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The impact of pulsed Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium/aluminium garnet) laser irradiation on the marine biofilm-forming bacteria Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora during two growth stages (log phase and stationary phase) and under two stresses (reduced temperature and nutrient limitation) was investigated. Bacteria were exposed to a laser fluence of 0.1 J x cm(-2) for 5, 10, and 15 min with a peak power of 20 MW x cm(-2), a pulse width of 5 ns, and an average power of 1 W x cm(-2) with a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The mortality of bacteria immediately after the irradiation as well as after a set period of time was determined. Mortality was higher among log-phase bacteria (72%) than bacteria in the stationary phase (51%) and those grown under nutrient limitation (51%). Bacteria grown at reduced temperature had a mortality of 49%. However, the differences in cell density of log-phase, stationary-phase, nutrient-limited, and low-temperature irradiated samples compared with controls after 5 h of incubation were 96, 93, 94, and 86%, respectively. The mortality values suggest that the same laser fluence has different degrees of effectiveness, depending on the physiological state of the bacteria.  相似文献   
In preparing intracellular microbial samples for one- or two-dimensional electrophoresis, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation is frequently used to remove interfering compounds. Solubilization of TCA precipitate typically requires the addition of a number of chaotropes or detergents, in a multistep process, that requires hours to carry out. In this study, a simple, rapid, one-step method to solubilize TCA precipitated proteins is presented. Precipitated proteins are pretreated with 0.2 M NaOH for less than 5 min, followed by addition of standard sample solubilization buffer (SSSB). When compared to solubilization with SSSB alone, NaOH pretreatment of TCA-precipitated intracellular protein from Aspergillus oryzae and Escherichia coli shows an approximate 5-fold increase in soluble protein. In addition, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis on resolubilized proteins shows an equivalent number of proteins in samples with and without NaOH pretreatment.  相似文献   


Recent phylogenetic analyses have identified Amborella trichopoda, an understory tree species endemic to the forests of New Caledonia, as sister to a clade including all other known flowering plant species. The Amborella genome is a unique reference for understanding the evolution of angiosperm genomes because it can serve as an outgroup to root comparative analyses. A physical map, BAC end sequences and sample shotgun sequences provide a first view of the 870 Mbp Amborella genome.


Analysis of Amborella BAC ends sequenced from each contig suggests that the density of long terminal repeat retrotransposons is negatively correlated with that of protein coding genes. Syntenic, presumably ancestral, gene blocks were identified in comparisons of the Amborella BAC contigs and the sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana, Populus trichocarpa, Vitis vinifera and Oryza sativa genomes. Parsimony mapping of the loss of synteny corroborates previous analyses suggesting that the rate of structural change has been more rapid on lineages leading to Arabidopsis and Oryza compared with lineages leading to Populus and Vitis. The gamma paleohexiploidy event identified in the Arabidopsis, Populus and Vitis genomes is shown to have occurred after the divergence of all other known angiosperms from the lineage leading to Amborella.


When placed in the context of a physical map, BAC end sequences representing just 5.4% of the Amborella genome have facilitated reconstruction of gene blocks that existed in the last common ancestor of all flowering plants. The Amborella genome is an invaluable reference for inferences concerning the ancestral angiosperm and subsequent genome evolution.  相似文献   
The capture of human acute myeloid leukemia KG-1 cells expressing the CD34 surface antigen and the fractionation of human blood lymphocytes were evaluated on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-cryogel beads and dimethyl acrylamide (DMAAm) monolithic cryogel with immobilized protein A. The affinity ligand (protein A) was chemically coupled to the reactive PVA-cryogel beads and epoxy-derivatized monolithic cryogels through different immobilization techniques and the binding efficiency of the cell surface receptors specific antibody-labeled cells to the gels/beads was determined. The binding of cells to monolithic cryogel was higher (90-95%) compared with cryogel beads (76%). B-lymphocytes, which bound to the protein A-cryogel beads, were separated from T-lymphocytes with yields for the two cell types 74 and 85%, respectively. About 91% of the bound B-cells could be recovered without significantly impairing their viability. Our results show differences in the percentage of cell-binding to the immunosorbents caused by ligand density, flow shear forces and bond strength between the cells and the affinity surface once distinct chemical coupling of protein A, size of beads, sequence of antibody binding to protein A adsorbents, morphology and geometry of surface matrices were compared.  相似文献   
The recolonization of laser-ablated bacterial monoculture biofilm was studied in the laboratory by using a flow-cytometer system. The marine biofilm-forming bacterium Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora was used to develop biofilms on titanium coupons. Upon exposure to a low-power pulsed irradiation from an Nd:YAG laser, the coupons with biofilm were significantly reduced both in terms of total viable count (TVC) and area cover. The energy density used for a pulse of 5 ns was 0.1 J/cm(2) and the durations of irradiation exposure were 5 and 10 min. When placed in a flow of dilute ZoBell marine broth medium (10%) the laser-destructed bacterial film in a flow-cytometer showed significant recovery over a period of time. The flow of medium was regulated at 3.2 ml/min. The increase in area cover and TVC, however, was significantly less than that observed for nonirradiated control (t-test, P< 0.05). The coupons were observed for biofilm area cover and TVC at different intervals (3, 6, and 9 h) after irradiation. While the biofilm in the control coupon at the end of 9 h of exposure showed 95.6 +/- 4.1% cover, the 5- and 10-min irradiated samples after 9 h showed 60.3 +/- 6.5 and 37.4 +/- 12.1% area cover, respectively. The reduced rate of recolonization compared to control was thought be due to the lethal and sublethal impacts of laser irradiation on bacteria. This observation thus provided data on the online recolonization speed of biofilm, which is important when considering pulsed laser irradiation as an ablating technique of biofilm formation and removal in natural systems.  相似文献   
We studied the laser ablation of laboratory-developed biofilm on titanium and glass surfaces. Specifically, Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora, a marine biofilm forming bacterium was used to generate laboratory biofilm. Two fluences, 0.05 and 0.1 J/cm(2) and three durations of irradiation, 30 s, 5 min, and 10 min were tested using an Nd;YAG laser of 532 nm wavelength (in the green light area). Nonirradiated coupons with biofilm served as control. The biofilm removal efficiency increased with the increase in laser fluence and duration of irradiation. The maximum biofilm area cover on control coupons of glass and titanium was 62.5 and 76.0%, respectively. Upon irradiation with fluence 0.1 J/cm(2) for the very short duration of 30 s, this reduced to 5.6 and 12.4% and at 10 min to 2.17 and 0.7% on glass and titanium coupons, respectively, while the controls did not show any reductions (62.5 and 76.0% respectively, for glass and titanium coupons). The biofilm TRC (Total Resuscitated Cells) reduction during this period was even more prominent than the area cover, indicating that the remaining biofilm portions on coupons after irradiation were largely composed of dead bacterial cells. The TRC in the irradiation chamber medium for short durations of irradiation showed a significant increase, indicating that the laser irradiation removed live bacteria from the biofilm. The re-growth of the resuscitated cells showed they could grow like the control cells but with a significant lag. The laser's efficiency in the removal of biofilm was better seen on titanium coupons than on glass. Our results showed that a low-power pulsed laser irradiation could be used to remove biofilm formed on hard surfaces.  相似文献   
While numerous proteomic analyses have been carried out on Escherichia coli, the vast majority have focused on expression of intracellular proteins. Yet, recent literature reports imply that even in laboratory strains, significant proteins may be found outside the cell. Here, we identify extracellular proteins associated with nonpathogenic E. coli strain W3110. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) revealed approximately 66 prominent protein spots during exponential growth (4 and 8 h shake flask culture) in minimal medium. The absence of detectable nucleic acids in the culture supernatant implies these proteins did not result from cell lysis. MALDI-TOF MS was used to identify 44 proteins, most of which have been previously identified as either outer membrane or extracellular proteins. In addition, 2DE protease zymogram analysis was carried out which facilitated identification of three extracellular proteases, one of which was not observed during standard 2DE. Our results are consistent with previous findings which imply outer membrane proteins are shed during growth.  相似文献   
AIM: To study the molecular level damages in a marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora, exposed to low power pulsed laser radiation from an Nd:YAG laser. METHODS AND RESULTS: The laser damages in bacterial DNA were monitored by studying the formation of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites. Molecular probe kits were used for this purpose. Occurrence of lesions in the cell walls was monitored under a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results showed that laser radiation significantly increased the number of AP sites in the bacterial DNA. This increase corresponded to the laser fluence (J cm(-2)) and to the duration of laser irradiation. TEM observation showed the occurrence of lesions in bacterial cell walls upon laser irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that bacteria exposed to laser irradiation suffers DNA damages and resulted in broken cell walls. These events led to bacterial mortality. These are in addition to the mechanisms reported earlier such as the photochemical reactions occurring inside the cells upon exposure to low power laser. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results help us to understand the mechanisms of bacterial mortality on exposure to low power pulsed laser irradiation and are useful in formulating a laser treatment strategy to kill bacteria.  相似文献   
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