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Plasmid-partition functions of the P7 prophage   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The magnitude of immunologic defects observed in HIV-1-infected individuals before the development of overt AIDS is disproportionately high in comparison to the levels of infectious virus in these patients--suggesting that factors other than direct virus-induced cytopathology may be involved. With this in mind, we investigated the immunologic consequences of the interaction between purified HIV-1 gp120 and the CD4 molecules expressed by uncommitted as well as Ag-specific lymphocytes. HIV-1 gp120 exhibited a dose-dependent immunosuppressive effect on: 1) Ag-driven proliferation of cloned CD4+ lymphocytes, 2) OKT3-driven proliferation of cloned CD4+ lymphocytes, and 3) cytolytic activity of CD4+, EBV-specific CTL. Thus, HIV-1 gp120 can, in a manner similar to OKT4A antibodies, suppress T cell activation and the expression of cytolytic activities through its interaction with CD4. Additionally, activated CD4+ lymphoblasts can be rendered susceptible to immune cytolysis by virtue of their binding of purified gp120. This "targeting" of activated lymphoblasts can occur with levels of gp120 far below that which is needed to saturate all OKT4A-defined CD4 epitopes. Adsorbed gp120 could be demonstrated on the surface of these cells for up to 12 h, a sufficient time for interaction with host cytolytic elements. The data from these in vitro modeling experiments highlight one of many potential mechanisms of HIV-1 induced immunosuppression and lymphocyte destruction that can occur in the absence of infectious virus and that is based on the unique interaction between HIV-1 gp120 and its cellular receptor, CD4.  相似文献   
10 derivations of rat tracheal epithelial (RTE) cells, including normal cells, normal primary cultures, 7 tumorigenic cell lines and 1 nontumorigenic cell line transformed in vitro by treatment with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and/or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) were examined for oncogene alterations. No abnormalities of Ha-ras or Ki-ras were seen that were suggestive of amplification, rearrangement or the presence of RFLPs. Analysis of specific-point mutations in Ha-ras using Pst I digestion (codon 12, GGA to GCA) or Ha-ras and Ki-ras using Xba I (codon 61, CAA to CTA) were negative. In one cell line derived by DMBA treatment, changes in the c-myc restriction digest pattern were seen after incubation with Bam HI and Hind III. Northern analysis revealed consistent differences between normal and transformed cells when probed with Ha-ras; c-myc expression was of low intensity, and the expression of Ki-ras could not be detected. Transfection of RTE cell DNAs into NIH/3T3 cells did not result in the appearance of morphologic transformants. The studies suggest that Ha-ras or Ki-ras codon 61 A to T transversions (CAA to CTA) are not associated with the immortal/tumorigenic phenotype in RTE cells transformed by DMBA or TPA, and are in contrast to results reported in some other biological systems.  相似文献   
The plasmid-partition regions of the P1 and P7 plasmid prophages in Escherichia coli are homologues which each encode two partition proteins, ParA and ParB. The equivalent PI and P7 proteins are closely related. In each case, the proteins are encoded by an operon that is autoregulated by the ParA and ParB proteins in concert. This regulation is species-specific, as the P1 proteins are unable to repress the P7 par operon and vice versa. The homologous ParA proteins are primarily responsible for repression and bind to regions that overlap the operon promoter in both cases. The DNA-binding domain of the P7 auto-repressor lies in the amino-terminal end of the P7 ParA protein. This region includes a helix-turn-helix motif that has a clear counterpart in the P1 ParA sequence. However, despite the common regulatory mechanism and the similarity of the proteins involved in repression, the promoter-operator sequences of these two operons are very different in sequence and organization. The operator is located downstream of the promoter in P1 and upstream of it in P7, and the two regions show little, if any, homology. How these differences may have arisen from a common ancestral form is discussed.  相似文献   
Shiga-like toxin I (SLT-I), the potent cytotoxin produced by certain pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, is a member of a burgeoning family of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPS), which share common structural and mechanistic features. The prototype of the group is the plant toxin ricin. Recently we proposed a structural model for the Slt-IA active site, based in part on the known geometry of the enzymatic subunit of the ricin toxin. The model places three aromatic residues within the putative Slt-IA active site cleft: tyrosine 77, tyrosine 114, and tryptophan 203. Here we present biochemical and biophysical data regarding, the phenotypes of conservative point mutants of Slt-IA in which tyrosine 114 is altered. We used oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis to replace tyrosine 114 with either phenylalanine (Y114F) or serine (Y114S). Periplasmic extracts of E. coli containing wild-type or mutant Slt-IA were tested for their ability to inhibit protein synthesis in vitro. Relative to wild-type, the activity of mutant Y1 14F was attenuated about 30-fold, while the mutant Y114S was attenuated about 500 to 1000-fold. In order to address the possibility that differential activation of the mutants rather than local effects at the active site might account for their diminished activity, we engineered the same mutations into a truncated slt-IA cassette that directs expression of a product corresponding to the activated A1 form of Slt-IA (wild-type-). The same general relationships held: relative to wild type-, Y114F- was attenuated about 7-fold, and Y114S- about 300-fold. Tryptic digestion profiles of the mutant proteins were similar to those of the corresponding wild-type, indicating that the amino acid substitutions had not caused major alterations in conformation. We conclude that Y114 plays a significant role in the activity of Slt-IA, one which is quantitatively similar to that of Y77, and one which is predicated on the presence of both its weakly acidic phenolic hydroxyl and its aromatic ring.  相似文献   
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