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The discovery, optimization and structure-activity relationship of novel FATP1 inhibitors have been described. The detailed SAR studies of each moiety of the inhibitors combined with metabolite analysis led to the identification of the potent inhibitors 11p and 11q with improved blood stability.  相似文献   
Transposable elements, including short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs), comprise nearly half the mammalian genome. Moreover, they are a major source of conserved non-coding elements (CNEs), which play important functional roles in regulating development-related genes, such as enhancing and silencing, serving for the diversification of morphological and physiological features among species. We previously reported a novel SINE family, AmnSINE1, as part of mammalian-specific CNEs. One AmnSINE1 locus, named AS071, showed an enhancer property in the developing mouse diencephalon. Indeed, AS071 appears to recapitulate the expression of diencephalic fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8). Here we established three independent lines of AS071-transgenic mice and performed detailed expression profiling of AS071-enhanced lacZ in comparison with that of Fgf8 across embryonic stages. We demonstrate that AS071 is a distal enhancer that directs Fgf8 expression in the developing diencephalon. Furthermore, enhancer assays with constructs encoding partially deleted AS071 sequence revealed a unique modular organization in which AS071 contains at least three functionally distinct sub-elements that cooperatively direct the enhancer activity in three diencephalic domains, namely the dorsal midline and the lateral wall of the diencephalon, and the ventral midline of the hypothalamus. Interestingly, the AmnSINE1-derived sub-element was found to specify the enhancer activity to the ventral midline of the hypothalamus. To our knowledge, this is the first discovery of an enhancer element that could be separated into respective sub-elements that determine regional specificity and/or the core enhancing activity. These results potentiate our understanding of the evolution of retroposon-derived cis-regulatory elements as well as the basis for future studies of the molecular mechanism underlying the determination of domain-specificity of an enhancer.  相似文献   
Urocortin 2 (Ucn2) is a member of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) peptide family, which binds to CRF type 2 receptor. We previously reported on expression of Ucn2 in proopiomelanocortin cells of rat pituitary and its inhibitory action on LH secretion. We also demonstrated that Ucn2 is involved in the mechanism underlying immobilization-induced suppression of LH secretion; the details remain unclear. Here, we found that Ucn2 increased the expression of miR-325-3p, one of three microRNAs with predicted sequence for binding to LH β-subunit 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) in monolayer cultured rat anterior pituitary cells, and that miR-325-3p was expressed in LH cells of the anterior pituitary. Immobilization also increased miR-325-3p expression in the anterior pituitary, and its increase was blocked by pretreatment with anti-Ucn2 IgG. Overexpression of miR-325-3p in cultured pituitary cells significantly suppressed intracellular contents and secretion of LH, while miR-325-3p knockdown blocked Ucn2-induced suppression of intracellular contents and secretion of LH. Coexpression of miR-325-3p with LH β-subunit 3'-UTR-fused luciferase vector significantly suppressed luciferase activity compared with that of mock transfectants. These results suggest that miR-325-3p is involved in immobilization-induced suppression of LH translation and secretion and that Ucn2 plays a role in the increase in miR-325-3p expression.  相似文献   
Endomitosis and endoreplication are atypical modes of cell cycle that results in genome duplication in single nucleus. Because the cell size of given cell type is generally proportional to the nuclear DNA content, endoreplication and endomitosis are effective strategy of cell growth, which are widespread in multicellular organisms, especially those in plant kingdom. We found that these processes might be differently regulated by GIGAS CELL1 (GIG1) and its paralog UV-INSENSITIVE4 (UVI4) in Arabidopsis thaliana. GIG1 and UVI4 may negatively regulate activities of anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase that acts as an important mitotic regulator. The gig1 mutation induced ectopic occurrence of endomitosis during somatic cell division, while it has been reported that uvi4 mutation resulted in premature occurrence of endoreplication during organ development. Overexpression of GIG1 and UVI4 dramatically increased the amount of mitotic cyclin, CYCB1;1, a well-known substrate of APC/C. Ectopic endomitosis in gig1 was enhanced by mutation in CYCB2;2 and suppressed by downregulation of APC10 encoding a core subunit of APC/C. Overexpression of CDC20.1, an activator protein of APC/C, further promoted the ectopic endomitosis in gig1. These findings suggest that endomitosis and endoreplication are regulated by similar molecular mechanisms, in which two related proteins, GIG1 and UVI4, may inhibit APC/C in different ways.  相似文献   
The P gene of paramyxoviruses is unique in producing not only P but also “accessory” C and/or V proteins. Successful generation of C- or V-deficient recombinant viruses using a reverse genetics technique has been revealing their importance in viral pathogenesis as well as replication. As for Sendai virus (SeV), the C proteins, a nested set of four polypeptides C’, C, Y1, and Y2, have been shown to exert multiple functions in escaping from the host innate immunity, inhibiting virus-induced apoptosis, promoting virus assembly and budding, and regulating viral RNA synthesis. In this study, we subjected the 4C(-) recombinant lacking expression of all four C proteins to serial passages through eggs, and found the rapid emergence of a C-recovered revertant virus. Unlike the SeV strains or the recombinants reported previously or tested in this study, this was caused by an exceptionally quick accumulation of U-to-C transitions in a limited region of the 4C(-) genome causing recovery of the C protein expression. These results suggest that a lack of C proteins could lead unexpectedly to strong selective pressures, and that the C proteins might play more critical roles in SeV replication than ever reported.  相似文献   
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA, 1- or 2-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate) is a simple phospholipid but displays an intriguing cell biology that is mediated via interactions with G protein-coupled seven transmembrane receptors (GPCRs). So far, five GPCRs, designated LPA(1-5), and, more recently, two additional GPCRs, GPR87 and P2Y5, have been identified as receptors for LPA. These LPA receptors can be classified into two families, the EDG and P2Y families, depending on their primary structures. Recent studies on gene targeting mice and family diseases of these receptors revealed that LPA is involved in both pathological and physiological states including brain development (LPA(1)), neuropathy pain (LPA(1)), lung fibrosis (LPA(1)), renal fibrosis (LPA(1)) protection against radiation-induced intestinal injury (LPA(2)), implantation (LPA(3)) and hair growth (P2Y5). LPA is produced both in cells and biological fluids, where multiple synthetic reactions occur. There are at least two pathways for LPA production. In serum or plasma, LPA is predominantly produced by a plasma enzyme called autotaxin (ATX). ATX is a multifunctional ectoenzyme and is involved in many patho-physiological conditions such as cancer, neuropathy pain, lymphocyte tracking in lymph nodes, obesity, diabetes and embryonic blood vessel formation. LPA is also produced from phosphatidic acid (PA) by its deacylation catalyzed by phospholipase A (PLA)-type enzymes. However, the physiological roles of this pathway as well as the enzymes involved remained to be solved. A number of phospholipase A(1) and A(2) isozymes could be involved in this pathway. One PA-selective PLA(1) called mPA-PLA(1)alpha/LIPH is specifically expressed in hair follicles, where it has a critical role in hair growth by producing LPA through a novel LPA receptor called P2Y5.  相似文献   
Utilization of the extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and fruits of Canavalia lineata and C. cathartica by ants was investigated at 30 sites in Japan. The fruits of C. lineata and C. cathartica were inhabited by five and eight ant species, respectively. Ant nesting periods and their utilization of EFNs differed between C. lineata and C. cathartica. Canavalia lineata flowers once a year, and periods of EFN-utilization and fruit-nesting by ants do not overlap. The fruit-nesting ants on C. lineata seem to invade the plant from the holes made by moth larvae or breaches made by decay. The ants nesting on the fruits of C. lineata may defend the plant against seed herbivores because they feed on moth larvae. Canavalia cathartica flowers several times over a year, and fruits are found throughout the year; therefore, periods of EFN-utilization and fruit-nesting by ants are overlapped. Canavalia cathartica offers year-round nesting sites and food for ants, and therefore may receive a higher defensive effect from ants than C. lineata. Handling editor: Graham Stone.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the duration of each series of offensive and defensive techniques and the cardiovascular, metabolic, and perceptual responses during 2- and 3-minute bouts of simulated karate sparring. Six young men (age, 18-20 years) and 6 boys (age, 16-17 years) participated in this study. We formed 3 pairs of men and 3 pairs of boys to create a demanding competitive environment. After a rest period, each pair performed a 2-minute bout of sparring, sat quietly for 60 minutes, and then performed 3-minute bout of sparring. We measured oxygen uptake (Vo2), heart rate (HR), and blood lactate responses and ascertained the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and energy expenditure (EE) during these sparring bouts. The ventilatory threshold was estimated from ventilatory equivalent and Vo2 obtained during the treadmill test. The duration of each series of offensive and defensive techniques was videotaped. During the 2- and 3-minute bouts of sparring, the duration of longest series of offensive and/or defensive combination techniques performed were 2.1 +/- 1.0 and 1.8 +/- 0.4 seconds, respectively; the mean total times of performing offensive and defensive techniques were 13.3 +/- 3.3 and 19.4 +/- 5.5 seconds, respectively. The mean oxygen uptake (Vo2), the percentage of maximum oxygen uptake (%Vo2max), HR, percentage of maximum HR, RPE, and EE for a 3-minute bout of sparring were significantly higher than for a 2-minute bout of sparring. The mean %Vo2max values for these bouts of sparring were below the ventilatory threshold. It is recommended that karate practitioners perform more specific weight training, plyometric exercises, and interval training to increase the ability to buffer acid muscle and blood concentrations and to build lean body mass, strength, and power to develop the specific motor skills required in sparring.  相似文献   
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