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In revegetation projects, distinguishing species that can be passively restored by natural regeneration from those requiring active restoration is not a trivial decision. We quantified tree species dominance (measured by an importance value index, IVIi) and used abundance–size correlations to select those species suitable for passive and/or active restoration of disturbed riparian vegetation in the Lacandonia region, Southern Mexico. We sampled riparian vegetation in a 50 × 10–m transect in each of six reference (RE) and five disturbed (DE) riparian ecosystems. Those species representing more than 50% of total IVI in each ecosystem were selected, and Spearman rank correlation between abundance and diameter classes was calculated. For eight species, it was determined that passive restoration could be sufficient for their establishment. Another eight species could be transplanted by means of active restoration. Five species regenerate well in only one ecosystem type, suggesting that both restoration strategies could be used depending on the degree of degradation. Finally, two species were determined to not be suitable for restoration in the RE (based on the above selection criteria) and were not selected during this initial stage of our restoration project. The high number of tree species found in the RE suggests that the species pool for ecological restoration is large. However, sampling in both ecosystem types helped us reduce the number of species that requires active restoration. Restoration objectives must guide the selection of which methods to implement; in different conditions, other criteria such as dispersal syndrome or social value could be considered in the species selection.  相似文献   
The consequences of inbreeding on fitness can be crucial in evolutionary and conservation grounds and depend upon the efficiency of purging against deleterious recessive alleles. Recently, analytical expressions have been derived to predict the evolution of mean fitness, taking into account both inbreeding and purging, which depend on an ‘effective purging coefficient (de)’. Here, we explore the validity of that predictive approach and assay the strength of purging by estimating de for egg‐to‐pupae viability (EPV) after a drastic reduction in population size in a recently captured base population of Drosophila melanogaster. For this purpose, we first obtained estimates of the inbreeding depression rate (δ) for EPV in the base population, and we found that about 40% was due to segregating recessive lethals. Then, two sets of lines were founded from this base population and were maintained with different effective size throughout the rest of the experiment (= 6; = 12), their mean EPV being assayed at different generations. Due to purging, the reductions in mean EPV experienced by these lines were considerably smaller than the corresponding neutral predictions. For the 60% of δ attributable to nonlethal deleterious alleles, our results suggest an effective purging coefficient de > 0.02. Similarly, we obtain that de > 0.09 is required to roughly account for purging against the pooled inbreeding depression from lethal and nonlethal deleterious alleles. This implies that purging should be efficient for population sizes of the order of a few tens and larger, but might be inefficient against nonlethal deleterious alleles in smaller populations.  相似文献   
An analysis of the catch associated with floating objects by the Mexican tuna purse‐seine fleet in the eastern Pacific Ocean during 1992–1993 was made to determine the spatial and seasonal distribution. The information used was generated by observers of the Programa Nacional de Aprovechamiento del Atun y Protección a los Delfines (PNAAPD). There was no clear seasonal and spatial distribution of floating objects examined in this study, however there were areas where floating objects were more common; the mouth of the Gulf of California, waters offshore Peru, and in oceanic waters. The largest catch of yellowfin tuna was offshore of Peru in winter. Two areas with largest (length) yellowfin tuna were the mouth of the Gulf of California and offshore Peru. For skipjack tuna, the largest catch was offshore Peru in winter, but the largest skipjack were caught between 120° and 130°W along 10°N in spring. The largest yellowfin tuna were captured by sets on bamboo, fish aggregating devices (FADs), planks and boards, and logs (trees or parts). The largest skipjack were captured by sets on dead whales, kelp paddies, planks and boards, and pallets and crates. Most of the sets were made during the early hours of the day but an important number of log sets were made in the early afternoon. For the period analyzed, floating objects were more frequent during fall and winter with the area offshore of Peru the most important.  相似文献   
In Drosophila, female hydrocarbons are known to be involved in premating isolation between different species and pheromonal races. The role of male‐specific hydrocarbon polymorphism is not as well documented. The dominant cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) in male D. melanogaster is usually 7‐tricosene (7‐T), with the exception of African populations, in which 7‐pentacosene (7‐P) is dominant. Here, we took advantage of a population from the Comoro Islands (Com), in which males fell on a continuum of low to high levels of 7‐T, to perform temperature selection and selection on CHCs' profiles. We conducted several experiments on the selected Com males to study the plasticity of their CHCs in response to temperature shift, their role in resistance to desiccation and in sexual selection. We then compared the results obtained for selected lines to those from three common laboratory strains with different and homogenous hydrocarbon profiles: CS, Cot and Tai. Temperature selection modified the CHC profiles of the Com males in few generations of selection. We showed that the 7‐P/7‐T ratio depends on temperature with generally more 7‐P at higher temperatures and observed a relationship between chain length and resistance to desiccation in both temperature‐ and phenotypically selected Com lines. There was partial sexual isolation between the flies with clear‐cut phenotypes within the phenotypically selected lines and the laboratory strains. These results indicate that the dominant male pheromones are under environmental selection and may have played a role in reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
Habitats are spatially and temporally variable, and organisms must be able to track these changes. One potential mechanism for this is dispersal by flight. Therefore, we would expect flying animals to show adaptations in wing shape related to habitat variation. In this work, we explored variation in wing shape in relation to preferred water body (flowing water or standing water with tolerance for temporary conditions) and landscape (forested to open) using 32 species of dragonflies of the genus Trithemis (80% of the known species). We included a potential source of variation linked to sexual selection: the extent of wing coloration on hindwings. We used geometric morphometric methods for studying wing shape. We also explored the phenotypic correlation of wing shape between the sexes. We found that wing shape showed a phylogenetic structure and therefore also ran phylogenetic independent contrasts. After correcting for the phylogenetic effects, we found (i) no significant effect of water body on wing shape; (ii) male forewings and female hindwings differed with regard to landscape, being progressively broader from forested to open habitats; (iii) hindwings showed a wider base in wings with more coloration, especially in males; and (iv) evidence for phenotypic correlation of wing shape between the sexes across species. Hence, our results suggest that natural and sexual selection are acting partially independently on fore‐ and hindwings and with differences between the sexes, despite evidence for phenotypic correlation of wing shape between males and females.  相似文献   
Self‐interference is one of the most important selective forces in shaping floral evolution. Herkogamy and dichogamy both can achieve reductions in the extent of self‐interference, but they may have different roles in minimizing self‐interference in a single species. We used four self‐incompatible Epimedium species to explore the roles of herkogamy and dichogamy in avoiding self‐interference and to test the hypothesis that herkogamy and dichogamy may be separated and become selected preferentially in the taxa. Two species (Efranchetii and Emikinorii) expressed strong herkogamy and weak protogyny (adichogamy), whereas another two species (Esutchuenense and Eleptorrhizum) expressed slight herkogamy and partial protandry. Field investigations indicated that there was no physical self‐interference between male function and female function regarding pollen removal and pollen deposition in all species. Self‐pollination (autonomous or facilitated) was greater in species with slight herkogamy than in those with strong herkogamy. Artificial pollination treatments revealed that self‐pollination could reduce outcrossed female fertility in all species, and we found evidence that self‐interference reduced seed set in E. sutchuenense and E. leptorrhizum in the field, but not in E. franchetii and E. mikinorii. These results indicate that well‐developed herkogamy is more effective compared with dichogamy in avoiding self‐interference in the four species. In genus Epimedium, herkogamy instead of dichogamy should be selected preferentially and evolved as an effective mechanism for avoiding self‐interference and might not need to evolve linked with dichogamy.  相似文献   
Sperm‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidases have been implicated in fertilization in many species. Previously, we documented the existence of α‐L ‐fucosidase in mouse cauda epididymal contents, and showed that sperm‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidase is cryptically stored within the acrosome and reappears within the sperm equatorial segment after the acrosome reaction. The enrichment of sperm membrane‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidase within the equatorial segment of acrosome‐reacted cells implicates its roles during fertilization. Here, we document the absence of α‐L ‐fucosidase in mouse oocytes and early embryos, and define roles of sperm associated α‐L ‐fucosidase in fertilization using specific inhibitors and competitors. Mouse sperm were pretreated with deoxyfuconojirimycin (DFJ, an inhibitor of α‐L ‐fucosidase) or with anti‐fucosidase antibody; alternatively, mouse oocytes were pretreated with purified human liver α‐L ‐fucosidase. Five‐millimolar DFJ did not inhibit sperm–zona pellucida (ZP) binding, membrane binding, or fusion and penetration, but anti‐fucosidase antibody and purified human liver α‐L ‐fucosidase significantly decreased the frequency of these events. To evaluate sperm‐associated α‐L ‐fucosidase enzyme activity in post‐fusion events, DFJ‐pretreated sperm were microinjected into oocytes, and 2‐pronuclear (2‐PN) embryos were treated with 5 mM DFJ with no significant effects, suggesting that α‐L ‐fucosidase enzyme activity does not play a role in post‐fusion events and/or early embryo development in mice. The recognition and binding of mouse sperm to the ZP and oolemma involves the glycoprotein structure of α‐L ‐fucosidase, but not its catalytic action. These observations suggest that deficits in fucosidase protein and/or the presence of anti‐fucosidase antibody may be responsible for some types of infertility. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 80: 273–285, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In coastal cliffs consisting of Pliocene fine‐grained clastic sediments at El Rompido, Huelva, Spain we discovered around the high water line an extensive zone of about 1.5 m in height burrows that were made by up to 4 mm long isopods Paragnathia formica (Hesse) and small 5 mm long staphylinid beetles (Bledius cf. corniger Rosenhauer). The burrowing zone was crowded with irregular burrows 2–5 mm in diameter and extended some 5 cm deep in the cliff. The base of the cliff showed a clear (bio)erosional notch due to this burrowing activity, comparable to those produced by marine boring and scraping organisms in, for example, calcareous rocks. This indicates that the activity of Paragnathia and Bledius helps in eroding the cliffs, a phenomenon not published earlier as far as we know. A comparable but less extensive burrowed zone was found farther upstream near Cartaya. Their presence around the high tide zone also might prove these burrows to be good markers of former high tide lines in older cliffs.  相似文献   
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