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Several novel amine substituted N-(1H-benzimidazol-2ylmethyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-8-quinolinamines were synthesized which had potent activity against HIV-1. The synthetic approaches adopted allowed for variation of the substitution pattern and resulting changes in antiviral activity are highlighted. This led to the identification of compounds with low and sub-nanomolar anti-HIV-1 activity.  相似文献   
The role of TlyA, TlyB and TlyC proteins in the biology of Leptospira is still uncertain. Although these proteins have been considered as putative hemolysins, we demonstrate that leptospiral recombinant TlyB and TlyC do not possess hemolytic activity. However, further experiments showed that TlyC is a surface-exposed protein that seems to bind to laminin, collagen IV and fibronectin. The expression of both proteins was detected both in vitro and in vivo. Our findings suggest that TlyB and TlyC are not directly involved in hemolysis, and that TlyC may contribute to Leptospira binding to extracellular matrix (ECM) during host infection.  相似文献   
Gene amplification, a key mechanism for oncogene activation and drug resistance in tumour cells, involves the generation and joining of DNA double-strand breaks. Amplified DNA can be carried either on intra-chromosomal arrays or on extra-chromosomal elements (double minutes). We previously showed that, in rodent cells deficient in DNA-PKcs, intra-chromosomal amplification is significantly enhanced. In the present work, we studied gene amplification in human HeLa cell lines in which the expression of the DNA-PKcs gene was constitutively inhibited by shRNAs. These cell lines showed an increased sensitivity to ionizing radiations, an enhanced frequency of chromosomal aberrations and an increased rate of occurrence of methotrexate resistant colonies compared to the control cell lines (6-18 times). The main mechanism of resistance to methotrexate was extra-chromosomal amplification of the dihydrofolate reductase gene. These results indicate that, in human cells, inhibition of DNA-PKcs gene expression favours gene amplification occurring via the production of double minutes. In addition, they show that cell lines constitutively expressing shRNAs are good model systems to study the role of specific functions in gene amplification.  相似文献   
The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA I and II) and the cAMP-stimulated GDP exchange factors (Epac1 and -2) are major cAMP effectors. The cAMP affinity of the PKA holoenzyme has not been determined previously. We found that cAMP bound to PKA I with a K(d) value (2.9 microM) similar to that of Epac1. In contrast, the free regulatory subunit of PKA type I (RI) had K(d) values in the low nanomolar range. The cAMP sites of RI therefore appear engineered to respond to physiological cAMP concentrations only when in the holoenzyme form, whereas Epac can respond in its free form. Epac is phylogenetically younger than PKA, and its functional cAMP site has presumably evolved from site B of PKA. A striking feature is the replacement of a conserved Glu in PKA by Gln (Epac1) or Lys (Epac2). We found that such a switch (E326Q) in site B of human RIalpha led to a 280-fold decreased cAMP affinity. A similar single switch early in Epac evolution could therefore have decreased the high cAMP affinity of the free regulatory subunit sufficiently to allow Epac to respond to physiologically relevant cAMP levels. Molecular dynamics simulations and cAMP analog mapping indicated that the E326Q switch led to flipping of Tyr-373, which normally stacks with the adenine ring of cAMP. Combined molecular dynamics simulation, GRID analysis, and cAMP analog mapping of wild-type and mutated BI and Epac1 revealed additional differences, independent of the Glu/Gln switch, between the binding sites, regarding space (roominess), hydrophobicity/polarity, and side chain flexibility. This helped explain the specificity of current cAMP analogs and, more importantly, lays a foundation for the generation of even more discriminative analogs.  相似文献   
Homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information through recombination during meiosis, a process that increases genetic diversity, and is fundamental to sexual reproduction. In an attempt to shed light on the dynamics of mammalian recombination and its implications for genome organization, we have studied the recombination characteristics of 112 individuals belonging to 28 different species in the family Bovidae. In particular, we analyzed the distribution of RAD51 and MLH1 foci during the meiotic prophase I that serve, respectively, as proxies for double-strand breaks (DSBs) which form in early stages of meiosis and for crossovers. In addition, synaptonemal complex length and meiotic DNA loop size were estimated to explore how genome organization determines DSBs and crossover patterns. We show that although the number of meiotic DSBs per cell and recombination rates observed vary between individuals of the same species, these are correlated with diploid number as well as with synaptonemal complex and DNA loop sizes. Our results illustrate that genome packaging, DSB frequencies, and crossover rates tend to be correlated, while meiotic chromosomal axis length and DNA loop size are inversely correlated in mammals. Moreover, axis length, DSB frequency, and crossover frequencies all covary, suggesting that these correlations are established in the early stages of meiosis.  相似文献   
In the karyotype of Equus asinus (domestic donkey, 2n = 62), non-centromeric heterochromatic bands have been described in subcentromeric and telomeric positions. In particular, chromosome 1 is characterised by heterochromatic bands in the proximal region of the long arm and in the short arm; it has been shown that these regions are polymorphic in size. Here we investigated the variation in the intensity and distribution of fluorescence signals observed on donkey chromosome 1 after in situ hybridization with two DNA probes containing fragments from the two major equine satellite DNA families. Our results show that, in Equus asinus chromosome 1, the amount and distribution of large clusters of satellite DNA can define at least nine polymorphic variants of the constitutive heterochromatin that cannot be detected by C-banding alone.  相似文献   
Prolactin (PRL) is essential for normal reproduction and signals through two types of receptors, the short (PRL-RS) and long (PRL-RL) form. We have previously shown that transgenic mice expressing only PRL-RS (PRLR(-/-)RS) display abnormal follicular development and premature ovarian failure. Here, we report that MAPK, essential for normal follicular development, is critically inhibited by PRL in reproductive tissues of PRLR(-/-)RS mice. Consequently, the phosphorylation of MAPK downstream targets are also markedly inhibited by PRL without affecting immediate upstream kinases, suggesting involvement of MAPK specific phosphatase(s) in this inhibition. Similar results are obtained in a PRL-responsive ovary-derived cell line (GG-CL) that expresses only PRL-RS. However, we found the expression/activation of several known MAPK phosphatases not to be affected by PRL, suggesting a role of unidentified phosphatase(s). We detected a 27-kDa protein that binds to the intracellular domain of PRL-RS and identified it as dual specific phosphatase DUPD1. PRL does not induce expression of DUDP1 but represses its phosphorylation on Thr-155. We also show a physical association of this phosphatase with ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK. Using an in vitro phosphatase assay and overexpression studies, we established that DUPD1 is a MAPK phosphatase. Dual specific phosphatase inhibitors as well as siRNA to DUPD1, completely prevent PRL-mediated MAPK inhibition in ovarian cells. Our results strongly suggest that deactivation of MAPK by PRL/PRL-RS contributes to the severe ovarian defect in PRLR(-/-)RS mice and demonstrate the novel association of PRL-RS with DUPD1 and a role for this phosphatase in MAPK deactivation.  相似文献   
The vacuolar and epicuticular flavonoids and the volatiles of the leaves and parts of flower of P. spectabilis Tratt., an endemic species in the Italian Oriental Alps, were investigated. From a MeOH extract of the leaves two flavone glycosides, 8-C-β-glucopyranosylluteolin 7-O-α-arabinofuranoside (1) and 6-C-α-arabinofuranosylapigenin (2) were isolated, in addition to a flavone and three flavonols already known from species of Primula. From an EtOH extract of leaf exudates, 7,3',4'-tri-O-methylquercetin was obtained. The structures were elucidated on the basis of their 1D 1H- and 13C NMR data and 2D NMR techniques, as well as of HPLC-MS. The volatiles emitted by the leaves were mainly constituted by non-terpene derivatives, followed by comparable proportions of hemiterpens, oxygenated monoterpenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. In flowers, monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented chemical class followed by non-terpene derivatives. Different proportions of compounds were found when individual parts of flowers were examined separately; calyx produced a greater proportion (approx. 49.5%) of non-terpenes as its volatile metabolites. P. spectabilis has glandular trichomes in the hyaline margins of the epidermal depressions, distributed on the adaxial leaf blade. Glandular hairs were also present on the corolla. Correlations of phytochemical data with the morphological features of leaf, flower and glandular hair are discussed, and a hypothesis is proposed on the ecological roles of the flavonoids and volatile compounds on the general fitness of the species and cross-pollination strategies.  相似文献   
One emerging disease of grapevine in Europe is Bois noir (BN), a phytoplasmosis caused by "Candidatus Phytoplasma solani" and spread in vineyards by the planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae). Here we present the first full characterization of the bacterial community of this important disease vector collected from BN-contaminated areas in Piedmont, Italy. Length heterogeneity PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis targeting the 16S rRNA gene revealed the presence of a number of bacteria stably associated with the insect vector. In particular, symbiotic bacteria detected by PCR with high infection rates in adult individuals fell within the "Candidatus Sulcia muelleri" cluster in the Bacteroidetes and in the "Candidatus Purcelliella pentastirinorum" group in the Gammaproteobacteria, both previously identified in different leafhoppers and planthoppers. A high infection rate (81%) was also shown for another symbiont belonging to the Betaproteobacteria, designated the HO1-V symbiont. Because of the low level of 16S rRNA gene identity (80%) with the closest relative, an uncharacterized symbiont of the tick Haemaphysalis longicornis, we propose the new name "Candidatus Vidania fulgoroideae." Other bacterial endosymbionts identified in H. obsoletus were related to the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia pipientis, Rickettsia sp., and "Candidatus Cardinium hertigii." Fluorescent in situ hybridization coupled with confocal laser scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy showed that these bacteria are localized in the gut, testicles, and oocytes. As "Ca. Sulcia" is usually reported in association with other symbiotic bacteria, we propose that in H. obsoletus, it may occur in a bipartite or even tripartite relationship between "Ca. Sulcia" and "Ca. Purcelliella," "Ca. Vidania," or both.  相似文献   
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