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Hughes AL 《Genetics》2005,169(2):533-538
The nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution predicts that slightly deleterious mutations subject to purifying selection are widespread in natural populations, particularly those of large effective population size. To test this hypothesis, the standardized difference between pairwise nucleotide difference and number of segregation sites (corrected for number of sequences) was estimated for 149 population data sets from 84 species of bacteria. This quantity (Tajima's D-statistic) was estimated separately for synonymous (D(syn)) and nonsynonymous (D(non)) polymorphisms. D(syn) was positive in 70% of data sets, and the overall median D(syn) (0.873) was positive. By contrast D(non) was negative in 68% of data sets, and the overall median D(non) (-0.656) was negative. The preponderance of negative values of D(non) is evidence that there are widespread rare nonsynonymous polymorphisms in the process of being eliminated by purifying selection, as predicted to occur in populations with large effective size by the nearly neutral theory. The major exceptions to this trend were seen among surface proteins, particularly those of bacteria parasitic on vertebrates, which included a number of cases of polymorphisms apparently maintained by balancing selection.  相似文献   
We have investigated functional effects of glycosylation at N(579) of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Our previous study showed that the population of cell-surface expressed EGFRs in A431 cells, a human epidermoid carcinoma cell line, is composed of two subpopulations that differ by glycosylation at N(579) [Zhen et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 5478-5492]. To characterize the subpopulation of receptors not glycosylated at N(579), we established a 32D cell line expressing a point mutant of the EGFR (N579Q), which cannot be glycosylated at this position. Analysis of epitope accessibility suggests that the lack of glycosylation at N(579) weakens auto-inhibitory tether interactions, and cross-linking experiments suggest a somewhat elevated level of preformed N579Q-EGFR dimers in the absence of ligand relative to wild-type EGFR (WT-EGFR). However, ligand drives the majority of N579Q-EGFR dimerization, suggesting that untethering, while necessary, is not sufficient to drive dimerization. Ligand-binding experiments reveal a much greater fraction of N579Q-EGFRs in a high-affinity state compared to the fraction of WT-EGFRs in a high-affinity state. However, differences in the kinetic association and dissociation rates indicate that the high-affinity states of the WT and the N579Q receptors are distinct. EGF-stimulated phosphorylation in cells expressing N579Q-EGFRs results in notable differences in the pattern of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins compared with that obtained in cells expressing WT-EGFRs. Moreover, although WT-EGFRs confer cell survival in 32D cells in the absence of interleukin-3 and EGF, we found that receptors lacking glycosylation at N(579) do not. This is the first study of which we are aware to show that selective glycosylation of a specific N-glycosylation site can produce two functionally distinct receptors.  相似文献   
Bovine (bov) interferon-stimulated gene product 15 (ISG15) is produced in the endometrium in response to conceptus-secreted interferon (IFN)-tau. ISG15 conjugates to endometrial proteins through an enzymatic pathway that is similar to ubiquitinylation. Ubiquitin-activating enzyme 1-like protein (UBE1L) initiates enzymatic conjugation by forming a thioester bond with ISG15, thus preparing it for transfer to the next series of enzymes. The bovUBE1L has not been described. We hypothesized that bovUBE1L was induced by pregnancy and IFN-tau in the endometrium. A 110-kDa protein was purified from bovine endometrial (BEND) cells based on affinity with recombinant (r) glutathione S-transferase (GST)-ISG15. This protein was digested in gel with trypsin. Seven peptides were purified using HPLC, sequenced using liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy-mass spectroscopy and found to share 43-100% identity with human UBE1L. The full-length bovUBE1L cDNA was isolated from a BEND cell cDNA library, sequenced, and found to share 83% identity with human UBE1L cDNA. Northern blot revealed two mRNAs that were detected in greater (P<0.05) concentrations in endometrium from Day 17-21 pregnant versus nonpregnant cows. Western blots using antihuman UBE1L antibody revealed a similar pattern of pregnancy-associated expression of UBE1L protein in the uterus. The bovUBE1L mRNA was localized, using in situ hybridization, primarily to glandular and luminal epithelium, with more diffuse localization to stroma of the endometrium from pregnant cows. Because bovUBE1L was purified through its interaction with rGST-ISG15 and shares significant amino acid and cDNA sequence identity with human UBE1L, it is concluded that it mediates conjugation of ISG15 to uterine proteins in response to the developing and attaching conceptus.  相似文献   
The P1par family of active plasmid partition systems consists of at least six members, broadly distributed in a variety of plasmid types and bacterial genera. Each encodes two Par proteins and contains a cis-acting parS site. Individual par systems can show distinct species specificities; the proteins from one type cannot function with the parS site of another. P1par-versus-P7par specificity resides within two hexamer BoxB repeats encoded by parS that contact the ParB protein near the carboxy terminus. Here, we examine the species specificity differences between Yersinia pestis pMT1parS and Escherichia coli P1 and P7parS. pMT1parS site specificity could be altered to that of either P1 or P7 by point mutation changes in the BoxB repeats. Just one base change in a single BoxB repeat sometimes sufficed. The BoxB sequence appears to be able to adopt a number of forms that define exclusive interactions with different ParB species. The looped parS structure may facilitate this repertoire of interaction specificities. Different P1par family members have different partition-mediated incompatibility specificities. This property defines whether two related plasmids can coexist in the same cell and is important in promoting the evolution of new plasmid species. BoxB sequence changes that switch species specificity between P1, P7, and pMT1 species switched partition-mediated plasmid incompatibility in concert. Thus, there is a direct mechanistic link between species specificity and partition-mediated incompatibility, and the BoxB-ParB interaction can be regarded as a special mechanism for facilitating plasmid evolution.  相似文献   
The pattern of nucleotide substitution was examined at 2,129 orthologous loci among five genomes of Staphylococcus aureus, which included two sister pairs of closely related genomes (MW2/MSSA476 and Mu50/N315) and the more distantly related MRSA252. A total of 108 loci were unusual in lacking any synonymous differences among the five genomes; most of these were short genes encoding proteins highly conserved at the amino acid sequence level (including many ribosomal proteins) or unknown predicted genes. In contrast, 45 genes were identified that showed anomalously high divergence at synonymous sites. The latter genes were evidently introduced by homologous recombination from distantly related genomes, and in many cases, the pattern of nucleotide substitution made it possible to reconstruct the most probable recombination event involved. These recombination events introduced genes encoding proteins that differed in amino acid sequence and thus potentially in function. Several of the proteins are known or likely to be involved in pathogenesis (e.g., staphylocoagulase, exotoxin, Ser-Asp fibrinogen-binding bone sialoprotein-binding protein, fibrinogen and keratin-10 binding surface-anchored protein, fibrinogen-binding protein ClfA, and enterotoxin P). Therefore, the results support the hypothesis that exchange of homologous genes among S. aureus genomes can play a role in the evolution of pathogenesis in this species.  相似文献   
A. P. Austin 《Hydrobiologia》1960,14(3-4):255-277
Summary The unattached populations of Furcellaria fastigiata forma aegagropila in Danish waters exhibit characteristics which are paralleled to a remarkable degree by those possessed by communities of unattached algae in other parts of the world. These characteristics include sterility, multiplication by vegetative means, and the adoption of a form, devoid of holdfast organs, which commonly has a globular or subglobular habit suited to rolling about on the sea bottom. Branching is often profuse and patent and may be accompanied by a thallus diameter far smaller than that of the attached form. Vegetative multiplication may be effected by fragmentation, and, as in F. fastigiata forma aegagropila, by a small accessory lateral branches which function as propagulae. The latter originate in a manner somewhat different from that of the axial regenerated branches produced on decapitated thalli and on thalli which have been more than superficially wounded. Evidence suggests that much of the unattached population of this latter species in the central Kattegat is made up of diploid thalli.All loose lying forms ultimately originate from attached species, which possess or can adopt certain characteristics which enable them to survive in the unattached state.
Résumé Les colonies sans attaches de Furcellaria fastigiata forma aegagropila dans les eaux danoises montrent des carat`eres qui sont parallèles à un degré remarquable à ceux possédés par d'autres communautés d'algues flottantes dans les autres parties du monde. Ces caractères comprennent la stérilité, la multiplication par des moyens végétatifs, et l'adoption d'une forme, dépourvue d'organes de préhension, généralement sphérique ou quasi sphérique, adapté à se mouvoir sur le fond de la mer. La formation de branches est souvent abondante et évidente et peut être accompagnée d'un diamètre thallique bien plus petit que celui de la forme fixe. La multiplication végétative peut être effectuée par fragmentation, et comme chez F. fastigiata forma aegagropila, par moyen de petites branches latérales accesoires qui fonctionnent comme des propagulae. Ces dernières prennent leur naissance d'une manière quelque peu différente de celle des branches axiales régénérées produites sur thalles décapités et sur thalles qui ont été plus que superficiellement blessés. Léxpérience suggère que beaucoup de colonies flottantes de cette dernière espèce dans le Kattegat central sont formées de thalles de forme diploide.Toutes les formes libres et flottantes prennent leur origine en dernier ressort des espèces fixes, qui poss`edent ou peuvent adopter certains caractères qui leur permettent de survivre dans l'état de liberté.

Most of the observational work in this paper was carried out in the Department of Botany, Aberystwith.

Personal communications with Herr Fuglede of Skiber.  相似文献   
Oocyte-specific deletion of ovarian genes using Cre/loxP technology provides an excellent tool to understand their physiological roles during folliculogenesis, oogenesis, and preimplantation embryonic development. We have generated a transgenic mouse line expressing improved Cre recombinase (iCre) driven by the mouse growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) promoter. The resulting transgenic mouse line was named GDF-9-iCre mice. Using the floxed ROSA reporter mice, we found that Cre recombinase was expressed in postnatal ovaries, but not in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and brain. Within the ovary, the Cre recombinase was exclusively expressed in the oocytes of primordial follicles and follicles at later developmental stages. The expression of iCre of GDF-9-iCre mice was shown to be earlier than the Cre expression of Zp3Cre and Msx2Cre mice, in which the Cre gene is driven by zona pellucida protein 3 (Zp3) promoter and a homeobox gene Msx2 promoter, respectively, in the postnatal ovary. Breeding wild-type males with heterozygous floxed germ cell nuclear factor (GCNF) females carrying the GDF-9-iCre transgene did not produce any progeny having the floxed GCNF allele, indicating that complete deletion of the floxed GCNF allele can be achieved in the female germline by GDF-9-iCre mice. These results suggest that GDF-9-iCre mouse line provides an excellent genetic tool for understanding functions of oocyte-expressing genes involved in folliculogenesis, oogenesis, and early embryonic development. Comparison of the ontogeny of the Cre activities of GDF-9-iCre, Zp3Cre, and Msx2Cre transgenic mice shows there is sequential Cre activity of the three transgenes that will allow inactivation of a target gene at different points in folliculogenesis.  相似文献   
The proton-pumping NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, also called complex I, is the entry point for electrons into the respiratory chains of many bacteria and mitochondria of most eucaryotes. It couples electron transfer with the translocation of protons across the membrane, thus providing the proton motive force essential for energy-consuming processes. Electron microscopy revealed the 'L'-shaped structure of the bacterial and mitochondrial complex with two arms arranged perpendicular to each other. Recently, we showed that the Escherichia coli complex I takes on another stable conformation with the two arms arranged side by side resulting in a horseshoe-shaped structure. This model reflects the evolution of complex I from pre-existing modules for electron transfer and proton translocation.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to delineate the traffic patterns of EGF and EGF receptors (EGFR) in primary cultured acinar epithelial cells from rabbit lacrimal glands. Uptake of [(125)I]-EGF exhibited saturable and non-saturable, temperature-dependent components, suggesting both receptor-mediated and fluid phase endocytosis. Accumulation of [(125)I] was time-dependent over a 120-min period, but the content of intact [(125)I]-EGF decreased after reaching a maximum at 20 min. Analytical fractionation by sorbitol density gradient centrifugation and phase partitioning indicated that within 20 min at 37 degrees C [(125)I] reached an early endosome, basal-lateral recycling endosome, pre-lysosome, and lysosome. Small components of the label also appeared to reach the Golgi complex and trans-Golgi network. Intact [(125)I]-EGF initially accumulated in the recycling endosome; the content in the recycling endosome subsequently decreased, and by 120 min increased amounts of [(125)I]-labeled degradation products appeared in the pre-lysosomes and lysosomes. Confocal microscopy imaging of FITC-EGF and LysoTrackerRed revealed FITC enriched in a dispersed system of non-acidic compartments at 20 min and in acidic compartments at 120 min. Both confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and analytical fractionation indicated that the intracellular EGFR pool was much larger than the plasma membrane-expressed pool at all times. Cells loaded with [(125)I]-EGF released a mixture of intact EGF and [(125)I]-labeled degradation products. The observations indicate that in lacrimal acinar cells, EGFR and EGF-EGFR complexes continually traffic between the plasma membranes and a system of endomembrane compartments; EGF-stimulation generates time-dependent signals that initially decrease, then increase, EGF-EGFR traffic to degradative compartments.  相似文献   
Comparison of 317 gene pairs in human and mouse that were duplicated after the most recent common ancestor of the two species was used to search for candidates that may have undergone functional differentiation. Even when corrected for multiple tests, Tajimas relative rate test showed significant rate differences in 36% of cases for which the test was applicable. However, a significant result in this case was increasingly likely as the sequence length increased; thus, a statistically significant result of a relative rate test may not be biologically meaningful. We used regression methods to provide more robust methods of testing for functionally differentiated gene pairs, which take into account the variation in the entire data set by examination of residuals from regression-identified gene pairs with unusually high nonsynonymous divergence from a reference sequence and from each other. This approach identified six duplicate gene pairs that appeared to be candidates for functional differentiation as a result of positive Darwinian selection.  相似文献   
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