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A simple electrophoretic method is introduced allowing to isolate five fractions of skeletal muscle ST-system vesicles. In a previous study differences in lipid content, 3H-ouabain binding and in presence of triads in individual fractions (Lehotsky et. al. 1986) were analysed. In the present study biochemical characterization was extended, and (in accordance with previous results) major differences were observed to exist between fraction 1 and fractions 3 and 4. SDS-PAGE showed that fractions 3 and 4 were enriched in a protein with m.w. 100 kD, these fractions showing the highest specific activities of (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase and oxalate-supported Ca2+-uptake; activities of Mg2+-ATPase and surface membrane marker enzymes were the lowest in these fractions. On the other hand, in fraction 1 the highest activities of Mg2+-ATPase and marker enzymes of the surface membrane were observed together with a decreased content of the 100 kD protein and activities of Ca2+ transport. It could be concluded that the method is suitable to differentiate between relatively pure SR (fractions 3 and 4) and fractions rich in sarcolemma or T-tubules components (fractions 1 and 5).  相似文献   
The critical evaluation of isolation methods for obtaining the adrenocortical cell suspension due to trypsin or collagenase digestion was done. Some collagenase advantages were indicated by morphological observations on the staining smears as well as by ACTH stimulation test. The cytochemical reactions for enzyme activities had the limited applications for those purposes. It also appeared that commonly applied dye exclusion tests were inadequate for characterization of cell suspension. The possible role of the adrenocortical cell debris in the basal corticosterone production was pointed out. The maintenance of the sex dimorphism and the functional differences in the adrenocortical cells isolated from male and female rats have been observed.  相似文献   
Colchicine and related drugs are known to inhibit milk secretion. They are also able to prevent stimulation of casein and DNA synthesis by prolactin in the mammary gland. The present report reports data obtained with tubulozole, a new antimitotic drug. Tubulozole C added to culture medium of isolated rabbit epithelial mammary cells strongly inhibited their multiplication. Simultaneously, at a concentration of 1 microM, it prevented almost completely the induction of beta-casein mRNA. Induced cells were rapidly deinduced by addition of the drug to the medium. A similar inhibition was observed when the induction was obtained with prolactin alone or with its two stimulators insulin and glucocorticoids. Tubulozole T, an isomer of tubulozole C which is known to be ineffective in disrupting microtubules, did not alter prolactin actions. These data and those obtained with other tubulin-binding drugs strongly suggest that the integrity of microtubules is required for prolactin to deliver its message to the mammary cell.  相似文献   
Plumbagin was administered to rats at a concentration of 1,2,4,8 and 16 mg per kg body weight. After 24 h lipid peroxide levels were found to decrease in subcellular fractions of liver. Plumbagin inhibited ascorbate and nicotinafde adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced) dependent lipid peroxidation but was without any effect on cumene hydroperoxide dependent lipid peroxidation. Injection of 16 mg of plumbagin per kg body weight was found to decrease liver total reduced glutathione and also fcrosomal glucose-6-phosphatase. The results are discussed with reference to the anti- and prooxidant properties of plumbagin.  相似文献   
Effects of isotretinoin on the behavior of neural crest cells in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid), an anti-acne medication, has been found to cause severe birth defects which affect the craniofacial elements, ear, heart, thymus, and central nervous system. Many of these structures receive contributions from the cranial neural crest. Here, we examine the possibility that these teratogenic effects are due to disturbances in neural crest development. Cranial and trunk neural crest explant cultures were exposed to different concentrations of isotretinoin and the cell morphology was monitored at daily intervals. Treated neural crest cells often became rounded or spindle shaped, separated from their neighbors, and frequently detached from the substrate or clumped together. In contrast, neural tube cells and cardiac fibroblasts were relatively unaffected by the drug. These results suggest that isotretinoin selectively affects neural crest cells by decreasing their cell-substratum adhesion.  相似文献   
P. Eggleston 《Genetica》1987,72(3):181-186
A range of long established inbred lines derived from the TEXAS population of Drosophila melanogaster have been used to elucidate the nature of the competitive interactions which occur in genetically heterogeneous mixtures. A prerequisite for this type of investigation is the ability to distinguish the genotypes which compete in mixed culture. Specific marker alleles are generally used to achieve this distinction although in the past little attention has been given to the possibility of competitive bias introduced by the marker alleles themselves. For the experiments reported in this paper two specific marker alleles (y 2 and w a) have been introduced independently into the TEXAS inbred lines. In this way the original wild type inbred lines could be compared with similar series of genotypes marked with either y 2 or w a and the effects of the marker alleles determined.The results indicated that the body colour mutation (y 2) was neutral in its effect on the competitive interaction of recipient strains. The introduction of the white apricot eye colour mutation (w a) however, had a pronounced and deleterious effect on competitive ability. This effect was to render genotypes less able to compete effectively in mixed culture by depressing inter-genotypic competitive ability. These effects were found to be consistent over a range of genotypes and for each of two characters measuring competitive success.  相似文献   
Macrozoobenthos of three Pennsylvania lakes: responses to acidification   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The littoral macrozoobenthos (MZB) of three northeastern Pennsylvania lakes was sampled seasonally from summer 1981 until summer 1983, to determine if any changes were occurring in response to acid deposition. In the acidified lake (total alkalinity 0.0 eq L–1) the mean pH decreased from 5.5 in 1981 to 4.2 in 1983. Chironomidae comprised 71.30% of the MZB numbers and 19.6% of the wet weight. Over the study period the wet weight of Chironomidae increased (p < 0.04) as did the total numbers of Chironomidae in general (p < 0.01) and Tanytarsini (p < 0.01) in particular. Total numbers of MZB also increased (p < 0.02) in the acidified lake, but there was no significant change in the number of taxa, diversity or total wet weight. In the moderately sensitive lake (total alkalinity 47.4 eq L–1, mean pH 6.1) Chironomidae were numerically (43%) dominant but Odonata (18.6%) and Mollusca (12.7%) dominated wet weight. There were no significant changes in the MZB of the moderately sensitive lake over the study period. In the least sensitive lake (total alkalinity 190 eq L–1, mean pH 6.6) the Amphipoda (31.3%) and Chironomidae (27.3%) together provided 58.6% of the MZB numbers, and the Mollusca formed 55.1% of wet weight. Wet weight at the least sensitive lake was higher (p < 0.01) and there were more Ephemeroptera, Pelecypoda and Gastropoda than at the other two lakes. There were no differences in total numbers, diversity or number of taxa among the three lakes.  相似文献   
Advanced approaches to the synthesis and reconstruction of genetic material developed in the Institutes of Molecular Biology and Genetics during the past years are summarized. The evolution of methods for oligonucleotide synthesis and scopes for their use in gene production are discussed. The principles of localised mutagenesis methods developed in the Institute are described, such as: a) mutagenesis directed to the regulatory gene regions; b) segment-localized mutagenesis; c) mutagenesis directed by phosphotriester analogues of oligonucleotides. Examples of employing these methods for induction of regulatory mutants of phage lambda, production of fused genes, mutant interferon genes, construction of new DNA vectors, construction of hybrid H1-H3 subtype haemagglutinine gene of influenza virus etc. are presented. The approach to in vivo site-directed mutagenesis is experimentally substantiated.  相似文献   
The clastogenic and mutagenic activities of a new antifertility and antitumor agent gossypol were studied in the mouse male germ cells. Results of the present work indicate that at the doses 125 and 250 mg/kg the drug does not significantly increase frequencies of the micronuclei in the early spermatids and sperm head abnormalities. Hence, genotoxic influence can not be proposed as responsible for the antifertility effect of gossypol.  相似文献   
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