If all of the N2 fixation takes place in the heterocysts, then the movement of nitrogen along the filaments can be characterized by a constant τ < ca. 5 s (cell-2).  相似文献   
From 1,156 insertions of the copper 7 contraceptive device with 15,044 women-months of use we conclude that it offers advantages in intrauterine contraception. Continuity is improved for all users. It is a useful method for those who have not been pregnant and as an exchange device for patients having problems with other intrauterine devices or contraceptive methods. These advantages must be set against the necessity of replacing the copper 7 after a limited life span. In no cases in our series did cervical cytological examination show anything abnormal, and a 98·1% follow-up was achieved.  相似文献   
The effects of isoprenaline and salbutamol administered orally, by inhalation, or by intravenous infusion were compared in 13 asthmatic patients. Bronchodilator activity was assessed by serial measurement of specific airways conductance (SGaw). Log-dose response curves were obtained for both drugs and showed them to be equipotent as bronchodilators. Cardiovascular effects were variable, but in general, isopenaline caused greater rise in pulse rate and a greater change in blood pressure than the same dose of salbutamol.Cardiorespiratory measurements during continuous intravenous infusion of increasing doses of both drugs suggested a greater effect of isoprenaline than the same dose of salbutamol on metabolic rate, pulmonary ventilation, pulmonary gas exchange, cardiac output, and heart rate. The effect of salbutamol on the heart rate was about 10 times less than that of isoprenaline but lasted longer.  相似文献   
Recombination frequencies were determined for 15 independently isolated auxotrophs of C. crescentus crossed pairwise in all possible combinations. The results indicate that the mutants may be grouped into at least two types: "fertile" strains, which recombine with all other mutants at frequencies ranging from less than 10-6 to 3 times 10-2, and "nonfertile" strains which recombine with fertile strains at high frequencies and with other nonfertile strains at low or negligible frequencies. Several lines of evidence indicate a polarized inheritance of markers. Two of these are (1) the preferential inheritance of unselected markers from the nonfertile parent in fertile times nonfertile crosses, and (2) the consistent ordering of markers based on the frequency at which the mutants recombine with each of the three fertile strains. Although the evidence is not conclusive at this point, the results are most consistent with conjugation at the mechanism of gene transfer in these bacteria.  相似文献   
Several diaminopimelic acid (DAP)- and lysine-requiring mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated and studied by genetic, physiological, and biochemical means. The genes concerned with DAP-lysine synthesis map at several different sites on the E. coli chromosome and, therefore, do not constitute a single operon. Three separate loci affecting DAP synthesis are located in the 0 to 2.5 min region of the genetic map. The order of the loci in this region is thr-dapB-pyrA-ara-leu-pan-dapC-tonA-dapD. Two additional DAP genes map in the region between min 47 and 48, with the gene order being gua-dapA-dapE-ctr. The lys locus at min 55 determines the synthesis of the enzyme DAP decarboxylase, which catalyzes the conversion of DAP into lysine. The order of the genes in this region is serA-lysA-thyA.  相似文献   
Summary The moults and weights in captivity of sixCarduelis flammea cabaret and twoC. f. flammea are described. The birds started to moult on dates between 10 and 31 July, took 46–69 days to moult completely, and 44–58 days to replace their primaries. On average, the secondaries and the inner three primaries ofcabaret each took 14 days to grow, and the outer primaries took progressively longer, the outermost taking 21 days. Growth rates varied for different feathers. Within each race equivalent feathers in different birds took approximately the same time to grow, but those of the largerC. f. flammea took slightly longer, on average, than those ofcabaret. In both races, primaries 4–7 were shed at longer intervals than the rest, and the last three secondaries at shorter intervals than the first three.All the tail feathers are shed over 7–11 days, and incabaret the outer one took 20 days to grow at 2.4 mm per day. Inflammea it is longer and took 21 days to grow at 2.7 mm per day. The number of body feathers dropped varied greatly from day to day, but birds that shed their primaries at comparatively long intervals also dropped their body feathers more slowly.On all aspects on which comparative data are available, the moults of these captive Redpolls are closely similar to those of the wild birds studied byEvans (1966, 1969) andEvans et al. (1967).In contrast, the weights and fat contents of captive birds were much higher than those of free-living Redpolls, both before and after moult, but were similar during moult. Two captive birds killed for analysis a month after moult, contained much more fat (4.6 gm. and 2.0 gm.) than has been recorded from wild Redpolls (maximum 1.9 gm.). It is suggested that the reduction of fat during the moult of captive birds is the result of a distinct physiological condition prevailing at this time that prevented excessive fat-storage. However, fat deposition in captive birds in the autumn (presumably equivalent to premigratory fattening in wild birds) began a few days before the end of moult (whenever this occurred) and took 5–10 days to complete.
Zusammenfassung Die Mauser und das Gewicht von 6Carduelis flammea cabaret und 2C. f. flammea, alle in Gefangenschaft, wurden untersucht. Die Vögel begannen die Mauser an Daten, die zwischen 10. und 31. Juli lagen. Sie währte 46–69 Tage, davon entfielen 44–58 Tage auf den Ersatz der Handschwingen. Im Durchschnitt wuchsen die Armschwingen und die drei innersten Handschwingen voncabaret je 14 Tage lang, die äußeren Handschwingen zunehmend länger, die äußersten 21 Tage lang. Die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit war nicht bei allen Federn gleich. Homologe Federn verschiedener Vögel der gleichen Subspezies wuchsen ungefähr gleich lange; bei der größeren Subspeziesflammea verhornten sie etwas später als beicabaret. Bei beiden Rassen fielen die Handschwingen 4 bis 7 in größeren Abständen aus als die übrigen, und die drei äußersten in kürzeren Abständen als die drei innersten.Alle Stuerfedern fielen binnen 7–11 Tagen aus. Beicabaret wuchs die äußerste (S 6) 20 Tage lang, und zwar täglich 2,4 mm. Die Zahl ausgefallener Körperfedern variierte beträchtlich von Tag zu Tag, aber so lange die Vögel ihre Handschwingen mit relativ langen Abständen wechselten, erneuerten sie gleichzeitig auch das Körpergefieder langsamer.In den schon vergleichbaren Einzelheiten stimmt die Mauser dieser gekäfigten Birkenzeisige in jeder Hinsicht gut überein mit der Mauser von freilebenden, die vonEvans (1966, 1969) und vonEvans et al. (1967) untersucht worden ist.Das Gewicht und der Fettgehalt der Gekäfigten waren sowohl vor als auch nach der Mauser viel höher als bei Freilebenden; sie glichen einander aber während der Mauser. Zwei Gekäfigte, die einen Monat nach der Mauser für die Analyse getötet wurden, enthielten viel mehr Fett (4,6 g und 2,0 g) als bei freilebenden Birkenzeisigen gefunden worden ist (bei diesen maximal 1,9 g). Es wird vermutet, daß die während der Mauser der Gekäfigten festgestellte Verminderung des Fettgehaltes bewirkt wird durch einen besonderen physiologischen Prozeß, der zu dieser Zeit eine übermäßige Fettspeicherung verhindert. Aber einige Tage vor dem Ende der Mauser begann bei den Gekäfigten die Fettablagerung; sie war nach 5 bis 10 Tagen beendet. Das entspricht wahrscheinlich der prae-migratorischen Fettspeicherung bei Freilebenden.
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