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Dendritic cells and macrophages are professional APCs that play a central role in initiating immune responses, linking innate and adaptive immunity. Chemerin is a novel chemoattractant factor that specifically attracts APCs through its receptor ChemR23. Interestingly, chemerin is secreted as a precursor of low biological activity, prochemerin, which upon proteolytic removal of a C-terminal peptide, is converted into a potent and highly specific agonist of its receptor. Given the fact that APCs are often preceded by polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) in inflammatory infiltrates, we hypothesized that PMN could mediate chemerin generation. We demonstrate here that human degranulated PMNs release proteases that efficiently convert prochemerin into active chemerin. The use of specific protease inhibitors allowed us to identify the neutrophil serine proteases cathepsin G and elastase as responsible for this process. Mass spectrometry analysis of processed prochemerin showed that each protease generates specifically a distinct form of active chemerin, differing in their C terminus and initially identified in human inflammatory fluids. These findings strongly suggest that bioactive chemerin generation takes place during the early stages of inflammation, underscoring the functional contribution of chemerin as a bridge between innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Different automatic methods of sequence alignments are routinely used as a starting point for homology searches and function inference. Confidence in an alignment probability is one of the major fundamentals of massive automatic genome-scale pairwise comparisons, for clustering of putative orthologs and paralogs, sequenced genome annotation or multiple-genomic tree constructions. Extreme value distribution based on the Karlin-Altschul model, usually advised for large-scale comparisons are not always valid, particularly in the case of comparisons of non-biased with nucleotide-biased genomes (such that of Plasmodium falciparum). Z-values estimates based on Monte Carlo technics, can be calculated experimentally for any alignment output, whatever the method used. Empirically, a Z-value higher than approximately 8 is supposed reasonable to assess that an alignment score is significant, but this arbitrary figure was never theoretically justified. RESULTS: In this paper, we used the Bienaymé-Chebyshev inequality to demonstrate a theorem of the upper limit of an alignment score probability (or P-value). This theorem implies that a computed Z-value is a statistical test, a single-linkage clustering criterion and that 1/Z-value(2) is an upper limit to the probability of an alignment score whatever the actual probability law is. Therefore, this study provides the missing theoretical link between a Z-value cut-off used for an automatic clustering of putative orthologs and/or paralogs, and the corresponding statistical risk in such genome-scale comparisons (using non-biased or biased genomes).  相似文献   
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and to quantify the influence of management on the epiphytic species composition in Danish Fagus sylvatica forests. Trunks were chosen at random within selected blocks in both managed and unmanaged Fagus stands.117 trunks in 43 sample plots in three forests were investigated. Cover was estimated for 72 lichens, 29 bryophytes and two fungi on vertical trunks 0.3 ‐2 m above ground. 18 explanatory variables were recorded and arranged in three groups: eight management‐related variables, six micro‐climatic‐ and soil variables, and four geographical‐ and geological variables. Canonical Correspondence Analysis was used to test and to quantify the explaining power of the three groups of variables applying the variation partitioning approach. Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to evaluate whether important gradients were ignored. It was concluded that the traditional ‘shelterwood uniform system’ used in Fagus forests has a marked influence on the epiphytic species composition. Thus, management‐related variables explained more than one third of the total variation explained, which equals 10.9% of the total variation. Microclimatic and soil variables explained 9.0%, and geographical and geological variables explained 6.0%. The following three recommendations are suggested to reduce the significant influence of management on the epiphytic species composition. First, it should be attempted to ensure a continuous occurrence of some big trees per ha to be left for natural death and decomposition. Second, regular thinning is necessary, especially in the first part of rotation. Third, a multi‐layered forest, where wind and desiccation effects are minimized, is recommended.  相似文献   
The non-receptor tyrosine kinase ABL drives myeloid progenitor expansion in human chronic myeloid leukemia. ABL inhibition by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor nilotinib is a first-line treatment for this disease. Recently, ABL has also been implicated in the transforming properties of solid tumors, including triple negative (TN) breast cancer. TN breast cancers are highly metastatic and several cell lines derived from these tumors display high invasive activity in vitro. This feature is associated with the activation of actin-rich membrane structures called invadopodia that promote extracellular matrix degradation. Here, we investigated nilotinib effect on the invasive and migratory properties of different TN breast cancer cell lines. Nilotinib decreased both matrix degradation and invasion in the TN breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB 231 and MDA-MB 468. However, and unexpectedly, nilotinib increased by two-fold the invasive properties of the TN breast cancer cell line BT-549 and of Src-transformed fibroblasts. Both display much higher levels of ABL kinase activity compared to MDA-MB 231. Similar effects were obtained by siRNA-mediated down-regulation of ABL expression, confirming ABL central role in this process. ABL anti-tumor effect in BT-549 cells and Src-transformed fibroblasts was not dependent on EGF secretion, as recently reported in neck and squamous carcinoma cells. Rather, we identified the TRIO-RAC1 axis as an important downstream element of ABL activity in these cancer cells. In conclusion, the observation that TN breast cancer cell lines respond differently to ABL inhibitors could have implications for future therapies.  相似文献   
Tree Diversity Limits the Impact of an Invasive Forest Pest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of invasive herbivore species may be lower in more diverse plant communities due to mechanisms of associational resistance. According to the “resource concentration hypothesis” the amount and accessibility of host plants is reduced in diverse plant communities, thus limiting the exploitation of resources by consumers. In addition, the “natural enemy hypothesis” suggests that richer plant assemblages provide natural enemies with more complementary resources and habitats, thus promoting top down regulation of herbivores. We tested these two hypotheses by comparing crown damage by the invasive Asian chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) on chestnut trees (Castanea sativa) in pure and mixed stands in Italy. We estimated the defoliation on 70 chestnut trees in 15 mature stands sampled in the same region along a gradient of tree species richness ranging from one species (chestnut monocultures) to four species (mixtures of chestnut and three broadleaved species). Chestnut defoliation was significantly lower in stands with higher tree diversity. Damage on individual chestnut trees decreased with increasing height of neighboring, heterospecific trees. These results suggest that conservation biological control method based on tree species mixtures might help to reduce the impact of the Asian chestnut gall.  相似文献   
Two major types of Frankia strains are usually recognized, based on the ability to sporulate in‐planta: spore‐positive (Sp+) and spore‐negative (Sp?). We carried out a study of Sp+ and Sp? Frankia strains based on nodules collected on Alnus glutinosa, Alnus incana and Alnus viridis. The nodules were phenotyped using improved histology methods, and endophytic Frankia strain genotype was determined using a multilocus sequence analysis approach. An additional sampling was done to assess the relation between Sp+ phenotype frequency and genetic diversity of Frankia strains at the alder stand scale. Our results revealed that (i) Sp+ and Sp? Alnus‐infective Frankia strains are genetically different even when sampled from the same alder stand and the same host–plant species; (ii) there are at least two distinct phylogenetic lineages of Sp+ Frankia that cluster according to the host–plant species and without regard of geographic distance and (iii) genetic diversity of Sp+ strains is very low at the alder stand scale compared with Sp? strains. Difference in evolutionary history and genetic diversity between Sp+ and Sp? Frankia allows us to discuss the possible ecological role of in‐planta sporulation.  相似文献   


Inherited ichthyoses represent a group of rare skin disorders characterized by scaling, hyperkeratosis and inconstant erythema, involving most of the tegument. Epidemiology remains poorly described. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of inherited ichthyosis (excluding very mild forms) and its different clinical forms in France.


Capture – recapture method was used for this study. According to statistical requirements, 3 different lists (reference/competence centres, French association of patients with ichthyosis and internet network) were used to record such patients. The study was conducted in 5 areas during a closed period.


The prevalence was estimated at 13.3 per million people (/M) (CI95%, [10.9 – 17.6]). With regard to autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis, the prevalence was estimated at 7/M (CI 95% [5.7 – 9.2]), with a prevalence of lamellar ichthyosis and congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma of 4.5/M (CI 95% [3.7 – 5.9]) and 1.9/M (CI 95% [1.6 – 2.6]), respectively. Prevalence of keratinopathic forms was estimated at 1.1/M (CI 95% [0.9 – 1.5]). Prevalence of syndromic forms (all clinical forms together) was estimated at 1.9/M (CI 95% [1.6 – 2.6]).


Our results constitute a crucial basis to properly size the necessary health measures that are required to improve patient care and design further clinical studies.  相似文献   
During somatic differentiation, physiological DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) can drive programmed genome rearrangements (PGR), during which DSB repair pathways are mobilized to safeguard genome integrity. Because of their unique nuclear dimorphism, ciliates are powerful unicellular eukaryotic models to study the mechanisms involved in PGR. At each sexual cycle, the germline nucleus is transmitted to the progeny, but the somatic nucleus, essential for gene expression, is destroyed and a new somatic nucleus differentiates from a copy of the germline nucleus. In Paramecium tetraurelia, the development of the somatic nucleus involves massive PGR, including the precise elimination of at least 45,000 germline sequences (Internal Eliminated Sequences, IES). IES excision proceeds through a cut-and-close mechanism: a domesticated transposase, PiggyMac, is essential for DNA cleavage, and DSB repair at excision sites involves the Ligase IV, a specific component of the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway. At the genome-wide level, a huge number of programmed DSBs must be repaired during this process to allow the assembly of functional somatic chromosomes. To understand how DNA cleavage and DSB repair are coordinated during PGR, we have focused on Ku, the earliest actor of NHEJ-mediated repair. Two Ku70 and three Ku80 paralogs are encoded in the genome of P. tetraurelia: Ku70a and Ku80c are produced during sexual processes and localize specifically in the developing new somatic nucleus. Using RNA interference, we show that the development-specific Ku70/Ku80c heterodimer is essential for the recovery of a functional somatic nucleus. Strikingly, at the molecular level, PiggyMac-dependent DNA cleavage is abolished at IES boundaries in cells depleted for Ku80c, resulting in IES retention in the somatic genome. PiggyMac and Ku70a/Ku80c co-purify as a complex when overproduced in a heterologous system. We conclude that Ku has been integrated in the Paramecium DNA cleavage factory, enabling tight coupling between DSB introduction and repair during PGR.  相似文献   
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