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The I93M mutation in ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) was reported in one German family with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease (PD). The causative role of the mutation has, however, been questioned. We generated transgenic (Tg) mice carrying human UCHL1 under control of the PDGF-B promoter; two independent lines were generated with the I93M mutation (a high- and low-expressing line) and one line with wild-type human UCH-L1. We found a significant reduction in the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the dopamine content in the striatum in the high-expressing I93M Tg mice as compared with non-Tg mice at 20 weeks of age. Although these changes were absent in the low-expressing I93M Tg mice, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) treatment profoundly reduced dopaminergic neurons in this line as compared with wild-type Tg or non-Tg mice. Abnormal neuropathologies were also observed, such as silver staining-positive argyrophilic grains in the perikarya of degenerating dopaminergic neurons, in I93M Tg mice. The midbrains of I93M Tg mice contained increased amounts of insoluble UCH-L1 as compared with those of non-Tg mice, perhaps resulting in a toxic gain of function. Collectively, our data represent in vivo evidence that expression of UCHL1(I93M) leads to the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   
Interleukin-3 (IL-3) alone does not support hematopoietic colony formation of bone marrow cells from the A/J mouse. To elucidate the molecular lesion in A/J mice, we examined expression of the alpha and beta subunits of the IL-3 receptor (IL-3R). While IL-3R beta was normally expressed, IL-3R alpha was not detectable on the surface of A/J-derived cells by antibody staining. Genetic linkage analysis using recombinant inbred mouse strains between A/J and IL-3-responsive C57BL/6 indicated that the IL-3R alpha gene locus was responsible for the impaired IL-3 response in A/J mice. Molecular cloning and characterization of A/J-derived IL-3R alpha cDNA revealed that it lacked the sequence corresponding to exon 8, which encodes 10 amino acid residues in the extracellular domain. The aberrant splicing was due to a 5 base pair deletion at the branch point in intron 7 and was reproduced in heterologous cells by transfecting with an IL-3R alpha minigene carrying the deleterious intron. The A/J-specific abnormal form of IL-3R alpha was localized inside the cells, but not on the cell surface, providing the molecular basis for the impaired IL-3 response in the A/J mouse.  相似文献   
The activation of NF-kappaB and IKK requires an upstream kinase complex consisting of TAK1 and adaptor proteins such as TAB1, TAB2, or TAB3. TAK1 is in turn activated by TRAF6, a RING domain ubiquitin ligase that facilitates the synthesis of lysine 63-linked polyubiquitin chains. Here we present evidence that TAB2 and TAB3 are receptors that bind preferentially to lysine 63-linked polyubiquitin chains through a highly conserved zinc finger (ZnF) domain. Mutations of the ZnF domain abolish the ability of TAB2 and TAB3 to bind polyubiquitin chains, as well as their ability to activate TAK1 and IKK. Significantly, replacement of the ZnF domain with a heterologous ubiquitin binding domain restored the ability of TAB2 and TAB3 to activate TAK1 and IKK. We also show that TAB2 binds to polyubiquitinated RIP following TNFalpha stimulation. These results indicate that polyubiquitin binding domains represent a new class of signaling domains that regulate protein kinase activity through a nonproteolytic mechanism.  相似文献   
The kidney, the metanephros, is formed by reciprocal interactions between the metanephric mesenchyme and the ureteric bud, the latter of which is derived from the Wolffian duct that elongates in the rostral-to-caudal direction. Sall1 expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme is essential for ureteric bud attraction in kidney development. Sall4, another member of the Sall gene family, is required for maintenance of embryonic stem cells and establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells, and is thus considered to be one of the stemness genes. Sall4 is also a causative gene for Okihiro syndrome and is essential for the formation of many organs in both humans and mice. However, its expression and role in kidney development remain unknown, despite the essential role of Sall1 in the metanephric mesenchyme. Here, we report that mouse Sall4 is expressed transiently in the Wolffian duct-derived lineage, and is nearly complementary to Sall1 expression. While Sall4 expression is excluded from the Wolffian duct at embryonic (E) day 9.5, Sall4 is expressed in the Wolffian duct weakly in the mesonephric region at E10.5 and more abundantly in the caudal metanephric region where ureteric budding occurs. Sall4 expression is highest at E11.5 in the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud, but disappears by E13.5. We further demonstrate that Sall4 deletion in the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud does not cause any apparent kidney phenotypes. Therefore, Sall4 is expressed transiently in the caudal Wolffian duct and the ureteric bud, but is dispensable for kidney development in mice.  相似文献   
The ATPase 6 accessory protein 2 (ATP6AP2)/(pro)renin receptor (PRR) is essential for the biogenesis of active vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase). Genetic deletion of ATP6AP2/PRR causes V-ATPase dysfunction and compromises vesicular acidification. Here, we characterized the domains of ATP6AP2/PRR involved in active V-ATPase biogenesis. Three forms of ATP6AP2/PRR were found intracellularly: full-length protein and the N- and C-terminal fragments of furin cleavage products, with the N-terminal fragment secreted extracellularly. Genetic deletion of ATP6AP2/PRR did not affect the protein stability of V-ATPase subunits. The extracellular domain (ECD) and transmembrane domain (TM) of ATP6AP2/PRR were indispensable for the biogenesis of active V-ATPase. A deletion mutant of ATP6AP2/PRR, which lacks exon 4-encoded amino acids inside the ECD (Δ4M) and causes X-linked mental retardation Hedera type (MRXSH) and X-linked parkinsonism with spasticity (XPDS) in humans, was defective as a V-ATPase-associated protein. Prorenin had no effect on the biogenesis of active V-ATPase. The cleavage of ATP6AP2/PRR by furin seemed also dispensable for the biogenesis of active V-ATPase. We conclude that the N-terminal ECD of ATP6AP2/PRR, which is also involved in binding to prorenin or renin, is required for the biogenesis of active V-ATPase. The V-ATPase assembly occurs prior to its delivery to the trans-Golgi network and hence shedding of ATP6AP2/PRR would not affect the biogenesis of active V-ATPase.  相似文献   
Missense mutations of the RET gene have been identified in both multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2A/B and Hirschsprung disease (HSCR: congenital absence of the enteric nervous system, ENS). Current consensus holds that MEN2A/B and HSCR are caused by activating and inactivating RET mutations, respectively. However, the biological significance of RET missense mutations in vivo has not been fully elucidated. In the present study, we introduced one MEN2B-associated (M918T) and two HSCR-associated (N394K and Y791F) RET missense mutations into the corresponding regions of the mouse Ret gene by genome editing (RetM919T, RetN396K and RetY792F) and performed histological examinations of Ret-expressing tissues to understand the pathogenetic impact of each mutant in vivo. RetM919T/+ mice displayed MEN2B-related phenotypes, including C-cell hyperplasia and abnormal enlargement of the primary sympathetic ganglia. Similar sympathetic phenotype was observed in RetM919T/- mice, demonstrating a strong pathogenetic effect of the Ret M918T by a single-allele expression. In contrast, no abnormality was found in the ENS of mice harboring the Ret N394K or Y791F mutation. Most surprisingly, single-allele expression of RET N394K or Y791F was sufficient for normal ENS development, indicating that these RET mutants exert largely physiological function in vivo. This study reveals contrasting pathogenetic effects between MEN2B- and HSCR-associated RET missense mutations, and suggests that some of HSCR-associated RET missense mutations are by themselves neither inactivating nor pathogenetic and require involvement of other gene mutations for disease expressivity.  相似文献   
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