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Summary Resistance to streptomycin and lincomycin in plant cell culture is used as a color marker: resistant cells are green whereas sensitive cells are white on the selective medium. Streptomycin and lincomycin at appropriate concentrations do not kill sensitive Nicotiana cells. The selective value of plastid ribosomal DNA mutations, conferring resistance to streptomycin and lincomycin, was investigated by growing heteroplastidic cells on a selective medium. The heteroplastidic cells were obtained by protoplast fusion, and contained a mixed population of streptomycin resistant plastids from the N. tabacum line Nt-SR1-Kan2, and lincomycin resistant plastids from the N. plumbaginifolia line Np-LR400-Hyg1. Clones derived from protoplast fusion were selected by kanamycin and hygromycin resistance, transgenic nuclear markers. Somatic hybrids were then grown on a selective streptomycin or lincomycin medium, or in the absence of either drug to a 50 to 100 mg size callus. Southern analysis of a polymorphic region of plastid DNA (ptDNA) revealed that somatic hybrids grown on streptomycin contained almost exclusively ptDNA from the streptomycin resistant parent, somatic hybrids grown on lincomycin contained almost exclusively ptDNA from the lincomycin resistant parent whereas somatic hybrids grown in the absence of either drug contained mixed parental plastids. Sensitive ptDNA was below detection level in most clones on selective medium, but could be recovered upon subsequent culture in the presence of the appropriate drug. The drugs streptomycin and lincomycin provide a powerful selection pressure that should facilitate recovery of plastid transformants.  相似文献   
The structure of the Gln25 variant of ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) crystallized at pH 7 and at high ionic strength has been solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates of the Lys25-RNase T1/2'-guanylic acid (2'GMP) complex at pH 5 [Arni et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 15358-15368] and refined by energy minimization and stereochemically restrained least-squares minimization to a crystallographic R-factor of 14.4% at 1.84-A resolution. The asymmetric unit contains three molecules, and the final model consists of 2302 protein atoms, 3 sulfates (at the catalytic sites), and 179 solvent water molecules. The estimated root mean square (rms) error in the coordinates is 0.15 A, and the rms deviation from ideality is 0.018 A for bond lengths and 1.8 degrees for bond angles. Significant differences are observed between the three molecules in the asymmetric unit at the base recognition and catalytic sites.  相似文献   
The bacterial gene aad A encodes the enzyme aminoglycoside-3-adenyltransferase that confers resistance to spectinomycin and streptomycin in Escherichia coli. Chimeric genes have been constructed for expression in plants, and were introduced into Nicotiana tabacum by Agrobacterium binary transformation vectors. Spectinomycin or streptomycin in selective concentrations prevent greening of N. tabacum calli. Transgenic clones, however, formed green calli on selective media containing spectinomycin, streptomycin, or both drugs. Resistance was inherited as a dominant Mendelian trait in the seed progeny. Resistance conferred by the chimeric aad A gene can be used as a color marker similar to the resistance conferred by the streptomycin phosphotransferase gene to streptomycin.  相似文献   
We have measured the Soret band of the photoproduct obtained by complete photolysis of sperm whale carbonmonoxymyoglobin at 10 K. The experimental spectrum has been modeled with an analytical expression that takes into account the homogeneous bandwidth, the coupling of the electronic transition with both high and low frequency vibrational modes, and the effects of static conformational heterogeneity. The comparison with deoxymyoglobin at low temperature reveals three main differences. In the photoproduct, the Soret band is shifted to red. The band is less asymmetric, and an enhanced coupling to the heme vibrational mode at 674 cm−1 is observed. These differences reflect incomplete relaxation of the active site after ligand dissociation. The smaller band asymmetry of the photoproduct can be explained by a smaller displacement of the iron atom from the mean porphyrin plane, in quantitative agreement with the X-ray structure analysis. The enhanced vibrational coupling is attributed to a subtle heme distortion from the planar geometry that is barely detectable in the X-ray structure.  相似文献   
The responses of seedlings of three fast growing tree species,Eucalyptus hybrid(E. camaldulensis × E. teriticornis), Casuarina equisetifolia andMelia azedarach, to different levels of soil moisture in controlled glasshouse conditions were compared. The survival percentage, height of plants, number of leaves per plant, number of branches, fresh mass and dry mass of roots, stems, branches and leaves decreased in the three species with increasing water stress. Stomatal frequency and length of stomata inEucalyptus andMelia also decreased with increasing water stress. However, no significant difference was obtained in the width of stomata and the ratio of number of open stomata to total number of stomata per unit area. The leaf thickness decreased, but the thickness of palisade parenchyma increased with increasing water stress inEucalyptus hybrid andCasuarina. Leaf thickness ofMelia did not show any significant variation due to water stress.  相似文献   
We report on a novel chimeric gene that confers kanamycin resistance on tobacco plastids. The kan gene from the bacterial transposon Tn5, encoding neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII), was placed under control of plastid expression signals and cloned between rbcL and ORF512 plastid gene sequences to target the insertion of the chimeric gene into the plastid genome. Transforming plasmid pTNH32 DNA was introduced into tobacco leaves by the biolistic procedure, and plastid transformants were selected by their resistance to 50 g/ml of kanamycin monosulfate. The regenerated plants uniformly transmitted the transplastome to the maternal progeny. Resistant clones resulting from incorporation of the chimeric gene into the nuclear genome were also obtained. However, most of these could be eliminated by screening for resistance to high levels of kanamycin (500 g/ml). Incorporation of kan into the plastid genome led to its amplification to a high copy number, about 10000 per leaf cell, and accumulation of NPTII to about 1% of total cellular protein.  相似文献   
Three novel strains in Calotrichaceae from tropical habitats were isolated and characterized with regard to their morphology, phylogenetic placement, and secondary structures of conserved domains in the 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The strains fell into two clades formerly identified as Calothrix from freshwater and brackish habitats. Based on both morphology and ecology, they differed from the type species of Calothrix, C. confervicola, which is marine, has wide trichomes with short cells, and narrows abruptly to a hyaline hair. The first clade grouped species with heteropolar filaments widened at the base and narrowed gradually toward the apex but not ending in a hair, with basal heterocytes that are formed in series as the apically placed heterocytes senesce; this clade is being named Fulbrightiella gen. nov., with two named species, F. bharadwajae sp. nov. and F. oahuensis sp. nov. The second clade was comprised of a single species with isopolar trichomes that are untapering as hormogonia, but which widen midfilament and taper toward both ends following growth. These trichomes develop pairs of heterocyte mid-filament, causing fragmentation into heteropolar trichomes with basal heterocytes and ends that taper, but not to a hair. This clade consists of a single species at present, Sherwoodiella mauiensis. With this action, four clades in the Calotrichaceae have been named: Macrochaete, Dulcicalothrix, Fulbrightiella, and Sherwoodiella. Calothrix sensu stricto is truly marine, morphologically distinct, and unsequenced; finding and sequencing the generitype for Calothrix remains as the most important and unfinished task in the revision of the Calotrichaceae.  相似文献   
Alterations in circulatory levels of total T4 (TT4), total T3 (TT3), free T4 (FT4), free T3 (FT3), thyrotropin (TSH) and T3 uptake (T3U) were studied in male and female sea-level residents (SLR) at sea level, in Armed forces personnel staying at high altitude (3750 m) for prolonged duration (acclimatized lowlanders, ALL) and in high-altitude natives (HAN). Identical studies were also performed on male ALL who trekked to an extreme altitude of 5080 m and stayed at an altitude of more than 6300 m for about 6 months. The total as well as free thyroid hormones were found to be significantly higher in ALL and HAN as compared to SLR values. Both male as well as female HAN had higher levels of thyroid hormones. The rise in hormone levels in different ALL ethnic groups drawn from amongst the southern and northern parts of the country was more or less identical. In both HAN and ALL a decline in FT3 and FT4 occurred when these subjects trekked at subzero temperatures to extreme altitude of 5080 m but the levels were found to be higher in ALL who stayed at 6300 m for a prolonged duration. Plasma TSH did not show any appreciable change at lower altitudes but was found to be decreased at extreme altitude. The increase in thyroid hormones at high altitude was not due to an increase in hormone binding proteins, since T3U was found to be higher at high altitudes. A decline in TSH and hormone binding proteins and an increase in the free moiety of the hormones is indicative of a subtle degree of tissue hyperthyroidism which may be playing an important role in combating the extreme cold and hypoxic environment of high altitudes.  相似文献   
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