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Obstructions to replication fork progression, referred to collectively as DNA replication stress, challenge genome stability. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cells lacking RTT107 or SLX4 show genome instability and sensitivity to DNA replication stress and are defective in the completion of DNA replication during recovery from replication stress. We demonstrate that Slx4 is recruited to chromatin behind stressed replication forks, in a region that is spatially distinct from that occupied by the replication machinery. Slx4 complex formation is nucleated by Mec1 phosphorylation of histone H2A, which is recognized by the constitutive Slx4 binding partner Rtt107. Slx4 is essential for recruiting the Mec1 activator Dpb11 behind stressed replication forks, and Slx4 complexes are important for full activity of Mec1. We propose that Slx4 complexes promote robust checkpoint signaling by Mec1 by stably recruiting Dpb11 within a discrete domain behind the replication fork, during DNA replication stress.  相似文献   
Human telomeric DNA consists of tandem repeats of the sequence d(TTAGGG). The formation and stabilization of DNA G-quadruplexes in the human telomeric sequence have been shown to inhibit the activity of telomerase, thus the telomeric DNA G-quadruplex has been considered as an attractive target for cancer therapeutic intervention. However, knowledge of the intact human telomeric G-quadruplex structure(s) formed under physiological conditions is a prerequisite for structure-based rational drug design. Here we report the folding structure of the human telomeric sequence in K+ solution determined by NMR. Our results demonstrate a novel, unprecedented intramolecular G-quadruplex folding topology with hybrid-type mixed parallel/antiparallel G-strands. This telomeric G-quadruplex structure contains three G-tetrads with mixed G-arrangements, which are connected consecutively with a double-chain-reversal side loop and two lateral loops, each consisting of three nucleotides TTA. This intramolecular hybrid-type telomeric G-quadruplex structure formed in K+ solution is distinct from those reported on the 22 nt Tel22 in Na+ solution and in crystalline state in the presence of K+, and appears to be the predominant conformation for the extended 26 nt telomeric sequence Tel26 in the presence of K+, regardless of the presence or absence of Na+. Furthermore, the addition of K+ readily converts the Na+-form conformation to the K+-form hybrid-type G-quadruplex. Our results explain all the reported experimental data on the human telomeric G-quadruplexes formed in the presence of K+, and provide important insights for understanding the polymorphism and interconversion of various G-quadruplex structures formed within the human telomeric sequence, as well as the effects of sequence and cations. This hybrid-type G-quadruplex topology suggests a straightforward pathway for the secondary structure formation with effective packing within the extended human telomeric DNA. The hybrid-type telomeric G-quadruplex is most likely to be of pharmacological relevance, and the distinct folding topology of this G-quadruplex suggests that it can be specifically targeted by G-quadruplex interactive small molecule drugs.  相似文献   
Post-translational modifications of histone H3 tails have crucial roles in regulation of cellular processes. There is cross-regulation between the modifications of K4, K9, and K14 residues. The modifications on these residues drastically promote or inhibit each other. In this work, we studied the structural changes of the histone H3 tail originating from the three most important modifications; tri-methylation of K4 and K9, and acetylation of K14. We performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations of four types of H3 tails: (i) the unmodified H3 tail having no chemical modification on the residues, (ii) the tri-methylated lysine 4 and lysine 9 H3 tail (K4me3K9me3), (iii) the tri-methylated lysine 4 and acetylated lysine 14 H3 tail (K4me3K14ace), and (iv) tri-methylated lysine 9 and acetylated lysine 14 H3 tail (K9me3K14ace). Here, we report the effects of K4, K9, and K14 modifications on the backbone torsion angles and relate these changes to the recognition and binding of histone modifying enzymes. According to the Ramachandran plot analysis; (i) the dihedral angles of K4 residue are significantly affected by the addition of three methyl groups on this residue regardless of the second modification, (ii) the dihedral angle values of K9 residue are similarly altered majorly by the tri-methylation of K4 residue, (iii) different combinations of modifications (tri-methylation of K4 and K9, and acetylation of K14) have different influences on phi and psi values of K14 residue. Finally, we discuss the consequences of these results on the binding modes and specificity of the histone modifying enzymes such as DIM-5, GCN5, and JMJD2A.  相似文献   
Raman spectroscopy as a process analytical technology tool was implemented for the monitoring and control of ethanol fermentation carried out with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The need for the optimization of bioprocesses such as ethanol production, to increase product yield, enhanced the development of control strategies. The control system developed by the authors utilized noninvasive Raman measurements to avoid possible sterilization problems. Real-time data analysis was applied using partial least squares regression (PLS) method. With the aid of spectral pretreatment and multivariate data analysis, the monitoring of glucose and ethanol concentration was successful during yeast fermentation with the prediction error of 4.42 g/L for glucose and 2.40 g/L for ethanol. By Raman spectroscopy-based feedback control, the glucose concentration was maintained at 100 g/L by the automatic feeding of concentrated glucose solution. The control of glucose concentration during fed-batch fermentation resulted in increased ethanol production. Ethanol yield of 86% was achieved compared to the batch fermentation when 75 % yield was obtained. The results show that the use of Raman spectroscopy for the monitoring and control of yeast fermentation is a promising way to enhance process understanding and achieve consistently high production yield.  相似文献   
Comparative CD and Fourier transform ir (FTIR) spectroscopic data on N-Boc protected linear peptides with or without the (Pro-Gly) β-turn motif (e.g., Boc-Tyr-Pro-Gly-Phe-Leu-OH and Boc-Tyr-Gly-Pro-Phe-Leu-OH) are reported herein. The CD spectra, reflecting both backbone and aromatic contributions, were not found to be characteristic of the presence of β-turns. In the amide I region of the FTIR spectra, analyzed by self-deconvolution and curve-fitting methods, the β-turn band shewed up between 1639 and 1633 cm?1 in trifluoroethanol (TFE) but only for models containing the (Pro-Gly) core. This band war-also present in the spectra in chloroform but absent in dimethylsulfoxide. These findings, in agreement with recent ir data on cyclic models and 310-helical polypeptides and protein in D2O [see S. J. Prestrelski, D. M. Byler, and M. P. Thompson (1991), International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research, Vol. 37, pp. 508–512; H. H. Mantsch, A. Perczel. M. Hollósi, and G. D. Fasman (1992), FASEB Journal, Vol. 6, p. A341; H. H. Mantsch. A. Perczel, M. Hollósi, and G. Fasman (1992), Biopolymers. Vol. 33, pp. 201–207; S. M. Miick, G. V. Martinez, W. R. Fiori, A. P. Tedd, and G. L. Millhauser (1992). Nature, Vol. 359, pp. 653–655], suggest that the amide I band, with a major contribution from the acceptor C ? O of the 1 ← 4 intramolecular H bond of β-turns, appears near or below 1640 cm?1, rather than above 1660 cm?1. In TFE, bands between 1670 and 1660 cm?1 are mainly due to “free” carbonyls, that is, C ? O's of amides that are solvated but not involved in the characteristic H bonds of periodic secondary structures or β-turns. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Antipredator responses often involve changes in several phenotypic traits and these changes interactively influence fitness. However, gaining insight into how the overall fitness effect of the overall response comes about is notoriously difficult. One promising avenue is to manipulate a single defensive trait and observe how that modifies fitness as well as the expression of other inducible responses. In chemically‐defended animals, toxins are likely to be costly to produce but it is still unknown how their depletion influences other characteristics. In the present study, we artificially depleted bufadienolide toxin stores in common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles, and assessed the effect of this with respect to the interaction with predator presence and limited food availability. We found that toxin depletion in tadpoles did not significantly affect any of the measured life‐history traits. Tadpoles in the predator treatment exhibited an elevated development rate, although this was only apparent when food availability was limited. Also, body mass at metamorphosis was lower in tadpoles exposed to chemical cues indicating a predation threat and when food availability was limited. These results provide evidence that, in larval common toads, the expression of inducible defences may incur fitness costs, whereas chemical defences are either expressed constitutively or, if inducible, elevated toxin production has negligible costs.  相似文献   
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