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Infection of susceptible strains of mice with Daniel's (DA) strains of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (DAV) results in virus persistence in the central nervous system (CNS) white matter and chronic demyelination similar to that observed in multiple sclerosis. We investigated whether persistence is due to the immune system more efficiently clearing DAV from gray than from white matter of the CNS. Severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) and immunocompetent C.B-17 mice were infected with DAV to determine the kinetics, temporal distribution, and tropism of the virus in CNS. In early disease (6 h to 7 days postinfection), DAV replicated with similar kinetics in the brains and spinal cords of SCID and immunocompetent mice and in gray and white matter. DAV RNA was localized within 48 h in CNS cells of all phenotypes, including neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and macrophages/microglia. In late disease (13 to 17 days postinfection), SCID mice became moribund and permitted higher DAV replication in both gray and white matter. In contrast, immunocompetent mice cleared virus from the gray matter but showed replication in the white matter of their brains and spinal cords. Reconstitution of SCID mice with nonimmune splenocytes or anti-DAV antibodies after establishment of infection demonstrated that both cellular and humoral immune responses decreased virus from the gray matter; however, the cellular responses were more effective. SCID mice reconstituted with splenocytes depleted of CD4+ or CD8+ T lymphocytes cleared virus from the gray matter but allowed replication in the white matter. These studies demonstrate that both neurons and glia are infected early following DAV infection but that virus persistence in the white matter is due to preferential clearance of virus from the gray matter by the immune system.  相似文献   
The GGA9-H molecules consisting of a double helical stretch followed by a single-stranded 3'-terminal overhang of nine GGA sequence repeats exhibited a gel mobility-shifted band in a concentration-dependent manner, suggestive of the intermolecular complex formation. The position of the shifted band in a gel was almost identical to that of the Y-shaped dimer marker of the same molecular weight that had the two double-helices at one side. This suggests that GGA9-H dimerizes in a parallel orientation without the formation of four-stranded hairpin structure. Since the GGA9-H homoduplex was stably formed at pH 4, 7 and 9, the formation does not require protonation or deprotonation of the N1 position of adenines. Neither does it require the N7 group of guanines responsible for Hoogsteen base pairing from the methylation interference and modification studies. Modification of the N7 group of guanines with dimethyl sulfate (DMS) did not inhibit the association and also the N7 group in the homoduplex was not protected from DMS. On the other hand, the GAA9-H having the G to A base substitution did not show such an association with either GGA9-H or GAA9-H. These results suggest that the homoduplex formation may be due to G.G base pairing through non-Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   
Seven different restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase (GALNS) locus were analyzed using Southern blotting and polymerase chain reaction based techniques to search for the frequency of each RFLP produced by StyI, SphI, HaeIII, StuI, HapII, XhoI, and BamHI restriction endonucleases, respectively, in 36 mutant alleles, including two sibling cases and 100 normal alleles. Calculation of heterozygosity indexes showed that these RFLPs were polymorphic, ranging from 0.31 to 0.69 in mucopolysaccharidosis IVA (MPS IVA) patients compared with 0.21 to 0.65 in normal individuals. There was some significant difference in several RFLPs and in the combination with four kinds of RFLPs (SphI, StuI, HapII, XhoI polymorphisms). The normal alleles were composed of 13 different RFLPs haplotypes; the most common among the Japanese population carrying normal alleles was haplotype 8 (bDEF1) (31.3%), the others being dispersed. The same haplotype 8 was the most frequent in the mutant alleles (44.4%), with seven further haplotypes. These findings revealed the striking variety of polymorphic haplotypes in the MPS IVA gene. By using these five kinds of RFLPs, we examined the theoretical informativity of haplotype analysis in heterozygote detection in nine unrelated MPS IVA families and ten unrelated normal families. All the members of the MPS IVA families studied were diagnosed as a patient, carrier, or noncarrier. We propose that prenatal diagnosis or family analysis in cases in which mutations have not been characterized is now feasible.  相似文献   
Summary The parameters for HN chemical shift calculations of proteins have been determined using data from high-resolution crystal structures of 15 proteins. Employing these chemical shift calculations for HN protons, the observed secondary structure chemical shift trends of HN protons, i.e., upfield shifts on helix formation and downfield shifts on -sheet formation, are discussed. Our calculations suggest that the main reason for the difference in NH chemical shifts in helices and sheets is not an effect from the directly hydrogen-bonded carbonyl, which gives rise to downfield shifts in both cases, but arises from an additional upfield shift predicted in helices and originating in residues i-2 and i-3. The calculations also explain the well-known relationship between amide proton shifts and hydrogen-bond lengths. In addition, the HN chemical shifts of the distorted amphipathic helices of the GCN4 leucine zipper are calculated and used to characterise the solution structure of the helices. By comparing the calculated and experimental shifts, it is shown that in general the agreement is good between residues 15 and 28. The most interesting observation is that in the N-terminal half of the zipper, although both calculated and experimental shifts show clear periodicity, they are no longer in phase. This suggests that for the N-terminal half, in the true average solution structure the period of the helix coil is longer by roughly one residue compared to the NMR structures.  相似文献   
When synaptosomes were depolarized in the presence of Ca2+, or when Ca2+ was added to synaptosomes pretreated with Ca2+ ionophore (A23187), free arachidonic acid was clearly increased within synaptosomes, and at the same time an efflux of gamma-aminobutyric acid from synaptosomes was observed. Moreover, when synaptosomes labelled with [14C]arachidonic acid were depolarized in the presence of Ca2+, there was a significant decrease in the radioactivity of the fatty acid of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine. Exogenously added arachidonic acid, but not other fatty acids, stimulated the efflux of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the absence of Ca2+. These observations suggest that the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids is an intrinsic part of the biochemical mechanism that modulates the gamma-aminobutyric acid efflux.  相似文献   
Flowering responses to a single photoperiod, of various durationsand irradiances, followed by an inductive dark period were investigatedwith dark-grown seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy. The numberof flower buds induced in each plant (NFB) increased with theincrease of both duration and irradiance of the photoperiod.Reciprocity did not hold for this photoresponse within the rangeof 0-16 h and 2.5-10 W-m-2, NFB depending on the duration ratherthan the irradiance. With lengthening of the dark period followinga photoperiod of 8 h or less, two different phases alternatelyappeared so that NFB sharply increased at 20-24 h and 40-43h after the onset of the photoperiod, then gradually decreased.When the photoperiod was longer than 8 h, NFB sharply increasedat 12–16 h after the end of the photoperiod and remainedaround the saturated value with longer dark periods. Far-redlight given immediately after the photoperiod inhibited flowering,the inhibitory effect being stronger the shorter the photoperiod.This far-red effect is mediated by phytochrome and PFR seemsto be required during the inductive dark period following ashort photoperiod for floral induction. (Received December 23, 1983; Accepted April 12, 1984)  相似文献   
Pharbitis nil, strain Violet which had been exposed to high-intensitylight (18,000 lux at 23?C) for 7 days followed by a low-temperaturetreatment (13–14?C) for 7 days initiated flower buds evenunder continuous light, but plants given these treatments inreverse order failed to bud. Three days of high-intensity lightat 23?C was most effective in promoting the flower-inducingeffect of the subsequent low-temperature period. Six days oflow temperature following the 3-day high-intensity light periodinduced near-maximum flowering response. DCMU (5?10–6M) given during the high-intensity light period inhibited flowering,but when given during or after the low-temperature period itwas ineffective. DCMU at the same concentration given before,during or after an inductive 16-hr dark period at 26?C did notinhibit flowering. Sucrose, ATP, NADPH and some other reducingagents tested did not nullify the DCMU effect nor substitutefor the effect of high-intensity light. But, the high-intensitylight effect could be substituted, at least partly, by 5-chlorosalicylicacid, 3,4-dichlorobenzoic acid and some other benzoic acid derivatives,which are highly effective in inducing long-day flowering inthe short-day plant, Lemna paucicostata. (Received October 20, 1981; Accepted February 3, 1982)  相似文献   
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