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Under certain growth conditions, some strains of Escherichia coli accumulate toxic levels of methylglyoxal. This report characterizes a strain which synthesizes a mutant cAMP receptor protein in an adenylate cyclase deletion background. When cultured in glucose 6-phosphate minimal medium, this strain (222) was prematurely growth arrested due to methylglyoxal production; growth inhibition did not occur when the strain was grown in glucose minimal medium. A comparison of a variety of enzyme and cofactor levels in the related strains 222 (mutant) and 225 (wild-type) grown on either glucose or glucose 6-phosphate medium was carried out. The only difference found that might explain an increase in methylglyoxal accumulation was an elevated level of phosphofructokinase in strain 222 grown on glucose 6-phosphate. Since this enzyme activity probably limits hexose phosphate metabolism, it is suggested that growth inhibition in strain 222 may be due to increased production of triose phosphate, some of which is converted to methylglyoxal.  相似文献   
Two seemingly disparate areas of English language structure—the grammar of reported speech and of textual cohesion—are functionally related in that both entail a distinction between "wording" and "meaning." This is consistent with the Western ideological disjunction between language and reality, talk and action. Neither these language structures nor this linguistic ideology are found among the Ngarinyin people of northwestern Australia, suggesting a Whorfian hypothesis about their possible interrelationship.  相似文献   
Fingerprint formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fingerprints (epidermal ridges) have been used as a means of identifications for more than 2000 years. They have also been extensively studied scientifically by anthropologists and biologists. However, despite all the empirical and experimental knowledge, no widely accepted explanation for the development of epidermal ridges on fingers, palms and soles has yet emerged. In this article we argue that fingerprint patterns are created as the result of a buckling instability in the basal cell layer of the fetal epidermis. Analysis of the well-known von Karman equations informs us that the buckling direction is perpendicular to the direction of greatest stress in the basal layer. We propose that this stress is induced by resistance of furrows and creases to the differential growth of the basal layer and regression of the volar pads during the time of ridge formation. These ideas have been tested by computer experiments. The results are in close harmony with observations. Specifically, they are consistent with the well-known observation that the pattern type is related to the geometry of the fingertip surface when fingerprint patterns are formed.  相似文献   
Malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum) provide an excellent system in which to study the genomic effects of strong selection in a recombining eukaryote because the rapid spread of resistance to multiple drugs during the last the past 50 years has been well documented, the full genome sequence and a microsatellite map are now available, and haplotype data can be easily generated. We examined microsatellite variation around the dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) gene on chromosome 4 of P. falciparum. Point mutations in dhfr are known to be responsible for resistance to the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine, and resistance to this drug has spread rapidly in Southeast (SE) Asia after its introduction in 1970s. We genotyped 33 microsatellite markers distributed across chromosome 4 in 61 parasites from a location on the Thailand/Myanmar border. We observed minimal microsatellite length variation in a 12-kb (0.7-cM) region flanking the dhfr gene and diminished variation for approximately 100 kb (6 cM), indicative of a single origin of resistant alleles. Furthermore, we found the same or similar microsatellite haplotypes flanked resistant dhfr alleles sampled from 11 parasite populations in five SE Asian countries indicating recent invasion of a single lineage of resistant dhfr alleles in locations 2000 km apart. Three features of these data are of especially interest. (1). Pyrimethamine resistance is generally assumed to have evolved multiple times because the genetic basis is simple and resistance can be selected easily in the laboratory. Yet our data clearly indicate a single origin of resistant dhfr alleles sampled over a large region of SE Asia. (2). The wide valley ( approximately 6 cM) of reduced variation around dhfr provides "proof-of-principle" that genome-wide association may be an effective way to locate genes under strong recent selection. (3). The width of the selective valley is consistent with predictions based on independent measures of recombination, mutation, and selection intensity, suggesting that we have reasonable estimates of these parameters. We conclude that scanning the malaria parasite genome for evidence of recent selection may prove an extremely effective way to locate genes underlying recently evolved traits such as drug resistance, as well as providing an opportunity to study the dynamics of selective events that have occurred recently or are currently in progress.  相似文献   
The C-terminal region of the Leptospiral immunoglobulin-like A protein (LigA) contains six carboxy-terminal Ig-like repeat domains (LigANI). Subunit vaccine preparations based on recombinant LigANI produced in Escherichia coli, are promising vaccine candidates, albeit with variable efficacy. In the present study, LigANI was expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris using a 12 L bioreactor to produce mannosylated LigANI (mLigANI) for use in a vaccine preparation against leptospirosis. Hamsters immunized with a mLigANI vaccine preparation produced a significant IgG antibody response (P < 0.001) and were protected (83.3 %; P < 0.001) against lethal challenge with 36× LD50 of a virulent strain of L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni. A vaccine preparation based on demannosylated mLigANI (nmLigANI) elicited an immune response in hamsters, but did not afford protection. The production of mLigANI in bioreactor by P. pastoris yielded ~50 mg L?1 of recombinant protein. P. pastoris is a potential platform for the production of leptospiral antigens on an industrial scale. The results demonstrate that LigANI secreted by P. pastoris on mannosylated form (mLigANI) protect hamsters as subunit vaccine of L. interrogans lethal infection.  相似文献   
University Notes     
Alan Moncrieff 《CMAJ》1931,25(2):224-225
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