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The clonal dissemination of VanB-type vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREfm) strains in three Swedish hospitals between 2007 and 2011 prompted further analysis to reveal the possible origin and molecular characteristics of the outbreak strain. A representative subset of VREfm isolates (n = 18) and vancomycin-susceptible E. faecium (VSEfm, n = 2) reflecting the spread in time and location was approached by an array of methods including: selective whole genome sequencing (WGS; n = 3), multi locus sequence typing (MLST), antimicrobial susceptibility testing, virulence gene profiling, identification of mobile genetic elements conferring glycopeptide resistance and their ability to support glycopeptide resistance transfer. In addition, a single VREfm strain with an unrelated PFGE pattern collected prior to the outbreak was examined by WGS. MLST revealed a predominance of ST192, belonging to a hospital adapted high-risk lineage harbouring several known virulence determinants (n≥10). The VREfm outbreak strain was resistant to ampicillin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and vancomycin, and susceptible to teicoplanin. Consistently, a vanB2-subtype as part of Tn1549/Tn5382 with a unique genetic signature was identified in the VREfm outbreak strains. Moreover, Southern blot hybridisation analyses of PFGE separated S1 nuclease-restricted total DNAs and filter mating experiments showed that vanB2-Tn1549/Tn5382 was located in a 70-kb sized rep17/pRUM plasmid readily transferable between E. faecium. This plasmid contained an axe-txe toxin-antitoxin module associated with stable maintenance. The two clonally related VSEfm harboured a 40 kb rep17/pRUM plasmid absent of the 30 kb vanB2-Tn1549/Tn5382 gene complex. Otherwise, these two isolates were similar to the VREfm outbreak strain in virulence- and resistance profile. In conclusion, our observations support that the origin of the multicentre outbreak was caused by an introduction of vanB2-Tn1549/Tn5382 into a rep17/pRUM plasmid harboured in a pre-existing high-risk E. faecium ST192 clone. The subsequent dissemination of VREfm to other centres was primarily caused by clonal spread rather than plasmid transfer to pre-existing high-risk clones.  相似文献   
World food prices hit an all-time high in February 2011 and are still almost two and a half times those of 2000. Although three billion people worldwide use seafood as a key source of animal protein, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations-which compiles prices for other major food categories-has not tracked seafood prices. We fill this gap by developing an index of global seafood prices that can help to understand food crises and may assist in averting them. The fish price index (FPI) relies on trade statistics because seafood is heavily traded internationally, exposing non-traded seafood to price competition from imports and exports. Easily updated trade data can thus proxy for domestic seafood prices that are difficult to observe in many regions and costly to update with global coverage. Calculations of the extent of price competition in different countries support the plausibility of reliance on trade data. Overall, the FPI shows less volatility and fewer price spikes than other food price indices including oils, cereals, and dairy. The FPI generally reflects seafood scarcity, but it can also be separated into indices by production technology, fish species, or region. Splitting FPI into capture fisheries and aquaculture suggests increased scarcity of capture fishery resources in recent years, but also growth in aquaculture that is keeping pace with demand. Regionally, seafood price volatility varies, and some prices are negatively correlated. These patterns hint that regional supply shocks are consequential for seafood prices in spite of the high degree of seafood tradability.  相似文献   
The influence of different climate variables on the first four years of otolith growth in Salangen Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, was studied over the period 1939?C2005. Salangen is a coastal, low altitude, subarctic lake system located in northern Norway. Climate data, including water temperature, air temperature, ice-cover and precipitation, were available for most of the 67?year period. Water temperatures in May and June had a significant effect on otolith growth during the second growth year, while no relationship between otolith growth and climate variables was found for the first, third and fourth years of otolith growth. Otolith increment size during the third and fourth growth year was autocorrelated with growth during the previous year. Spring snow fall and timing of ice break-up had an indirect effect on growth, as these variables were highly correlated with spring water temperatures. High variation in otolith growth within years and among individuals suggests that individual and age-specific variations in spatial habitat use may confound the direct effects of changing air temperatures and time of ice break-up.  相似文献   
XRCC1 functions as a non-enzymatic, scaffold protein in single strand break repair (SSBR) and base excision repair (BER). Here, we examine different regions of XRCC1 for their contribution to the scaffolding functions of the protein. We found that the central BRCT1 domain is essential for recruitment of XRCC1 to sites of DNA damage and DNA replication. Also, we found that ectopic expression of the region from residue 166-436 partially rescued the methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) hypersensitivity of XRCC1-deficient EM9 cells, suggesting a key role for this region in mediating DNA repair. The three most common amino acid variants of XRCC1, Arg194Trp, Arg280His and Arg399Gln, are located within the region comprising the NLS and BRCT1 domains, and these variants may be associated with increased incidence of specific types of cancer. While we could not detect differences in the intra-nuclear localization or the ability to support recruitment of POLβ or PNKP to micro-irradiated sites for these variants relative to the conservative protein, we did observe lower foci intensity after micro-irradiation and a reduced stability of the foci with the Arg280His and Arg399Gln variants, respectively. Furthermore, when challenged with MMS or hydrogen peroxide, we detected small but consistent differences in the repair profiles of cells expressing these two variants in comparison to the conservative protein.  相似文献   
The modes of action of three family 18 chitinases (ChiA, ChiB, and ChiC) from Serratia marcescens during the degradation of a water-soluble polymeric substrate, chitosan, were investigated using a combination of viscosity measurements, reducing end assays, and characterization of the size-distribution of the oligomeric products. All three enzymes yielded a fast reduction in molecular weight of the chitosan substrate at a very early stage of hydrolysis, which is typical for endo-acting enzymes. For ChiA and ChiB, this is inconsistent with the previously proposed exo-attack mode of action. The main difference between ChiA, ChiB, and ChiC is the degree of processivity. ChiC is an endo enzyme with no apparent processivity. ChiA and ChiB are processive enzymes in which the substrate remains bound to the active cleft after successful hydrolysis and is moved along for the next hydrolysis to occur. ChiA and ChiB perform on average 9.1 and 3.4 cleavages, respectively, for the formation of each enzyme-substrate complex. ChiA and ChiB have deep, tunnel-like substrate-binding grooves. The demonstration of endo activity shows that substrate binding must involve the temporary restructuring of the loops that make up the roofs of the substrate-binding grooves, similar to what has been proposed for cellobiohydrolase Cel6A. The data suggest that the exo-type of activity observed for ChiA and ChiB during the degradation of solid crystalline chitin is due to the better accessibility of chain ends, rather than intrinsic enzyme properties.  相似文献   
The essential oils (EOs) of the aerial parts of Origanum libanoticum and Origanum ehrenbergii, endemic to Lebanon, and Origanum syriacum, endemic to the Levantine, were obtained by distillation with a Clevenger apparatus. GC and GC/MS allowed identification of 96.4%, 93.5%, and 95.2% of their constituents, respectively. Carvacrol was the major component of both O. syriacum EO (79%) and O. ehrenbergii EO (60.8%). This compound was absent in O. libanoticum EO and the major compounds were β‐caryophyllene (26.8%), caryophyllene oxide (22.6%), and germacrene D (17.2%). The assessment of their antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans and six pathogenic bacteria revealed that O. libanoticum EO was inactive, while O. syriacum and O. ehrenbergii showed moderate antimicrobial activity with minimal inhibitory concentrations varying from 400 to 1200 μg/ml. These results support the traditional use of these last two species in traditional herbal preparations in Lebanon.  相似文献   
With the current trends in climate and fisheries, well-designed mitigative strategies for conserving fish stocks may become increasingly necessary. The poor post-release survival of hatchery-reared Pacific salmon indicates that salmon enhancement programs require assessment. The objective of this study was to determine the relative roles that genotype and rearing environment play in the phenotypic expression of young salmon, including their survival, growth, physiology, swimming endurance, predator avoidance and migratory behaviour. Wild- and hatchery-born coho salmon adults (Oncorhynchus kisutch) returning to the Chehalis River in British Columbia, Canada, were crossed to create pure hatchery, pure wild, and hybrid offspring. A proportion of the progeny from each cross was reared in a traditional hatchery environment, whereas the remaining fry were reared naturally in a contained side channel. The resulting phenotypic differences between replicates, between rearing environments, and between cross types were compared. While there were few phenotypic differences noted between genetic groups reared in the same habitat, rearing environment played a significant role in smolt size, survival, swimming endurance, predator avoidance and migratory behaviour. The lack of any observed genetic differences between wild- and hatchery-born salmon may be due to the long-term mixing of these genotypes from hatchery introgression into wild populations, or conversely, due to strong selection in nature—capable of maintaining highly fit genotypes whether or not fish have experienced part of their life history under cultured conditions.  相似文献   
The 21st century has brought new challenges to the agri-food industry due to population growth, global warming, and greater public awareness of environmental issues. Ensuring global food security for future generations is crucial. However, pests, weeds, and diseases still significantly contribute to crop losses, and the availability of effective conventional synthetic pesticides is decreasing. To address this, new and diverse pest management tools are needed. One pest management tool showing potential for invertebrate pest management is the exploitation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—in particular, the compounds 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone. This review aims to explore the extent to which 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone show potential in the future management of invertebrate crop and animal pests. A significant increase in the rate of publication of literature on the use of 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone in crop protection since 2018 is identified by this review, therefore, showing the potential importance of these compounds for use in future pest management. This review also identifies key interactions between naturally occurring biosynthesised 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone, and a range of invertebrate targets. Many of these interactions with key crop pests are sourced from the taxonomic families Lamiaceae, Fabaceae, and Trichomaceae. However, analysis of the practical application of these sources in an integrated pest management programme identifies clear limitations with the use of naturally occurring biosynthesised 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone. Rather, future focus should be placed on the development and exploitation of synthesised nature identical 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone for use as a biopesticide product. Overall, 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone show potential for exploitation in future crop protection, being abundant in source and diversity of invertebrate interactions. However, their use as a naturally occurring biosynthesised chemical is likely not practical for direct implementation in crop protection. Rather, focus should be placed on the development and exploitation of synthesised nature identical variants of these compounds for use as a biopesticide.  相似文献   
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