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The applicability of two methods of respirometry to measurement of the carbon dioxide output of naturally decaying branches and wood of standing trees was studied. The Warburg respirometer was judged unsuitable for general use on decaying wood. A conductivity respirometer was found satisfactory. Carbon dioxide production was essentially unaffected by fragmentation suggesting that the measurements obtained are likely to be a valuable indication of decay in the intact tree or branch. The carbon dioxide production of samples was fairly stable when conditions were kept constant but responded promptly to increased or decreased moisture. Wood from branches infested with Polyporus tulipiferae in which moisture was increased from approximately 20%–50% (fresh weight basis) increased its carbon dioxide output over a 4-day period by some seven times. Comparable wood in which the moisture content was reduced from 45 to 20 % showed an almost linear reduction in rate over a similar period to about one-sixth the original rate. Rate of decay in stained and unstained zones of living trees showed no consistent effect of the stain. However, rates of decay in heart-rot of poplar caused by Fomes igniarius were only one-third those reported by Verrall (1937) for decay in culture.  相似文献   
A methylene blue azide medium (MBA), developed by Schaedler, Dubos, and Costello to isolate enterococci from the gastrointestinal tract of animals, was evaluated. This was done by comparing the isolation of enterococci from feces and saliva on the medium. Fifty-two catalase-negative, gram-positive cocci from human feces isolated from MBA were classified as enterococci. All strains grew in S F, 6.5% NaCl, and streptomycin broths, and all fermented mannitol. The isolates were provisionally subdivided into Streptococcus faecalis and S. faecium groups. S. faecalis-like strains fermented glycerol and pyruvate aerobically and produced acid in Snyder's medium (initial pH, 4.8). The S. faecium group fermented raffinose. Among all strains, several tests were variable. These included growth at 45 C, in 0.1% tellurite and in methylene blue milk. Three methods were employed to isolate and identify enterococci from the oral cavity. Direct streaking of MBA with saliva failed to produce any growth on the medium. Two other methods, with the use of various selective broths to promote the recovery of oral enterococci, failed to produce any bacteria capable of growing on MBA. The MBA-isolated fecal strains and oral viridans streptococci were generally indistinguishable on Mitis-Salivarius and K F agars. In experiments with fecal material, no gram-negative bacilli were found among the isolates selected. The MBA medium was judged as a high selectivity-low yield medium, and may provide a means of separating fecal and nonfecal enterococci.  相似文献   
Aphids of six species settled on the undersurface of bean leaves in characteristic patterns. Some species, e.g. Aphis fabae, settled wholly on veins. In others, e.g. Myzus spp. a considerable proportion settled away from veins, especially on the leaf margin. Microscopic studies showed that the probes of A. fabae were directed to the phloem in the veins as were those probes of Myzus spp. which entered the veins. Many probes of Myzus passed into spongy mesophyll alone. This apparently offered an alternative food source to them. The interspecific differences, which were matched by differences between age groups within species, are explained in terms of the differing proportions of the aphid populations exploiting the alternative food sources and of preferences for veins of a particular size.
Zusammenfassung Blattläuse sechs verschiedener Arten, die sich ungehindert auf reifen Blättern von Vicia faba ansiedeln konnten, bildeten arttypische Verteilungen. Auf diese Weise wurde eine Übergangsreihe von Arteigentümlichkeiten deutlich zwischen Aphis fabae und Megoura viciae, die sich an den großen Adern ansiedelten, und Myzus ornatus, welche sich auf den Blatträndern außerhalb der Adern häufte. Die Ernährungsweise von A. fabae, Myzus persicae und M. ornatus wurde durch mikroskopische Suche nach Speichelscheiden in ganzen, aufgehellten Blättern sowie an Schnittserien untersucht. A. fabae saugt am Phloem der Blattadern, M. persicae jedoch zum Teil und M. ornatus fast völlig am Schwammparenchym.Es wird angenommen, daß dieses Gewebe neben dem Phloem eine weitere Nahrungsquelle darstellte welche von gewissen Blattläusen in unterschiedlichem Ausmaße ausgenutzt zu werden vermag. Unterschiede sowohl im Anteil der am Mesophyll saugenden Population wie in dem bevorzugten Gefäßdurchmesser der von den Blattläusen besogenen Adern sind ursächlich mit den artcharakteristischen Ansiedlungsweisen verbunden. Unterschiede in beiden Richtunger werden zwischen den Arten deutlich, und ähnliche Unterschiede treten zwischen den Alters-gruppen einiger Aphidenarten häufig auf. Dem Auftreten wechselweise nutzbarer Nahrungsquellen, die in etwas verschiedener Weise ausgebeutet werden können, wird potentielle Bedeutung im Hinblick auf die Virusübertragung sowie auf die Wirksamkeit systemischer Insektizide beigemessen.
Three strains of the aphid Myzus persicae are described which show constant differences in their ability to feed through parafilm membranes. Two of these strains fed fairly readily through the membranes, but the third fed very little. Of the two strains which fed through the membranes, one was more sensitive to the addition of neutral red and phosphamidon to the diet than the other. This sensitivity was shown by a reduction in liquid uptake which partly accounted for the high LC50 found for this strain.On the basis of the uptake methods used, sucrose was found to be phagostimulatory. An attempt at using the susceptibility of the aphids to phosphamidon as a measure of diet acceptability had a limited success.
Résumé Trois souches du puceron Myzus persicae sont décrites, qui montrent de constantes différences dans leur aptitude à se nourrir au travers de fines membranes plastiques transparentes (appelées parafilm membranes). Deux de ces souches se nourrissent assez aisément au travers des membranes, mais la troisième souche ne se nourrit que très peu. Des deux souches qui se nourrissent au travers des membranes, l'une se montra plus sensible que l'autre à l'addition à son régime de rouge neutre et de phosphamidon.Cette sensibilité fut montrée par une réduction du liquide absorbé qui, en partie, comptait pour le LC50 élevé trouvé pour cette souche.En se basant sur les méthodes d'absorption utilisées, on trouva que le saccharose était phagostimulant. Une tentative d'utiliser la sensibilité au phosphamidon des pucerons, comme mesure d'acceptation du régime, eut un succès limité.
The course of active state in heart muscle has been analyzed using a modified quick release method. The onset of maximum active state was found to be delayed, requiring 110-500 msec from time of stimulation, while the time to peak isometric tension required 250-650 msec. Further, the time from stimulation to peak tension was linearly related to the time required to establish maximum intensity of active state as well as to the duration of maximum active state. The duration of maximum active state was prolonged (90-220 msec), occupying most of the latter half of the rising phase of the isometric contraction. Norepinephrine (10(-5) M) shortened the latency from electrical stimulus to mechanical response, accelerated the onset of maximum active state, increased its intensity, decreased its duration, and accelerated its rate of decline. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the rate of tension development and the tension developed while the time from stimulation to peak isometric tension was abbreviated. Similar findings were shown for strophanthidin (1 microgram/ml) although lesser decrements in the duration of maximum active state and time to peak tension were found than with norepinephrine for similar increments in the maximum intensity of active state.  相似文献   
The study of an effect of exogenous thymidine on the mitotic cycle demonstrated that a 30 minute exposure to unlabeled and to tritiated thymidine at a concentration of 2.9 × 10?6 M was sufficient to cause a significant increase in the mitotic index of root meristem cells of Haplopappus gracilis. An analysis of the data revealed that this was due to the prolongation of metaphase rather than to an increase in the actual number of cells entering division.  相似文献   
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