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Cytosine methylation at symmetrical CpG and CpNpG sequences plays a key role in the epigenetic control of plant growth and development; yet, the way by which the methylation signal is interpreted into a functional state has not been elucidated. In animals, the methylation signal is recognized by methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins that specifically bind methylated CpG dinucleotides. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 12 putative MBD proteins were identified and classified into seven subclasses. Here, we characterized six MBD proteins representing four subclasses (II, III, IV, and VI) of the Arabidopsis MBD family. We found that AtMBD7 (subclass VI), a unique protein containing a double MBD motif, as well as AtMBD5 and AtMBD6 (subclass IV), bind specifically symmetrically methylated CpG sites. The MBD motif derived from AtMBD6, but not from AtMBD2, was sufficient for binding methylated CpG dinucleotides. AtMBD6 precipitated histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity from the leaf nuclear extract. The examined AtMBD proteins neither bound methylated CpNpG sequences nor did they display DNA demethylase activity. Our results suggest that AtMBD5, AtMBD6, and AtMBD7 are likely to function in Arabidopsis plants as mediators of the CpG methylation, linking DNA methylation-induced gene silencing with histone deacetylation.  相似文献   


Interleukin 4 (IL-4) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine, which regulates balance between TH1 and TH2 immune response, immunoglobulin class switching and humoral immunity. Polymorphisms in this gene have been reported to affect the risk of infectious and autoimmune diseases.


We have analyzed three regulatory IL-4 polymorphisms; -590C>T, -34C>T and 70 bp intron-3 VNTR, in 4216 individuals; including: (1) 430 ethnically matched case-control groups (173 severe malaria, 101 mild malaria and 156 asymptomatic); (2) 3452 individuals from 76 linguistically and geographically distinct endogamous populations of India, and (3) 334 individuals with different ancestry from outside India (84 Brazilian, 104 Syrian, and 146 Vietnamese).


The -590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2 alleles were found to be associated with reduced malaria risk (P<0.001 for -590C>T and -34C>T, and P = 0.003 for VNTR). These three alleles were in strong LD (r2>0.75) and the TTR2 (-590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2) haplotype appeared to be a susceptibility factor for malaria (P = 0.009, OR = 0.552, 95% CI = 0.356 –0.854). Allele and genotype frequencies differ significantly between caste, nomadic, tribe and ancestral tribal populations (ATP). The distribution of protective haplotype TTR2 was found to be significant (χ2 3 = 182.95, p-value <0.001), which is highest in ATP (40.5%); intermediate in tribes (33%); and lowest in caste (17.8%) and nomadic (21.6%).


Our study suggests that the IL-4 polymorphisms regulate host susceptibility to malaria and disease progression. TTR2 haplotype, which gives protection against malaria, is high among ATPs. Since they inhabited in isolation and mainly practice hunter-gatherer lifestyles and exposed to various parasites, IL-4 TTR2 haplotype might be under positive selection.  相似文献   
Inteins are autocatalytic protein domains that post-translationally excise from protein precursors and ligate their flanking regions with a peptide bond, in a process called protein splicing. Intein-containing DNA polymerases of cyanobacteria and nanoarchaea are naturally split into two separate genes at their intein domain. Such naturally occurring split inteins rapidly self-associate and reconstitute protein-splicing activity in trans. Here, we analyze the in vitro protein-splicing activity of three naturally split inteins from diverse cyanobacteria: Oscillatoria limnetica, Thermosynechococcus vulcanus, and Nostoc sp. PCC7120. N- and C-terminal halves of these split inteins were mixed in nine combinations, resulting in three endogenous (wild-type) and six exogenous combinations. Protein splicing was detected in all split-intein combinations, despite a 30-50% sequence variation between the homologous proteins. Splicing activity proceeded under a variety of conditions, including the presence of denaturants and reductants and high temperature, ionic strength, and viscosity. Still, in a high concentration of salt (2 M) or urea (6 M), specific combinations spliced significantly better than others. Additionally, copper ions were found to inhibit trans splicing in a reversible double-lock reaction. Our comparative analysis of naturally split inteins in endogenous and exogenous combinations demonstrates the modularity of trans protein-splicing elements and their robust activity. It suggests tight interactions between split-intein halves and conditions for modifying the specificity of intein parts. These results promote the biotechnological use of split inteins for controlled assembly of protein fragments either in vivo or in vitro and under moderate or extreme conditions.  相似文献   
Bracket debonding strength related to diverse debonding methods and enamel damage has not been assessed in vivo. The study hypothetized a direct relationship between these three parameters. Debonding strength was measured clinically in the wings method and base method on 50 patients in a split mouth method using a calibrated debonding plier. Brackets from 30 of these patients were scanned in SEM and EDAX for adhesive remnant index and enamel calcium remnants. Base method debonding force was significantly greater than wings method (163.5+/-68.7 N, 106.1+/-66.2 N, respectively, p < 0.001). A positive adhesive remnant index score was found in both methods (68.7%, 66.7%, respectively). Debonding strength vs. adhesive remnant index or calcium index scores were not correlated. However, the latter two were significantly correlated (0.524 < R < 0.895, p < 0.031). Half of the debonding failures developed at the adhesive enamel interface. The results warnts the potential of enamel damage during debonding.  相似文献   
A long-term record dating back to the 1960s indicates that Peridinium gatunense, an armored dinoflagellate, dominated the phytoplankton of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee, Israel) until the mid-1990s, with a relatively stable spring bloom. However, since 1996, these blooms became irregular, failing to develop in 10 out of the past 16 years. During the later period, a significant correlation (R 2 = 0.605, P = 0.013) was found between annual peak P. gatunense biomass and riverine inflow volume. In-lake surveys showed that patches of high P. gatunense densities were associated with water enriched with fresher inflowing Jordan River water. Supplementing laboratory cultures of P. gatunense with Hula Valley water stimulated its growth relative to un-enriched controls. A likely explanation to the recent irregular blooms of this dinoflagellate is a hydrological modification that was made in the catchment in the mid-1990s, preventing Hula Valley water from reaching Lake Kinneret in most years—except for exceptionally wet years. We propose that until the mid-1990s, the Jordan River water enriched Lake Kinneret with a growth factor (a microelement and/or organic compound) originating in the Hula Valley, which in recent years has arrived in sufficient quantities to support a bloom only in high-rainfall years.  相似文献   
Hemipteran insects of the suborder Sternorrhyncha are plant sap feeders, where each family is obligately associated with a specific bacterial endosymbiont that produces essential nutrients lacking in the sap. Coccidae (soft scale insects) is the only major sternorrhynchan family in which obligate symbiont(s) have not been identified. We studied the microbiota in seven species from this family from Israel, Spain and Cyprus, by high‐throughput sequencing of ribosomal genes, and found that no specific bacterium was prevalent and abundant in all the tested species. In contrast, an Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungus sp.—a lineage widely known as entomopathogenic—was highly prevalent. All individuals of all the tested species carried this fungus. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungus from the coccids is closely related to fungi described from other hemipterans, and they appear to be monophyletic, although the phylogenies of the Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungi and their hosts do not appear to be congruent. Microscopic observations show that the fungal cells are lemon‐shaped, are distributed throughout the host's body and are present in the eggs, suggesting vertical transmission. Taken together, the results suggest that the Ophiocordyceps‐allied fungus may be a primary symbiont of Coccidae—a major evolutionary shift from bacteria to fungi in the Sternorrhyncha, and an important example of fungal evolutionary lifestyle switch.  相似文献   
Mobilization of calcium during the molt cycle from the cuticle to transient calcium deposits is widely spread in crustaceans. The dynamics of calcium transport to transient calcium deposits called gastroliths and to the cuticle over the course of the molt cycle were studied in the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. In this species, calcium was deposited in the gastroliths during premolt and transported back to the cuticle during postmolt, shown by digital X-ray radiograph analysis. The predominant mineral in the crayfish is amorphous calcium carbonate embedded in an organic matrix composed mainly of chitin. Scanning electron micrographs of the cuticle during premolt showed that the endocuticle and parts of the exocuticle were the source of most of the labile calcium, while the epicuticle did not undergo degradation and remained mineralized throughout the molt cycle. The gastroliths are made of concentric layers of amorphous calcium carbonate intercalated between chitinous lamella. Measurements of pH and calcium levels during gastrolith deposition showed that calcium concentrations in the gastroliths, stomach, and muscle were about the same (10 to 11 mmol l(-1)). On the other hand, pH varied greatly, from 8.7+/-0.15 in the gastrolith cavity through 7.6+/-0.2 in muscle to 6.9+/-0.5 in the stomach.  相似文献   
Co3O4 is investigated as a light absorber for all‐oxide thin‐film photovoltaic cells because of its nearly ideal optical bandgap of around 1.5 eV. Thin film TiO2/Co3O4 heterojunctions are produced by spray pyrolysis of TiO2 as a window layer, followed by pulsed laser deposition of Co3O4 as a light absorbing layer. The photovoltaic performance is investigated as a function of the Co3O4 deposition temperature and a direct correlation is found. The deposition temperature seems to affect both the crystallinity and the morphology of the absorber, which affects device performance. A maximum power of 22.7 μW cm?2 is obtained at the highest deposition temperature (600 °C) with an open circuit photovoltage of 430 mV and a short circuit photocurrent density of 0.2 mA cm?2. Performing deposition at 600 °C instead of room temperature improves power by an order of magnitude and reduces the tail states (Urbach edge energy). These phenomena can be explained by larger grains that grows at high temperature, as opposed to many nucleation events that occur at lower temperature.  相似文献   
Centrioles and basal bodies are discrete structures composed of a cylinder of nine microtubule triplets and associated proteins. Metazoan centrioles can be found at mitotic spindle poles and are called basal bodies when used to organize microtubules to form the core structure of flagella. Naegleria gruberi, a unicellular eukaryote, grows as an amoeba that lacks a cytoplasmic microtubule cytoskeleton. When stressed, Naegleria rapidly (and synchronously) differentiates into a flagellate, forming a complete cytoplasmic cytoskeleton de novo, including two basal bodies and flagella. Here, we show that Naegleria has genes encoding conserved centriole proteins. Using novel antibodies, we describe the localization of three centrosomal protein homologs (SAS-6, γ-tubulin, and centrin-1) during the assembly of the flagellate microtubule cytoskeleton. We also used these antibodies to show that Naegleria expresses the proteins in the same order as their incorporation into basal bodies, with SAS-6 localizing first, followed by centrin and finally γ-tubulin. The similarities between basal body assembly in Naegleria and centriole assembly in animals indicate that mechanisms of assembly, as well as structure, have been conserved throughout eukaryotic evolution.The beautiful and enigmatic pinwheel structures of centrioles and basal bodies have captured the imaginations of cell biologists for over a century. These small (∼1-μm) organelles are composed largely of a cylinder of nine microtubule triplets (11). The surrounding amorphous material harbors the microtubule-organizing activities of the centrosome, placing centrioles at the hub of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Metazoan centrosomes define mitotic spindle poles, and their centrioles are called basal bodies when used to form cilia (29). Moreover, in 1900 Meeves showed in a series of classical experiments that centrioles and basal bodies are interconvertible structures (34). Centrioles must replicate exactly once per cell cycle, as duplication errors can lead to problems with chromosome segregation and cell morphology (17).Virtually all animal cells have a pair of centrosomal centrioles that duplicate via “templated” assembly, with the new centriole developing perpendicular and attached to a preexisting centriole (4). Centrioles can also be formed “de novo” in cytosol devoid of preexisting centrioles and basal bodies (20). In addition to many in vivo examples (20), terminally differentiated fibroblasts held in S phase can assemble centrioles de novo after removal of preexisting centrioles by laser microsurgery (15).The amoeboflagellate Naegleria gruberi grows as an amoeba that completely lacks a cytoplasmic microtubule cytoskeleton. However, when exposed to stressors such as temperature, osmotic, or pH changes, Naegleria rapidly differentiates into a flagellate, forming a complete cytoplasmic cytoskeleton from scratch, including two basal bodies and flagella (8). This differentiation occurs synchronously, with approximately 90% of cells growing visible flagella in a 15-min window (T50 = 65 min after initiation of differentiation). As part of this differentiation, Naegleria has been shown to assemble the pinwheel structure of the basal bodies de novo, about 10 min before flagella are seen (11).Two centrosomal proteins that have been studied during Naegleria differentiation are centrin and γ-tubulin. Centrin is a calcium-binding phosphoprotein that is an integral component of the wall and lumen of basal bodies and of the pericentriolar lattice in many organisms (4, 19). During differentiation, Naegleria induces synthesis of centrin protein, which then localizes specifically to basal body structures throughout differentiation (18). γ-Tubulin is a general microtubule nucleation factor that localizes to microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) of many types. Surprisingly, Naegleria''s γ-tubulin homolog has been reported to localize to basal body precursor complexes and then move to the other end of the cell before disappearing completely (32).A third protein that has come under recent scrutiny for its role in centriole duplication is SAS-6, a functionally conserved coiled-coil protein required for the formation of diverse basal body precursor structures (7, 21,23, 31). In Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, SAS-6 is recruited at S phase to form the “central tube,” a cylindrical basal body precursor that lacks microtubules (22, 23). SAS-6 is also required for the formation of the flat ring or cartwheel with nine radiating spokes, which is the first structure to be formed in the Chlamydomonas basal body (21).To determine if Naegleria is likely to have typical basal body components, we identified conserved basal body genes in the Naegleria genome. We also made antibodies to and localized Naegleria''s homologs of SAS-6 and γ-tubulin. Finally, we have determined the order of expression and incorporation of these proteins, as well as centrin, during Naegleria de novo basal body assembly.  相似文献   
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