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The intergenic transcribed spacers (ITS) between the 16S and 23S rRNA genetic loci are frequently used in PCR fingerprinting to discriminate bacterial strains at the species and intraspecies levels. We investigated the molecular nature of polymorphisms in ITS-PCR fingerprinting of low-G+C-content spore-forming bacteria belonging to the genera Bacillus, Brevibacillus, Geobacillus, and Paenibacillus: We found that besides the polymorphisms in the homoduplex fragments amplified by PCR, heteroduplex products formed during PCR between amplicons from different ribosomal operons, with or without tRNA genes in the ITS, contribute to the interstrain variability in ITS-PCR fingerprinting patterns obtained in polyacrylamide-based gel matrices. The heteroduplex nature of the discriminating bands was demonstrated by fragment separation in denaturing polyacrylamide gels, by capillary electrophoresis, and by cloning, sequencing, and recombination of purified short and tRNA gene-containing long ITS. We also found that heteroduplex product formation is enhanced by increasing the number of PCR cycles. Homoduplex-heteroduplex polymorphisms (HHP) in a conserved region, such as the 16S and 23S rRNA gene ITS, allowed discrimination of closely related strains and species undistinguishable by other methods, indicating that ITS-HHP analysis is an easy and reproducible additional tool for strain typing.  相似文献   
The basic problem in an evolutionary transition is to understandhow a group of individuals becomes a new kind of individual,possessing the property of heritable variation in fitness atthe new level of organization. During an evolutionary transition,for example, from single cells to multicellular organisms, thenew higher-level evolutionary unit (multicellular organism)gains its emergent properties by virtue of the interactionsamong lower-level units (cells). We see the formation of cooperativeinteractions among lower-level units as a necessary step inevolutionary transitions; only cooperation transfers fitnessfrom lower levels (costs to group members) to higher levels(benefits to the group). As cooperation creates new levels offitness, it creates the opportunity for conflict between levelsas deleterious mutants arise and spread within the group. Fundamentalto the emergence of a new higher-level unit is the mediationof conflict among lower-level units in favor of the higher-levelunit. The acquisition of heritable variation in fitness at thenew level, via conflict mediation, requires the reorganizationof the basic components of fitness (survival and reproduction)and life-properties (such as immortality and totipotency) aswell as the co-option of lower-level processes for new functionsat the higher level. The way in which the conflicts associatedwith the transition in individuality have been mediated, andfitness and general life-traits have been re-organized, caninfluence the potential for further evolution (i.e., evolvability)of the newly emerged evolutionary individual. We use the volvocaleangreen algal group as a model-system to understand evolutionarytransitions in individuality and to apply and test the theoreticalprinciples presented above. Lastly, we discuss how the differentnotions of individuality stem from the basic properties of fitnessin a multilevel selection context.  相似文献   
Properly metabolized globin synthesis and iron uptake are indispensable for erythroid cell differentiation and maturation. Mitochondrial participation is crucial in the process of haeme synthesis for cytochromes and haemoglobin. We studied the final biosynthesis site of haemoglobin using an ultrastructural approach, with erythroid cells obtained from rabbit embryos, in order to compare these results with those of animals treated with saponine or phenylhydrazine. Our results are similar to those obtained in assays with adult mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish, after induction of haemolytic anaemia. Therefore, the treatment did not interfere with the process studied, confirming our previous findings. Immunoelectron microscopy showed no labelling of mitochondria or other cellular organelles supposedly involved in the final biosynthesis of haemoglobin molecules, suggesting instead that it occurs free in the cytoplasm immediately after the liberation of haeme from the mitochondria, by electrostatic attraction between haeme and globin chains.  相似文献   
A signature whistle type is a learned, individually distinctive whistle type in a dolphin''s acoustic repertoire that broadcasts the identity of the whistle owner. The acquisition and use of signature whistles indicates complex cognitive functioning that requires wider investigation in wild dolphin populations. Here we identify signature whistle types from a population of approximately 100 wild common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) inhabiting Walvis Bay, and describe signature whistle occurrence, acoustic parameters and temporal production. A catalogue of 43 repeatedly emitted whistle types (REWTs) was generated by analysing 79 hrs of acoustic recordings. From this, 28 signature whistle types were identified using a method based on the temporal patterns in whistle sequences. A visual classification task conducted by 5 naïve judges showed high levels of agreement in classification of whistles (Fleiss-Kappa statistic, κ = 0.848, Z = 55.3, P<0.001) and supported our categorisation. Signature whistle structure remained stable over time and location, with most types (82%) recorded in 2 or more years, and 4 identified at Walvis Bay and a second field site approximately 450 km away. Whistle acoustic parameters were consistent with those of signature whistles documented in Sarasota Bay (Florida, USA). We provide evidence of possible two-voice signature whistle production by a common bottlenose dolphin. Although signature whistle types have potential use as a marker for studying individual habitat use, we only identified approximately 28% of those from the Walvis Bay population, despite considerable recording effort. We found that signature whistle type diversity was higher in larger dolphin groups and groups with calves present. This is the first study describing signature whistles in a wild free-ranging T. truncatus population inhabiting African waters and it provides a baseline on which more in depth behavioural studies can be based.  相似文献   
We have investigated the role of the ADP- ribosylation induced by brefeldin A (BFA) in the mechanisms controlling the architecture of the Golgi complex. BFA causes the rapid disassembly of this organelle into a network of tubules, prevents the association of coatomer and other proteins to Golgi membranes, and stimulates the ADP-ribosylation of two cytosolic proteins of 38 and 50 kD (GAPDH and BARS-50; De Matteis, M.A., M. DiGirolamo, A. Colanzi, M. Pallas, G. Di Tullio, L.J. McDonald, J. Moss, G. Santini, S. Bannykh, D. Corda, and A. Luini. 1994. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 91:1114–1118; Di Girolamo, M., M.G. Silletta, M.A. De Matteis, A. Braca, A. Colanzi, D. Pawlak, M.M. Rasenick, A. Luini, and D. Corda. 1995. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 92:7065–7069). To study the role of ADP-ribosylation, this reaction was inhibited by depletion of NAD+ (the ADP-ribose donor) or by using selective pharmacological blockers in permeabilized cells. In NAD+-depleted cells and in the presence of dialized cytosol, BFA detached coat proteins from Golgi membranes with normal potency but failed to alter the organelle's structure. Readdition of NAD+ triggered Golgi disassembly by BFA. This effect of NAD+ was mimicked by the use of pre–ADP- ribosylated cytosol. The further addition of extracts enriched in native BARS-50 abolished the ability of ADP-ribosylated cytosol to support the effect of BFA. Pharmacological blockers of the BFA-dependent ADP-ribosylation (Weigert, R., A. Colanzi, A. Mironov, R. Buccione, C. Cericola, M.G. Sciulli, G. Santini, S. Flati, A. Fusella, J. Donaldson, M. DiGirolamo, D. Corda, M.A. De Matteis, and A. Luini. 1997. J. Biol. Chem. 272:14200–14207) prevented Golgi disassembly by BFA in permeabilized cells. These inhibitors became inactive in the presence of pre–ADP-ribosylated cytosol, and their activity was rescued by supplementing the cytosol with a native BARS-50–enriched fraction. These results indicate that ADP-ribosylation plays a role in the Golgi disassembling activity of BFA, and suggest that the ADP-ribosylated substrates are components of the machinery controlling the structure of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis affecting livestock and human beings. The human disease lacks pathognomonic symptoms and laboratory tests are essential for its diagnosis. However, most tests are difficult to implement in the areas and countries were brucellosis is endemic. Here, we compared the simple and cheap Rose Bengal Test (RBT) with serum agglutination, Coombs, competitive ELISA, Brucellacapt, lateral flow immunochromatography for IgM and IgG detection and immunoprecipitation with Brucella proteins. We tested 208 sera from patients with brucellosis proved by bacteriological isolation, 20 contacts with no brucellosis, and 1559 sera of persons with no recent contact or brucellosis symptoms. RBT was highly sensitive in acute and long evolution brucellosis cases and this related to its ability to detect IgM, IgG and IgA, to the absence of prozones, and to the agglutinating activity of blocking IgA at the pH of the test. RBT was also highly specific in the sera of persons with no contact with Brucella. No test in this study outperformed RBT, and none was fully satisfactory in distinguishing contacts from infected patients. When modified to test serum dilutions, a diagnostic titer >4 in RBT resulted in 87.4% sensitivity (infected patients) and 100% specificity (contacts). We discuss the limitations of serological tests in the diagnosis of human brucellosis, particularly in the more chronic forms, and conclude that simplicity and affordability of RBT make it close to the ideal test for small and understaffed hospitals and laboratories.  相似文献   
The ATP binding cassette transporter, ABCD2 (D2), is a peroxisomal protein whose mRNA has been detected in the adrenal, brain, liver, and fat. Although the role of this transporter in neural tissues has been studied, its function in adipose tissue remains unexplored. The level of immunoreactive D2 in epididymal fat is >50-fold of that found in brain or adrenal. D2 is highly enriched in adipocytes and is upregulated during adipogenesis but is not essential for adipocyte differentiation or lipid accumulation in day 13.5 mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from D2-deficient (D2−/−) mice. Although no differences were appreciated in differentiation percentage, total lipid accumulation was greater in D2−/− adipocytes compared with the wild type. These results were consistent with in vivo observations in which no significant differences in adiposity or adipocyte diameter between wild-type and D2−/− mice were observed. D2−/− adipose tissue showed an increase in the abundance of 20:1 and 22:1 fatty acids. When mice were challenged with a diet enriched in erucic acid (22:1), this lipid accumulated in the adipose tissue in a gene-dosage-dependent manner. In conclusion, D2 is a sterol regulatory element binding protein target gene that is highly abundant in fat and opposes the accumulation of dietary lipids generally absent from the triglyceride storage pool within adipose tissue.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids inhibit the proliferation, but induce the differentiation, of bone marrow stromal cells into osteoblast-like cells. The mechanisms, however, are still conjectural. Since insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) have profound effects on osteoblast growth and differentiation, it is possible that glucocorticoids exert their effects on bone marrow stromal cells in part via regulation of IGFs. Therefore, we analyzed the effects of dexamethasone (Dex) on the expression of IGF I and IGF II in cultured preosteoblastic normal human bone marrow stromal cells (HBMSC). Whereas Dex decreased the concentration of IGF I in the conditioned medium since early in the treatment, the concentration of IGF II was increased progressively as culture period lengthened. As the activities of IGF I and IGF II are regulated by the IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), we analyzed the effects of Dex on the expression of IGFBPs. Dex increased IGFBP-2 in a time-dependent manner. The increase in IGFBP-2, however, was only to the same extent as that of IGF II at most, depending on the length of treatment. Therefore, the increase in IGFBP-2 would dampen, but not eliminate, the increased IGF II activities. By contrast, Dex decreased IGFBP-3 levels, the latter increasing the bioavailability of IGF II. Although IGFBP-4 mRNA levels were stimulated by Dex, IGFBP-4 concentration in the conditioned medium was unchanged as measured by RIA. IGFBP-5 and IGFBP-6 mRNA levels were decreased by Dex in a time-dependent fashion. IGFBP-5 protein level was also decreased 1–4 days after Dex treatment. IGFBP-1 mRNA was not detectable in HBMSC. These accumulated data indicate that Dex regulates IGF I and IGF II and their binding proteins differentially in normal human bone marrow stromal cells. The progressive increase in IGF II may contribute to Dex-induced cell differentiation. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:449–458, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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