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Disturbance is a key factor in structuring fish assemblages in rivers; characterizing reactions to disturbance is especially important in systems containing endangered species due to their vulnerability to extinction. A natural disturbance event occurred in the Virgin River in 1985, when normal flow patterns changed due to the appearance of a sinkhole upstream of the hot saline Pah Tempe Springs. This led to abnormally elevated levels of temperature and salinity that propagated downstream. We examined changes in fish assemblages at five sites in a 21 km reach downstream from the hot springs in the mainstem Virgin River, which were monitored monthly (with the exception of 1 site monitored biannually) between 1984 and 1987. Specifically, we compared the responses of the different fish species in space and time. Of the six native species investigated, speckled dace, spinedace, and the endangered woundfin experienced declines in abundance at sites closest to the disturbance. In contrast, Virgin River chub, another endangered species, experienced increases in abundance in sites nearest the disturbance, and desert sucker and flannelmouth sucker showed no change. Redundancy analysis confirmed that changes in assemblage structure were significant. Differential responses to the disturbance appeared to correlate with differences in feeding ecology, with insectivores being the most affected group. In terms of recovery, species with higher abundances in neighboring sites experienced faster recoveries than those with lower abundances. This study characterizes disturbance reactions in the Virgin River, and emphasizes the susceptibility of rare species to natural disturbances and subsequent depression of recolonization rates.  相似文献   
The aims of the study were to: (i) identify differentially regulated proteins in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and non‐MS controls; (ii) examine the effect of matching the CSF samples on either total protein amount or volume, and compare four protein normalization strategies for CSF protein quantification. CSF from MS patients (n = 37) and controls (n = 64), consisting of other noninflammatory neurological diseases (n = 50) and non neurological spinal anesthetic subjects (n = 14), were analyzed using label‐free proteomics, quantifying almost 800 proteins. In total, 122 proteins were significantly regulated (p < 0.05), where 77 proteins had p‐value <0.01 or AUC value >0.75. Hierarchical clustering indicated that there were two main groups of MS patients, those with increased levels of inflammatory response proteins and decreased levels of proteins involved in neuronal tissue development (n = 30), and those with normal protein levels for both of these protein groups (n = 7). The main subgroup of controls clustering with the MS patients showing increased inflammation and decreased neuronal tissue development were patients suffering from chronic fatigue. Our data indicate that the preferable way to quantify proteins in CSF is to first match the samples on total protein amount and then normalize the data based on the median intensities, preferably from the CNS‐enriched proteins.  相似文献   
Thioredoxins comprise a conserved family of redox regulators involved in many biological processes, including stress resistance and aging. We report that the C. elegans thioredoxin TRX-1 acts in ASJ head sensory neurons as a novel modulator of the insulin-like neuropeptide DAF-28 during dauer formation. We show that increased formation of stress-resistant, long-lived dauer larvae in mutants for the gene encoding the insulin-like neuropeptide DAF-28 requires TRX-1 acting in ASJ neurons, upstream of the insulin-like receptor DAF-2. Genetic rescue experiments demonstrate that redox-independent functions of TRX-1 specifically in ASJ neurons are needed for the dauer formation constitutive (Daf-c) phenotype of daf-28 mutants. GFP reporters of trx-1 and daf-28 show opposing expression patterns in dauers (i.e. trx-1 is up-regulated and daf-28 is down-regulated), an effect that is not observed in growing L2/L3 larvae. In addition, functional TRX-1 is required for the down-regulation of a GFP reporter of daf-28 during dauer formation, a process that is likely subject to DAF-28-mediated feedback regulation. Our findings demonstrate that TRX-1 modulates DAF-28 signaling by contributing to the down-regulation of daf-28 expression during dauer formation. We propose that TRX-1 acts as a fluctuating neuronal signaling modulator within ASJ neurons to monitor the adjustment of neuropeptide expression, including insulin-like proteins, during dauer formation in response to adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The formation of the body wall musculature in vertebrates is assumed to be initiated by direct ventral extension of the somites/myotomes. This contrasts to the formation of limb muscles and muscles involved in feeding or respiration/ventilation, which are founded by migratory muscle precursors (MMPs) distant to the somites. Here, we present evidence from morphology and expression of molecular markers proposing that the formation of the two muscle layers of the teleost body wall involves both of the above mechanisms: (1) MMPs from somites 5 and 6 found an independent muscle primordium–the so-called posterior hypaxial muscle (PHM)–which subsequently gives rise to the most anterior two segments of the medial obliquus inferioris (OI) muscle. (2) Direct epithelial extension of the hypaxial myotomes generates the OI segments from somite 7 caudalward and the entire lateral obliquus superioris (OS) muscle. The findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of hypaxial myogenic patterning including functional considerations. We hypothesise that the potential of the most anterior somites to generate migratory muscle precursors is a general vertebrate feature that has been differently utilised in the evolution in vertebrate groups.  相似文献   
Sexual signals are important in speciation, but understanding their evolution is complex as these signals are often composed of multiple, genetically interdependent components. To understand how signals evolve, we thus need to consider selection responses in multiple components and account for the genetic correlations among components. One intriguing possibility is that selection changes the genetic covariance structure of a multicomponent signal in a way that facilitates a response to selection. However, this hypothesis remains largely untested empirically. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary response of the multicomponent female sex pheromone blend of the moth Heliothis subflexa to 10 generations of artificial selection. We observed a selection response of about three‐quarters of a phenotypic standard deviation in the components under selection. Interestingly, other pheromone components that are biochemically and genetically linked to the components under selection did not change. We also found that after the onset of selection, the genetic covariance structure diverged, resulting in the disassociation of components under selection and components not under selection across the first two genetic principle components. Our findings provide rare empirical support for an intriguing mechanism by which a sexual signal can respond to selection without possible constraints from indirect selection responses.  相似文献   
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynaecological malignancy with increasing incidence in developed countries. As gold standard, hysteroscopy confirms only 30% of suspected ECs. The detection of EC cells in the vagina by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) after a smear test could reduce invasive procedures in the future. Using array-based comparative genome hybridization (aCGH) on 65 endometrial carcinomas, most frequently imbalanced regions of the tumour genome were identified. Bacterial artificial chromosomes were used to generate FISH-probes homologue to these human regions. The FISH test was hybridized on swabs specimens collected from the vaginal cavity. Samples from six patients without EC were selected as a negative control and on 13 patients with known EC as a positive control. To distinguish between benign and EC cases, the cut-off value has been defined. A first validation of this EC-FISH Test was performed with swabs from 41 patients with suspected EC. The most common genomic imbalances in EC are around the CTNNB1, FBXW7 and APC genes. The cut-off is defined at 32% of analysed cells without diploid signal pattern. This differs significantly between the positive and negative controls (p < 0.001). In a first validation cohort of 41 patients with suspected EC, the EC-FISH Test distinguishes patients with and without EC with a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 83%. The negative predictive value is 96%. This is the first report of a non-invasive EC-FISH Test to predict EC in women with suspected EC.  相似文献   
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