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It is difficult to interpret mitochondrial diversity in terms of taxonomy even in cases in which a concordance exists between mitochondrial, ecological and morphological markers. Here we demonstrate this difficulty through a study of Israeli Hyponephele butterflies. We show that samples commonly identified as Hyponephele lycaon are represented on Mount Hermon in Israel by two sympatric groups of individuals distinct both in mitochondrial DNA-barcodes (uncorrected p-distance = 3.5%) and hindwing underside pattern. These two groups were collected in different biotopes. They also tended to be different in length of brachia in male genitalia, although the latter character is variable. We reject the hypothesis that the discovered COI haplogroups are selectively neutral intraspecific characters. We hypothesize that they represent: either (1) two different biological species, or (2) a consequence of a strong positive selection acting at intraspecific level and resulting in two intraspecific clusters adapted to low and to high elevations. If we accept the first hypothesis, then provisionally these two haplogroups can be attributed to transpalearctic Hyponephele lycaon sensu stricto and to Hyponephele lycaonoides, previously known from Iran and East Turkey.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of histidine (His) in microorganisms, long studied through the isolation and characterization of auxotrophic mutants, has emerged as a paradigm for the regulation of metabolism and gene expression. Much less is known about His biosynthesis in flowering plants. One limiting factor has been the absence of large collections of informative auxotrophs. We describe here the results of a systematic screen for His auxotrophs of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Ten insertion mutants disrupted in four different biosynthetic genes (HISN2, HISN3, HISN4, HISN6A) were identified through a combination of forward and reverse genetics and were shown to exhibit an embryo-defective phenotype that could be rescued by watering heterozygous plants with His. Male transmission of the mutant allele was in several cases reduced. Knockouts of two redundant genes (HISN1B and HISN5A) had no visible phenotype. Another mutant blocked in the final step of His biosynthesis (hisn8) and a double mutant altered in the redundant first step of the pathway (hisn1a hisn1b) exhibited a combination of gametophytic and embryonic lethality in heterozygotes. Homozygous mutant seedlings and callus tissue produced from rescued seeds appeared normal when grown in the presence of His but typically senesced after continued growth in the absence of His. These knockout mutants document the importance of His biosynthesis for plant growth and development, provide valuable insights into amino acid transport and source-sink relationships during seed development, and represent a significant addition to the limited collection of well-characterized auxotrophs in flowering plants.  相似文献   
We have cloned from rat brain the cDNA encoding an 89,828-Da kinesin-related polypeptide KIF3C that is enriched in brain, retina, and lung. Immunocytochemistry of hippocampal neurons in culture shows that KIF3C is localized to cell bodies, dendrites, and, in lesser amounts, to axons. In subcellular fractionation experiments, KIF3C cofractionates with a distinct population of membrane vesicles. Native KIF3C binds to microtubules in a kinesin-like, nucleotide-dependent manner. KIF3C is most similar to mouse KIF3B and KIF3A, two closely related kinesins that are normally present as a heteromer. In sucrose density gradients, KIF3C sediments at two distinct densities, suggesting that it may be part of two different multimolecular complexes. Immunoprecipitation experiments show that KIF3C is in part associated with KIF3A, but not with KIF3B. Unlike KIF3B, a significant portion of KIF3C is not associated with KIF3A. Consistent with these biochemical properties, the distribution of KIF3C in the CNS has both similarities and differences compared with KIF3A and KIF3B. These results suggest that KIF3C is a vesicle-associated motor that functions both independently and in association with KIF3A.  相似文献   
Retinal neurogenesis ceases by the early postnatal period, although retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) persist throughout life. In this study, we show that in the mammalian eye, the function of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) extends beyond regulation of the innate immune response; it restricts RPC proliferation. In TLR4-deficient mice, enhanced proliferation of cells reminiscent of RPCs is evident during the early postnatal period. In vitro experiments demonstrate that TLR4 acts as an intrinsic regulator of RPC fate decision. Increased TLR4 expression in the eye correlates with the postnatal cessation of cell proliferation. However, deficient TLR4 expression is not sufficient to extend the proliferative period but rather contributes to resumption of proliferation in combination with growth factors. Proliferation in vivo is inhibited by both MyD88-dependent and -independent pathways, similar to the mechanisms activated by TLR4 in immune cells. Thus, our study attributes a novel role to TLR4 as a negative regulator of RPC proliferation.  相似文献   
In recent years several studies regarding possible effects of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on cognitive brain function were reported. In many of these studies on awake humans the working tasks were presented visually to the test subjects, e.g., on a computer screen. Therefore, the question of where in the chain of visual perception, brain processing and response a possible effect could be induced seems to be of interest. In this study, possible effects of exposure to a generic 1.97 GHz UMTS-like signal on human visual perception were investigated in a double blinded, crossover study including 58 healthy volunteer subjects (29 male, 29 female), aged 29 +/- 5.1 years (mean +/- SD). Each test subject underwent a battery of four different clinical tests three times (two different exposure levels and sham exposure) to assess selected parameters of visual perception. The generic signals applied to the subjects' head represented the RF emissions of an UMTS mobile phone under constant receiving conditions and the under condition of strongly varying transmit power, i.e., the signal envelope contained low frequency components. In the high exposure condition the resulting average exposure of the test subjects in the cortex of the left temporal lobe of the brain was 0.63 W/kg (1 g averaged SAR) and 0.37 W/kg (10 g averaged SAR). Low exposure condition was one tenth of high exposure and sham was at least 50 dB (corresponding to a factor of 100,000) below low exposure. Statistical evaluation of the obtained test results revealed no statistically significant differences in the investigated parameters of visual perception between the exposure conditions and sham exposure.  相似文献   
Using Langmuir’s monolayer technique, the surface behavior and the interaction of the synthetic neuropeptide methionine-enkephalin (Met-enk) and its amidated derivate (Met-enk-NH2) with monolayers of the zwitterionic dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and the negatively charged dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) were studied. The surface tension (γ, mN/m) of DMPG and DMPC monolayers as a function of time (after injection of the peptide under the interface) was detected. The decrease in γ values showed that there was a strong penetration effect of both types of Met-enk molecules into the monolayers, being significantly stronger for the amidated derivate, Met-enk-NH2. We suggest that the interaction between the neuropeptides and DMPC was predominantly determined by peptides amphiphilicity, while the electrostatic forces play significant role for the insertion of the cationic Met-enk-NH2 in DMPG monolayers, especially at high packing densities. Our results demonstrate the potential of lipid monolayers formed in Langmuir’s trough to be successfully used as an elegant and simple membrane models to study lipid–peptide interactions at the air/water interface.  相似文献   
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