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The rapidly growing human population has led to duplicate food production and also reduced product loss. Although the negative effects of synthetic chemicals were recorded, they are still used as agrochemical. The production of non-toxic synthetics makes their use particularly safe. The goal of our research is to evaluate antimicrobial activity of previously synthesized Poly(p-phenylene-1-(2,5-dimethylphenyl)-5-phenyl-1H-pyrazole-3,4-dicarboxy amide) (poly(PDPPD)) against selected Gram-negative, Gram-positive bacteria, and fungus. In addition, the possible genotoxic effects of the poly(PDPPD) were searched on Triticum vulgare and Amaranthus retroflexus seedlings using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. The binding affinity and binding energies of the synthesized chemical to B-DNA were simulated with AutoDock Vina. It was observed that the poly(PDPPD) affected most of the organisms in a dose-dependent manner. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most affected species in tested bacteria at 500 ppm with 21.5 mm diameters. Similarly, a prominent activity was observed for tested fungi. The poly(PDPPD) decreased root and stem length of the Triticum vulgare and Amaranthus retroflexus seedlings and also reduced the genomic template stability (GTS) value of Triticum vulgare more than Amaranthus retroflexus. The binding energy of poly(PDPPD) was found in range of −9.1 and −8.3 kcal/mol for nine residues of B-DNA.  相似文献   
Fertilized stands of Pseudotsuga menziesii were found to have glaucous needles. We investigated the morphological and quantitative characteristics of the epicuticular waxes of needles of fertilized and control trees. Glaucousness was caused by ornate tubular epicuticular wax. Dipping needles in chloroform, which dissolves waxes, eliminated the glaucous appearance. Based on cryostage scanning electron microscopic observations, the epicuticular waxes in the nonstomatal region were much more ornate on the needles of the fertilized trees (experimental needles) than in unfertilized trees (control needles). The stomatal region in both experimental and control needles showed similarly ornate waxes. Quantities of waxes were similar in experimental and control needles. The glaucousness was not the result of greater quantities of wax; rather, fertilization altered wax morphology in the nonstomatal regions.  相似文献   
The rat liver asialoglycoprotein receptor consists of two typesof subunits, a predominant polypeptide designated rat hepaticlectin 1 (RHL-1) and a minor polypeptide, RHL-2/3, that comesin two differentially glycosylated forms. The exact stoichiometryand arrangement of the subunits in the RHL oligomer are notknown. The carbohydrate-recognition domain of RHL-2/ has beenprepared by limited proteolysis of the liver receptor so thatits properties can be compared with those of the correspondingdomain of RHL-1 previously produced in a bacterial expressionsystem. Binding studies indicate that while RHL-1 binds N-acetylgalactosaminewith approximately 60-fold higher affinity than it binds galactose,RHL-2/ has only 2-fold selectivity for N-acetylgalactosamine.In general, the pattern of monosaccharide-binding specificityfor RHL-2/ is similar to RHL-1, but the discrimination of varioussugars relative to galactose is reduced substantially. Limitedproteolysis and crosslinking studies demonstrate that RHL- 2/is easily removed from the RHL oligomer in detergent solutionand that RHL-1 remains at least trimeric following removal ofRHL-2/. These studies suggest that RHL-1 forms a ligand-bindingcore while RHL-2/ acts more as an accessory subunit contributingto selective binding of certain oligosaccharide structures. asialoglycoprotein receptor binding carbohydrate recognition lectin proteolysis  相似文献   
Carbohydrate and energy metabolism of the flooding- and anoxia-tolerant Iris pseudacorus and the intolerant Iris germanica rhizomes were investigated under experimental anoxic conditions. Rhizomes of I. pseudacorus and I. Germanica were incubated in the absence of oxygen from 0 to 60 and 16 days, respectively. Amounts of glucose, total reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars (starch, fructan and oligosaccharides) in the rhizomes were measured. Ethanol concentration and adenylate energy charge were determined enzymatically. Glucose content of I. pseudacorus rhizomes decreased gradually during the first 30 days under anoxia and then increased at the same time as adenylate energy charge values started to decline. In I. germanica rhizomes the changes were more dramatic and the time scale was much shorter than in I. pseudacorus but the changes were similar. Non-reducing sugar content of I. pseudacorus rhizomes decreased rapidly during the first 15 days under oxygen deprivation and then increased again, to near starting levels at 35 days. In I. germanica the amount of non-reducing sugars decreased gradually during the anoxic incubation. Under aerobic control conditions, adenylate energy charge (AEC) of I. pseudacorus and I. germanica rhizome tissue was 0.87±0.01 and 0.81±0.01, respectively. In I. pseudacorus AEC remained high until 30 days under anoxia. In contrast, the energy charge of I. germanica rhizome tissue remained above 0.6 for 4 days only. Large amounts of ethanol were found in anoxic rhizome tissues of I. pseudacorus (up to 0.21 M ) and I. germanica (0.06 M ) after 45 days and 8 days, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to flooding tolerance of these species.  相似文献   
Summary An antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide derived from the primary amino sequence of rat secretogranin II (chromogranin C) was used for immunological (quantitative radioimmunoassay analysis) and immunohistochemical studies of normal human endocrine and nervous tissues. This antibody recognized a novel and biologically active neuropeptide which was coined as secretoneurin. In endocrine tissues, secretoneurin was mainly co-localized with chromogranin A and B with some exceptions (e.g., parathyroid gland). Secretoneurin was demonstrated immunohistochemically in the adrenal medulla, thyroid C cells, TSH- and FSH/LH-produting cells of the anterior pituitary, A and B cells of pancreatic islets, in endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract and the bronchial mucosa, and the prostate. Immunoreactivity determined by radioimmunoassay analysis revealed high secretoneurin levels in the anterior and posterior pituitary and lower levels in pancreatic and thyroid tissue. A strong secretoneurin immunoreactivity was also found in ganglion cells of the submucdsal and myenteric plexus of the gastrointestinal tract, and in ganglionic cells of dorsal root ganglia, peripheral nerves, and ganglion cells of the adrenal medulla. Thus, secretoneurin may serve as a useful marker of gangliocytic/neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   
The mouse genes for the lysosomal cysteine proteinases cathepsin B, H, L, and S were mapped to Chromosomes (Chrs) 14, 9, 13, and 3, respectively. Two of the DNA probes used in this study detected an additional, independently segregating locus. The cathepsin B-specific probe hybridized to a locus on Chr 2, and the cathepsin H probe to a locus on the X Chr. These loci either correspond to pseudogenes or to cathepsin B- and cathepsin H-related genes. The four cysteine proteinases mapped in this study lie within known regions of conserved synteny between mouse and human chromosomes, when compared with the corresponding positions of their human homologs. Assuming that the genes of the cysteine proteinase gene family arose from a common ancestral gene, our results suggest that these four cysteine proteinases had been dispersed over different chromosomes before separation of mouse and human in evolution. Received: 22 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 November 1996  相似文献   
A novel 2D NMR experiment, 2D HE(NE)HGHH, is presented for the assignment ofarginine side chain 1H and 15N resonances inuniformly 15N-labeled proteins. Correlations between1H, 1Hand 1H are established on the basis of3J(15N,1H) heteronuclear scalarcoupling constants, and sequence-specific assignments are obtained by overlapof these fragments with 1H chemical shiftsobtained by assignment procedures starting from the polypeptide backbone.Since guanidino protons exchange quite rapidly with the bulk water, the 2DHE(NE)HGHH pulse scheme has been optimized to avoid saturation and dephasingof the water magnetization during the course of the experiment. As anillustration, arginine side chain assignments are presented for two uniformly15N-labeled proteins of 7 and 23 kDa molecular weight.  相似文献   
DISGEO is a new implementation of a distance geometry algorithm which has been specialized for the calculation of macromolecular conformation from distance measurements obtained by two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy. The improvements include (1) a decomposition of the complete embedding process into two successive, more tractable calculations by the use of “substructures”, (2) a compact data structure for storing incomplete distance information on a structure, (3) a more efficient shortest-path algorithm for computing the triangle inequality limits on all distances from this information, (4) a new algorithm for selecting random metric spaces from within these limits, (5) the use of chirality constraints to obtain good covalent geometry without the use ofad hoc weights or excessive optimization. The utility of the resultant program with nuclear magnetic resonance data is demonstrated by embedding complete spatial structures for the protein basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor vs all 508 intramolecular, interresidue proton-proton contacts shorter than 4.0 Å that were present in its crystal structure. The crystal structure could be reproduced from this data set to within 1.3 Å minimum root mean square coordinate difference between the backbone atoms. We conclude that the information potentially available from nuclear magnetic resonance experiments in solution is sufficient to define the spatial structure of small proteins.  相似文献   
Summary A human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (FOCUS—Friendship of China and United States) was derived from a patient with primary hepatocellular carcinoma. This cell line has been in continuous culture over an 18-mo period. The morphological and ultrastructural features of FOCUS are consistent with its neoplastic hepatocellular orgin. FOCUS cells contain aspartate aminotransferase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity. In addition, α1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, alpha fetoprotein, and carcinoembryonic antigens were detectble in the cytoplasm of the cultured cells by immunochemical staining techniques. The karyotype of the FOCUS cell is human in origin and it contains human DNA sequences as detected by molecular hybridization analysis. The FOCUS cells do not show evidence of density-dependent inhibition of growth under confluent conditions. Repeated growth curves over an 18-mo period were identical, revealing a doubling time of 42 to 48 h. The malignant potential of FOCUS cells was further demonstrated by their ability to lead to gross tumor formation after subcutaneous infection into nude mice. From one of the solid tumors grown in nude mice, recultured cell lines have been established and found to have properties identical to the original FOCUS cell line. This FOCUS cell line represents an additional model for further investigation of tumor specific antigens and the relationship between hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Preliminary molecular characterization has indicated the existence of integrated HBV sequences within the FOCUS genome.  相似文献   
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