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The management and recovery of large predator populations in areas where human persecution has driven them to ecological extinction requires a solid understanding of the effects of both predation and food limitation on prey populations. We used 11 yr of data on reported losses among 17.3 million free‐ranging sheep Ovis aries in the Norwegian farming industry to elucidate the relative roles of climate, vegetation characteristics, sheep densities, lamb body mass and densities of predators and alternative prey on the number of lambs and ewes lost on summer pastures. We first examined whether predator densities predicted autumn lamb body mass through possible impacts of predators on body growth (non‐lethal effects) but found no evidence for such effects in our study system. This might be due to weak anti‐predator behavioral responses in domesticated sheep. However, autumn lamb body mass was predicted by both sheep density and winter and spring weather conditions, probably through food availability. Losses of both lambs and ewes were positively and strongly related to the density of Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx, wolverine Gulo gulo and brown bear Ursus arctos. In addition, food availability and spring weather conditions were associated to losses of lambs, while precipitation in May predicted losses of ewes. There was little evidence for interaction effects of predator species on losses, suggesting that most of the effects of the predators were additive to each other. Given the strong effect of predator densities on sheep losses, we conclude that changing livestock husbandry practices towards a system that actively protects sheep and/or active management of predator densities may be necessary to reduce sheep losses where predators are recolonizing.  相似文献   
Lysozyme response in stressed rainbow trout was compared with measurements of poststress cortisol activity. Estimates of heritability of lysozyme and cortisol were both moderate-to-high and both traits displayed positive genetic correlations in pair-wise comparisons of stress exposures. Genetic correlations between lysozyme and cortisol in stressed rainbow trout tended to be negative, although insignificant. Neither lysozyme, nor cortisol exhibited significant correlations with serum haemolytic activity. It is concluded that the data do not confirm earlier suggestions that lysozyme should be superior to cortisol in consistency of stress response in rainbow trout.  相似文献   
Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae) is a species widely used as tonic and is claimed to be an efficient antimalarial all over the Northern part of the Amazon basin. Quassinoid compound Simalikalactone D (SkD) has been shown to be one of the molecules responsible for the antiplasmodial activity of a watery preparation made out of juvenile fresh leaves of this plant. Because of its strong antimalarial activity, we decided to have a further insight of SkD pharmacological properties, alone or in association with classical antimalarials. At concentrations of up to 200μM, we showed herein that SkD did not exert any apoptotic or necrotic activities in vitro on lymphoblastic cells. However, an antiproliferative effect was evident at concentrations higher than 45nM. SkD was inefficient at inhibiting heme biomineralization and the new permeability pathways induced by the parasite in the host erythrocyte membrane. With respect to Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic stages, SkD was almost inactive on earlier and later parasite stages, but potently active at the 30th h of parasite cycle when DNA replicates in mature trophozoites. In vitro combination studies with conventional antimalarial drugs showed that SkD synergizes with atovaquone (ATO). The activity of ATO on the Plasmodium mitochondrial membrane potential was enhanced by SkD, which on its own had a poor effect on this cellular parameter.  相似文献   
To investigate the immunological responses of turbot to nodavirus infection or pIC stimulation, we constructed cDNA libraries from liver, kidney and gill tissues of nodavirus-infected fish and examined the differential gene expression within turbot kidney in response to nodavirus infection or pIC stimulation using a turbot cDNA microarray. Turbot were experimentally infected with nodavirus and samples of each tissue were collected at selected time points post-infection. Using equal amount of total RNA at each sampling time, we made three tissue-specific cDNA libraries. After sequencing 3230 clones we obtained 3173 (98.2%) high quality sequences from our liver, kidney and gill libraries. Of these 2568 (80.9%) were identified as known genes and 605 (19.1%) as unknown genes. A total of 768 unique genes were identified.The two largest groups resulting from the classification of ESTs according to function were the cell/organism defense genes (71 uni-genes) and apoptosis-related process (23 uni-genes). Using these clones, a 1920 element cDNA microarray was constructed and used to investigate the differential gene expression within turbot in response to experimental nodavirus infection or pIC stimulation. Kidney tissue was collected at selected times post-infection (HPI) or stimulation (HPS), and total RNA was isolated for microarray analysis. Of the 1920 genes studied on the microarray, we identified a total of 121 differentially expressed genes in the kidney: 94 genes from nodavirus-infected animals and 79 genes from those stimulated with pIC. Within the nodavirus-infected fish we observed the highest number of differentially expressed genes at 24 HPI. Our results indicate that certain genes in turbot have important roles in immune responses to nodavirus infection and dsRNA stimulation.  相似文献   
We report the cloning and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster (crtE, crtB, crtI, crtE2, crtYg, crtYh, and crtX) of the γ-cyclic C50 carotenoid sarcinaxanthin in Micrococcus luteus NCTC2665. Expression of the complete and partial gene cluster in Escherichia coli hosts revealed that sarcinaxanthin biosynthesis from the precursor molecule farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) proceeds via C40 lycopene, C45 nonaflavuxanthin, C50 flavuxanthin, and C50 sarcinaxanthin. Glucosylation of sarcinaxanthin was accomplished by the crtX gene product. This is the first report describing the biosynthetic pathway of a γ-cyclic C50 carotenoid. Expression of the corresponding genes from the marine M. luteus isolate Otnes7 in a lycopene-producing E. coli host resulted in the production of up to 2.5 mg/g cell dry weight sarcinaxanthin in shake flasks. In an attempt to experimentally understand the specific difference between the biosynthetic pathways of sarcinaxanthin and the structurally related ɛ-cyclic decaprenoxanthin, we constructed a hybrid gene cluster with the γ-cyclic C50 carotenoid cyclase genes crtYg and crtYh from M. luteus replaced with the analogous ɛ-cyclic C50 carotenoid cyclase genes crtYe and crtYf from the natural decaprenoxanthin producer Corynebacterium glutamicum. Surprisingly, expression of this hybrid gene cluster in an E. coli host resulted in accumulation of not only decaprenoxanthin, but also sarcinaxanthin and the asymmetric ɛ- and γ-cyclic C50 carotenoid sarprenoxanthin, described for the first time in this work. Together, these data contributed to new insight into the diverse and multiple functions of bacterial C50 carotenoid cyclases as key catalysts for the synthesis of structurally different carotenoids.Carotenoids are natural pigments synthesized by bacteria, fungi, algae, and plants, and more than 750 different carotenoids have been isolated from natural sources (17). They possess important biological functions as protectants against light and oxygen excess in photosynthetic processes (32, 38), and they have been proposed to reduce the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer disease due to their antioxidative properties (20, 46). The global market for carotenoids used as food colorants and nutritional supplements was estimated at approximately $935 million in 2005 (11). More than 95% of all natural carotenoids are based on a symmetric C40 phytoene backbone, and only a small number of C30 and even fewer C50 carotenoids have been discovered (42).C50 carotenoids have multiple conjugated double bonds, and they contain at least one hydroxyl group; both these features contribute to strong antioxidative properties (17, 30, 32, 38). In nature, C50 carotenoids are synthesized by bacteria of the order Actinomycetales, and to date, only two different C50 carotenoid biosynthetic pathways have been described in the literature. The biosynthetic pathways of the ɛ-cyclic C50 carotenoid decaprenoxanthin [2,2′-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methybut-2-enyl)-ɛ,ɛ-carotene] and the β-cyclic C50 carotenoid C.p.450 [2,2′-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methybut-2-enyl)-β,β-carotene] have been elucidated in Corynebacterium glutamicum (22, 23) and in Dietzia sp. CQ4 (41), respectively. For both pathways, the common precursor, C40 lycopene, is synthesized from C15 farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) via the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, which is present in most eubacteria (33). Effective lycopene production has been achieved in genetically engineered noncarotenogenic hosts, such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (9). Accordingly, the potential of using such biotechnologically relevant hosts for heterologous production of any lycopene-derived carotenoids has generated high interest.The biosynthesis of cyclic C50 carotenoids from lycopene is catalyzed by lycopene elongase and carotenoid cyclases. Even though most carotenoids in plants and microorganisms exhibit cyclic structures, cyclization reactions were predominantly known for C40 pathways (45) catalyzed by monomeric enzymes that have been isolated from plants and bacteria (5, 16, 27, 29, 31, 36). In C. glutamicum, the genes crtYe, crtYf, and crtEb were identified as being involved in the conversion of lycopene to the ɛ-cyclic C50 carotenoid decaprenoxanthin (22, 44). Sequential elongation of lycopene into the acyclic C50 carotenoid flavuxanthin was catalyzed by the crtEb gene product lycopene elongase. Subsequent cyclization to decaprenoxanthin was catalyzed by a heterodimeric C50 carotenoid, ɛ-cyclase, encoded by crtYe and crtYf (22). C. glutamicum can synthesize both mono- and diglucosylated decaprenoxanthin; however, the genetic and enzymatic bases for glucosylation of decaprenoxanthin are unknown. Analogous to decaprenoxanthin, biosynthesis of the β-cyclic C50 carotenoid C.p.450 in Dietzia sp. CQ4 from lycopene involves lycopene elongase and C50 carotenoid β-cyclase activities (41).While most cyclic carotenoids exhibit β-rings, ɛ-ring-containing pigments are common in higher plants (7), and carotenoids substituted only with γ-rings are rarely observed in plants and algae (14). To date, no biosynthetic pathway for γ-cyclic C50 carotenoids has been reported in the literature.Micrococcus luteus NCTC2665 (the “Fleming strain”) is a Gram-positive bacterium belonging to the family Micrococcaceae within the order Actinomycetales. The carotenoids, including the γ-cyclic C50 sarcinaxanthin [(2R,6R,2′R,6′R)-(2,2′-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)-γ,γ-carotene)], synthesized by this bacterium have been identified and structurally elucidated (26). We recently isolated and characterized several wild-type M. luteus strains from the sea surface microlayer of the middle part of the Norwegian coast (39). Here, we report one additional such marine M. luteus isolate, designated Otnes7, forming color-intensive colonies indicating high sarcinaxanthin production levels. Both Otnes7 and NCTC2665 were used as M. luteus model strains, and the sarcinaxanthin biosynthetic gene clusters were cloned from both strains. The complete sarcinaxanthin biosynthetic pathway from lycopene was elucidated, including glucosylation, and we also explored the potential of using Otnes7-derived genes to achieve effective heterologous production of sarcinaxanthin in E. coli. The results add important new knowledge of the biosynthesis of C50 carotenoids, and in particular, they highlight the diverse functions of C50 carotenoid cyclases leading to synthesis of structurally different carotenoids.  相似文献   
The chemical compositions and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils (EOs) of aerial parts of Salvia multicaulis Vahl , collected during the same week from two different Lebanese regions, were investigated. The EOs were obtained by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger‐type apparatus and characterized by GC and GC/MS analyses. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of these EOs were determined against one Gram‐negative and two Gram‐positive bacteria, one yeast, and five dermatophytes using the broth microdilution technique. One EO was notably active against Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin‐resistant S. aureus, and all of the Trichophyton species tested. Nerolidol was found to be the major compound in the active oil; nerolidol was also absent from the inactive oil. This study demonstrated that nerolidol shows antimicrobial activity and therefore significantly contributes to the antimicrobial potential of the oil. The chemical diversity of worldwide S. multicaulis EOs was analyzed, revealing that the EOs of this study belong to two different chemotypes found in the literature. The nerolidol chemotype appears to be restricted to Lebanon, and it can be used as antimicrobial agent against external bacterial and fungal infections.  相似文献   
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