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By the use of isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels serum samples from 146 Alaskan wolves were studied with regard to transferrin (Tf) and esterase (ArE) polymorphism, comparing the phenotypic band patterns with those of selected Norwegian dogs. The study revealed Tf and ArE polymorphisms in the wolf with phenotypic band patterns being indistinguishable from the corresponding ones in dogs. This suggests the occurrence of the same two common Tf alleles in the wolf as in the dog. In the ArE system the results are consistent with the occurrence of three alleles which also occur in dogs whereas a fourth allele, so far not seen in dogs, is seen in Alaskan wolves.  相似文献   
Myrothamnus flabellifoliusWelw. is a desiccation-tolerant (‘resurrection’)plant with a woody stem. Xylem vessels are narrow (14 µmmean diameter) and perforation plates are reticulate. This leadsto specific and leaf specific hydraulic conductivities thatare amongst the lowest recorded for angiosperms (ks0.87 kg m-1MPa-1s-1;kl3.28x10-5kg m-1MPa-1s-1, stem diameter 3 mm). Hydraulic conductivitiesdecrease with increasing pressure gradient. Transpiration ratesin well watered plants were moderate to low, generating xylemwater potentials of -1 to -2 MPa. Acoustic emissions indicatedextensive cavitation events that were initiated at xylem waterpotentials of -2 to -3 MPa. The desiccation-tolerant natureof the tissue permits this species to survive this interruptionof the water supply. On rewatering the roots pressures thatwere developed were low (2.4 kPa). However capillary forceswere demonstrated to be adequate to account for the refillingof xylem vessels and re-establishment of hydraulic continuityeven when water was under a tension of -8 kPa. During dehydrationand rehydration cycles stems showed considerable shrinking andswelling. Unusual knob-like structures of unknown chemical compositionwere observed on the outer surface of xylem vessels. These maybe related to the ability of the stem to withstand the mechanicalstresses associated with this shrinkage and swelling.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company cavitation, desiccation, hydraulic conductivity, refilling, resurrection plant, root pressure, xylem anatomy,Myrothamnus flabellifolius  相似文献   
Oxidative damage affects protein structure and function. Progressive accumulation of oxidized proteins is considered a putative mechanism of aging; however, empirical evidence supporting their role in aging is inconsistent. This inconsistency may reflect a failure to distinguish damage to particular cellular compartments. We found a significant reduction of protein carbonyls in the insoluble, but not in the soluble, fraction of liver tissues of long-lived compared with their short-lived counterpart. Of cellular components analyzed, only nuclear protein carbonyl level was uniformly reduced in long-lived compared with short-lived animals. This observation suggests that attenuated accumulation of protein carbonyls in the nucleus, where they can affect multiple aspects of gene expression and DNA repair, might contribute to the longevity in mammalian species.  相似文献   
Vascular aging is characterized by increased oxidative stress, impaired nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and enhanced apoptotic cell death. The oxidative stress hypothesis of aging predicts that vascular cells of long-lived species exhibit lower production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or superior resistance to oxidative stress. We tested this hypothesis using two taxonomically related rodents, the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and the house mouse (Mus musculus), that show a more than twofold difference in maximum lifespan potential (MLSP = 8 and 3.5 years, respectively). We compared interspecies differences in endothelial superoxide (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production, NAD(P)H oxidase activity, mitochondrial ROS generation, expression of pro- and antioxidant enzymes, NO production, and resistance to oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. In aortas of P. leucopus, NAD(P)H oxidase expression and activity, endothelial and H2O2 production, and ROS generation by mitochondria were less than in mouse vessels. In P. leucopus, there was a more abundant expression of catalase, glutathione peroxidase 1 and hemeoxygenase-1, whereas expression of Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD was similar in both species. NO production and endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression was greater in P. leucopus. In mouse aortas, treatment with oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) elicited substantial oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and endothelial apoptosis (assessed by TUNEL assay, DNA fragmentation and caspase 3 activity assays). According to our prediction, vessels of P. leucopus were more resistant to the proapoptotic effects of oxidative stressors (oxLDL and H2O2). Primary fibroblasts from P. leucopus also exhibited less H2O2-induced DNA damage (comet assay) than mouse cells. Thus, increased lifespan potential in P. leucopus is associated with a decreased cellular ROS generation and increased oxidative stress resistance, which accords with the prediction of the oxidative stress hypothesis of aging.  相似文献   
Semi-natural grasslands and their species and populations are declining rapidly throughout Europe, bringing about a need for successful vegetation recreation methods. To maintain biodiversity and ecological services of semi-natural grasslands, we need more knowledge on the relative performance of different recreation methods. In a replicated experiment in western Norway, we evaluated two hay transfer methods (hard or light raking of local hay), sowing of local seeds and natural regeneration for recreating semi-natural grassland in a road verge. We compared treated trial plots with their respective donor plots (where hay and seeds were harvested) for three successive years by evaluating vegetation cover, species richness and species transfer rates, and vegetation dynamics analysed by Bray–Curtis compositional dissimilarity (BC) and GNMDS (Global Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling) ordination. Vegetation cover at the trial site exceeded that of donor sites in three years. Transfer rates of common species were high for seed sowing and both hay transfer procedures. Species composition in trial plots for all three treatments became significantly more similar to donor plots, but was still relatively dissimilar after three years. Natural regeneration showed a different temporal pattern and also had a higher successional rate. The species composition of the other treatments followed the same trajectory toward the donor sites as revealed by GNMDS. We found relatively small differences between the two hay transfer methods and seed sowing. Transfer of local hay therefore appears to be a successful method of establishing local species when recreating semi-natural grasslands, and is generally cheaper than using commercial local seed mixtures.  相似文献   
Nonhuman primate (NHP) aging research has traditionally relied mainly on the rhesus macaque. But the long lifespan, low reproductive rate, and relatively large body size of macaques and related Old World monkeys make them less than ideal models for aging research. Manifold advantages would attend the use of smaller, more rapidly developing, shorter-lived NHP species in aging studies, not the least of which are lower cost and the ability to do shorter research projects. Arbitrarily defining "small" primates as those weighing less than 500 g, we assess small, relatively short-lived species among the prosimians and callitrichids for suitability as models for human aging research. Using the criteria of availability, knowledge about (and ease of) maintenance, the possibility of genetic manipulation (a hallmark of 21st century biology), and similarities to humans in the physiology of age-related changes, we suggest three species--two prosimians (Microcebus murinus and Galago senegalensis) and one New World monkey (Callithrix jacchus)--that deserve scrutiny for development as major NHP models for aging studies. We discuss one other New World monkey group, Cebus spp., that might also be an effective NHP model of aging as these species are longer-lived for their body size than any primate except humans.  相似文献   
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