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Invasive plant species are a considerable threat to ecosystems globally and on islands in particular where species diversity can be relatively low. In this study, we examined the phylogenetic basis of invasion success on Robben Island in South Africa. The flora of the island was sampled extensively and the phylogeny of the local community was reconstructed using the two core DNA barcode regions, rbcLa and matK. By analysing the phylogenetic patterns of native and invasive floras at two different scales, we found that invasive alien species are more distantly related to native species, a confirmation of Darwin's naturalization hypothesis. However, this pattern also holds even for randomly generated communities, therefore discounting the explanatory power of Darwin's naturalization hypothesis as the unique driver of invasion success on the island. These findings suggest that the drivers of invasion success on the island may be linked to species traits rather than their evolutionary history alone, or to the combination thereof. This result also has implications for the invasion management programmes currently being implemented to rehabilitate the native diversity on Robben Island. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 142–152.  相似文献   
Both pollination by animals and mycorrhizal symbioses with fungi are believed to have been important for the diversification of flowering plants. However, the mechanisms by which these above- and belowground mutualisms affect plant speciation and coexistence remain obscure. We provide evidence that shifts in pollination traits are important for both speciation and coexistence in a diverse group of orchids, whereas shifts in fungal partner are important for coexistence but not for speciation. Phylogenetic analyses show that recently diverged orchid species tend either to use different pollinator species or to place pollen on different body parts of the same species, consistent with the role of pollination-mode shifts in speciation. Field experiments provide support for the hypothesis that colonization of new geographical areas requires adaptation to new pollinator species, whereas co-occurring orchid species share pollinator species by placing pollen on different body parts. In contrast to pollinators, fungal partners are conserved between closely related orchid species, and orchids recruit the same fungal species even when transplanted to different areas. However, co-occurring orchid species tend to use different fungal partners, consistent with their expected role in reducing competition for nutrients. Our results demonstrate that the two dominant mutualisms in terrestrial ecosystems can play major but contrasting roles in plant community assembly and speciation.  相似文献   
The adaptive potential of the northernmost Pinus sylvestris L. (and other northern tree) populations is considered by examining first the current patterns of quantitative genetic adaptive traits, which show high population differentiation and clines. We then consider the postglacial history of the populations using both paleobiological and genetic data. The current patterns of diversity at nuclear genes suggest that the traces of admixture are mostly visible in mitochondrial DNA variation patterns. There is little evidence of increased diversity due to admixture between an eastern and western colonization lineage, but no signal of reduced diversity (due to sequential bottlenecks) either. Quantitative trait variation in the north is not associated with the colonizing lineages. The current clines arose rapidly and may be based on standing genetic variation. The initial phenotypic response of Scots pine in the north is predicted to be increased survival and growth. The genetic responses are examined based on quantitative genetic predictions of sustained selection response and compared with earlier simulation results that have aimed at more ecological realism. The phenotypic responses of increased growth and survival reduce the opportunity for selection and delay the evolutionary responses. The lengthening of the thermal growing period also causes selection on the critical photoperiod in the different populations. Future studies should aim at including multiple ecological and genetic factors in evaluating potential responses.  相似文献   
Nucleotide polymorphisms at genomic regions including 17 nuclear loci, two chloroplast and one mitochondrial DNA fragments were used to study the speciation history of three pine species: dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo), peat‐bog pine (P. uliginosa) and Scots pine (P. sylvestris). We set out to investigate three specific speciation scenarios: (I) P. uliginosa is a homoploid hybrid between the other two, (II) the species have evolved without gene flow after divergence and (III) there has been substantial gene flow between the species since their divergence. Overall, the genetic data suggest that P. mugo and P. uliginosa share the same gene pool (average net divergence of 0.0001) and that the phenotypic differences (e.g. growth form) are most likely due to very limited areas of the genome. P. mugo and P. uliginosa are more diverged from P. sylvestris than from each other (average net divergence of 0.0027 and 0.0026, respectively). The nucleotide patterns can best be explained by the divergence with migration speciation scenario, although the hybrid speciation scenario with small genomic contribution from P. sylvestris cannot be completely ruled out. We suggest that the large amount of shared polymorphisms between the pine taxa and the lack of monophyly at all loci studied between P. sylvestris and P. mugoP. uliginosa can largely be explained by relatively recent speciation history and large effective population sizes but also by interspecific gene flow. These closely related pine taxa form an excellent system for searching for loci involved in adaptive variation as they are differentiated in phenotype and ecology but have very similar genetic background.  相似文献   
Phosphoinositide (PI) and calcium metabolism were studied in guinea pig cerebral cortex synaptosomes. Mass amounts of inositol and inositol monophosphates, and the levels of free intrasynaptosomal calcium ([Ca2+]i) were measured after KCl (60 mM), after a direct cholinergic agonist carbachol (CA, 1mM), and after their combination. Inositol, inositol-1-phosphate (Ins1P), inositol-4-phosphate (Ins4P) and [Ca2+]i were measured with and without 10 mM LiCl in the incubation medium. CA-induced cholinergic stimulation elevated synaptosomal Ins4P levels by 40% but did not affect Ins1P or [Ca2+]i. On the contrary, KCl elevated Ins1P by 50% and [Ca2+]i by 40% above the resting level, and decreased inositol by 20%, whereas no alterations in Ins4P occurred. CA did not modify the response of KCl, but KCl abolished the elevation of Ins4P by CA. LiCl attenuated KCl-induced elevation of Ins1P but amplified the CA-induced elevation of Ins4P. The elevation of presynaptic [Ca2+]i was accompanied by accumulation of Ins1P but not that of Ins4P. Hence, the present results suggest that presynaptic cholinergic stimulation and KCl-induced depolarization may activate different degradation pathways of inositolphosphate metabolism.  相似文献   
Inbreeding depression may be caused by (partially) recessive or overdominant gene action. The relative evolutionary importance of these two modes has been debated; the former mode is emphasized in the “dominance hypothesis,” the latter in the “overdominance hypothesis.” We analyzed the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in the self-incompatible herb Arabis petraea (L.) Lam.: In the selfed progeny of twelve parental plants, we studied the proportion of chlorophyll-deficient seedlings, the genotypic distributions of marker genes, and associations of marker genotypes with viability and quantitative traits. Early components of fitness were examined by scoring seed size, germination time, and early growth rate and by observing the proportion of chlorophyll-deficient seedlings. Later components of fitness, flowering, and root and aboveground biomass were also measured. Marker genotypes of young seedlings were scored for 11 enzyme loci and three microsatellite markers. We found a high proportion (about 70%) of families with chlorophyll-deficient seedlings, indicating a high mutational load. We found six significant deviations from 1:2:1 ratio at marker loci of 60 tests in seedlings, with three of these significant at the experimentwide level. Deviations from the expected ratio were assumed to be due to linked viability loci. A graphical and a Bayesian method were used to distinguish between the overdominance and dominance hypotheses. Most of the deviant segregation ratios suggested overdominance instead of recessivity of the deleterious allele. Neither the early (seed size, germination time, or early growth trait) nor the late quantitative traits (flowering, and root and aboveground biomass) showed significant linkage to markers at the experimentwide level. Presence of significant associations between markers and early viability, but lack thereof for quantitative traits expressed late, suggests either that there may be relatively low inbreeding depression in later life stages or that individual quantitative trait loci may have smaller effects than loci contributing to early viability.  相似文献   
A sensitive and selective gas chromatographic mass spectrometric method for the determination of midazolam and its biologically active metabolite, 1-hydroxymidazolam, in rabbit plasma has been developed and validated. Sample preparation includes mixed-mode solid-phase extraction and derivatization with silylating reagents. Midazolam-d4 was used as an internal standard for the determination of parent drug and its active metabolite. The instrumentation consisted of a capillary column gas chromatography and a single quadrupole mass spectrometer with a negative chemical ionization. The method was found to be valid in terms of selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy, and recovery over the concentration range of 2-200 ng/ml and 1-100 ng/ml for midazolam and 1-hydroxymidazolam, respectively. For both analytes, the lower limit of quantification was 2 ng/ml. Midazolam was stable in stock solutions stored three months at -20°C and in human plasma stored for three months at -80°C. In addition, no degradation of midazolam was found after three freeze-thaw cycles, in short-term stability at room temperature for 24h, or in post-preparative stability in the autosampler. The validity of the method was further tested by performing a pharmacokinetic study of sublingual administration of midazolam in rabbits. The method will be used in studies related to a formulation development of novel midazolam formulations for use in paediatric anaesthesia.  相似文献   
Allozyme variation has been and continues to be a major source of information on the level of genetic variation among plant species. Deciphering the molecular basis of electrophoretic variation is essential for understanding the forces affecting the protein level variation. In this study, the relationship between allozyme heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity in plants is investigated among and within species. Allozyme and nucleotide diversity in 27 plant species was reviewed. At the multilocus level, the two methods are congruent: a clear correlation between the two measures of genetic diversity among plant species was observed, strengthening the view that effective population size is the major determinant of genome-wide diversity. Nucleotide diversity at six allozyme coding genes (6pgdB, aco, gdh, gotC, mdhA, and mdhB) in conifer Pinus sylvestris was investigated jointly with electrophoretic data. Single non-synonymous charge-changing mutations were found together with electrophoretic alleles that consequently were mutationally unique. Synonymous site nucleotide diversity (point estimate of θ W—0.009 per bp) and silent site divergence from Pinus pinaster at allozyme coding loci were at comparable levels with other loci in the species. Linkage disequilibrium was extensive compared to earlier estimates from P. sylvestris and other trees, spanning several kilobases. Allozyme coding genes had an excess of closely related haplotypes whose frequency has recently increased possibly as a result of partial selective sweeps or balancing selection, but complex demographic effects cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
There has been a dramatic increase of throughput of sequenced bases in the last years but sequencing a multitude of samples in parallel has not yet developed equally. Here we present a novel strategy where the combination of two tags is used to link sequencing reads back to their origins from a pool of samples. By incorporating the tags in two steps sample-handling complexity is lowered by nearly 100 times compared to conventional indexing protocols. In addition, the method described here enables accurate identification and typing of thousands of samples in parallel. In this study the system was designed to test 4992 samples using only 122 tags. To prove the concept of the two-tagging method, the highly polymorphic 2(nd) exon of DLA-DRB1 in dogs and wolves was sequenced using the 454 GS FLX Titanium Chemistry. By requiring a minimum sequence depth of 20 reads per sample, 94% of the successfully amplified samples were genotyped. In addition, the method allowed digital detection of chimeric fragments. These results demonstrate that it is possible to sequence thousands of samples in parallel without complex pooling patterns or primer combinations. Furthermore, the method is highly scalable as only a limited number of additional tags leads to substantial increase of the sample size.  相似文献   
A putative correlation between nectar sugar composition andpollination syndrome was evaluated in the tribe Sinningieae(Neotropical Gesneriaceae). Sucrose, fructose and glucose werequantified in the nectar of 45 species using high performanceanion-exchange chromatography. Representative species of thehummingbird, bee, bat and moth pollination syndromes were sampledin relation to their numeric importance in the tribe. In hummingbirdand bee flowers, which represent 95% of the species in Sinningieae,nectar was sucrose-dominant (ratio [sucrose]/[hexose] > 1).Sugar ratios below one were only found in the nectar of threespecies with moth and bat syndromes. Sugar concentration averaged23.9 ± 10.6% (wt/total wt) in hummingbird flowers and28.7 ± 10.6% in bee flowers, whereas diluted nectar (7.1± 3.4%) was restricted to bat flowers. Similarities inthe nectar of hummingbird and bee flowers contrast with thepresence of specific morphological traits associated with thesetwo syndromes, indicating that plant-pollinator relationshipsrely on flower display rather than on nectar characteristics.By contrast, distinct nectar chemistry is correlated with thebat syndrome in which a particularly low sucrose productionis responsible for hexose dominance. Copyright 2001 Annals ofBotany Company Nectar sugar composition, pollination syndrome, Sinningia, Gesneriaceae, Brazil  相似文献   
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