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Sedimentary biofilms of the green sulfur bacterium Prosthecochloris aestuarii strain CE 2404, the purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain 5811, and a mixed culture of both were cultured in fine sand (100- to 300-microm grain size) within counter gradients of oxygen and sulfide. The artificial sediments were exposed to illumination deprived of near-infrared light (NIR) by filtering out the wavelengths longer than 700 nm to simulate the critical light conditions in submerged aquatic sediments. A 16 h of visible light-8 h of dark regimen was used. We studied the effects of these light conditions on the metabolisms of and interactions between both species by comparing the single species biofilms with the mixed biofilm. The photosynthesis rates of P. aestuarii were shown to be highly limited by the imposed light conditions, because the sulfide photooxidation rates were strongly stimulated when NIR was added. T. roseopersicina performed both aerobic chemosynthesis and photosynthesis, but the photosynthesis rates were low and poorly stimulated by the addition of NIR. This species decreased the penetration depth of oxygen in the sediment by about 1 mm by actively respiring oxygen. This way, the strict anaerobe P. aestuarii was able to grow closer to the surface in the mixed culture. As a result, P. aestuarii benefited from the presence of T. roseopersicina in the mixed culture, which was reflected by an increase in the biomass. In contrast, the density of the latter species was almost completely unaffected by the interaction. Both species coexisted in a layer of the same depth in the mixed culture, and the ecological and evolutionary implications of coexistence are discussed.  相似文献   
We report the development of a nonantibiotic and nonpathogenic host-plasmid selection system based on lactococcal genes and threonine complementation. We constructed an auxotrophic Lactococcus lactis MG1363Deltathr strain which carries deletions in two genes encoding threonine biosynthetic enzymes. To achieve plasmid-borne complementation, we then constructed the minimal cloning vector, pJAG5, based on the genes encoding homoserine dehydrogenase-homoserine kinase (the hom-thrB operon) as a selective marker. Using strain MG1363Deltathr, selection and maintenance of cells carrying pJAG5 were obtained in threonine-free defined media. Compared to the commonly used selection system based on erythromycin resistance, the designed complementation system offers a competitive and stable plasmid selection system for the production of heterologous proteins in L. lactis. The potential of pJAG5 to deliver genes for expression in eukaryotes was evaluated by insertion of a mammalian expression unit encoding a modified green fluorescent protein. The successful delivery and expression of genes in human kidney fibroblasts indicated the potential of the designed nonantibiotic host-plasmid system for use in genetic immunization.  相似文献   
Alu elements belonging to the previously identified "young" subfamilies are thought to have inserted in the human genome after the divergence of humans from non-human primates and therefore should not be present in non-human primate genomes. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based screening of over 500 Alu insertion loci resulted in the recovery of a few "young" Alu elements that also resided at orthologous positions in non-human primate genomes. Sequence analysis demonstrated these "young" Alu insertions represented gene conversion events of pre-existing ancient Alu elements or independent parallel insertions of older Alu elements in the same genomic region. The level of gene conversion between Alu elements suggests that it may have a significant influence on the single nucleotide diversity within the genome. All the instances of multiple independent Alu insertions within the same small genomic regions were recovered from the owl monkey genome, indicating a higher Alu amplification rate in owl monkeys relative to many other primates. This study suggests that the majority of Alu insertions in primate genomes are the products of unique evolutionary events.  相似文献   
In absence epilepsy, epileptogenic processes are suspected of involving an imbalance between GABAergic inhibition and glutamatergic excitation. Here, we describe alteration of the expression of glutamate transporters in rats with genetic absence (the Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg: GAERS). In these rats, epileptic discharges, recorded in the thalamo-cortical network, appear around 40 days after birth. In adult rats no alteration of the protein expression of the glutamate transporters was observed. In 30-day-old GAERS protein levels (quantified by western blot) were lower in the cortex by 21% and 35% for the glial transporters GLT1 and GLAST, respectively, and by 32% for the neuronal transporter EAAC1 in the thalamus compared to control rats. In addition, the expression and activity of GLAST were decreased by 50% in newborn GAERS cortical astrocytes grown in primary culture. The lack of modification of the protein levels of glutamatergic transporters in adult epileptic GAERS, in spite of mRNA variations (quantified by RT-PCR), suggests that they are not involved in the pathogeny of spike-and-wave discharges. In contrast, the alteration of glutamate transporter expression, observed before the establishment of epileptic discharges, could reflect an abnormal maturation of the glutamatergic neurone-glia circuitry.  相似文献   
In addition to a previously characterized 13-lipoxygenase of 100 kDa encoded by LOX2:Hv:1 [V?r?s et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 251 (1998), 36-44], two full-length cDNAs (LOX2:Hv:2, LOX2:Hv:3) were isolated from barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare cv. Salome) and characterized. Both of them encode 13-lipoxygenases with putative target sequences for chloroplast import. Immunogold labeling revealed preferential, if not exclusive, localization of lipoxygenase proteins in the stroma. The ultrastructure of the chloroplast was dramatically altered following methyl jasmonate treatment, indicated by a loss of thylakoid membranes, decreased number of stacks and appearance of numerous osmiophilic globuli. The three 13-lipoxygenases are differentially expressed during treatment with jasmonate, salicylate, glucose or sorbitol. Metabolite profiling of free linolenic acid and free linoleic acid, the substrates of lipoxygenases, in water floated or jasmonate-treated leaves revealed preferential accumulation of linolenic acid. Remarkable amounts of free 9- as well as 13-hydroperoxy linolenic acid were found. In addition, metabolites of these hydroperoxides, such as the hydroxy derivatives and the respective aldehydes, appeared following methyl jasmonate treatment. These findings were substantiated by metabolite profiling of isolated chloroplasts, and subfractions including the envelope, the stroma and the thylakoids, indicating a preferential occurrence of lipoxygenase-derived products in the stroma and in the envelope. These data revealed jasmonate-induced activation of the hydroperoxide lyase and reductase branch within the lipoxygenase pathway and suggest differential activity of the three 13-lipoxygenases under different stress conditions.  相似文献   
The anaerobic degradation pathway of the saturated hydrocarbon n-hexane in a denitrifying strain (HxN1) was examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of derivatized extracts from cultures grown with unlabeled and deuterated substrate; several authentic standard compounds were included for comparison. The study was focused on possible reaction steps that follow the initial formation of (1-methylpentyl)succinate from n-hexane and fumarate. 4-Methyloctanoic, 4-methyloct-2-enoic, 2-methylhexanoic, 2-methylhex-2-enoic and 3-hydroxy-2-methylhexanoic acids (in addition to a few other methyl-branched acids) were detected in n-hexane-grown but not in n-hexanoate-grown cultures. Labeling indicated preservation of the original carbon chain of n-hexane in these acids. Tracing of the deuterium label of 3- d1-(1-methylpentyl)succinate in tentative subsequent products indicated a deuterium/carboxyl carbon exchange in the succinate moiety. This suggests that the metabolism of (1-methylpentyl)succinate employs reactions analogous to those in the established conversion of succinyl-CoA via methylmalonyl-CoA to propionyl-CoA. Accordingly, a pathway is proposed in which (1-methylpentyl)succinate is converted to the CoA-thioester, rearranged to (2-methylhexyl)malonyl-CoA and decarboxylated (perhaps by a transcarboxylase) to 4-methyloctanoyl-CoA. The other identified fatty acids match with a further degradation of 4-methyloctanoyl-CoA via rounds of conventional beta-oxidation. Such a pathway would also allow regeneration of fumarate (for n-hexane activation) from propionyl-CoA formed as intermediate and hence present a cyclic process.  相似文献   
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